Retrieve Gradient of Reference Line Generated by probplot - matlab

I am generating probability plots for a number of data sets in matlab.
I am plotting them using probplot with a weibull distribution reference line
data = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,3,3,2,2,1,3,5,7,2,4,2] ;
h = probplot('weibull',data) ;
This function as per the matlab documentation returns a graphic array object. This appears to only contain the original data and not the reference line.
Is there any way of retreiving information about about this reference line without plotting it and indiviually extracting it using the figure tools (very much not an option I'd like to go down as there are potentionally hundreds of plots to go through).
I can see there is wblplot that returns a line array of 3 lines, one of which is the original data and one of the others is likely the reference the line however I will have to try different distributions to fit further down the road and would prefer to keep a generic approach.

You are wrong!
data = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,3,3,2,2,1,3,5,7,2,4,2] ;
h = probplot('weibull',data) ;
h is a graphic array object, so its an array. The first element contains the original data, but the second h(2) contains the reference line.


Applying (with as few loops as possible) a function to given elements/voxels (x,y,z) taken from subfields of multiple structs (nifti's) in MATLAB?

I have a dataset of n nifti (.nii) images. Ideally, I'd like to be able to get the value of the same voxel/element from each image, and apply a function to the n data points. I'd like to do this for each voxel/element across the whole image, so that I can reconvert the result back into .nii format.
I've used the Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image toolbox to load my images:
From which I obtain a struct object with each sub-field containing one loaded nifti. Each of these has a subfield 'img' corresponding to the image data I want to work on. The problem comes from trying to select a given xyz within each img field of data(1) to data(n). As I discovered, it isn't possible to select in this way:
because matlab doesn't support it. The contents of the first brackets have to be scalar for the call to work. The solution from googling around seems to be a loop that creates a temporary variable:
for z = 1:nz
for x = 1:nx
for y = 1:ny
for i=1:n;
[p1(x,y,z,:),~,p2(x,y,z)] = fit_data(a,points,b);
which works, but takes too long (several days) for a single set of images given the size of nx, ny, nz (several hundred each).
I've been looking for a solution to speed up the code, which I believe depends on removing those loops by vectorisation, preselecting the img fields (via getfield ?)and concatenating them, and applying something like arrayfun/cellfun/structfun, but i'm frankly a bit lost on how to do it. I can only think of ways to pre-select which themselves require loops, which seems to defeat the purpose of the exercise (though a solution with fewer loops, or fewer nested loops at least, might do it), or fun into the same problem that calls like data(:).img(x,y,z) dont work. googling around again is throwing up ways to select and concatenate fields within a struct, or a given field across multiple structs. But I can't find anything for my problem: select an element from a non-scalar sub-field in a sub-struct of a struct object (with the minimum of loops). Finally I need the output to be in the form of a matrix that the toolbox above can turn back into a nifti.
Any and all suggestions, clues, hints and help greatly appreciated!
You can concatenate images as a 4D array and use linear indexes to speed up calculations:
img = cat(4,data.img);
p1 = zeros(nx,ny,nz,n);
p2 = zeros(nx,ny,nz);
sz = ny*nx*nz;
for k = 1 : sz
points = img(k:sz:end);
[p1(k:sz:end),~,p2(k)] = fit_data(a,points,b);

Splitting non-continuous sized matrix in vectors

I'm writing an piece of software within Matlab. Here, the user can define a dimension say 3.
This dimension is subsequently the number of iterations of a for loop. Within this loop, I construct a matrix to store the results which are generated during every iteration. So, the data of every iteration is stored in a row of a matrix.
Therefore, the size of the matrix depends on the size of the loop and thus the user input.
Now, I want to separate each row of this matrix (cl_matrix) and create separate vectors for every row automatically. How would one go on about? I am stuck here...
So far I have:
Angle = [1 7 15];
for i = 1:length(Angle)
%% do some calculations here %%
cl_matrix(i,:) =,7);
I want to automate this based on the length of Angle:
cl_1 = cl_matrix(1,:);
cl_7 = cl_matrix(2,:);
cl_15= cl_matrix(3,:);
The only way to dynamically generate in the workspace variables variables whos name is built by aggregating string and numeric values (as in your question) is to use the eval function.
Nevertheless, eval is only one character far from "evil", seductive as it is and dangerous as it is as well.
A possible compromise between directly working with the cl_matrix and generating the set of array cl_1, cl_7 and cl_15 could be creating a structure whos fields are dynamically generated.
You can actually generate a struct whos field are cl_1, cl_7 and cl_15 this way:
cl_struct.(['cl_' num2str(Angle(i))])=cl_matrix(i,:)
(you might notice the field name, e. g. cl_1, is generated in the same way you could generate it by using eval).
Using this approach offers a remarkable advantage with respect to the generation of the arrays by using eval: you can access to the field od the struct (that is to their content) even not knowing their names.
In the following you can find a modified version of your script in which this approach has been implemented.
The script generate two structs:
the first one, cl_struct_same_length is used to store the rows of the cl_matrix
thesecond one, cl_struct_different_length is used to store arrays of different length
In the script there are examples on how to access to the fileds (that is the arrays) to perform some calculations (in the example, to evaluate the mean of each of then).
You can access to the struct fields by using the functions:
getfield to get the values stored in it
fieldnames to get the names (dynamically generated) of the field
Updated script
Angle = [1 7 15];
for i = 1:length(Angle)
% do some calculations here %%
% % % cl_matrix(i,:) =,7);
% Populate cl_matrix
cl_matrix(i,:) = randi(10,1,10)*Angle(i);
% Create a struct with dinamic filed names
cl_struct_same_length.(['cl_' num2str(Angle(i))])=cl_matrix(i,:)
cl_struct_different_length.(['cl_' num2str(Angle(i))])=randi(10,1,Angle(i))
% Use "fieldnames" to get the names of the dinamically generated struct's field
% Loop through the struct's fileds to perform some calculation on the
% stored values
for i=1:length(cl_fields)
% Assign the value stored in a struct's field to a variable
row_2_of_cl_matrix=getfield(cl_struct_different_length,(['cl_' num2str(Angle(2))]))
Hope this helps.

How can I apply Huffman coding correctly?

I applied the zigzag function after quantization to an image block, and I want to compute the Huffman coding of this block. I understand that the input argument must be a vector, and that the histogram should be calculated.
I wrote the following code, but it doesn't seem to work:
[M N]=size(yce);
count1 = imhist(fun1);
p1 = count1/ numel(fun1);
comp1= huffmanenco(fun1,dict1);
Im1 = huffmandeco(comp1,dict1);
I get the following error with the huffmandict function:
Error in project at 65
Source symbols repeat.
zigzag.m is a written function in a matlab converts a matrix into a vector,thus eliminating long sequences of zeros.
The Huffman encoding function (huffmandict) in MATLAB requires that the symbols vector (first argument of the function) must all be unique values. This symbols vector is a list of all possible symbols that are seen in your data that you want to encode / compress. As such, it wouldn't make sense to have a list of all symbols to be encountered if there are duplicates. This is much like a dictionary of words, where it wouldn't make sense to see the same word twice in this dictionary. The second parameter of the function is the associated probabilities of occurrence for each symbol in your sequence.
With huffmandict, what you are doing is you are creating a dictionary for Huffman encoding that consists of all possible unique symbols to be encountered when encoding/decoding as well as their associated probabilities. Therefore, by examining your code, you need to extract both the bin locations as well as the probabilities of occurrence when using imhist. Essentially, you need to call the two element output version of imhist. The second output of imhist gives you a list of all possible intensities / symbols that were encountered in the data, while the first element gives you the frequency of each these intensities / symbols in your data. You then normalize the first output element by the total number of symbols / intensities in your data to get the probabilities (assuming equiprobable encounters of course). Once this is complete, you use both of these as input into huffmandict.
In other words, you need to change only two lines of code, thus:
[M N]=size(yce);
[count1,x] = imhist(fun1); %// Change
p1 = count1/ numel(fun1);
[dict1,avglen1]=huffmandict(x,p1); %// Change
comp1= huffmanenco(fun1,dict1);
Im1 = huffmandeco(comp1,dict1);
Knowing how fun1 is structured now, do not use imhist. imhist assumes that you are putting in image data, but it doesn't look like that's the case. Instead, try using histc instead to compute the frequency of occurrence. As such, simply modify your code to this:
[M N]=size(yce);
bins = unique(fun1); %// Change
count1 = histc(fun1, bins); %// Change
p1 = count1/ numel(fun1);
[dict1,avglen1]=huffmandict(bins,p1); %// Change
comp1= huffmanenco(fun1,dict1);
Im1 = huffmandeco(comp1,dict1);
unique finds those unique values that are in your vector so that we can use these as bins to calculate our frequencies. This also figures out the all possible symbols seen in the data.

Adding large data sets within a for loop in matlab

I'm attempting to make a very basic gating system, however the smallest data I have is single cycle which equals a 18*100 array. I've attempted just plotting it with a hold on/off function and collecting the data after with a h=findobj(gca,'Type','line');. However this takes forever and requires a lot of reshaping. Is there a simpler way to either store the data or add the complete arrays (not sum as that does line by line which is a no-no) together in the for loop?
h=findobj(gca,'Type','line'); %data retrieved from orginal figure
hold on
for i=1:4;
plot(gx) % manipulated data from orginal figure,
plot(gy) % plot required to extract all the for loop data
hold off
Basically I just want to add the four gx together and divide them, however they have to be added as bulk, not line by line as one cycle of the loop equals a cycle of the system. (Also the 4 is just a number it really is more like 60+, which is why I can't just do it manually).
Many thanks!

MATLAB query about for loop, reading in data and plotting

I am a complete novice at using matlab and am trying to work out if there is a way of optimising my code. Essentially I have data from model outputs and I need to plot them using matlab. In addition I have reference data (with 95% confidence intervals) which I plot on the same graph to get a visual idea on how close the model outputs and reference data is.
In terms of the model outputs I have several thousand files (number sequentially) which I open in a loop and plot. The problem/question I have is whether I can preprocess the data and then plot later - to save time. The issue I seem to be having when I try this is that I have a legend which either does not appear or is inaccurate.
My code (apolgies if it not elegant):
fn= xlsread(['tbobserved' '.xls']);
time= fn(:,1);
plot(time,totalrefrence,'-', time, totalreferencelowerci,'--', time, totalreferenceupperci,'--');
ylabel('Reference incidence per 100,000 population');
title ('Total');
clickableLegend('Observed reference data', 'Totalreferencelowerci', 'Totalreferenceupperci','Location','BestOutside');
xlim([1910 1970]);
hold on
h = zeros (1,1000);
for i=start_sim:end_sim %is there any way of doing this earlier to save time?
incidenceFile =strcat('result_', 'Sim', '_', a, 'I_byCal_total.xls');
est_tot=importdata(incidenceFile, '\t', 1);;
xlim([1910 1970]);
ylim([0 500]);
hold all
Essentially I was hoping to have a way of reading in the data and then plot later - ie. optimise the code.
I hope you might be able to help.
Regarding your issue concerning
I have a legend which either does not
appear or is inaccurate.
have a look at the following extracts from your code.
h = zeros (1,1000);
You are using a character array as index. Instead of h(a) you should use h(i). MATLAB seems to cast the character array a to double as shown in the following example with a = 10;.
>> double(int2str(10))
ans = 49 48
Instead of h(10) the plot handle will be assigned to h([49 48]) which is not your intention.