How can we create an Index on MongoDB? - mongodb

I want to create an Index on Mongo database for performance perspective, so could you please help me how I can do it?
Your help will be appreciated here.

If you want to index on field email on users collection:
db.users.createIndex({"email":1}, {background:true})
Before applying indexing in mongodb collections you need to understand the following aspects of indexing:
Indexing strategy:
Check your application for what type of queries does it send to mongodb.
List down all such possible queries.
Based on the number of operations, type of operations define index type
Choose the correct type of indexes for application needs. Type can be single index, compound index, partial index, TTL index and so on
Do your queries involve the sort operations? Follow this guide on indexing for operations with sort.
The more detailed guide on indexing strategy here.
Test your indexes:
Once you have the list of indexes to be applied, test your indexes performance using explain.
Generate a sample application calls on your database and enable profiler (in dev or stag) to check how your indexes are performing.
How to index:
Create indexes in the background. It will make sure that the create index operation does not block the other operations.
Depending on your data size, if the indexes to be created on large collections, consider doing it in low traffic hours. Or in a scheduled maintenance window
You may need to consider building rolling index in certain use cases to minimize the impact of indexing.
Keep track of indexes you create:
Document your indexes. This may include when you have created those indexes, why and so on.
Measure your index usage stats in production:
Once you have applied these indexes in production, in a week or two check usage stas of your indexes to check whether they're really being used
Consider dropping the indexes if they're not used at all.
Indexes add performance penalty for write operations. Design and apply indexes which are must for your application.

The basic syntax is:
db.collection.createIndex(keys, options)
So, for example:
$ db.users.createIndex({"username" : 1})
See MongoDB Indexes for the full details.


mongodb - Multiple Compound Indexes involving a common field

We have a collection with millions of data. This data is being rendered in the UI for stats purpose and hence time to render is of key importance.
The queries to render the data involve the below fields:
field_a and field_t
field_b and field_t
field_c and field_t
As we are querying millions of data, we want to use Compound Index to speed up the queries.
To do so, we can simply add 3 different compound indexes as below:
db.mycollection.createIndex( { "field_a": 1, "field_t": 1 }
db.mycollection.createIndex( { "field_b": 1, "field_t": 1 }
db.mycollection.createIndex( { "field_c": 1, "field_t": 1 }
ESR rule is respected while creating the indexes as field_a, field_b and field_c are equality checks and field_t is a range check.
Please note that field_t is common in all the 3 indexes.
Instead of creating 3 different indexes, is there a better approach to this?
Does mongo provide a more efficient way to handle this scenario where same field is being used in multiple compound indexes?
Better or more efficient in what regard?
Having the three indexes that you mentioned is the most efficient approach in terms of query performance. They will allow the database to process only the data that is relevant for each query and nothing else. Any other approach would reduce read efficiency (and speed) which may not be a good tradeoff.
Most databases, MongoDB included, typically use a single index when executing a query. This is mostly a consequence of how indexes work. Typically indexes use a B-tree like data structure, which is an ordered set of information. When following the ESR rule (placing equality conditions before range conditions), all of the information for a specific query is contained within a single bounded subtree in the index which can be directly traversed. It loses the ability to do this when the index is not structured in this way (including putting range keys first).
Other potential approaches using single field indexes would be things like:
Index intersection - where you create (in this case) 4 single field indexes and have the database use 2 for each query. MongoDB typically does not choose this approach very often as it results in scanning larger portions of the index when compared to the compound index approach above.
Using 1 single field index for each query - the database would end up retrieving documents to filter on the other field which could be quite inefficient depending on the selectivity of the other field.
While these may reduce the overall size of the collective indexes, it increases the cost (and decreases the efficiency) of executing the queries. Depending on what you are optimizing for, the approach you've outlined would be considered a best practice in terms of query efficiency.

How, When and Where Should MongoDB Index Types be Used?

Can any one help me when it is important to use MongoDB Index and where it can be used. Also I need advantages disadvantages of using MongoDB Index?
Can anyone help me when it is important to use MongoDB Index and where it can be used?
Indexes provide efficient access to your data.
Without having indexes in place for your queries, the query can scan more number of documents that it is expected to return. Having good indexes in place avoid scanning collections and more documents that what's required to return.
A well-designed set of indexes that cater the incoming queries to your database can significantly improve the performance of your database.
Also, I need disadvantages of using MongoDB Index
Indexes need memory and space to store. If the indexes are part of your working set. they will be stored in memory. Meaning that you may need sufficient memory to store indexes in-memory along with frequently accessed data.
Every update, delete and write operation needs update to the index data structure. Having too many indexes on a collection that involves keys in write, update or delete operation needs update to an existing index. It adds the penalty to write operations.
Having large number of compound index take more time to restore index in large datasets.

Indexing in MongoDB [duplicate]

I need to know abt how indexing in mongo improve query performance. And currently my db is not indexed. How can i index an existing DB.? Also is i need to create a new field only for indexing.?.
Fundamentally, indexes in MongoDB are similar to indexes in other database systems. MongoDB supports indexes on any field or sub-field contained in documents within a MongoDB collection.
Indexes are covered in detail here and I highly recommend reading this documentation.
There are sections on indexing operations, strategies and creation options as well as a detailed explanations on the various indexes such as compound indexes (i.e. an index on multiple fields).
One thing to note is that by default, creating an index is a blocking operation. Creating an index is as simple as:
db.collection.ensureIndex( { zip: 1})
Something like this will be returned, indicating the index was correctly inserted:
Inserted 1 record(s) in 7ms
Building an index on a large collection of data, the operation can take a long time to complete. To resolve this issue, the background option can allow you to continue to use your mongod instance during the index build.
Limitations on indexing in MongoDB is covered here.

is there multikey index and compound index in hbase?

I 'm familiar with mongodb.
you know, there are many index types in mongodb, such as:
multikey index :
, which is very useful for keyword search, I ever used it to build a simple search engine.
compound index is also very useful in mongodb : which is used for multi fields' query.
but I need to migrate my database from mongodb to hbase, do you know some similar index in hbase which can realize the same function with multikey and compound index in mongodb?
HBase doesn't support secondary indexes, that's one of the trade-offs in order to be able to scale to massive data sets. These are the options you have:
It all depends on the amount of data you're going to handle and your access patterns. For me, both dual writing to "index" tables & summary tables are the best approaches, just keep in mind that this has to be done manually.
There is no concept of indexing in HBase as of now. I know there is some demand within the community for Indexing. But there are other projects which provide indexing on top of Hbase, One particular one i looked at was Huawei Hindex

Multiple indexes with different definitions in mongodb

The question is a very simple one, can you have more than one index in a collection. I suppose you can, but every time I search for multiple indexes I get explanations on compound indexes and that is not what I'm looking for.
All I want to do is make sure that I can have two simple separate indexes.
(I'm using PHP, I'll use php code formatting, but I understand
db.posts.ensureIndex({ my_id1: 1 }, {unique: true, background: true});
db.posts.ensureIndex({ my_id2: 1 }, {background: true});
I'll only search for one index at a time.
Compound indexes are not what I'm looking for because:
one index is unique and the other is not.
I think it's not going to be the fastest option. (open the link to understand the reason I think its going to be slower. link)
I just want to make sure that the indexes will work.
You sure can have indexes defined the way you have it. From MongoDB documentation:
How many indexes? Indexes make retrieval by a key, including ordered sequential retrieval, very fast. Updates by key are faster too as MongoDB can find the document to update very quickly. However, keep in mind that each index created adds a certain amount of overhead for inserts and deletes. In addition to writing data to the base collection, keys must then be added to the B-Tree indexes. Thus, indexes are best for collections where the number of reads is much greater than the number of writes. For collections which are write-intensive, indexes, in some cases, may be counterproductive. Most collections are read-intensive, so indexes are a good thing in most situations.
I also recommend you look at how Mongo will decide what index to use when it comes to running a query that goes by both fields.
Also take a look at their Indexing Advice and FAQ page. It will explain things like only one index per query, selectivity, etc.
p.s. This slideshare deck from 10gen suggests there's a limit of 40 indexes per collection.