mysqlworkbench Error 1142: Create Command denied to user 'readonly'#' - mysql-workbench

I am trying to crate a table in MySQL workbench, but am running into this error.

Had to be given access by db admin


AWS RDS Postgres error while taking the dump

When I try to take PostgresDump (AWS RDS) the following error I am getting:
ERROR: permission denied for relation dms_stats_detailed
pg_dump: error: query was: LOCK TABLE table_name IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
I am having admin permission though (with Master User).
You need to run pg_dump with a database user (the -U option) that has permission to read the tables you are dumping.

Firebird permission denied when connecing with FlameRobin but is okay with isql

I'm trying to connect to employee.fdb in Firebird3.0 (localhost) using FlameRobin 0.9.3 on a Ubuntu OS.
The connection to Firebird using isql has no issues. I can create users, roles, etc all from the terminal. However, when I attempt to make a connection using FlameRobin I receive a 335544344 "Error while trying to open file Permission denied" response.
This occurs with the SYSDBA profile and any other new user profiles that I create in isql. I can even create new users in FlameRobin but I cannot connect to any database. I've verified in /etc/firebird/3.0/firebird.conf that DatabaseAccess = Full and have attempted to access the db from a couple different folders in case this is a read/write issue. No success.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious. Any thoughts?
Added info in response to Mark (4/26):
The db is stored in /var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/. I have assumed this to be the default location for Firebird DBs and that the server automatically has access to it, but I suppose that might not be the case. Is there a way to confirm server permissions to this directory and/or is this the customary spot to store work?
Terminal Connection with ISQL:
daniel#daniel-desktop:~$ isql-fb
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect '/var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/employee.fdb' user sysdba password 'xxxxxxx';
Database: '/var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/employee.fdb', User: SYSDBA
FlameRobin Database Registration Info:
FlameRobin Error:
This is a permissions issue as #MarkRotteveel suggested. Problem was that I installed the server as a user and not as root. Problem solved by removing and reinstalling both Firebird and FlameRobin as root.

Can't create new schema in an OVH postgres

I have a PostgreSQL server on OVH's Cloud DB and have been using its databases for my web apps.
So far so good.
I got a project where It's a requirement to have schemas. Strangely enough, I am unable to create schemas on the user with "Administrator" privileges.
I have prepared scripts using schemas, so I just need to run them on a prepared database but I need a database with schemas to run them.
Here is my process:
Create a new database
Select option "Create user"
Select option for privilages: "Administrator"
Commit configuration
Wait for database creation
Connect to database with the new config via PGAdmin
Run command create schema if not exists "vMobile";
Recieve following error:
ERROR: permission denied for database my-database-dev
SQL state: 42501
I created a ticket for this but the wait is taking too long.
Support answer
Ok, so I got a response from the OVH support and there is no option for the user to create new schemas as their CloudDB enables access only to schema public and mentioned privileges Administrator, Read/Write, Read, None are only applicable to the public schema.
My solution to this is to create tables with schema name included in their names
like so:
Desired outcome: "vCommon"."Route"
Workaround: "public"."vCommon_Route"

schema access for postgres database is fine from toad, but get a schema permission denied from an application

I have created a user role cadmin. When logged in as cadmin, I create a schema and create tables in the schema. This is with postgress 9.3
I am able to access the schema and query the tables perfectly fine from a tool like TOAD. However, from an application connected to the database, i always get an error that "permission is denied to the schema'. In the same application, I use jooq and that using the same role and the schema is able to find all the tables and create the classes. Just that when I do a 'Select' i get the error.
"nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for schema core_engine"
You need to grant the permission for schema. So, you could try using following query from tool like TOAD and then run the application
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO postgres_user_name;

postgresql data directory not connecting

I am using windows 8.
My Postgres was Correct.
I just took the data directory from C:/postgresql/8.3/
Now database was connected through command prompt.
When I was trying to connect using pgadmin, it's saying
FATEL: error
An error has occured:
Error connecting to sthe server: FATAL: role "postgres" is not permitted to log in
I changed the required things in pg_hba.conf (trust) and postgresql.conf (connection *) (port 5433)
But, still I was unable to connect the database.
How to give the permissions to postgres role.
when am trying to give the permissions through cmd also it's giving same error.
I was tried in so many ways
but, still I didn't get the database.
It looks like you might have accidentally revoked the LOGIN and SUPERUSER rights from the postgres user. Perhaps you created a superuser with a different name instead? Log in as that user if you did.
If not, and you can't get access as user postgres, you will need to start the database engine up in single-user mode and manually GRANT the SUPERUSER right to postgres again. This is much the same process as is required when recovering from a dropped (deleted) superuser account.
See related:
Postgres reset password in PostgreSQL server 8.4
BTW, 8.3 is a very old and unsupported version. Plan your upgrade promptly.
If there's no data in PostgreSQL that you care about, the easiest thing to do will be:
Uninstall PostgreSQL 8.3;
Delete C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3 (permanently and unrecoverably destroying all data in your PostgreSQL databases); and
Install a current PostgreSQL version