Has the contents of an IReliableDictionary changed? - azure-service-fabric

I am periodically doing full backups of an IReliableDictionary is Azure Service Fabric. Every X minutes I check to see if the number of elements in the collection has changed and if so, I create a new backup.
This obviously has the downside that if I just change the value of an item in the dictionary, the collection size does not change and no backup occurs.
One solution would be to enumerate the entire dictionary and calculate an overall hash for the collection (assuming the order of the items can be guaranteed). Is there a better way to identify if an IReliableDictionary has changed?

There are a few events generated by the StateManager that may be helpful.
TransactionChanged events are raised if the transaction is committed.
For example:
public MyService(StatefulServiceContext context)
: base(MyService.EndpointName, context, CreateReliableStateManager(context))
this.StateManager.TransactionChanged += this.OnTransactionChangedHandler;


Contention-friendly database architecture for large documents and inner arrays

I have a database with a collection of documents using this schema (shortened schema because some data is irrelevant to my problem):
title: string;
order: number;
modificationsHistory: HistoryEntry[];
items: ListRow[];
finalItems: ListRow[];
These documents can easily reach 100 or 200 kB, depending on the amount of items and finalItems that they hold. It's also very important that they are updated as fast as possible, with the smallest bandwidth usage possible.
This is inside a web application context, using Angular 9 and #angular/fire 6.0.0.
When the end user edits one item inside the object's item array, like editing just a property, reflecting that inside the database requires me to send the entire object, because firestore's update method doesn't support array indexes inside the field path, the only operations that can be done on arrays are adding or deleting an element as described inside documentation.
However, updating an element of the items array by sending the entire document creates poor performances for anyone without a good connection, which is the case for a lot of my users.
Second issue is that having everything in realtime inside one document makes collaboration hard in my case, because some of these elements can be edited by multiple users at the same time, which creates two issues:
Some write operations may fail due to too much contention on the document if two updates are made in the same second.
The updates are not atomic as we're sending the entire document at once, as it doesn't use transactions to avoid using bandwidth even more.
Solutions I already tried
This was a very simple solution: create a subcollection for items, finalItems and modificationsHistory arrays, making them easy to edit as they now have their own ID so it's easy to reach them to update them.
Why it didn't work
Having a list with 10 finalItems, 30 items and 50 entries inside modificationsHistory means that I need to have a total of 4 listeners opened for one element to be listened entirely. Considering the fact that a user can have many of these elements opened at once, having several dozens of documents being listened creates an equally bad performance situation, probably even worse in a full user case.
It also means that if I want to update a big element with 100 items and I want to update half of them, it'll cost me one write operation per item, not to mention the amount of read operations needed to check permissions, etc, probably 3 per write so 150 read + 50 write just to update 50 items in an array.
Cloud Function to update the document
const {
} = require('fast-json-patch');
function applyOffsets(data, entries) {
entries.forEach(customEntry => {
const explodedPath = customEntry.path.split('/');
let pointer = data;
for (let fragment of explodedPath.slice(0, -1)) {
pointer = pointer[fragment];
pointer[explodedPath[explodedPath.length - 1]] += customEntry.offset;
return data;
exports.updateList = functions.runWith(runtimeOpts).https.onCall((data, context) => {
const listRef = firestore.collection('lists').doc(data.uid);
return firestore.runTransaction(transaction => {
return transaction.get(listRef).then(listDoc => {
const list = listDoc.data();
try {
const [standard, custom] = JSON.parse(data.diff).reduce((acc, entry) => {
if (entry.custom) {
} else {
return acc;
}, [
applyPatch(list, standard);
applyOffsets(list, custom);
transaction.set(listRef, list);
} catch (e) {
Using a diff library, I was making a diff between previous document and the new updated one, and sending this diff to a GCF that was operating the update using the transaction API.
Benefits of this approach being that since transaction happens inside GCF, it's super fast and doesn't consume too much bandwidth, plus the update only requires a diff to be sent, not the entire document anymore.
Why it didn't work
In reality, the cloud function was really slow and some updates were taking over 2 seconds to be made, they could also fail due to contention, without firestore connector knowing it, so no possibility to ensure data integrity in this case.
I will be edited accordingly to add more solutions if I find other stuff to try
I feel like I'm missing something, like if firestore had something I just didn't know at all that could solve my use case, but I can't figure out what it is, maybe my previously tested solutions were badly implemented or I missed something important. What did I miss? Is it even possible to achieve what I want to do? I am open to data remodeling, query changes, anything, as it's mostly for learning purpose.
You should be able to reduce the bandwidth required to update your documents by using Maps instead of Arrays to store your data. This would allow you to send only the item that is being updated using its key.
I don't know how involved this would be for you to change, but it sounds like less work than the other options.
You said that it's not impossible for your documents to reach 200kb individually. It would be good to keep in mind that Firestore limits document size to 1mb. If you plan on supporting documents beyond that, you will need to find a way to fragment the data.
Regarding your contention issues... You might consider a system that "locks" the document and prevents it from receiving updates while another user is attempting to save. You could use a simple message system built with websockets or Firebase FCM to do this. A client would subscribe to the document's channel, and publish when they are attempting an update. Other clients would then receive a notice that the document is being updated and have to wait before they can save their own changes.
Also, I don't know what the contents of modificationsHistory look like, but that sounds to me like the type of data that you might keep in a subcollection instead.
Of the solutions you tried, the subcollection seems like the most scalable to me. You could look into the possibility of not using onSnapshot listeners and instead create your own event system to notify clients of changes. I suppose it could work similar to the "locking" system I mentioned above. A client sends an event when it updates an item belonging to a document. Other clients subscribed to that document's channel will know to check the database for the newest version.
Your diff-approach appeared mostly sensible, details aside.
You should store items inline, but defer modificationsHistory into a sub collection. For the entire root document, record which elements of modificationsHistory have been merged yet (by timestamp should suffice), and all elements not merged yet, you have to re-apply individually on each client, querying with aforementioned timestamp.
Each entry in modificationsHistory should not describe a single diff, but whenever possible a set of diffs.
Apply changes from modificationsHistory collections onto items in batch, deferred via GCF. You may defer this arbitrarily far, and you may want to exclude modifications performed only in the last few seconds, to account for not established consistency in Firestore. There is no risk of contention, that way.
Cleanup from the modificationsHistory collection has to be deferred even further, until you can be sure that no client has still access to an older revision of the root document. Especially if you consider that the client is not strictly required to update the root document when the listener is triggered.
You may need to reconstruct the patch stack on the client side if modificationsHistory changes in unexpected ways due to eventual consistency constraints. E.g. if you have a total order in the set of patches, you need to re-apply the patch stack from base image if the collection unexpectedly suddenly contains "older" patches unknown to the client before.
All in all, you should be able avoid frequent updates all together, and limit this solely to inserts into to modificationsHistory sub-collection. With bandwidth requirements not exceeding the cost of fetching the entire document once, plus streaming the collection of not-yet-applied patches. No contention expected.
You can tweak for how long clients may ignore hard updates to the root document, and how many changes they may batch client-side before submitting a new diff. Latter is also a tradeof with regard to how many documents another client has to fetch initially, with regard to max-documents-per-query limits.
If you require other information which are likely to suffer from contention, like list of users currently having a specific document open, that should go into sub-collections as well.
Should the latency for seeing changes by other users eventually turn out to be unacceptable, you may opt for an additional, real-time capable data channel for distribution of patches on a specific document. ActiveMQ or some other message broker operated on dedicated resources, running independently from FireStore.

How to persist aggregate/read model from "EventStore" in a database?

Trying to implement Event Sourcing and CQRS for the first time, but got stuck when it came to persisting the aggregates.
This is where I'm at now
I've setup "EventStore" an a stream, "foos"
Connected to it from node-eventstore-client
I subscribe to events with catchup
This is all working fine.
With the help of the eventAppeared event handler function I can build the aggregate, whenever events occur. This is great, but what do I do with it?
Let's say I build and aggregate that is a list of Foos
id: 'some aggregate uuidv5 made from barId and bazId',
barId: 'qwe',
bazId: 'rty',
isActive: true,
history: [
id: 'some event uuid',
data: {
isActive: true,
timestamp: 123456788,
eventType: 'IsActiveUpdated'
id: 'some event uuid',
data: {
barId: 'qwe',
bazId: 'rty',
timestamp: 123456789,
eventType: 'FooCreated'
To follow CQRS I will build the above aggregate within a Read Model, right? But how do I store this aggregate in a database?
I guess just a nosql database should be fine for this, but I definitely need a db since I will put a gRPC APi in front of this and other read models / aggreates.
But what do I actually go from when I have built the aggregate, to when to persist it in the db?
I once tried following this tutorial https://blog.insiderattack.net/implementing-event-sourcing-and-cqrs-pattern-with-mongodb-66991e7b72be which was super simple, since you'd use mongodb both as the event store and just create a view for the aggregate and update that one when new events are incoming. It had it's flaws and limitations (the aggregation pipeline) which is why I now turned to "EventStore" for the event store part.
But how to persist the aggregate, which is currently just built and stored in code/memory from events in "EventStore"...?
I feel this may be a silly question but do I have to loop over each item in the array and insert each item in the db table/collection or do you somehow have a way to dump the whole array/aggregate there at once?
What happens after? Do you create a materialized view per aggregate and query against that?
I'm open to picking the best db for this, whether that is postgres/other rdbms, mongodb, cassandra, redis, table storage etc.
Last question. For now I'm just using a single stream "foos", but at this level I expect new events to happen quite frequently (every couple of seconds or so) but as I understand it you'd still persist it and update it using materialized views right?
So given that barId and bazId in combination can be used for grouping events, instead of a single stream I'd think more specialized streams such as foos-barId-bazId would be the way to go, to try and reduce the frequency of incoming new events to a point where recreating materialized views will make sense.
Is there a general rule of thumb saying not to recreate/update/refresh materialized views if the update frequency gets below a certain limit? Then the only other a lternative would be querying from a normal table/collection?
In the end I'm trying to make a gRPC api that has just 2 rpcs - one for getting a single foo by id and one for getting all foos (with optional field for filtering by status - but that is not so important). The simplified proto would look something like this:
rpc GetFoo(FooRequest) returns (Foo)
rpc GetFoos(FoosRequest) returns (FooResponse)
message FooRequest {
string id = 1; // uuid
// If the optional status field is not specified, return all foos
message FoosRequest {
// If this field is specified only return the Foos that has isActive true or false
FooStatus status = 1;
enum FooStatus {
message FoosResponse {
repeated Foo foos;
message Foo {
string id = 1; // uuid
string bar_id = 2 // uuid
string baz_id = 3 // uuid
boolean is_active = 4;
repeated Event history = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 6;
message Event {
string id = 1; // uuid
google.protobuf.Any data = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
string eventType = 4;
The incoming events would look something like this:
id: 'some event uuid',
barId: 'qwe',
bazId: 'rty',
timestamp: 123456789,
eventType: 'FooCreated'
id: 'some event uuid',
isActive: true,
timestamp: 123456788,
eventType: 'IsActiveUpdated'
As you can see there is no uuid to make it possible to GetFoo(uuid) in the gRPC API, which is why I'll generate a uuidv5 with the barId and bazId, which will combined, be a valid uuid. I'm making that in the projection / aggregate you see above.
Also the GetFoos rpc will either return all foos (if status field is left undefined), or alternatively it'll return the foo's that has isActive that matches the status field (if specified).
Yet I can't figure out how to continue from the catchup subscription handler.
I have the events stored in "EventStore" (https://eventstore.com/), using a subscription with catchup, I have built an aggregate/projection with an array of Foo's in the form that I want them, but to be able to get a single Foo by id from a gRPC API of mine, I guess I'll need to store this entire aggregate/projection in a database of some sort, so I can connect and fetch the data from the gRPC API? And every time a new event comes in I'll need to add that event to the database also or how is this working?
I think I've read every resource I can possibly find on the internet, but still I'm missing some key pieces of information to figure this out.
The gRPC is not so important. It could be REST I guess, but my big question is how to make the aggregated/projected data available to the API service (possible more API's will need it as well)? I guess I will need to store the aggregated/projected data with the generated uuid and history fields in a database to be able to fetch it by uuid from the API service, but what database and how is this storing process done, from the catchup event handler where I build the aggregate?
I know exactly how you feel! This is basically what happened to me when I first tried to do CQRS and ES.
I think you have a couple of gaps in your knowledge which I'm sure you will rapidly plug. You hydrate an aggregate from the event stream as you are doing. That IS your aggregate persisted. The read model is something different. Let me explain...
Your read model is the thing you use to run queries against and to provide data for display to a UI for example. Your aggregates are not (directly) involved in that. In fact they should be encapsulated. Meaning that you can't 'see' their state from the outside. i.e. no getter and setters with the exception of the aggregate ID which would have a getter.
This article gives you a helpful overview of how it all fits together: CQRS + Event Sourcing – Step by Step
The idea is that when an aggregate changes state it can only do so via an event it generates. You store that event in the event store. That event is also published so that read models can be updated.
Also looking at your aggregate it looks more like a typical read model object or DTO. An aggregate is interested in functionality, not properties. So you would expect to see void public functions for issuing commands to the aggregate. But not public properties like isActive or history.
I hope that makes sense.
Here are some more practical suggestions.
"To follow CQRS I will build the above aggregate within a Read Model, right? "
You do not build aggregates in the read model. They are separate things on separate sides of the CQRS side of the equation. Aggregates are on the command side. Queries are done against read models which are different from aggregates.
Aggregates have public void functions and no getter or setters (with the exception of the aggregate id). They are encapsulated. They generate events when their state changes as a result of a command being issued. These events are stored in an event store and are used to recover the state of an aggregate. In other words, that is how an aggregate is stored.
The events go on to be published so the event handlers and other processes can react to them and update the read model and or trigger new cascading commands.
"Last question. For now I'm just using a single stream "foos", but at this level I expect new events to happen quite frequently (every couple of seconds or so) but as I understand it you'd still persist it and update it using materialized views right?"
Every couple of seconds is very likely to be fine. I'm more concerned at the persist and update using materialised views. I don't know what you mean by that but it doesn't sound like you have the right idea. Views should be very simple read models. No need to complex relations like you find in an RDMS. And is therefore highly optimised fast for reading.
There can be a lot of confusion on all the terminologies and jargon used in DDD and CQRS and ES. I think in this case, the confusion lies in what you think an aggregate is. You mention that you would like to persist your aggregate as a read model. As #Codescribler mentioned, at the sink end of your event stream, there isn't a concept of an aggregate. Concretely, in ES, commands are applied onto aggregates in your domain by loading previous events pertaining to that aggregate, rehydrating the aggregate by folding each previous event onto the aggregate and then applying the command, which generates more events to be persisted in the event store.
Down stream, a subscribing process receives all the events in order and builds a read model based on the events and data contained within. The confusion here is that this read model, at this end, is not an aggregate per se. It might very well look exactly like your aggregate at the domain end or it could be only creating a read model that doesn't use all the events and or the event data.
For example, you may choose to use every bit of information and build a read model that looks exactly like the aggregate hydrated up to the newest event(likely your source of confusion). You may instead have another process that builds a read model that only tallies a specific type of event. You might even subscribe to multiple streams and "join" them into a big read model.
As for how to store it, this is really up to you. It seems to me like you are taking the events and rebuilding your aggregate plus a history of events in a memory structure. This, of course, doesn't scale, which is why you want to store it at rest in a database. I wouldn't use the memory structure, since you would need to do a lot of state diffing when you flush to the database. You should be modify the database directly in response to each individual event. Ideally, you also transactionally store the stream count with said modification so you don't process the same event again in the case of a failure.
Hope this helps a bit.

How to get index of new object on .childMoved

I am using an ordered query of the Firebase real-time database. I have a .childMoved listener on the query and when someone's index in the ordered list changes my listener gets fired. However there doesn't seem to be a way to know what the new index of the object is.
rtdb.child(refString).queryOrdered(byChild: "queuePosition")
.observe(.childMoved, with: { snapshot in
// Do something here with snapshot data
}) { error in
// error
How can I find out where the object should be moved to? Or should I just do sorting on the client?
The Firebase Database doesn't expose indexes, since those don't scale well in a multi-user environment. It does have an option to pass the key of the previous sibling of the node with observe: andPreviousSiblingKey.
With this key you can look up the sibling node, and move the child node after that.

Deleting an Item in Firebase

I have the following data in Firebase:
Before Deletion (Link)
In the "-Kabn1954" branch, I want to delete the item "apple". Using Swift, I delete an item at a specific index, in a particular branch, using this:
However, after I do this, the Firebase data looks like this:
After Deletion (Link)
As you can see, the data in this branch now goes directly from index 0 to index 2. For this reason, I get an error. How can I make it such that when the item at index 1 is deleted, the two remaining items have an index of 0 followed by an index of 1?
Firebase doesn't actually store the data as an array, instead it stores it as an object keyed by the index as you're observing. The guide suggests that you should try to restructure your data so that the array-like behavior is not used.
If that is not possible or really not preferable, I don't know about how the Swift API works, however in both the python and JavaScript libraries, if you observe on the parent foods element, you'll get an array object which you can splice and push an update. I'm guessing this is also true in Swift, as the API indicates that an NSArray can be returned too.
As the blog post mentions, you'll need to update the entire array when you want to reindex, as Firebase will not do it for you. setValue() accepts an NSArray which can be called on the foods reference. Be careful about race conditions here, you'll want to encapsulate the read and write into a single transaction to avoid losing your update.

Multi-collection, multi-document 'transactions' in MongoDB

I realise that MongoDB, by it's very nature, doesn't and probably never will support these kinds of transactions. However, I have found that I do need to use them in a somewhat limited fashion, so I've come up with the following solution, and I'm wondering: is this the best way of doing it, and can it be improved upon? (before I go and implement it in my app!)
Obviously the transaction is controlled via the application (in my case, a Python web app). For each document in this transaction (in any collection), the following fields are added:
'lock_status': bool (true = locked, false = unlocked),
'data_old': dict (of any old values - current values really - that are being changed),
'data_new': dict (of values replacing the old (current) values - should be an identical list to data_old),
'change_complete': bool (true = the update to this specific document has occurred and was successful),
'transaction_id': ObjectId of the parent transaction
In addition, there is a transaction collection which stores documents detailing each transaction in progress. They look like:
'_id': ObjectId,
'date_added': datetime,
'status': bool (true = all changes successful, false = in progress),
'collections': array of collection names involved in the transaction
And here's the logic of the process. Hopefully it works in such a way that if it's interupted, or fails in some other way, it can be rolled back properly.
1: Set up a transaction document
2: For each document that is affected by this transaction:
Set lock_status to true (to 'lock' the document from being modified)
Set data_old and data_new to their old and new values
Set change_complete to false
Set transaction_id to the ObjectId of the transaction document we just made
3: Perform the update. For each document affected:
Replace any affected fields in that document with the data_new values
Set change_complete to true
4: Set the transaction document's status to true (as all data has been modified successfully)
5: For each document affected by the transaction, do some clean up:
remove the data_old and data_new, as they're no longer needed
set lock_status to false (to unlock the document)
6: Remove the transaction document set up in step 1 (or as suggested, mark it as complete)
I think that logically works in such a way that if it fails at any point, all data can be either rolled back or the transaction can be continued (depending on what you want to do). Obviously all rollback/recovery/etc. is performed by the application and not the database, by using the transaction documents and the documents in the other collections with that transaction_id.
Is there any glaring error in this logic that I've missed or overlooked? Is there a more efficient way of going about it (e.g. less writing/reading from the database)?
As a generic response multi-document commits on MongoDB can be performed as two phase commits, which have been somewhat extensively documented in the manual (See: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/perform-two-phase-commits/).
The pattern suggested by the manual is briefly to following:
Set up a separate transactions collection, that includes target document, source document, value and state (of the transaction)
Create new transaction object with initial as the state
Start making a transaction and update state to pending
Apply transactions to both documents (target, source)
Update transaction state to committed
Use find to determine whether documents reflect the transaction state, if ok, update transaction state to done
In addition:
You need to manually handle failure scenarios (something didn't happen as described below)
You need to manually implement a rollback, basically by introducing a name state value canceling
Some specific notes for your implementation:
I would discourage you from adding fields like lock_status, data_old, data_new into source/target documents. These should be properties of the transactions, not the documents themselves.
To generalize the concept of target/source documents, I think you could use DBrefs: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Database+References
I don't like the idea of deleting transaction documents when they are done. Setting state to done seems like a better idea since this allows you to later debug and find out what kind of transactions have been performed. I'm pretty sure you won't run out of disk space either (and for this there are solutions as well).
In your model how do you guarantee that everything has been changed as expected? Do you inspect the changes somehow?
MongoDB 4.0 adds support for multi-document ACID transactions.
Java Example:
try (ClientSession clientSession = client.startSession()) {
collection.insertOne(clientSession, docOne);
collection.insertOne(clientSession, docTwo);
Note, it works for replica set. You can still have a replica set with one node and run it on local machine.
MongoDB 4.0 is adding (multi-collection) multi-document transactions: link