SourceTree won't stop annoying me with password dialogs - atlassian-sourcetree

I keep getting this:
And this:
It repeats every few minutes, I close the popups every time. I don't want to enter any password and I don't want to be bothered any more.
I removed all repositories hosted on Bitbucket from SourceTree but it still happens. I tried to look in the View - Hosted repositories but it just keeps loading forever, I can't remove anything from there. Hosted account list is empty.
How to stop this annoyance?


Username appears on logon but nowhere else

I'm running win10 and originally I had it set up not to need a password so it would just boot straight into the desktop. Then I decided to see if an email I expected had been sent to an old Hotmail account I haven't used for ages. Microsoft took me through a recovery process for the Hotmail account and eventually I was able to get back into it BUT next time I tried to logon the machine stopped at the logon page and showed 2 users - one looked like the original one I had been using and the other was for my Microsoft account complete with the icon I used to use.
I selected what I think was my old logon and without entering a password I just pressed enter - got kicked out with a wrong password. The forgot password option did not appear. Tried every password I have used in the past and the one for the new ms account - none work!
Logged in on the new ms account and then went searching for the other account using all the methods suggested on the web - it does not exist anywhere. How can I get rid of this account so I can get back into not having to use a password?

Subscribing to a git repository on slack

Can someone tell me like I'm 5 on subscribing to a git repository on slack? My google-fu is not giving any answers.
I have five repositories, none of which I'm the owner on. I want a slack notification when there's a push to these repositories. If I type /github help I get a list of commands and it says I should be able to subscribe by "/github subscribe owner/repository"
I'm not sure which people on my team "own" the repository and I'm not sure where this information is in github.
I read somewhere I could just do /github subscribe and paste the full https link, but I get this back
If I click Install button I get a page that says "Where do you want to install slack?"
If I select configure under my github main repo, I get this:
If I start adding repositories, everyone on my team gets an email notification to add slack to github. I don't get an email notification. Nothing happens at all. Then everyone in the company pings me asking me why they're getting slack/github notifications. To prevent further humiliation, I just stopped trying to add the repo. I'd still like to add it though.
I should be able to subscribe by "/github subscribe owner/repository"
I'm not sure which people on my team "own" the repository and I'm not sure where this information is in github.
I just wanted to help with this part, since I recently had to figure that same thing out. The owner is the organization that your repositories belong to. So, lets say you have a repo named "RepoOne". If you click into that repo, the URL in the address bar should show: "[owner]/RepoOne"
So, you should be able to copy the owner and repo name from your URL and use it in the command as follows:
/github subscribe [owner]/RepoOne
Keep in mind, that only subscribes you to the isssues, pulls, commits, releases, and deployments. I like to include the reviews and comments too, so I go with:
/github subscribe [owner]/RepoOne reviews comments

How to not see an old GitHub repo anymore

In my list of repos I have an old repo that I worked on for 1 hr.
I would like to not see it anymore, I would like to not be involved with it anymore, I want it off of my screen.
How do I do it?
Here is a screen of my repo list:
It sounds like you want to delete the repo. That will completely remove it though, not only from that list. You won't be able to access it again.
You might want to save of backup first if there is any chance you will want to access it later, especially if the work you did hasn't been pushed into the project that you forked it from.
You can delete a repo by going to the "Settings" page for that repo (click on the repo in that list and "Settings" is a tab on the next page), then scrolling all the way to the bottom and clicking on "Delete this repository".
I think what you are wanting to ask is how to delete a GitHub repository.
Deleting a repository as #Paulpro rightly said will remove all your data from the given account so if you need any data it will be wise to take a backup.
How to delete a Github Account:
Login to your Github Account
Open the repository you wish to delete
On the menu of Repository click on Settings (the menu contains commits, settings, contributors etc.The last tab is settings there.)
Scroll down to the very bottom, the last option will be delete repository, click on that
In a confirmation box that comes enter the repository name as it is and then confirm to delete the repository.
Note These steps are to delete a repository.If you just wish to hide a repository from the public you will need a private repository option which requires a paid Github Account.

Start a workflow on page activation without activating the page in AEM 6.2

I need a setup where users can update a page and then submit it for approval/activation in AEM 6.2. The page would be submitted to workflow where a content approver/administrator would review and publish the page. This seems like a common setup for content managment, but I can't figure out how to do it in AEM.
I have done the following:
setup a user that has permission to update but does NOT have
replicate permission on folderX.
setup users with update and replicate permissions on folderX and added them to a group "content-authors-approvers"
created a workflow where the first step of the workflow is the page will be submitted for approval and publication to member of "content-authors-approvers" group
assigned this workflow to folderX
However, when a user does NOT have replicate permission, the "publish" option does not show up at all. This makes sense, really....but then, how does one go about setting up a workflow like this?
From what I've read about this in earlier versions of AEM/CQ5, the replicate/publish option was still available to all users, but it would automatically kick off workflow if the user did not have replicate permissions. (see Start a workflow on page activation without activating the page in CQ5 )
this seems to have changed in 6.2. can anyone help?
I have tried looking up online, but found nothing
There is a native workflow to handle that. It's named Publish Example. see it here: http://localhost:4502/etc/workflow/models/publish_example.html . I believe that it's better then the automatic triggering cause the author actually knows he triggers a workflow (whilst when it happened automatically there was no info about that). To explicitly call it you have to either from /siteadmin select a page and click workflow on it, or do it from sidekick or in touch.
touch - editpage:

Integration between Github Issues and Netbeans

Is posible to integrate the project issue tracker of Github into Netbeans to automatize the add, change or remove issues trough the IDE.
It seems the current answer is no (at least I could not find anything in the mailing list or even the bug database)
Therefore I opened a corresponding report for an enhancement. Feel free to register and vote on it.
It's not really needed to have this integration, since you can comment on or close GitHub issues through the git comment.
Reimplement feature XYZ as described in #123
Removed extra spaces in foo. Fixes #148
Working on integration with bar. #99 and octocat/bar#20
Read this blog post
This integration is available in NetBeans 12.
From the Window menu, select Tasks. In the Tasks tab, add a repository by clicking the icon on the right side of the repository header.
A dialog appears. Select GitHub Issues as the Connector.
You'll need an OAUTH token, known as a GitHub Personal Access Token. To create one, visit, log into your account. Click on your account icon in the upper right corner and select Settings from this pulldown menu.
Now click Developer settings on the navigation menu on the left. Click Personal access tokens on the new menu on the left. Click Generate new token. Put a descriptive name in the Note field.
Select the appropriate permissions. Unfortunately I'm not certain what minimum permissions are required, but those I selected, which seem to work, are: notifications, read:discussion, read:enterprise, read:gpg_key, read:public_key, read:user, repo, workflow. Thanks in advance if you can provide further insight here.
Next click the Generate token button. You'll be presented with the token secret once and only once. Copy it and paste into the Oauth Token field in the NetBeans dialog from above. Click Add repository.
A dialog appears prompting you to select the username and repo for which you'd like to track Issues. Choose one and click Ok. This will populate the remaining fields in the Create Task Repository dialog. Click Connect to verify and you should see a success message.
Click Ok on the popup, and again on the dialog, and you should see your new repo and list of Issues.
And that's it. You can now open Issues, assign them, add comments, manage labels, change issues to PRs, create milestones, manage templates, and so forth.