What is happening here in Spark Code - scala

val jsonString = sc.sequenceFile[Long,String](paths).map(x => {
The paths variable has csv of locations for some text files.
What exactly is the code mapping here?
can some explain me what is happening here. i am bit confused.

sc.sequenceFile reads Hadoop Sequence Files which are flat files storing key-value pairs (see https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/SequenceFile). It produces a RDD[(Long, String)] - an RDD where each record is a key-value pair (of type Tuple2[Long, String]). Then, the mapping simply maps each pair to the value only (using Tuple2._2).
The resulting jsonString is an RDD[String].
The map operation can be replaced with a few equivalent calls that may or may not be clearer:
// Using the implicit PairRDDFunctions.values:
val jsonString = sc.sequenceFile[Long,String](paths).values
// Using map with anonymous argument:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, 2))).map(_._2)
// Using map with pattern matching:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, 2))).map {
case (key, value) => value


How to use flatMap for flatten one component of a tuple

I have a tuple like.. (a, list(b,c,d)). I want the output like
I am trying to use flatMap for this but not getting any success. Even map is not helping in this case.
Input Data :
Chap01:Spark is an emerging technology
Chap01:You can easily learn Spark
Chap02:Hadoop is a Bigdata technology
Chap02:You can easily learn Spark and Hadoop
val rawData = sc.textFile("C:\\wc_input.txt")
val chapters = rawData.map(line => (line.split(":")(0), line.split(":")(1)))
val chapWords = chapters.flatMap(a => (a._1, a._2.split(" ")))
You could map over the second element of the tuple:
val t = ('a', List('b','c','d'))
val res = t._2.map((t._1, _))
The snipped above resolves to:
res: List[(Char, Char)] = List((a,b), (a,c), (a,d))
This scenario can be easily handled by flatMapValues methods in RDD. It works only on values of a pair RDD keeping the key same.

I want to save Map[String, String] to disk and later read it back as same type. Somehow I cannot find collectAsMap method with my sparkContext

I am working on Spark Scala and there is a requirement to save Map[String, String] to the disk so that a different Spark application can read it.
To Save:
I am doing a coalesce as the data is only 450 rows.
But to read it back, I am not able to convert it back to Map[String, String]
val myMap = sc.textFile(fileName).zipWithUniqueId().collect.toMap
the data comes as
What is the possible solution?
Loading a text file results in RDD[String], so you will have to deserialize your string representations of the tuples.
You can change your Save operation to add a delimiter between tuple value 1 and tuple value 2, or parse the string (:v1, :v2).
val d = spark.sparkContext.textFile(fileName)
val myMap = d.map(s => {
val parsedVals = s.substring(1, s.length-1).split(",")
(parsedVals(0), parsedVals(1))
Alternatively, you can change your save operation to create a delimiter (like a comma) and parse the structure that way:
itemMap.toSeq.map(kv => kv._1 + "," + kv._2).saveAsTextFile(fileName)
val myMap = spark.sparkContext.textFile("trash3.txt")
.map(d => (d(0), d(1)))
Method "collectAsMap" exists in "PairRDDFunctions" class, means, applicable only for RDD with two values RDD[(K, V)].
If this function call is required, can be organized with code below. Dataframe is used for store in csv format ant avoid hand-made parsing
val originalMap = Map("x" -> 1, "y" -> 2)
// write
sparkContext.parallelize(originalMap.toSeq).coalesce(1).toDF("k", "v").write.csv(path)
// read
val restoredDF = spark.read.csv(path)
val restoredMap = restoredDF.rdd.map(r => (r.getString(0), r.getString(1))).collectAsMap()
println("restored map: " + restoredMap)
restored map: Map(y -> 2, x -> 1)

Need to get an Iterator for an RDD for a partition

I'm looking for a way to get an Iterator[] from a given RDD or DataFrame not through the map() or mapPartition() since I want to take this iterator and along with another one from another RDD do something else.
(0 until partitionCount).foreach(i => {
val iter1 = leftRdd.getIteratorForPartition(i)
val iter2 = rightRdd.getIteratorForPartition(i)
resultPartitions += CustomCombine(keys, iter1, iter2)
// and create an RDD for DataFrame from resultPartitions
So basically I'm looking for the equivalent of my made up function: getIteratorForPartition()

Spark: How to get String value while generating output file

I have two files
StudentId in first should be replaced with StudentName and Course in the second file.
Once replaced I need to generate a new CSV with complete details like
Code used
val studentRDD = sc.textFile(file path);
val studentdetailsRDD = sc.textFile(file path);
val studentB = sc.broadcast(studentdetailsRDD.collect)
//Generating CSV
studentRDD.map{student =>
val name = getName(student.StudentId)
val course = getCourse(student.StudentId)
Array(name, course, student.City)
}.mapPartitions{data =>
val stringWriter = new StringWriter();
val csvWriter =new CSVWriter(stringWriter);
//Functions defined to get details
def getName(studentId : String) {
studentB.value.map{stud =>if(studentId == stud.StudentId) stud.StudentName}
def getCourse(studentId : String) {
studentB.value.map{stud =>if(studentId == stud.StudentId) stud.Course}
File gets generated but the values are object representations instead of String value.
How can I get the string values instead of objects ?
As suggested in another answer, Spark's DataFrame API is especially suitable for this, as it easily supports joining two DataFrames, and writing CSV files.
However, if you insist on staying with RDD API, looks like the main issue with your code is the lookup functions: getName and getCourse basically do nothing, because their return type is Unit; Using an if without an else means that for some inputs there's no return value, which makes the entire function return Unit.
To fix this, it's easier to get rid of them and simplify the lookup by broadcasting a Map:
// better to broadcast a Map instead of an Array, would make lookups more efficient
val studentB = sc.broadcast(studentdetailsRDD.keyBy(_.StudentId).collectAsMap())
// convert to RDD[String] with the wanted formatting
val resultStrings = studentRDD.map { student =>
val details = studentB.value(student.StudentId)
Array(details.StudentName, details.Course, student.City)
.map(_.mkString(",")) // naive CSV writing with no escaping etc., you can also use CSVWriter like you did
// save as text file
Spark has great support for join and write to file. Join only takes 1 line of code and write also only takes 1.
Hand write those code can be error proven, hard to read and most likely super slow.
val df1 = Seq((101,"NDLS"),
).toDF("id", "city")
val df2 = Seq((101,"ABC","C001"),
).toDF("id", "name", "course")
val dfResult = df1.join(df2, "id").select("id", "city", "name")
There will be a directory created. There is only 1 file in the directory which is the finally result.

scala.MatchError: null on spark RDDs

I am relatively new to both spark and scala.
I was trying to implement collaborative filtering using scala on spark.
Below is the code
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
val data = sc.textFile("/user/amohammed/CB/input-cb.txt")
val distinctUsers = data.map(x => x.split(",")(0)).distinct().map(x => x.toInt)
val distinctKeywords = data.map(x => x.split(",")(1)).distinct().map(x => x.toInt)
val ratings = data.map(_.split(',') match {
case Array(user, item, rate) => Rating(user.toInt,item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, 1, 20, 0.01)
val keywords = distinctKeywords collect
distinctUsers.map(x => {(x, keywords.map(y => model.predict(x,y)))}).collect()
It throws a scala.MatchError: null
org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions.lookup(PairRDDFunctions.scala:571) at the last line
Thw code works fine if I collect the distinctUsers rdd into an array and execute the same code:
val users = distinctUsers collect
users.map(x => {(x, keywords.map(y => model.predict(x, y)))})
Where am I getting it wrong when dealing with RDDs?
Spark Version : 1.0.0
Scala Version : 2.10.4
Going one call further back in the stack trace, line 43 of the MatrixFactorizationModel source says:
val userVector = new DoubleMatrix(userFeatures.lookup(user).head)
Note that the userFeatures field of model is itself another RDD; I believe it isn't getting serialized properly when the anonymous function block closes over model, and thus the lookup method on it is failing. I also tried placing both model and keywords into broadcast variables, but that didn't work either.
Instead of falling back to Scala collections and losing the benefits of Spark, it's probably better to stick with RDDs and take advantage of other ways of transforming them.
I'd start with this:
val ratings = data.map(_.split(',') match {
case Array(user, keyword, rate) => Rating(user.toInt, keyword.toInt, rate.toDouble)
// instead of parsing the original RDD's strings three separate times,
// you can map the "user" and "product" fields of the Rating case class
val distinctUsers = ratings.map(_.user).distinct()
val distinctKeywords = ratings.map(_.product).distinct()
val model = ALS.train(ratings, 1, 20, 0.01)
Then, instead of calculating each prediction one by one, we can obtain the Cartesian product of all possible user-keyword pairs as an RDD and use the other predict method in MatrixFactorizationModel, which takes an RDD of such pairs as its argument.
val userKeywords = distinctUsers.cartesian(distinctKeywords)
val predictions = model.predict(userKeywords).map { case Rating(user, keyword, rate) =>
(user, Map(keyword -> rate))
}.reduceByKey { _ ++ _ }
Now predictions has an immutable map for each user that can be queried for the predicted rating of a particular keyword. If you specifically want arrays as in your original example, you can do:
val keywords = distinctKeywords.collect() // add .sorted if you want them in order
val predictionArrays = predictions.mapValues(keywords.map(_))
Caveat: I tested this with Spark 1.0.1 as it's what I had installed, but it should work with 1.0.0 as well.