Can I move perl modules without breaking the system? - perl

I have the exact problem described here:
Perl can't find module when run from cron.daily except that my problem applies to a perl script running from crontab.
In my case the error message is:
May 24 22:12:02 trackcam3 test_cron: Can't locate Image/ in #INC (you may need to install the Image::Grab module) (#INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl/5.24.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl5/5.24 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl/5.24 /usr/share/perl/5.24 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl-base) at /home/darren/ line 33, <DATA> line 1.
May 24 22:12:02 trackcam3 test_cron: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/darren/ line 33, <DATA> line 1.
The solutions at the link all add something to the path. I would like to know if I can move or copy the modules to somewhere they can be found when perl scripts from crontab.
As part of troubleshooting I have already loaded cron with the same PATH as I have from the terminal but that is not enough to allow the perl module to be found.
The missing module is in ~/perl5/lib/perl5 which is not in #INC
The same perl script call modules that are located at
Should it be somewhere else? At present /usr/lib/perl5 is empty. The OP in the link asked the same question in the link but didn't receive an answer.

use lib glob( '~/perl5/lib/perl5' );
use Image::Grab;
The use lib must come before many use module.

Follow the link in the following comment by #haukex to arrive at a full explanation.


Can't locate XML/ in #INC

I am trying to run script which uses XML/LibXML package.
But, XML/LibXML package is already installed. I ran following command:
perl -MXML::LibXML -e 1. it did not give any output, that means this package is installed.
when i ran my script. Following error occured.
Can't locate XML/ in #INC (#INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8
.). BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
One more point to note is there is no directory "5.8.8" under /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/
Please suggest to overcome this issue.
There are three possibilities:
You have two installs of perl and you script is using the "wrong" one.
Either install XML::LibXML using the perl used by the script, or replace the script's shebang (#!) line with the output of the following:
perl -MXML::LibXML -le'print "#!".$^X'
Differences in the environment.
If XML::LibXML was installed in a nonstandard directory, it could be that PERL5LIB was used to communicate this to perl when you executed your test, but not when you run the script.
A permission issue.
This isn't very likely.
If the script is run as the same user as your test, it's not a permission issue.
If it is a permission issue, make sure the library directory is accessible to the user executing the script.

Cannot use already installed Perl Module on cPanel

I have already successfully installed the Perl module Crypt::CBC on cPanel.
But when adding the line "use Crypt::CBC;" I am getting the error:
Can't locate Crypt/ in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 .) at line 128.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 128.
Did I miss something? Quite new to Perl modules installation.
check the value of #INC by running this using your web server:
perl -e 'print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" . join(":",#INC);'
#INC is where perl looks for modules. Perhaps they got installed in the wrong location.
You can add new locations with perl's -I option (see "man perlrun" for details)
I suspect that you may have added the module to cPanel instead of to the system Perl, for which you need to use WHM. Take a look at these instructions and follow the directions headed Install modules to the system Perl binary
Thanks everyone! Just a wrong path, I used this and it now works:
use lib '/data01/c1501978/perl/usr/lib/perl5';

Can't locate XML/ in #INC

I have a .pl script in which starts by:
use XML::XPath;
use Getopt::Long;
I can't seem to run that via perl, having this error:
(#INC contains: /usr/share/ /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 3.
1- I tried to locate the file and export that as:
export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/perl5/XML/Twig
export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/perl5/XML
2- Installed perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser'
3- Used -I to explicitly define the path as:
perl -I perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser'
4- changing the line 3 to use XML::Twig::XPath; led to:
cannot use XML::Twig::XPath: neither XML::XPathEngine 0.09+ nor XML::XPath are available at /usr/share/perl5/XML/Twig/ line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/XML/Twig/ line 13.`
But none of them solved the issue and I keep receiving the same error at line.3.
P.S: Running on CentOS 6.2 with the kernel 2.6.32-358 and perl --version=v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Any helps would be appreciated,
Your title says XML::XPath can't be found, but your question indicates you tried to install XML::Parser. Did you try to install XML::XPath?
From man perlrun: "If PERL5LIB is not defined, PERLLIB". You seem to have tried setting PERLIB5 (notice the spelling difference: the var is PERL5LIB (or PERLLIB), not PERLIB5).
From man perlrun: "PERL5LIB -- A list of directories in which to look for Perl library files before looking in the standard library and the current directory." You seem to have tried setting it to the full path to a .pm file, rather than a directory.
The file you assigned would be XML::Twig::XPath, not XML::XPath; those are two different Perl modules.
Edit: After looking at your revised question:
I'm not sure if your script requires XML::Twig::XPath or XML::XPath, or if either one can provide the API you need. However, XML::Twig::XPath seems to depend on XML::XPath so you will need XML::XPath no matter what, and it looks like XML::XPath is not installed on your system. I think that's probably the main problem. Please try to install XML::XPath using CPAN.
The value of the PERL5LIB variable (or the argument to the -I option) should be the directory that sits at the base of the package-qualified module file. For example, if XML::XPath is located at ~/perl_custom_modules/XML/, then you need to set PERL5LIB (or the -I argument) to ~/perl_custom_modules. The XML directory is part of the package qualification of the module, so does not need to be included in the include path.

Can't locate *** in #INC

I install perl modules in ~/.local/perl5. Here's part of ~/.bashrc:
export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="$HOME/.local/perl5";
export PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base $HOME/.local/perl5";
export PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=$HOME/.local/perl5";
export PERL5LIB="$HOME/.local/perl5/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB";
export PATH="$HOME/.local/perl5/bin:$PATH";
I've installed CSS::Inliner with
$ cpan
cpan[1]> install CSS::Inliner
and I have at:
But when I use it -- perl can't find it:
perl -e 'use Inliner'
Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains:
/home/boris/.local/perl5/lib/perl5 /etc/perl
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at -e line 1. BEGIN failed--compilation
aborted at -e line 1.
why can't perl find the module?
I'm trying to reproduce minimal working example given in documentation to CSS-Inliner:
use Inliner;
my $inliner = new Inliner();
$inliner->read_file({filename => 'myfile.html'});
print $inliner->inlinify();
If I use Inliner -- perl can't find it. If I
use CSS::Inliner;
my $inliner = new Inliner();
$inliner->read_file({filename => 'test.html'});
print $inliner->inlinify();
perl says
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Inliner"
(perhaps you forgot to load "Inliner"?) at ./1.perl line 5.
Edit 2:
Here's a minimal working example of CSS-Inliner:
use CSS::Inliner;
my $inliner = CSS::Inliner->new;
$inliner->read_file({filename => 'test.html'});
print $inliner->inlinify();
You should use the full module name in use and full class name when calling class methods:
use CSS::Inliner;
my $inliner = CSS::Inliner->new;
This could happen when you are not careful in installing modules. Once I simply copied the into the official /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl directory. The could be modules developed locally or third party. I did not pay attention to the umask. Files installed there are not readable by the world. When I use the module I will get the message saying: Cannot locate in #INC(#INC contains /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl ....). Gee it is clearly there! Took me a while to check the file permission. Hope this may save some time for others who install their own modules. In make file you should use install -m 644 to make sure the installed module has read permission for others.

Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /etc/perl /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 ....) at ./select.cgi at line

I am trying my hands for the first time in -> Apache - Perl (CGI) on Ubuntu.
The Apache server is working fine in the folder /var/www for the default index.html file. But since I want to run a CGI script, I also installed (just in case) DBI, as suggested by some forums. I set the permissions for complete access to my cgi-bin folder in which the select.cgi script resides. I tried tweaking the select.cgi script multiple times redirecting the library to the Perl library, but to no avail. I modified the httpd.conf file and set the directory path to the select.cgi folder. That didn't work. I also defined ScriptAlias, and set it to the working directory. That didn't work either.
Does anyone have any helpful pointers. Thanks.
This is not exact solution that you want but the overall idea is like below.
How to resolve Cant locate in #INC path problem
By default perl looks for modules in the standard library path and the current directory.
Sometimes you need to use some modules that are installed in non standard locations; there are several ways to deal with this situation:
To check whether your module is in #INC path use.
perl -e 'use SOAP::Lite;'
perl -e 'use Error;'
If you run these commands on a system that has SOAP::Lite and Error installed, Perl will simply return from these commands without printing any output.
To check current standard library path use:
perl -le 'print foreach #INC'
If you have the administrative privileges, then best solution is to install the module in any of the system defined library path.
Set the environment variable PERL5LIB
Perl will look for modules in the directories specified in PERL5LIB environment variable before looking in the standard library and current directory.
So you can set this variable to locate your modules.
# For unix like systems
PERL5LIB=/home/path/lib:/usr/another/path/lib; export PERL5LIB
Note: separate the directories with colons on unix and with a semicolon on Windows.
IF you are running your code from command line then use -I parameter. The syntax should be something like.
perl -I /home/path/lib -I /usr/another/lib
And you can also Add the library path in your script
The command for including the path in your script is: use lib path.
use lib "/home/path/lib";
use lib "/usr/another/lib";
use MyCustomModule;
In a comment, you gave information that contradicts what you gave originally. The latter information appears to be more reliable, so I'll use it.
I believe you said the path to the module is
and that the error message you got (with line breaks added) is:
Can't locate foo/bar/ in #INC (#INC contains:
) at ...
You did something like
use foo::bar::Connection;
require "foo/bar/";
Perl looked for
But none of those are
It's simple to fix. Add the following to your script:
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5';
The other possible fix is to use
use Connection;
instead of
use foo::bar::Connection;
Which fix is the correct fix depends on what that package line in side the module looks like. If you find package foo::bar::Connection;, you need to modify #INC (as shown with use lib, for example). If you findpackage Connection;, you need to change theuse` directive.