Concourse Pipelines Integration with Pivotal Tracker - concourse

Is there a way to trigger the pipelines from Pivotal Tracker when click on "finish" or "deliver" or "Accept" button status in the Pivotal Tracker

There is a resource for Pivotal Tracker but it only triggers on stories that are linked in recent git commits.
If that's not your case, you can use webhook_token to trigger the resource check and use this webhook in Pivotal Tracker, the problem there is, it's being called on all activities. You'll need some intermediate layer like Zapier (or anything that allows you to run your own code) to filter those events only to pass story_update_activity event.


How to Trigger a Jenkins Job on Pull Request Close Event from Webhook

We have an Enterprise Jenkins box with the GitHub Plugin that scans orgs and creates jobs for each branch/PR etc. Repos then have a webhook which send push/pull request events to the webhook, which builds them.
I'm trying to work out how to destroy ephemeral environments after a Ent. GitHub PR has been closed. I figured the best way to do this would be to have the webhook invoke the job and read the GH payload on the PR close event, however it doesn't appear like this is an option from any of the GH plugin settings on the org? The webhook simply disables job on the close event rather than building.
We don't have GitHub Actions available, so that's not an avenue. How else could I invoke a build upon PR close?

Is there any way to trigger a Google Cloud build ONLY when a merge request is accepted on a specific branch?

Basically I just started using Google Cloud and I'm looking for a way to trigger a deployment ONLY when a pull request is accepted on a distant github repository.
I'm currently using the google "Cloud Build Trigger" to execute my 'cloudbuild.yaml' as soon as a push is detected on my master branch, but simply attempting a merge request seems to trigger my build process.
This is troublesome as a merge request will be reviewed by peers and I don't want my cloud application to rebuild if the merge request is to be denied after being reviewed.
As this feature is still in beta, I assume this is not supported yet and that there is a better way to handle such task, but when I heard of the trigger feature it seemed like the most straightforward way to connect my github repository to the build process on google cloud. Anyway, hope someone had to face this issue or can help me figure this one out.
Thanks !
Based on the documentation, Cloud Build triggers currently only support changes pushed to the build source (a remote Github repo in this case). There doesn't seem to be a way to distinguish between a merge resulting from a (remote) pull request or a local one from the Google Cloud Console GUI.
However, you are not without options. One alternative is to leverage Github's PullRequestEvent Webhook and deploy a GAS Web App or Cloud Function to serve as a web-hook endpoint. The GAS Web App or Cloud Function could then parse the event payload for GitHub's PullRequestEvent and if the pull request is closed and merged then you call the REST API for the Cloud Build service to start your build.

How receive hook from Bitbucket on JIRA and process this hook data?

How receive hook from Bitbucket on JIRA and process this hook data?
I can't figure out how to properly create a hook listener from Bitbucket to JIRA.
As I can see:
1) There is a branch in Bitbucket
2) A commit is added to the branch and a Pull Request is created.
3) The reviewer clicks Approve at Pull Request and at this moment a change in the status of the task should occur in JIRA, which in one of the fields contains the name of the branch
I understand how to send a hook from BitBucket, but how to get a hook and process it in JIRA
I do not understand how to implement this, have any ideas?
I figured it out, it's simple via WebHooks
I used the plugin JIRA Automation
Bitbucket sends the hook to the JIRA with the transfer of the secret
(basic authorization);
JIRA gets the hook and processes the hook
using the plugin
JIRA then sends a request to TeamCity to build a
specific branch using a plugin;
TeamCity is building a specific branch and sends the hook
to JIRA, and JIRA processes the hook from the
TeamCity and performs the actions

How to skip specific commits in MyGet build service?

I would like to use MyGet build service to build my project hosted at GitHub. However, the service is triggered unnecessarily by updating or other documents in the repository. Is there any way to skip these kinds of commits?
Unfortunately, there's no way out-of-the-box to filter commits, as there's no way for a machine to know what you'd like to build and what not (without going through extensive configuration). The GitHub commit webhook will fire either way, no matter what you commit. Any service responding to the webhook will listen for the event, including MyGet.
However, you could build your own triggers as MyGet Build Services supports POST web hooks. You could add your own filtering to your custom trigger, and choose when to fire the webhook, and when not to.
Details about how to create a custom build trigger for MyGet Build Services can be found here:

Trigger Visual Studio Team Services build for a GitHub Pull Request

How do you get VSTS to build when a PR is created in GitHub? I've tried several triggers in the VSTS build like refs/pull/*/merge and refs/pull/*/head. I have a build working when a commit is made to the master branch, but I can't get a build to trigger when a PR is created.
I get the following when a PR is created.
Also, the webhook history shows that a message was successfully posted to VSTS, but the build never starts.
The official Microsoft VSTS GitHub Integration extension now supports this directly.
I think it's the trigger. Try what's described in this blog post.
There is not an easy way to enable this today for PRs. It is on the VSTS feature backlog that we want to address soon.
The way to make it work today would be to do something like: add a webhook to call your own custom service endpoint. Within your service endpoint, you could then call into VSTS to queue a build, and the build would need a step to post success/fail back to GitHub.
In your custom service endpoint, you would need to make sure the user is authorized as a contributor on the GitHub repo.
On the new VSTS UI you can find it in Build Edit -> Triggers: