How can I read edges from a cluster of E - orientdb

I can run a query such as follow to read edges from cluster 1,2 of IP class:
select from cluster:[ip_1, ip_2]
but I can't run such a query for all edges:
select from cluster:[e_1, e_2]
It always returns null. Would you mind telling me how I can do that?

I tried your case and it works for me:
Probably it return null because the edges aren't in the clusters.
Try tu execute:
select from cluster:e_1
select from cluster:e_2
if both queries return null it means that there are not data into it.
Hope it helps


Finding out the size of a continuous aggregate

Have hypertable table with a couple million rows. I'm able to select the size of this just fine using the following:
SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_total_relation_size('towns') );
I also have a continuous aggregate for that hypertable:
WITH (timescaledb.continuous, timescaledb.materialized_only=true) AS
SELECT time_bucket(INTERVAL '1 minute', timestamp) AS bucket,
/* random query */
FROM towns
GROUP BY bucket, town
I've refreshed the view and the data is showing as expected. However, I cannot seem to figure out how much space this new view is taking up.
SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_total_relation_size('towns_income') ); returns 0 bytes which I know isn't correct. I thought that maybe the total_relation_size for towns would increase, but that also seems the same. Am I missing something? I've tried hypertable_size as well with no success as mv isn't technically a hypertable.
The following SQL can help :)
SELECT view_name, hypertable_size(format('%I.%I', materialization_hypertable_schema , materialization_hypertable_name )::regclass)
FROM timescaledb_information.continuous_aggregates;
Another approach would be the following SQL query
SELECT pg_size_pretty(SUM(total_bytes)), aggs.view_name
FROM "_timescaledb_internal".hypertable_chunk_local_size hcls, timescaledb_information.continuous_aggregates aggs
WHERE hcls.table_name = aggs.materialization_hypertable_name
GROUP BY aggs.view_name;

Merge non-adjacent polygons in Qgis or Postgres

I am working with Qgis and PostgreSQL. But i can't figure out how to merge the non-adjacent polygons in my screenshot into one record? Can anybody help mee with this problem?
I want all the polygons with the same cat to be merged in one record.
See screenshot here:
If you want use Postgres you need create a SELECT using ST_Union
geometry ST_Union(geometry set g1field);
geometry ST_Union(geometry g1, geometry g2);
geometry ST_Union(geometry[] g1_array);
You can try this to create one array
Concatenate multiple rows in an array with SQL on PostgreSQL
I try this one in my states tables and work ok
SELECT ST_Union(a_geom)
FROM (SELECT array_agg(e.geom) as a_geom
FROM mapas.estadosven_region e
) t
I make another test and looks like this also may work
SELECT ID, ST_Union(geom)
FROM test_dissolve_function t
WHERE ST_isValid(geom)='t'

Find cluster given node in PostgreSQL

I am representing a graph in Postgres 9.1 (happens to be bidirectional and cyclic):
name text
node1_id int REFERENCES nodes(id),
node2_id int REFERENCES nodes(id)
Given a particular node ID, want to retrieve all other nodes in that cluster. I started with the "Paths from a single node" example here, and this is where I got:
WITH RECURSIVE search_graph(id, path) AS (
FROM nodes
SELECT e.node2_id, sg.path || e.node2_id
FROM search_graph sg
JOIN edges e
ON e.node1_id =
-- find all nodes connected to node 3
SELECT DISTINCT id FROM search_graph WHERE path #> ARRAY[3];
I can't figure out a) if there is a simpler way to write this since I don't care about collecting the full path, and b) how to make it traverse in both directions (node1->node2 and node2->node1 for each edge). Shedding any light on a good approach would be appreciated. Thanks!
A couple points.
First, you really want to make sure your path traversal is not going to go into a loop. Secondly handling both sides is not too bad. Finally depending on what you are doing, you may want to push the where clause into the CTE somehow to reduce generating every possible graph network and then picking the one you want.
Traversing itself both directions is not too hard. I haven't tested this but it should be possible with something like:
WITH RECURSIVE search_graph(path, last_node1, last_node2) AS (
SELECT ARRAY[id], id, id
FROM nodes WHERE id = 3 -- start where we want to start!
SELECT sg.path || e.node2_id || e.node1_id, e.node1_id, e.node2_id
FROM search_graph sg
JOIN edges e
ON (e.node1_id = sg.last_node2 AND NOT path #> array[e.node2_id])
OR (e.node2_id = sg.last_node1 AND NOT path #> array[e.node1_id])
-- Moved where clause to start of graph search
SELECT distinct unnest(path) FROM search_graph; -- duplicates possible
Hope this helps.

Postgresql Faulty Syntax on select/join/group

What about the following is not proper syntax for Postgresql?
select p.*, SUM(vote) as votes_count
FROM votes v, posts p
where = v.`voteable_id`
AND v.`voteable_type` = 'Post'
group by v.voteable_id
order by votes_count DESC limit 20
I am in the process of installing postgresql locally but wanted to get this out sooner :)
Thank you
MySQL is a lot looser in its interpretation of standard SQL than PostgreSQL is. There are two issues with your query:
Backtick quoting is a MySQL thing.
Your GROUP BY is invalid.
The first one can be fixed by simply removing the offending quotes. The second one requires more work; from the fine manual:
When GROUP BY is present, it is not valid for the SELECT list expressions to refer to ungrouped columns except within aggregate functions, since there would be more than one possible value to return for an ungrouped column.
This means that every column mentioned in your SELECT either has to appear in an aggregate function or in the GROUP BY clause. So, you have to expand your p.* and make sure that all those columns are in the GROUP BY, you should end up with something like this but with real columns in place of p.column...:
select, p.column..., sum( as votes_count
from votes v, posts p
where = v.voteable_id
and v.voteable_type = 'Post'
group by, p.column...
order by votes_count desc
limit 20
This is a pretty common problem when moving from MySQL to anything else.

How do I use ST_Contains in following case?

I have two tables. First with points, and second with polygons. I need to find out which points are in required polygon according to the attribute gid.
Using query: SELECT table1.* FROM table1, table2 WHERE table2.gid=1 AND ST_Contains(table2.geom2, table1.geom1);
What I get is empty table (only columns without data)...
Are you sure there are any intersecting points? Try
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table2 WHERE table2.gid=1
It should return 1.
Another thing you could try is using ST_Intersects instead of ST_Contains.
Otherwise, you might need to post some data dumps of data you think should match.