Calling a function from stateflow - matlab

I am trying to call a function (can be matlab function or a simlink function) from a stateflow in one subsystem, the function must be located in another subsystem as shown below:
enter image description here
The first subsystem will have a stateflow which calls this function. It doesn't really matter if this function is a M-script, currently I do not know how to work around with matlab function (mscript) as it needs the arguments of the functions as inputs.
Is there any workaround for this problem?

ml.functionname() would solve the issue, if passing the argument in a function be sure u have them defined in model explorer for respective Stateflow.


Can I pass a "coder.opaque" variable from one Matlab function to another inside a StateFlow diagram?

I have a StateFlow chart (C action language) that calls a Matlab function embedded on it. This Matlab function calls an external C function using coder.ceval, which returns a variable that is declared using coder.opaque.
I have another Matlab function embeeded on the same Stateflow that calls another external C function and that requires the coder.opaque variable returned by the previous Matlab function to be passed as an argument.
Is there a way that I can pass that coder.opaque variable from the first Matlab function block to the second one?
I would imagine that joining the two Matlab functions inside the same block (and adding a switch-case statement to execute one or the other) can work, but I would really like to have them in separate blocks.
My objective is to generate the code of the model. Thanks in advance!

multiple return variables from graphical function in stateflow

I'm using stateflow graphical function and one of my return parameters are not updated after exiting the function.
I'm using matlab as my default code language.
Is it possible to return more than one variable from a graphical function?
What is the correct way for returning more than one parameter from a graphical function?
Thank u
As per the documentation: The syntax for calling a function with multiple outputs is exactly the same as in MATLAB.
There are several examples of doing this in the documentation, including Multi-Output Graphical Function

How can I create multiple inputs for a matlab function block?

I want to restrict the variable that I use as input for a matlab function block, it must be only able to increase.
To achieve that i have tried to compare the variable and the previous sample of it in a matlab function, but i don't know how to create two inputs. To solve that i've tried to use a mux, but then i get an error. And google doesn't give me an explanation how to use a mux signal as input for a matlab function.
So that leaves me here with this low-level question.
Thanks in advance for your help and time. Cheers.
To use multiple variables in a function, you need to modify your function declaration at the first line of your function. The reference syntax is:
function [y1,...,yN] = myfun(x1,...,xM)
where x1 through xM are inputs. Your declaration with two inputs might look something like:
function [returnValue] = hasIncreased(previousSample, variable)
See the Matlab Function Documentation for more information.

matlab function parser on gui

I need to do a parser on my gui in matlab in which you can type your own function formula that will be used for computations. I came up with to make function that gets function from edit box as a string and saves it to m-file as a function. But any further calling changed file do not bring expected results if the first form of function were stored in memory. Do you have any other ideas to solve it?
Instead of writing the code to an m-file, take a look at the eval function.

Matlab Simulink function

I am building a reduced order observer in MATLAB. The matrices are calculated using functions/script files outside matlab and simulink function blocks are using these functions to calculate values.
The problem is that some commands like 'acker', 'place' etc which used to work on command window/function/script files are not working in simulink function block and showing errors.
I tried using simin block to take these matrices from workspace but it is also showing errors which I can't understand.
Thanks for your help.
If I get your question correctly then, from User defined functions, you could add a Matlab function block with the following code:
function fcn(in)
coder.extrinsic('acker', 'place')
# Now you can use acker, place so add more code.