Spark DataFrame Summary - scala

Say I have a Spark SQL DataFrame like so:
name gender grade
Joe M 3
Sue F 2
Pam F 3
Gil M 2
Lon F 3
Kim F 3
Zoe F 2
I want to create a report of single values like so:
numMales numFemales numGrade2 numGrade3
2 5 3 4
What is the best way to do this? I know how to get one of these individually like so:
val numMales = dataDF.where($"gender" == "M").count
But I don't really know how to put this into a DataFrame, or how to combine all the results.

Use of when, sum and struct inbuilt functions should give you your desired result
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._"gender")==="M", 1)).as("numMales"), sum(when(col("gender")==="F", 1)).as("numFemales")).as("genderCounts"),
struct(sum(when(col("grade")===2, 1)).as("numGrade2"), sum(when(col("grade")===3, 1)).as("numGrade3")).as("gradeCounts"))
.select(col("genderCounts.*"), col("gradeCounts.*"))
which should give you
|2 |5 |3 |4 |

You can explode and pivot:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val cols = Seq("gender", "grade")
.select(explode(array(cols map (c => concat(lit(c), col(c))): _*)))
// +-------+-------+------+------+
// |genderF|genderM|grade2|grade3|
// +-------+-------+------+------+
// | 5| 2| 3| 4|
// +-------+-------+------+------+

I'd say that you need to .groupBy().count() your dataframe separately by each column, them combine the answers into a new dataframe.


Databricks: how to convert Spark dataframe under %r to dataframe under %python

I found some tips about converting a pyspark dataframe to R, but I need to perform the opposite task: convert a R dataframe to pyspark
Anyone knows how to do it?
You can use the same approach as for other languages - use createOrReplaceTempView function to register your dataframe, and then use spark.sql from another language to access its content.
For example. If R side looks as following:
id <- c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 3), 3)
desc <- c('New', 'New', 'Good', 'New', 'Good', 'Good', 'New')
df <- data.frame(id, desc)
df <- createDataFrame(df)
createOrReplaceTempView(df, "test_df")
id desc
1 1 New
2 1 New
3 1 Good
4 2 New
5 2 Good
6 2 Good
then you can access these data from Python:
df = spark.sql("select * from test_df")
| id|desc|
|1.0| New|
|1.0| New|
|2.0| New|
|3.0| New|

Merge repeated values into a field in a Dataframe with scala and spark

I have a DF like following :
ID hier
1 Z1
1 Z2
2 Z1
2 Z2
and the output required is a DF like the next :
ID hier
1 Z1,Z2
2 Z1,Z2
Im know about the Fold and reduce but I dont have very clear how use that for this case .
Fold and Reduce are functional methods. Working with DataFrames provides a relational algebra to express your transformations. You should consider using the collect_list built-in function for your question :
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
).toDF("ID", "hier")
|ID |hier |
|2 |[Z1, Z2] |
|1 |[Z1, Z2] |
And if you want a String, you can use this transformation instead :
|ID |hier |
|2 |Z1,Z2|
|1 |Z1,Z2|

Scala how to match two dfs if mathes then update the key in first df

I have data in two dataframes:
ID key
first second third key
1 9 9 777
9 8 8 878
8 10 10 765
10 12 19 909
11 2 20 708
Code :
val personDF ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "false").csv("person.csv")
val detailsDF ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "false").csv("details.csv")
I have to match the selectedPersonDF id column with selectedDetailsDF all the columns(First, Second, Third) if any of the column data matches with persons id then we have to take the key value from selectedDetailsDF and have to update in selectedPersonDF key column.
Expected output (in selectedPersonDF):
ID key
1 777
2 708
and after removing the first row from persons'df since its matched with detailsdf remaining data should be stored in another df.
You can use join and use || condition checking and left join as
val finalDF = selectedPersonDF.join(selectedDetailsDF.withColumnRenamed("key", "key2"), $"ID" === $"first" || $"ID" === $"second" || $"ID" === $"third", "left")
.select($"ID", $"key2".as("key"))
so finalDF should give you
|ID |key |
|1 |777 |
|2 |708 |
|3 |null|
|4 |null|
|5 |null|
We can call .na.fill("") on above dataframe (key column has to be StringType()) to get
|ID |key|
|1 |777|
|2 |708|
|3 | |
|4 | |
|5 | |
After that you can use filter to separate the dataframe into matching and non matching using key column with value and null repectively
val notMatchingDF = finalDF.filter($"key" === "")
val matchingDF = finalDF.except(notMatchingDF)
Updated for if the column names of selectedDetailsDF is unknown except the key column
If the column names of the second dataframe is unknown then you will have to form an array column of the unknown columns as
val columnsToCheck = selectedDetailsDF.columns.toSet - "key" toList
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val tempSelectedDetailsDF = _*).as("array"), col("key").as("key2"))
Now tempSelectedDetailsDF dataframe has two columns: combined column of all the unknown columns as an array column and the key column renamed as key2.
After that you would need a udf function for checking the condition while joining
val arrayContains = udf((array: collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String], value: String) => array.contains(value))
And then you join the dataframes using the call to the defined udf function as
val finalDF = selectedPersonDF.join(tempSelectedDetailsDF, arrayContains($"array", $"ID"), "left")
.select($"ID", $"key2".as("key"))
Rest of the process is already defined above.
I hope the answer is helpful and understandable.

Remove duplicates in Pair RDD based on Values

I have an RDD with multiple rows which looks like below.
val row = [(String, String), (String, String, String)]
The value is a sequence of Tuples. In the tuple, the last String is a timestamp and the second one is category. I want to filter this sequence based on maximum timestamp for each category.
(A,B) Id Category Timestamp
(123,abc) 1 A 2016-07-22 21:22:59+0000
(234,bcd) 2 B 2016-07-20 21:21:20+0000
(123,abc) 1 A 2017-07-09 21:22:59+0000
(345,cde) 4 C 2016-07-05 09:22:30+0000
(456,def) 5 D 2016-07-21 07:32:06+0000
(234,bcd) 2 B 2015-07-20 21:21:20+0000
I want one row for each of the categories.I was looking for some help on getting the row with the max timestamp for each category. The result I am looking to get is
(A,B) Id Category Timestamp
(234,bcd) 2 B 2016-07-20 21:21:20+0000
(123,abc) 1 A 2017-07-09 21:22:59+0000
(345,cde) 4 C 2016-07-05 09:22:30+0000
(456,def) 5 D 2016-07-21 07:32:06+0000
Given input dataframe as
|(A,B) |Id |Category|Timestamp |
|[123,abc]|1 |A |2016-07-22 21:22:59+0000|
|[234,bcd]|2 |B |2016-07-20 21:21:20+0000|
|[123,abc]|1 |A |2017-07-09 21:22:59+0000|
|[345,cde]|4 |C |2016-07-05 09:22:30+0000|
|[456,def]|5 |D |2016-07-21 07:32:06+0000|
|[234,bcd]|2 |B |2015-07-20 21:21:20+0000|
You can do the following to get the result dataframe you require
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val requiredDataframe = df.orderBy($"Timestamp".desc).groupBy("Category").agg(first("(A,B)").as("(A,B)"), first("Id").as("Id"), first("Timestamp").as("Timestamp"))
You should have the requiredDataframe as
|Category|(A,B) |Id |Timestamp |
|B |[234,bcd]|2 |2016-07-20 21:21:20+0000|
|D |[456,def]|5 |2016-07-21 07:32:06+0000|
|C |[345,cde]|4 |2016-07-05 09:22:30+0000|
|A |[123,abc]|1 |2017-07-09 21:22:59+0000|
You can do the same by using Window function as below
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val windowSpec = Window.partitionBy("Category").orderBy($"Timestamp".desc)
df.withColumn("rank", rank().over(windowSpec)).filter($"rank" === lit(1)).drop("rank")

Get Unique records in Spark [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to select the first row of each group?
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a dataframe df as mentioned below:
**customers** **product** **val_id** **rule_name** **rule_id** **priority**
1 A 1 ABC 123 1
3 Z r ERF 789 2
2 B X ABC 123 2
2 B X DEF 456 3
1 A 1 DEF 456 2
I want to create a new dataframe df2, which will have only unique customer ids, but as rule_name and rule_id columns are different for same customer in data, so I want to pick those records which has highest priority for the same customer, so my final outcome should be:
**customers** **product** **val_id** **rule_name** **rule_id** **priority**
1 A 1 ABC 123 1
3 Z r ERF 789 2
2 B X ABC 123 2
Can anyone please help me to achieve it using Spark scala. Any help will be appericiated.
You basically want to select rows with extreme values in a column. This is a really common issue, so there's even a whole tag greatest-n-per-group. Also see this question SQL Select only rows with Max Value on a Column which has a nice answer.
Here's an example for your specific case.
Note that this could select multiple rows for a customer, if there are multiple rows for that customer with the same (minimum) priority value.
This example is in pyspark, but it should be straightforward to translate to Scala
# find best priority for each customer. this DF has only two columns.
cusPriDF = df.groupBy("customers").agg( F.min(df["priority"]).alias("priority") )
# now join back to choose only those rows and get all columns back
bestRowsDF = df.join(cusPriDF, on=["customers","priority"], how="inner")
To create df2 you have to first order df by priority and then find unique customers by id. Like this:
val columns = == "customers").map(col => first(col).as(col))
val df2 = df.orderBy("priority").groupBy("customers").agg(columns.head, columns.tail:_*).show
It would give you expected output:
| customers| product| val_id| rule_name| rule_id| priority|
| 1| A| 1| ABC| 123| 1|
| 3| Z| r| ERF| 789| 2|
| 2| B| X| ABC| 123| 2|
Corey beat me to it, but here's the Scala version:
val df = Seq(
val priorities = df.groupBy("customers").agg( min(df.col("priority")).alias("priority"))
val top_rows = df.join(priorities, Seq("customers","priority"), "inner")
| 1| 1| A| 1| ABC| 123|
| 3| 2| Z| r| ERF| 789|
| 2| 2| B| X| ABC| 123|
You will have to use min aggregation on priority column grouping the dataframe by customers and then inner join the original dataframe with the aggregated dataframe and select the required columns.
val aggregatedDF = dataframe.groupBy("customers").agg(max("priority").as("priority_1"))
.withColumnRenamed("customers", "customers_1")
val finalDF = dataframe.join(aggregatedDF, dataframe("customers") === aggregatedDF("customers_1") && dataframe("priority") === aggregatedDF("priority_1"))"customers", "product", "val_id", "rule_name", "rule_id", "priority").show
you should have the desired result