How can i convert the output of prnmngr into custom object? - powershell

output of cscript prnmngr.vbs -l
Server name abcd
Printer name \\\mailroom
Share name mailroom
Driver name Canon iR-ADV 4225/4235 UFR II
Port name
Print processor winprint
Data type RAW
Attributes 536
Priority 1
Default priority 0
Average pages per minute 0
Printer status Idle
Extended printer status Unknown
Detected error state Unknown
Extended detected error state Unknown
Server name cdef
Printer name \\\mailroom3
Share name mailroom3
Driver name Canon iR-ADV 4225/4235 UFR II
Port name
Print processor winprint
Data type RAW
Attributes 536
Priority 1
Default priority 0
Average pages per minute 0
Printer status Idle
Extended printer status Unknown
Detected error state Unknown
Extended detected error state Unknown
something like (note the modified output property names):
$CustomPrinterobjects = New-Object –TypeName PSObject
$CustomPrinterobjects | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ComputerName –Value "$a"
$CustomPrinterobjects | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name Name –Value "$b"
$CustomPrinterobjects | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ShareName –Value "$c"
$CustomPrinterobjects | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name DriverName –Value "$d"
$CustomPrinterobjects | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name PortName –Value "$e"
where $a, $b, $c,$d, $e represent property values looped over the output of cscript prnmngr.vbs -l

Kory Gill helpfully suggests using the W8+ / W2K12+ Get-Printer cmdlet instead.
Similarly, kuujinbo suggests Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Printer for earlier OS versions.
In the spirit of PowerShell, both commands returns objects whose properties you can access directly - no need for text parsing.
In case you still have a need to parse the output from cscript prnmngr.vbs -l (if it provides extra information that the cited commands do not), use the following approach - note how much effort is needed to parse the textual output into structured objects:
Given that all information is space-separated and the property name part of each line is composed of varying numbers of tokens, the only predictable way to parse the text is to:
maintain a collection of well-known property names
consider whatever comes after the property name on the line the value.
A PSv3+ solution:
# Map the input property names of interest to output property names,
# using a hashtable.
$propNameMap = #{
'Server name ' = 'ComputerName'
'Printer name ' = 'Name'
'Share name ' = 'ShareName'
'Driver name ' = 'DriverName'
'Port name ' = 'PortName'
# Split the output of `cscript prnmngr.vbs -l` into paragraphs and
# parse each paragaph into a custom object with only the properties of interest.
$customPrinterObjs = (cscript prnmngr.vbs -l) -join "`n" -split "`n`n" | ForEach-Object {
$ohtFields = [ordered] #{}
foreach ($line in $_ -split "`n") {
foreach ($propNamePair in $propNameMap.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($line -like ($propNamePair.Key + '*')) {
$ohtFields[$propNamePair.Value] = $line.Substring($propNamePair.Key.length)
[pscustomobject] $ohtFields
# Output the resulting custom objects.
With your sample input, the above yields a 2-element [pscustomobject] array:
ComputerName : abcd
Name : \\\mailroom
ShareName : mailroom
DriverName : Canon iR-ADV 4225/4235 UFR II
PortName :
ComputerName : cdef
Name : \\\mailroom3
ShareName : mailroom3
DriverName : Canon iR-ADV 4225/4235 UFR II
PortName :
(cscript prnmngr.vbs -l) -join "`n" collects the output lines from cscript prnmngr.vbs -l in an array and then joins them to form a single multiline string.
-split "`n`n" splits the resulting multiline string into paragraphs, each representing a single printer's properties.
The ForEach-Object script block then processes each printer's properties paragraph:
foreach($line in $_ -split "`n") splits the multiline paragraph back into an array of lines and loops over them.
$ohtFields = [ordered] #{} initializes an empty ordered hashtable (where entries are reflected in definition order on output) to serve as the basis for creating a custom object.
The inner foreach loop then checks each line for containing a property of interest, and, if so, adds an entry to the output hashtable with the output property name and the property value, which is the part that follows the well-known property name on the line.
Finally, the ordered hashtable is output as a custom object by casting it to [pscustomobject].

Calling a vbscript-script from Powershell just feels like a "re-write it in Powershell sort of thing" (not to be judgy). #KoryGill asks an interesting question, "Why not just call Get-Printer"?
But, to your question, you can totally turn that into an object, but you'll have to do some text manipulation:
$printer_stuff = $(cscript prnmngr.vbs -l)
This will create a string array named $printer_stuff where each element has a separate line of output on it. You'll want to make a list of tokens for each printer property e.g., server name, printer name, etc. You'll iterate over the output (in the string array) copying the properties to a PSObject. Here is a cheap example to demonstrate the point:
## Make a list of tokens
$tokens = #('Server name', 'Printer name', 'Share name')
## This will be your printer object
$printer = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
## Parsing the string array and stuffing the good bits into your printer object
foreach ($thing in $printer_stuff[0..17]) {
foreach ($token in $tokens) {
if ($thing -match $token) {
Add-Member -InputObject $printer -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $token -Value $thing.Replace($token, '')
## Here is your object...
If the prnmgr.vbs script will be returning information on a bunch of printers, you can stuff that $printer object into an an array:
$printers = #()
$printers += $printer
You can pull each printer's data out of the string array with something like...
$min = 0
$max = $size
while ($min -lt $printer_stuff.length) {
$min = $max + 1
$max += $size
As you can see, this is a big pain in the ass, which is why I suggest just to re-write the thing in Powershell. If you're slick enough to do this bit, you're slick enough to port the vbscript-script.
Good Luck,


How to dynamically add new properties to custom object in PowerShell

I have a custom object that contains device information that looks something like this.
PC1,Elitebook 850, ABC123,
PC2,EliteDesk 600,123ABC
I have a function that retrieves threats detected by an antivirus product. These are returned as an array of objects. There are more properties than below but this is just an example
I would like to add each member as properties to the custom object so the final output is similar to this.
Currently, my script does this:
foreach($device in $devices){
$threats = Get-Threats $device
[pscustomobject] #{
name = $device.device_name
make = $device.make
sn = $
ThreatFileName = $threats.File -join ", "
Threat_md5 = $threats.md5 -join ", "
This works ok but I'd really like each object returned by the 'Get-Threats' function to be listed as its own set of properties. I need this to be generated dynamically because I don't know how many threats will be returned for each device.
Any thoughts on how to go about this?
You can add properties to objects at any time with the Add-Member cmdlet. Maybe start with an empty object and loop through the elements returned by Get-Threats, adding a member each time?
Edit: Example code to answer for reference.
$o = [pscustomobject]#{
$o | ft
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MemberE' -Value 'eee'
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MemberF' -Value 'fff'
$o | ft
The answer from #krome got me pointed in the right direction although that answer wouldn't work for me as there could be multiple threats for each device.
I used the answer from #scobi on Dynamically get PSCustomObject property and values to arrive at this answer which meets my requirement that the new properties be generated dynamically.
foreach($device in $devices){
$threats = Get-Threats $device
if($null -ne $threats){
$i = 1
foreach($threat in $threats){
$threat | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | % Name | %{
Add-Member -InputObject $device -NotePropertyName ("Threat"+$i.ToString() + "_" + $_) -NotePropertyValue $threat.$_ -Force
Write-Output $devices
I loop over each device in the devices array and call my
Get-Threats function.
The if statement prevents the loop from running for any devices
that don't have threats.
$i is used as my counter to increment the property name for each
threat found so the properties will all have unique names
I then loop over each threat found piping to Get-Member to retrieve
the property name and values
I use Add-Member to add additional properties for each threat found
to each device in the loop, using the counter to give each propery a unique name

Listing all user properties but excluding whitespace/empty fields in Powershell [duplicate]

How do I get properties that ONLY have populated values?
So for example if I run
Get-QADUser -Identity "SomeOne" -IncludeAllProperties
the output would of course include.. all properties, including those with and those without values. I want a listing of properties with values only. How is it done generally speaking?
This wouldn't be restricted to Quest Cmdlets, I only use Get-QADUser as an example.
You could try using the built-in (hidden) property of PowerShell objects called PSObject, which includes a property called Properties, i.e. a list of all properties on the parent object.
Maybe easier with an example. Take Get-Process... a process can have many attributes (properties) with or without values. In order to get just the ones with values you do this:
(Get-Process | Select -First 1).PSObject.Properties | ?{$_.Value -ne $null} | FT Name,Value
Note that I limited this to just the first process returned by Get-Process. We then get all the properties defined on that object, filtering where Value is not null and then displaying just the Name and Value for those properties.
To complement Charlie Joynt's helpful answer:
Below is convenience function Remove-NullProperties, which creates custom-object copies of its input objects populated with only the non-$null properties of the input objects.
Example use:
# Sample input collection, with 2 objects with different $null-valued
# properties.
$coll = [pscustomobject] #{ one = 'r1c1'; two = $null; three = 'r1c3' },
[pscustomobject] #{ one = 'r2c1'; two = 'r2c2'; three = $null }
# Output copies containing only non-$null-valued properties.
# NOTE: The `ForEach-Object { Out-String -InputObject $_ }` part is solely
# there to ensure that *all* resulting properties are shown.
# With the default output, only the properties found on the FIRST
# input object would be used in the output table.
$coll | Remove-NullProperties |
ForEach-Object { Out-String -InputObject $_ }
This yields the following - note how the respective null-valued properties were removed:
one three
--- -----
r1c1 r1c3
one two
--- ---
r2c1 r2c2
Remove-NullProperties source code:
Removes properties with $null values from custom-object copies of
the input objects.
Note that output objects are custom objects that are copies of the input
objects with copies of only those input-object properties that are not $null.
CAVEAT: If you pipe multiple objects to this function, and these objects
differ in what properties are non-$null-valued, the default output
format will show only the non-$null-valued properties of the FIRST object.
Use ... | ForEach-Object { Out-String -InputObject $_ } to avoid
this problem.
Since the output objects are generally of a distinct type - [pscustomobject] -
and have only NoteProperty members, use of this function only makes sense
with plain-old data objects as input.
> [pscustomobject] #{ one = 1; two = $null; three = 3 } | Remove-NullProperties
one three
--- -----
1 3
function Remove-NullProperties {
[psobject] $InputObject
process {
# Create the initially empty output object
$obj = [pscustomobject]::new()
# Loop over all input-object properties.
foreach($prop in $ {
# If a property is non-$null, add it to the output object.
if ($null -ne $InputObject.$($prop.Name)) {
Add-Member -InputObject $obj -NotePropertyName $prop.Name -NotePropertyValue $prop.Value
# Give the output object a type name that reflects the type of the input
# object prefixed with 'NonNull.' - note that this is purely informational, unless
# you define a custom output format for this type name.
$obj.pstypenames.Insert(0, 'NonNull.' + $InputObject.GetType().FullName)
# Output the output object.
These answers didn't work for me in the case of importing an object from an Infoblox csv file. Some values were the empty string, but not null. Testing whether a property is true or not, seems to work better for me. And the result is an object.
$a = [pscustomobject]#{one='hi';two='';three='there'}
$prop = $a.psobject.Properties | where value | foreach name
$a | select $prop
one three
--- -----
hi there
You first get its properties (since Get-QADUser depends on AD schema, the properties list is dynamic) with get-member -type property, then filter out those that don't have \{.*(get).*\} in its definition (that is, they are not "gettable"), then enumerate the resultant list by name and filter out nulls.
$someone=Get-QADUser -Identity "SomeOne" -IncludeAllProperties
$members=$someone|get-member -type property| where {$_.definition -match '\{.*(get).*\}'}
foreach ($member in $members) {
if ($someone[$] -ne $null) {
write-host $ $someone[$]

How do I get properties that ONLY have populated values?

How do I get properties that ONLY have populated values?
So for example if I run
Get-QADUser -Identity "SomeOne" -IncludeAllProperties
the output would of course include.. all properties, including those with and those without values. I want a listing of properties with values only. How is it done generally speaking?
This wouldn't be restricted to Quest Cmdlets, I only use Get-QADUser as an example.
You could try using the built-in (hidden) property of PowerShell objects called PSObject, which includes a property called Properties, i.e. a list of all properties on the parent object.
Maybe easier with an example. Take Get-Process... a process can have many attributes (properties) with or without values. In order to get just the ones with values you do this:
(Get-Process | Select -First 1).PSObject.Properties | ?{$_.Value -ne $null} | FT Name,Value
Note that I limited this to just the first process returned by Get-Process. We then get all the properties defined on that object, filtering where Value is not null and then displaying just the Name and Value for those properties.
To complement Charlie Joynt's helpful answer:
Below is convenience function Remove-NullProperties, which creates custom-object copies of its input objects populated with only the non-$null properties of the input objects.
Example use:
# Sample input collection, with 2 objects with different $null-valued
# properties.
$coll = [pscustomobject] #{ one = 'r1c1'; two = $null; three = 'r1c3' },
[pscustomobject] #{ one = 'r2c1'; two = 'r2c2'; three = $null }
# Output copies containing only non-$null-valued properties.
# NOTE: The `ForEach-Object { Out-String -InputObject $_ }` part is solely
# there to ensure that *all* resulting properties are shown.
# With the default output, only the properties found on the FIRST
# input object would be used in the output table.
$coll | Remove-NullProperties |
ForEach-Object { Out-String -InputObject $_ }
This yields the following - note how the respective null-valued properties were removed:
one three
--- -----
r1c1 r1c3
one two
--- ---
r2c1 r2c2
Remove-NullProperties source code:
Removes properties with $null values from custom-object copies of
the input objects.
Note that output objects are custom objects that are copies of the input
objects with copies of only those input-object properties that are not $null.
CAVEAT: If you pipe multiple objects to this function, and these objects
differ in what properties are non-$null-valued, the default output
format will show only the non-$null-valued properties of the FIRST object.
Use ... | ForEach-Object { Out-String -InputObject $_ } to avoid
this problem.
Since the output objects are generally of a distinct type - [pscustomobject] -
and have only NoteProperty members, use of this function only makes sense
with plain-old data objects as input.
> [pscustomobject] #{ one = 1; two = $null; three = 3 } | Remove-NullProperties
one three
--- -----
1 3
function Remove-NullProperties {
[psobject] $InputObject
process {
# Create the initially empty output object
$obj = [pscustomobject]::new()
# Loop over all input-object properties.
foreach($prop in $ {
# If a property is non-$null, add it to the output object.
if ($null -ne $InputObject.$($prop.Name)) {
Add-Member -InputObject $obj -NotePropertyName $prop.Name -NotePropertyValue $prop.Value
# Give the output object a type name that reflects the type of the input
# object prefixed with 'NonNull.' - note that this is purely informational, unless
# you define a custom output format for this type name.
$obj.pstypenames.Insert(0, 'NonNull.' + $InputObject.GetType().FullName)
# Output the output object.
These answers didn't work for me in the case of importing an object from an Infoblox csv file. Some values were the empty string, but not null. Testing whether a property is true or not, seems to work better for me. And the result is an object.
$a = [pscustomobject]#{one='hi';two='';three='there'}
$prop = $a.psobject.Properties | where value | foreach name
$a | select $prop
one three
--- -----
hi there
You first get its properties (since Get-QADUser depends on AD schema, the properties list is dynamic) with get-member -type property, then filter out those that don't have \{.*(get).*\} in its definition (that is, they are not "gettable"), then enumerate the resultant list by name and filter out nulls.
$someone=Get-QADUser -Identity "SomeOne" -IncludeAllProperties
$members=$someone|get-member -type property| where {$_.definition -match '\{.*(get).*\}'}
foreach ($member in $members) {
if ($someone[$] -ne $null) {
write-host $ $someone[$]

Powershell - Exporting Non-string Multivalued Properties

I have the following to dynamically expand properties of objects I feed into the function, but ToString() is often spitting out the property types instead:
Function ExpandMultivaluedProperties
$results= $InputObject |
ForEach-Object {
$properties = New-Object PSObject
$_.PSObject.Properties |
ForEach-Object {
$propertyName = $_.Name
$propertyValue = $_.Value
If ($propertyValue -NE $NULL) {
$values = #()
ForEach ($value In $propertyValue) {
$values += $value.ToString()
Add-Member -inputObject $properties NoteProperty -name $propertyName -value "$([String]::Join(";",$values))"
} Else {
Add-Member -inputObject $properties NoteProperty -name $propertyName -value $NULL
return $results
ExpandMultivaluedProperties -InputObject (Get-ExchangeCertificate) | Export-CSV -path "Cert.csv" -NoTypeInformation
In particular with the results of Get-ExchangeCertificate, what I end up with is
as the IssuerName for each certificate.
The code works fine for any string-friendly properties, but I'm aiming for it to be robust enough to handle any property that would normally show up correctly with a | Format-List
Any thoughts on how to print/expand similar properties programmatically without having to use a "Select" expression?
In a string context, the instances of many types default to simply printing their type name - e.g., System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName - which is often not helpful.
However, you can use Out-String instead, which applies PowerShell's default output formatting (the same output format you'd see in the console):
$values += Out-String -InputObject $value
One caveat is that the resulting strings often have leading or trailing empty lines. You can remove leading and/or trailing empty lines with the following variation:
$values += (Out-String -InputObject $value).Trim()
The default width of the output lines for non-string data is based on the PowerShell host, and defaults to the width of the window buffer in the regular console minus 1 (excluding the line break); i.e., 79 in with the default console window size.
Use -Width to specify an output line width (excluding the line break) explicitly.
Longer lines are truncated, i.e., the information is lost.
Note that [string] values are not affected - they are output as-is.
Conversely, if the output is in table format (implicit use of Format-Table), shorter lines are right-padded with spaces to the implied or specified width.
Given that lines can be padded, you shouldn't use something like Out-String -Width ([int]::MaxValue]) to prevent truncation (in fact, you may run out of memory).
Instead, use a reasonably high value such as -Width 255, as #Abraxas000 did in his own answer.
If you wanted to condense the typically multi-line output to a one-liner, use something like the the following, though :
$values += ($value | Out-String).Trim() -replace '\s*\r?\n', '; ' -replace '\s+', ' '
;  was chosen to replace the line breaks here, and line-internal runs of whitespace are normalized to a single space each - whether the results are still readable probably both depends on the specific output format and the eye of the beholder.
To give a concrete example:
> $ht = #{ one = 1; two = 2; three = 3 } # sample hashtable
> $val = "$ht"; "ht: $val" # hashtable is stringified -> type name only
ht: System.Collections.Hashtable
> $val = Out-String -InputObject $ht; "ht: $val" # Out-String creates meaningful representation
Name Value
---- -----
one 1
two 2
three 3
> ($ht | Out-String).Trim() -replace '\s*\r?\n', '; ' -replace '\s+', ' '
Name Value; ---- -----; one 1; two 2; three 3
#mklement0 Gave me an answer that lead me as close to ideal as I have time for, so go up-vote it!
My code as of posting this:
Function ExpandMultivaluedProperties
$results= $InputObject |
ForEach-Object {
$properties = New-Object PSObject
$_.PSObject.Properties |
ForEach-Object {
$propertyName = $_.Name
$propertyValue = $_.Value
If ($propertyValue -NE $NULL) {
$values = #()
ForEach ($value In $propertyValue) {
if (($value.ToString()).StartsWith("System."))
$values += (Out-String -InputObject $value -Width 255).Trim()
$values += $value.ToString()
Add-Member -inputObject $properties NoteProperty -name $propertyName -value "$([String]::Join(";",$values))"
} Else {
Add-Member -inputObject $properties NoteProperty -name $propertyName -value $NULL
return $results
This gives me the one-line value I expect to see for the simpler properties while properly expanding the complex properties.
Even if the property is simple and the value starts with "System.", the data will still be present, just not in the simpler, one-liner format I prefer for CSVs.
Thanks again, #mklement0!

Difference between PSObject, Hashtable, and PSCustomObject

Can anybody explain the details? If I create an object using
$var = [PSObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3}
and then I look for its type using getType() PowerShell tells me it's of type Hashtable.
When using Get-Member (alias gm) to inspect the object it's obvious that a hashtable has been created, since it has a keys and a values property. So what's the difference to a "normal" hashtable?
Also, what's the advantage of using a PSCustomObject? When creating one using something like this
$var = [PSCustomObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3}
the only visible difference to me is the different datatype of PSCustomObject. Also instead of keys and value properties, a inspection with gm shows that now every key has been added as a NoteProperty object.
But what advantages do I have? I'm able to access my values by using its keys, just like in the hashtable. I can store more than simple key-value pairs (key-object pairs for example) in the PSCustomObject, JUST as in the hashtable. So what's the advantage? Are there any important differences?
One scenario where [PSCustomObject] is used instead of HashTable is when you need a collection of them. The following is to illustrate the difference in how they are handled:
$Hash = 1..10 | %{ #{Name="Object $_" ; Index=$_ ; Squared = $_*$_} }
$Custom = 1..10 | %{[PSCustomObject] #{Name="Object $_" ; Index=$_ ; Squared = $_*$_} }
$Hash | Format-Table -AutoSize
$Custom | Format-Table -AutoSize
$Hash | Export-Csv .\Hash.csv -NoTypeInformation
$Custom | Export-Csv .\CustomObject.csv -NoTypeInformation
Format-Table will result in the following for $Hash:
Name Value
---- -----
Name Object 1
Squared 1
Index 1
Name Object 2
Squared 4
Index 2
Name Object 3
Squared 9
And the following for $CustomObject:
Name Index Squared
---- ----- -------
Object 1 1 1
Object 2 2 4
Object 3 3 9
Object 4 4 16
Object 5 5 25
The same thing happens with Export-Csv, thus the reason to use [PSCustomObject] instead of just plain HashTable.
Say I want to create a folder. If I use a PSObject you can tell it is wrong by
looking at it
PS > [PSObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'}
Name Value
---- -----
Path foo
Type directory
However the PSCustomObject looks correct
PS > [PSCustomObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'}
Path Type
---- ----
foo directory
I can then pipe the object
[PSCustomObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'} | New-Item
From the PSObject documentation:
Wraps an object providing alternate views of the available members and ways to extend them. Members can be methods, properties, parameterized properties, etc.
In other words, a PSObject is an object that you can add methods and properties to after you've created it.
From the "About Hash Tables" documentation:
A hash table, also known as a dictionary or associative array, is a compact data structure that stores one or more key/value pairs.
Hash tables are frequently used because they are very efficient for finding and retrieving data.
You can use a PSObject like a Hashtable because PowerShell allows you to add properties to PSObjects, but you shouldn't do this because you'll lose access to Hashtable specific functionality, such as the Keys and Values properties. Also, there may be performance costs and additional memory usage.
The PowerShell documentation has the following information about PSCustomObject:
Serves as a placeholder BaseObject when PSObject's constructor with no parameters is used.
This was unclear to me, but a post on a PowerShell forum from the co-author of a number of PowerShell books seems more clear:
[PSCustomObject] is a type accelerator. It constructs a PSObject, but does so in a way that results in hash table keys becoming properties. PSCustomObject isn't an object type per se – it's a process shortcut. ... PSCustomObject is a placeholder that's used when PSObject is called with no constructor parameters.
Regarding your code, #{a=1;b=2;c=3} is a Hashtable. [PSObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3} doesn't convert the Hashtable to a PSObject or generate an error. The object remains a Hashtable. However, [PSCustomObject]#{a=1;b=2;c=3} converts the Hashtable into a PSObject. I wasn't able to find documentation stating why this happens.
If you want to convert a Hashtable into an object in order to use its keys as property names you can use one of the following lines of code:
# OR
New-Object PSObject -Property #{a=1;b=2;c=3}
# NOTE: Both have the type PSCustomObject
If you want to convert a number of Hashtables into an object where their keys are property names you can use the following code:
#{name='a';num=1},#{name='b';num=2} |
% { [PSCustomObject]$_ }
# OR
#{name='a';num=1},#{name='b';num=2} |
% { New-Object PSObject -Property $_ }
name num
---- ---
a 1
b 2
Finding documentation regarding NoteProperty was difficult. In the Add-Member documentation, there isn't any -MemberType that makes sense for adding object properties other than NoteProperty. The Windows PowerShell Cookbook (3rd Edition) defined the Noteproperty Membertype as:
A property defined by the initial value you provide
Lee, H. (2013). Windows PowerShell Cookbook. O'Reilly Media, Inc. p. 895.
One advantage I think for PSObject is that you can create custom methods with it.
For example,
$o = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "Sqrt" -Value {
echo "the square root of $($this.value) is $([Math]::Round([Math]::Sqrt($this.value),2))"
} -inputObject $o
You can use this to control the sorting order of the PSObject properties (see PSObject sorting)
I think the biggest difference you'll see is the performance. Have a look at this blog post:
Combining Objects Efficiently – Use a Hash Table to Index a Collection of Objects
The author ran the following code:
$numberofobjects = 1000
$objects = (0..$numberofobjects) |% {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Name'="object$_";'Path'="Path$_"}
$lookupobjects = (0..$numberofobjects) | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Path'="Path$_";'Share'="Share$_"}
$method1 = {
foreach ($object in $objects) {
$object | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name Share -Value ($lookupobjects | ?{$_.Path -eq $object.Path} | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty share)
Measure-Command $method1 | select totalseconds
$objects = (0..$numberofobjects) | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Name'="object$_";'Path'="Path$_"}
$lookupobjects = (0..$numberofobjects) | % {
New-Object psobject -Property #{'Path'="Path$_";'Share'="Share$_"}
$method2 = {
$hash = #{}
foreach ($obj in $lookupobjects) {
$hash.($obj.Path) = $obj.share
foreach ($object in $objects) {
$object |Add-Member NoteProperty -Name Share -Value ($hash.($object.path)).share
Measure-Command $method2 | select totalseconds
Blog author's output:
His comment regarding the code results is:
You can see the difference in speed when you put it all together. The object method takes 167 seconds on my computer while the hash table method will take under a second to build the hash table and then do the lookup.
Here are some of the other, more-subtle benefits:
Custom objects default display in PowerShell 3.0
We have a bunch of templates in our Windows-PKI and we needed a script, that has to work with all active templates. We do not need to dynamically add templates or remove them.
What for me works perfect (since it is also so "natural" to read) is the following:
$templates = #(
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template1'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template2'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template3'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template4'; Oid = ''}
[PSCustomObject]#{Name = 'template5'; Oid = ''}
foreach ($template in $templates)
Write-Output $template.Name $template.Oid
Type-1: $PSCustomObject = [PSCustomObject] #{a=1;b=2;c=3;d=4;e=5;f=6}
Type-2: $PsObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{a=1;b=2;c=3;d=4;e=5;f=6}
The only difference between Type-1 & Type-2
Type-1 Property are displayed in same order as we added
Type-1 enumerates the data faster
Type-1 will not work with systems running PSv2.0 or earlier
Both Type-1 & Type-2 are of type “System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject”
Difference between HashTable and PSCustomObject/PSObject is
You can add new methods and properties to PSCustomObject/PSObject
You can use PSCustomObject/PSObject for pipeline parameter binding using ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName as explained by Zombo
example: [PSCustomObject] #{Path='foo'; Type='directory'} | New-Item