Convert Seq[Seq[String,String]] to Map[String,Seq[String]] - scala

I need to convert this structure
val seq = Seq(Seq("a","aa"), Seq("b","bb"), Seq("a", "a2"), Seq("b","b2") )
to this Map:
val map2 = Map ( "a" -> Seq("aa","a2"), "b" -> Seq("bb","b2") )
cannot use toMap because it only works with Tuple2 as input. Any ideas how to approach this?

You can first group by the first item of each sub-seq and then map the resulting grouped values to only keep the second element of subsequences:
Seq(Seq("a","aa"), Seq("b","bb"), Seq("a", "a2"), Seq("b","b2") )
.groupBy(_(0)) // Map(b -> List(List(b, bb), List(b, b2)), a -> List(List(a, aa), List(a, a2)))
.mapValues( // Map(b -> List(bb, b2), a -> List(aa, a2))
which returns:
Map(b -> List(bb, b2), a -> List(aa, a2))
Similar: instead of using _(0) and _(1) you could also use .groupBy(_.head).mapValues(
The mapValues part can be made a bit more explicit this way:
case valueLists => // List(List(b, bb), List(b, b2)){
case List(k, v) => v // List(b, bb) => bb


Scala: inverting a one-to-many relationship [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Elegant way to invert a map in Scala
(10 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have:
val intsPerChar: List[(Char, List[Int])] = List(
'A' -> List(1,2,3),
'B' -> List(2,3)
I want to get a mapping of ints with the chars that they have a mapping with. ie, I want to get:
val charsPerInt: Map[Int, List[Char]] = Map(
1 -> List('A'),
2 -> List('A', 'B'),
3 -> List('A', 'B')
Currently, I am doing the following:
val numbers: List[Int] = l.flatMap(_._2).distinct n =>
n -> l.filter(_._2.contains(n)).map(_._1)
Is there a less explicit way of doing this? ideally some sort of groupBy.
.flatMap { case (c, ns) =>, c)) }
// Map(2 -> List(A, B), 1 -> List(A), 3 -> List(A, B))
Might be personal preference as to whether you consider it more or less readable, but the following is another option:
.flatMap(n => => i -> n._1)) // List((1,A), (2,A), (3,A), (2,B), (3,B))
.groupBy(_._1) // Map(2 -> List((2,A), (2,B)), 1 -> List((1,A)), 3 -> List((3,A), (3,B)))
.transform { (_, v) => v.unzip._2}
Final output is:
Map(2 -> List(A, B), 1 -> List(A), 3 -> List(A, B))

Convert RDD[(K,V) to Map[K,List[V]]

How can i convert a RDD of tuple2 (Key,Value) with duplicate Keys into a Map[K,List[V]] ?
Input example:
val list = List((1,a),(1,b),(2,c),(2,d))
val rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(list)
Output expected:
Just use groupByKey, then collectAsMap:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(List((1,"a"),(1,"b"),(2,"c"),(2,"d")))
// res1: scala.collection.Map[Int,Iterable[String]] =
// Map(2 -> CompactBuffer(c, d), 1 -> CompactBuffer(a, b))
Alternatively, use map/reduceByKey then collectAsMap:{ case (k, v) => (k, Seq(v)) }.reduceByKey(_ ++ _).
// res2: scala.collection.Map[Int,Seq[String]] =
// Map(2 -> List(c, d), 1 -> List(a, b))
You can use groupByKey , collectAsMap and map to achieve this like below
val rdd = sc.parallelize(List((1,"a"),(1,"b"),(2,"c"),(2,"d")))
Sample output:
Map(2 -> List(c, d), 1 -> List(a, b))

Using groupBy on a List of Tuples in Scala

I tried to group a list of tuples in Scala.
The input:
val a = List((1,"a"), (2,"b"), (3,"c"), (1,"A"), (2,"B"))
I applied:
a.groupBy(e => e._1)
The output I get is:
Map[Int,List[(Int, String)]] = Map(2 -> List((2,b), (2,B)), 1 -> List((1,a), (1,A)), 3 -> List((3,c)))
This is slightly different with what I expect:
Map[Int,List[(Int, String)]] = Map(2 -> List(b, B), 1 -> List(a, A)), 3 -> List(c))
What can I do to get the expected output?
You probably meant something like this:
Map(2 -> List(b, B), 1 -> List(a, A), 3 -> List(c))
If you do not want to use mapValues, is this what you are expecting?
a.groupBy(_._1).map(f => (f._1,
Map(2 -> List(b, B), 1 -> List(a, A), 3 -> List(c))

Cartesian product of two lists

Given a map where a digit is associated to several characters
scala> val conversion = Map("0" -> List("A", "B"), "1" -> List("C", "D"))
conversion: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,List[java.lang.String]] =
Map(0 -> List(A, B), 1 -> List(C, D))
I want to generate all possible character sequences based on a sequence of digits. Examples:
"00" -> List("AA", "AB", "BA", "BB")
"01" -> List("AC", "AD", "BC", "BD")
I can do this with for comprehensions
scala> val number = "011"
number: java.lang.String = 011
Create a sequence of possible characters per index
scala> val values = number map { case c => conversion(c.toString) }
values: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[List[java.lang.String]] =
Vector(List(A, B), List(C, D), List(C, D))
Generate all the possible character sequences
scala> for {
| a <- values(0)
| b <- values(1)
| c <- values(2)
| } yield a+b+c
res13: List[java.lang.String] = List(ACC, ACD, ADC, ADD, BCC, BCD, BDC, BDD)
Here things get ugly and it will only work for sequences of three digits. Is there any way to achieve the same result for any sequence length?
The following suggestion is not using a for-comprehension. But I don't think it's a good idea after all, because as you noticed you'd be tied to a certain length of your cartesian product.
scala> def cartesianProduct[T](xss: List[List[T]]): List[List[T]] = xss match {
| case Nil => List(Nil)
| case h :: t => for(xh <- h; xt <- cartesianProduct(t)) yield xh :: xt
| }
cartesianProduct: [T](xss: List[List[T]])List[List[T]]
scala> val conversion = Map('0' -> List("A", "B"), '1' -> List("C", "D"))
conversion: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,List[java.lang.String]] = Map(0 -> List(A, B), 1 -> List(C, D))
scala> cartesianProduct("01".map(conversion).toList)
res9: List[List[java.lang.String]] = List(List(A, C), List(A, D), List(B, C), List(B, D))
Why not tail-recursive?
Note that above recursive function is not tail-recursive. This isn't a problem, as xss will be short unless you have a lot of singleton lists in xss. This is the case, because the size of the result grows exponentially with the number of non-singleton elements of xss.
I could come up with this:
val conversion = Map('0' -> Seq("A", "B"), '1' -> Seq("C", "D"))
def permut(str: Seq[Char]): Seq[String] = str match {
case Seq() => Seq.empty
case Seq(c) => conversion(c)
case Seq(head, tail # _*) =>
val t = permut(tail)
conversion(head).flatMap(pre => + _))
I just did that as follows and it works
def cross(a:IndexedSeq[Tree], b:IndexedSeq[Tree]) = { (p => o => (p,o))).flatten
Don't see the $Tree type that am dealing it works for arbitrary collections too..

Reverse / transpose a one-to-many map in Scala

What is the best way to turn a Map[A, Set[B]] into a Map[B, Set[A]]?
For example, how do I turn a
Map(1 -> Set("a", "b"),
2 -> Set("b", "c"),
3 -> Set("c", "d"))
into a
Map("a" -> Set(1),
"b" -> Set(1, 2),
"c" -> Set(2, 3),
"d" -> Set(3))
(I'm using immutable collections only here. And my real problem has nothing to do with strings or integers. :)
with help from aioobe and Moritz:
def reverse[A, B](m: Map[A, Set[B]]) = => (v, m.keys.filter(m(_)(v)))).toMap
It's a bit more readable if you explicitly call contains:
def reverse[A, B](m: Map[A, Set[B]]) = => (v, m.keys.filter(m(_).contains(v)))).toMap
Best I've come up with so far is
val intToStrs = Map(1 -> Set("a", "b"),
2 -> Set("b", "c"),
3 -> Set("c", "d"))
def mappingFor(key: String) =
intToStrs.keys.filter(intToStrs(_) contains key).toSet
val newKeys = intToStrs.values.flatten
val inverseMap = => (newKey -> mappingFor(newKey))).toMap
Or another one using folds:
def reverse2[A,B](m:Map[A,Set[B]])=
m.foldLeft(Map[B,Set[A]]()){case (r,(k,s)) =>
s.foldLeft(r){case (r,e)=>
r + (e -> (r.getOrElse(e, Set()) + k))
Here's a one statement solution
.map{case (k, v)=>{v2=>(v2,k)}}
.transform {(k, v)=>v.unzip._2.toSet}
This bit rather neatly (*) produces the tuples needed to construct the reverse map
Map(1 -> Set("a", "b"),
2 -> Set("b", "c"),
3 -> Set("c", "d"))
.map{case (k, v)=>{v2=>(v2,k)}}.flatten
List((a,1), (b,1), (b,2), (c,2), (c,3), (d,3))
Converting it directly to a map overwrites the values corresponding to duplicate keys though
Adding .groupBy{_._1} gets this
Map(c -> List((c,2), (c,3)),
a -> List((a,1)),
d -> List((d,3)),
b -> List((b,1), (b,2)))
which is closer. To turn those lists into Sets of the second half of the pairs.
.transform {(k, v)=>v.unzip._2.toSet}
Map(c -> Set(2, 3), a -> Set(1), d -> Set(3), b -> Set(1, 2))
QED :)
(*) YMMV
A simple, but maybe not super-elegant solution:
def reverse[A,B](m:Map[A,Set[B]])={
var r = Map[B,Set[A]]()
m.keySet foreach { k=>
m(k) foreach { e =>
r = r + (e -> (r.getOrElse(e, Set()) + k))
The easiest way I can think of is:
// unfold values to tuples (v,k)
// for all values v in the Set referenced by key k
def vk = for {
(k,vs) <- m.iterator
v <- vs.iterator
} yield (v -> k)
// fold iterator back into a map
(Map[String,Set[Int]]() /: vk) {
// alternative syntax: vk.foldLeft(Map[String,Set[Int]]()) {
case (m,(k,v)) if m contains k =>
// Map already contains a Set, so just add the value
m updated (k, m(k) + v)
case (m,(k,v)) =>
// key not in the map - wrap value in a Set and return updated map
m updated (k, Set(v))