Flutter UI Components plugin or module - flutter

i have experience android and IOS and react native also . the best thing that i love react native is allow to create ui native component to bridge to react native .
is it possible create ui in Kotlin/Java and Swift/Objective-C and bridge to flutter?

No that's not possible, or at least shouldn't be done.
Flutter's approach on UI rendering is the opposite of React-Native. React-Native is a binding to OS native components. While Flutter recreated the Material/Cupertino components from scratch.
If you really insist on doing it consider diving into the code of video_player
or map_view plugin. But they are unique


Flutter Ambient UI - What should be the optimised approach for production level responsive app in web, android and ios platform using single codebase?

I was trying out flutter platform to create a multipage website with android and ios responsiveness using single codebase for my flutter app. I've already tried some single page samples in flutter which are following,
Flutter web, android & ios using Stacked architecture & Responsive_builder
Flutter web, android & ios using MVVM & Responsive_Framework
Flutter web, android & ios using simple Getx package.
All of them are working fine, but what I want is to collect your opinions who have already created a production ready app in flutter web.
Should we consider using Navigator 2.0 for flutter web responsiveness?
Does responsive_framework package work fine if we have complex designs because I'm not confident about the font size and styling application using it?
Can we use any other app architecture, responsive package, design pattern or any other concepts for multipage production level use cases.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

React native and flutter bridging

I want to invoke flutter module from react native app, does anyone know how can it be achieved? I was thinking I could call native android function from react native and then invoke flutter module from their. However I am not sure of the recommended practice
I don't think it's that easy, because Flutter is from Google and ReactNative is from Facebook, as I'm sure you know. Also, ReactNative uses JavaScript and Flutter uses Dart as its programming language.
It may work somehow, but I highly doubt it.

Including a native SDK (for IOS and Android) into flutter

i am currently facing the following problem and I hope someone can help me out:
I want to write an app in Flutter (yes I already compared this framework to others like React Native and Ionic) but i need to include the motiontag SDK and here is where the problem starts.
The Motion Tag SDK is only available for native App descreptive native programming language (Java/Kotlin, Swift).
Is there a way to include the SDK anyway to flutter??
Like some workaround!
Thanks for helping me out!
Flutter does have communication with native via Platform Channels, so if the sdk is just function calls you could call the function from flutter/dart , and then let the platform channel handle the call to the native function with arguments. If the sdk it's about rendering UI inside flutter then it's more complicated but it's possible as long as you use the boundaries of PlatformView . All the native plugins developed for flutter use this two methods to handle native code/UI

Why use <ion-input> instead of <input>

What is the reasoning behind using a <ion-input> instead of just a normal <input> element?
This question also regards using Ionic components in general. Why not just use my own components? I am aware that Ionic have different styles for some of the components, but if I want a same looking input on both android and ios, then couldn't I just use a normal <input>?
Ionic framework itself is a library of rich UI components, which unifies development experience by making codebase: platform agnostic. So developers can focus on one code base, Ionic component takes care of adapting its look to the native platform. Ionic components natively provide rich UI, platform continuity, easy navigation & event handling, native access & theming.
You can read more in detail here.
Developers choose Ionic framework in technology stack so one don't have to write custom styling/code for each platform.
Instead if you are using basic html tags, then you are even better off putting Ionic in your technology stack as you are just reinventing the wheel & writing custom code for each platform (iOS, Android, Electron, Browser, Mobile, Tablet) for styling & event hanling.
UI Components
For those completely new to Ionic app development, it can be helpful to get a high-level understanding of the core philosophy, concepts, and tools behind the project. Before diving into complex topics, we'll cover the basics of what Ionic Framework is, and how it works.
UI Components
Ionic Framework is a library of UI Components, which are reusable elements that serve as the building blocks for an application. Ionic Components are built with web standards using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Though the components are
pre-built, they're designed from the ground up to be highly
customizable so apps can make each component their own, allowing each
app to have its own look and feel.
More specifically, Ionic components can be easily themed to globally change appearance across an entire app.
customizing the look, please see Theming.

Does Material-UI support react-native

Material-UI v0.18.7 docs example has a build for ios/android, but it is not clear to me if it also works for react-native. While I could make it work for react (web), I could not make it work for react-native.
Is it possible to run the docs example for react-native ?
PS: If it doesn't work for react-native, then why do the ios/android build exist ?
android and ios was only folders for poc, and that implementation has react-native 0.17 version only, react native changed a lot through the time and now has ^0.47 version.
As I see, previous roadmap of working with react native included writing of native components and reorganisation of project,. So material-ui 0.18.7 does not support react-native,
As they wrote, there are a lot of troubles:
Bringing the web API to the native
We gonna have to make sacrifices, I'm expecting some web feature to be really hard to implement on native, for instance, the CSS media queries, the CSS animations. (advanced CSS rules)
Handling missing native API in the web
Some of the missing web API features is around touch handling, scroll & infinite list view, native components like a DatePicker or a Drawer.
So, it is only included in roadmap, check out discussion about it here: