How to write an appium locator when we have no options other than bounds - appium-android

How to write xpath for the element with no options displayed in screenshot except bounds which is not recommended. What is the approach for such scenarios.

You can use content-desc attribute from Ui-automator.If the element which you have to locate is static then you can use findElementByXpath. like :
driver.findElementByXpath(//*[#content-desc='My Time']).click();
And if the element is dynamic or the page in which you want to locate an element is dynamic but element is static then you can use findElementByAndroidUIAutomator for locating that element.
Hope this helps you.Thanks!


Accessibility ARIA issues with react-select

We are using react-select component in one of our projects and trying to resolve accessibility issues. Right now, there is no way to provide the required aria attributes to the input element which has the aria-autocomplete="list" attribute.
Above is the reference link to what we are trying to achieve. Below is the short story from the above link.
If an element has aria-autocomplete set to list or both, authors MUST ensure both of the following conditions are met:
The element has a value specified for aria-controls that refers to the element that contains the collection of suggested values.
Either the element or a containing element with role combobox has a value for aria-haspopup that matches the role of the element that contains the collection of suggested values.
I opened a PR to add the ability to add ARIA properties to the input element.
But I wanted to check if I'm missing something if anyone has already worked on this. Please let me know if you need any other details.

How can I locate an element by header or any particular property value in Protractor?

I have an element that have no Id defined. Class name do not allow me to identify the element uniquely.
That's why I would like to locate it using role or header property:
<p-dialog header="Deleting" showeffect="fade" role="dialog"
class="ng-tns"> </p-dialog>
How should I do that in Protractor / Selenium Webdriver?
I can do that by means of xpath, but as I understand it's rather suggested to avoid it at all.
Do I need to define my own locator using addLocator or is there simpler solution?
Protractor recommend to use css selector as first option, xpath as the secondary option when css selector can resolve your problem in some cases.
The primary reason of such recommendation considered followings:
xpath is not fast than css selector
xpath is case sensitive in some browser
for lower IE, like 6 not support xpath natively
xpath generally is longer than css selector to find same element
But css selector has two shortage which xpath is able to do:
can't find element by text
can't find parent element (only can find downward)
For your case, you can try following locator:
// css selector

Is it possible to find and store element's location by text in selenium ide?

I need to create the element and then delete it. Is there a way to find the element by it's text after it was created?
The xpath of the element is //div[#id='mif-tree-6']/span/span[3].
You can use xpath for it for example. Like:
Please provide an example of your html. It is possible to find a parent of your element with xpath and after that to find all the childs. For example your html =
<div id='lol'>
You get an array of elements with xpath =
So you can do something like:
click | //div[contains(text(),'first_')]/../div[2]
BUT if there are a lot of brothers-elements to find by text of one sibling it will be necessary to use loop to get every of them.
Once again. If you will provide full information about what are you doing and an example of your html it will be much easier to suggest.

Find CURRENTLY selected <option> with XPath

What's the correct XPath syntax to check if an option element is currently selected, or just to get the selected option element from a select element, on an open page with which the user, and JavaScript, may have interacted? Is this even possible with XPath, or does it lack the ability to look at DOM properties?
I can't find any documentation on this, and have (speculatively) tried:
but none of these work; they simply don't match any elements.
(In case it matters, I've tried this both using the $x function in the Chrome developer console, and using the find_elements_by_xpath method in Selenium for Python.)
Short answer: it's not possible.
Longer answer: XPath can look at HTML attributes, but it can't look at DOM properties. Selecting an <option> element in a <select> changes the selected property of the <option> to true, and also changes the value property of its parent <select> element, but it doesn't affect the attributes of either, so it is invisible to XPath.
To find <option> elements that have the selected attribute set, which is often how a page author might determine which option is initially selected, you can use //option[#selected]. But this does not find the currently selected <option>; changes that the user makes to the selection are invisible to XPath. There's no guarantee it will even find the initially selected option, since it's possible that the page author didn't put the selected attribute on any elements and either let the browser select the first option by default or had some JavaScript select the initial option via the selected property.
The multiple other answers here claiming that a selector like //option[#selected] can detect selection changes made by the user after the page loads are simply completely wrong.
Of course, if you're able to use CSS selectors instead of XPath selectors, then option:checked will do the job.
The problem could be the " (double quotes).
//select/option[#selected='selected'] - Will match the selected option, i am using this successfully.
//select/option[#selected='selected' and #value='specific value'] - Will only match the selected option if it has a 'specific value', i'm also using this.
If you are still having trouble, it could be an entirely different problem, perhaps there is no option node. I hope this helps.
I think we can use a knowledge from #Mark's answer and account that. Let's just find a node which HAS desired attribute:
I tried "//option[#selected=''] and it has worked for me.
it is able to highlight the selected option within Page objects model.
I would try //option[#selected='true']
i.e. driver.findElements(By.xpath("//option[#selected='true']")).getText();

JQuery. Accessing Elements in the DOM below and object

I'm using an API that returns a JQuery Object which is a reference to a DIV container. I know my structure inside of the DIV container. I basically need to read some attributes from the first .
I've tried chaining the standard selectors off of my object but I get an error.
XML filter is applied to non-XML value ({selector:"div.panes > div.slice(0,1)", context:({}), 0:({}), length:1})
[Break on this error] var svideo = $(api.getCurrentPane()).('a').get(0);
Change your code to use .find() when you're going for descendant elements, like this for the DOM element reference directly:
or if you want a jQuery object...