How can I use a system environment variable inside a pyramid ini file? - postgresql

I exported a variable called DBURL='postgresql://string'and I want to use it in my configuration ini file, e.g::
sqlalchemy.url = %(DBURL)s
That's not working.

Put this in your
def expandvars_dict(settings):
"""Expands all environment variables in a settings dictionary."""
return dict((key, os.path.expandvars(value)) for
key, value in settings.items())
Then when you export an environment variable to your shell, the proper syntax is this:
sqlalchemy.url = ${DBURL}
Once you have that environment variable set within your .ini, then you can use the configparser syntax:
sqlalchemy.connection = %(sqlalchemy.url)s%(user:pass and other stuff)s
Idea stolen from

PasteDeploy (the ini format pyramid is using here) does not support reading directly from environment variables. A couple common options are:
1) Set that option yourself in your main.
import os
def main(global_config, **settings):
settings['sqlalchemy.url'] = os.environ['DBURL']
config = Configurator(settings=settings)
2) Define your ini file as a jinja2 template and have a command to render it out to ini format, and just run that as part of your deploy process.


Setting GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable in Scala

I am running Spark-Shell with Scala and I want to set an environment variable to load data into Google bigQuery. The environment variable is GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and it contains /path/to/service/account.json
In python environment I can easily do,
import os
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = "path/to/service/account.json"
However, I cannot do this in Scala. I can print out the system environment variables using,
scala> sys.env
scala> System.getenv()
which returns me a map of String Key,Value pairs. However,
scala> System.getenv("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS") = "path/to/service/account.json"
returns an error
<console>:26: error: value update is not a member of java.util.Map[String,String]
I found a work around for this problem, though I dont think its the best practice. Here is the 2 step solution for this -
From terminal/cmd, first create the environment variable -
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=path/to/service/account.json
From the same terminal window, open spark-shell and run -

Configure IPython from jupyter_client.manager

How can i add configurations to start a kernel via jupyter_client.manager.start_new_kernel() without setting up a default configuration file in .ipython directory? I want to set shell colors to 'NoColor' without setting up a config file and initialize specific formatters.
This is equivalent to the following config file:
c = get_config()
c.InteractiveShell.colors = 'NoColor'
This worked: manager.start_new_kernel(extra_arguments=["--colors='NoColor'"])

Scala Config: Include another file.conf

Currently, I have a resources/application.conf file which has the following keys:
development {
server =
aws_key = my_aws_key
aws_secret = my_aws_secret
I would like to remove my aws_key and aws_secret from the file.
I was thinking of creating another file called resources/credentials.conf and storing my personal authentications there.
credentials {
aws_key = my_aws_key
aws_secret = my_aws_secret
and then include it some way in my application.conf or merge that config to the Config object in addition to application.conf.
credentials.conf would be git ignored. A sample file would be checked in credentials-sample.conf which each developer would change according to his own credentials and rename the sample file to credentials.conf
I tried different variation of include like
include "credentials"
include "credentials.conf"
include "./credentials.conf"
include file("./credentials.conf")
and so on.
I know I can pass it via system variables but I would like to try it like mentioned above. If you know of a better way, please let me know.
Typesafe Config provide the way to fallback from one configuration to another. You can try the ConfigFactory.Load() to load different config and use withFallback to line them up in your designated order. Such as:
ConfigFactory.Load("credentials.conf") withFallback ConfigFactory.Load("application.conf")
Inside your conf file, add
include "another_file.conf"

Override ASP.NET 5 Nested Configuration Using Environment Variable

If a configuration file has a nested structure in it, what naming convention or variable name format is used to override that value in a command line environment like Powershell?
.NET config.json file:
"L1a": {
"L1a2a": {
"L1a2a1": "value"
"L2b": false
"L1b": false
From the .NET application code, the configuration values can be accessed like this:
Overriding a top level value using an environment variable is easy - just use the same key name:
$env:L1b = "true"
How can I set environment variables in Powershell to override the nested configuration file values?
L1a:L1a2a:L1a2a1 and L1a-L2b are not valid environment variable names.
Using underscore like L1a_L2b does not work.
You can define/access environment variables with colons (or other special characters) in their names by enclosing the variable name in curly brackets:
${env:L1a:L1a2a:L1a2a1} = 'othervalue'
You should use __ as seperator for your environment variable hierarchie see aspnetcore-6.0#environment-variables because it is platform agnostic (also applies to .net 5). This is the platform agnostic way of asp .net (will work in docker, linux and linux ...)
${env__L1a__L1a2a__L1a2a1} = 'othervalue'

Why do i use custom Variable Environment in a hosting website?

I am new to hosting world (cloudcontrol), an i got some problem with application credentials, like database administration (mongohq), or google authentification.
So, will i put those variable with some kind of syntaxte (something like $variable) in the code, and then make a commandline with key-value as variable-value ?
If you are using Tornado, it makes it even simpler. Use tornado.options and pass environment variables while running the code.
Use following in your Tornado code:
define("mysql_host", default="", help="Main user DB")
define("google_oauth_key", help="Client key for Google Oauth")
Then you can access the these values in your rest of your code as:
When you are running your Tornado script, pass the environment variables:
python --mysql_host=$MYSQL_HOST --google_oauth_key=$OAUTH_KEY
assuming both $MYSQL_HOST and $OAUTH_KEY are environment variables. Let me know if you need a full working example or any further help.
First set a environment variable:
$export mongo_uri_env=mongodb://
and make changes in your Tornado code:
define("mongo_uri", default="", help="MongoDB URI")
uri = options.mongo_uri
and you would run your code as
python --mongo_uri=$mongo_uri_env
If you don't want to pass it while running, then you have to read that environment variable directly in your script. For that
import os
uri = os.environ['mongo_uri_env']