Projecting texture without adding border to it - unity3d

I have a problem when using the projector with an image as a texture. How to set wrap mode neither to repeat nor to clamp texture?
I want to get this:
and not this:
(Images are from this tutorial)
I run into few solutions to this problem and all of them use Advanced Texture Type which is not available in newer versions of the Unity.
"...What you'll want to do in that case is go to your texture, change the type from Texture to Advanced..."
Is there any replacement for that problem?
As #Gunnar B mentioned, I haven't realized that in the tutorial 1px border is used, so selecting Advanced is not a solution to the problem.
So my question is how to get projection as seen in the first image without adding the border?


How do i make a 3d game pixel perfect? so that there is no anti aliasing or other filtering applied

This is what the game looks like in the 'game' window in unity, which is what it should look like achieved by removing all lighting including ambient lighting.
And this is what it looks once built
Why is there a haze in the border between colors? How do I get it to be pixel perfect?
The aspect ratio of the in editor display is 160x144
I have change the game resolution by going to >edit >project setting >player and changing the height and width to the right size
The camera is also passing to a render texture which is of the right size, with the filter mode set to point.
I cant figure out what is causing this. to my knowledge All lighting is turned off. It looks like some up scaling error or maybe some sort of anti-aliasing effect which has also been turned off everywhere i could find.
Does anyone have an idea about what might be causing this? thanks.
There is postprocessing window in unity where you can specify such things like antyaliasing and so on. I think that this will make your game pixel perfect.
Found the answer to my own question the resolution in the >edit >project setting >player >resolution and presentation need to be as high res as it can be so in my case for a 1920x1080 screen it should 1120,1008 which is 160x144 scaled up by 7.
Then send data from you're main camera to a render texture that is set to the resolution you want (in my case 160x144) and create UI canvas that takes up the whole screen and a raw image as a child. Then put the render texture you created in the texture.

All shaders render black while using shadergraph in unity 2020 1.10f

I am doing a simple animation in unity and I wanted to add portal efecct using shadergraph 8.2.0 and everything renders black
like this
shader setings
I have no clue whatsoever what it is
I'm still learning the pipeline, however, I would think you need to scale up the texture on the top left, I can't read its name from the image. But you are getting the red/yellow mix, getting the swirl, but the area that's being blacked out is comparable to the texture I mentioned. Sorry I don't know how to put it exactly, but the white to grey to black gradient is not large enough so you are rendering the center fine just need to expand the white-grey area, I think scaling the texture up would produce the effect you want.

Unity shader to render objects with same material to subsequent GrabPasses

I'm working on a shader in Unity 2017.1 to enable UnityEngine.UI.Image components to blur what is behind them.
As some of the approaches in this Unity forum topic, I use GrabPasses, specifically a tex2Dproj(_GrabTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(<uv with offset>)) call to look up the pixels that I use in my blur summations. I'm doing a basic 2-pass box blur, and not looking to optimize performance right now.
This works as expected:
I also want to mask the blur effect based on the image alpha. I use tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uvmain) to look up the alpha color of the sprite on the pixel I am calculating the blur for, which I then combine with the alpha of the blur.
This works fine when working with just a single UI.Image object:
The Problem
However when I have multiple UI.Image objects that share the same Material created from this shader, images layered above will cut into the images below:
I believe this is because objects with the same material may be drawn simultaneously and so don't appear in each other's GrabPasses, or at least something to that effect.
That at least would explain why, if I duplicate the material and use each material on its own object, I don't have this problem.
Here is the source code for the shader:
The Question
Is there a way to force objects of the same material to draw consecutively and not in parallel? Basically, I would like the result of a lower object's render passes to be visible to the grab pass of subsequent objects.
I could imagine creating a component that dynamically instantiates materials to force this, or using render textures, but I would really like a solution that doesn't require adding components or creating multiple materials to swap out.
I would love a solution that is entirely self-contained within one shader/one material but is unsure if this is possible. I'm still only starting to get familiar with shaders so I'm positive there are some features I am not familiar with.
It turns out that it was me re-drawing what I grabbed from the _GrabTexture that was causing the the issue. By correctly handling the alpha logic there I was able to get exactly the desired behavior:
Here is the updated sourcecode:
As mentioned before, optimizing the convolution step was not my priority.

Unity: Filter to give slight color variations to whole scene?

In Unity, is there a way to give slight color variations to a scene (a strain of purple here, some yellow blur there) without adjusting every single texture? And for that to work in VR stereo images too (and ideally in semi-consistent way as one moves around, and perhaps also without having to use computing-heavy colored lights)? Many thanks!
A simple way to achieve this if your color effect is fixed would be to add a canvas that renders a half transparent image to the whole screen. But I suppose that you might prefer some dynamic effect.
To achieve this, look at Unity's post processing stack. It allows you to add many post process effects, such as chromatic aberation and color grading, that might allow you to do what you want

Unity sprites don't render properly

I recently came across a problem I can't solve which involves not being able to draw my sprites properly. I have tried a lot of different things and couldn't find any solution.
Here is how the image should look like in unity:
And here is how it actually looks like:
If someone could tell me how to fix this, I would be very grateful.
Presumably the top image is a screenshot of your image manipulation program, many of which use the chequerboard pattern to mean transparency. As such, the image you have exported is a gradient going from almost solid white at the bottom to transparent at the top. This is why the image appears as such in Unity.
Also, if you're wondering why the image appears as though it has bands of different colours, this is due to a problem called colour banding. This can be fixed by using a technique called Dither (which adds some noise to the image), but how you do so will depend on which image manipulation program you are using.