Eclipse Photon - Eclipse Marketplace not launching - eclipse

I just installed Eclipse Photon. I migraded one project from Oxygen to it - everything is working fine.
The problem I noticed is that I cannot open the Eclipse Marketplace. Whenever I click on it, I get the loading circle for 1-2 seconds then nothing happens.
I also tried this on a completely new empty workspace (so no old .metadata) - same behavior.
I also restarted PC - didn't help.
Any ideas? Is it me only that has this problem or is it a bug due to the new version?

I managed to find the problem and fix it. I went to:
Help -> About Eclipse IDE -> clicked on "Installation Details" -> tab "Configuration" -> Clicked on "View Error Log"
The default browser opened and there I noticed the following stack trace:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 2018-06-28 10:38:21.036
!MESSAGE Unhandled event loop exception
org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in path at index 16: file:/C:/Eclipse Photon/eclipse/configuration/
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.MethodRequestor.execute(
It was the space character in the folder named by me: "Eclipse Photon". I renamed it to "EclipsePhoton" and the marketplace opened successfully.
Short answer: Make sure you do not have any spaces in the Eclipse installation file path.

I fixed the issue with the solution from this link:
Go to Help > Install New Software
Paste the Marketplace Client update site url into the “Work with”
Select the “EPP Marketplace Client” checkbox
Follow the wizard and restart your Eclipse to finish the

Addition to actunderdc answer:
He is right. There is a bug if there is a space in the installation path. If you want to install in the Program Files folder, you can use the windows shortnames.
Find the shortname of the folder in cmd by using dir /X. For C:\Program Files it is something like PROGRAM~1.
When you got the shortname, you can add the folowing at the top of your eclipse.ini File in the same directory of the eclipse.exe
Make sure to adjust it to your installation path. After you have done this, marketplace can be opened. But when I open Help -> About -> Instalation Details -> Configuration it shows me two -launcher parameters with the long and the short name. I don't know, if it could cause sideeffects.
I opened a Bugreport at

Had similar problem, this is what I did:
NOTE: If you have any other firewall software then make sure to allow eclipse though it & also check if your computer's time is proper(else leave this).
Open Eclipse >
Help >
Install New Software.. >
Enter link in work with " " >
(after lodaing) select the EPP Marketplace Client and install it
I had error while installing it, I just allowed eclipse through firewall then marketplace client updated smoothly. Then I restarted eclipse and marketplace opened.
Hope this helps.

I had this problem on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine, none of the above helped.
After hours of searching, I found a working solution: enable theming under Window - Preferences - General - Appearance
I had this disabled, so Eclipse uses my GTK Theme (Arc dark) and looks better.
But enabling it makes Marketplace start again.
The stacktrace in the Eclipse error log (Window - Show View - Error Log) contained a hint that lead me to the theming option.

First when trying to use WindowBuilder (SWT) in Eclipse JEE 4.8 you must remove all spaces from your Eclipse folder name that contains all its files. This first step was discovered via link:
Eclipse Photon - Eclipse Marketplace not launching
Secondly, is this link tells the second half of the mystery. If you go to:
you will see on the left hand side "show directory contents" which will have "" file as last file of this expanded list. Download this (~39Mb). Note path to this file, then in eclipse click on "help" (last menu item), then click on "Install New Software...", then click "add", then click "archive" and go to path of saved "" and select it. You will see square check box now indicates file to install.
I believe one must then click "continue" (check box already checked for WindowBuilder install item), then confirm when all files to be installed show are shown on screen, then finally click "finish". After the file is loaded in archive step I am not sure of the exact verbiage used for remaining steps but I believe what I have said is mostly accurate and after adding archive it will be self evident (piece of cake) what steps to follow. Finally to check if Window builder is installed go to (in top menu items) "file" then "new" then "other" and then finally scroll down list and WindowBuilder should be in this list, otherwise you landed a goose egg and something went wrong.

Change your folder name eclipse photon to eclipsephoton if any space in your folder name its not open Eclipse Marketplace

I had the same problem. I solved it by changing the name of the folder where eclipse was installed, the name i had used for the folder had a space and that was precisely preventing the use of the market place in eclipse, i removed the space and it worked normally.

For Ubuntu 20.04,
Just remove the spaces in your folder name of the eclipse folder and try closing and reopening the eclipse.It will works!!!


Eclipse runs out of handles

I am working using Eclipse Juno Version: 4.2.2 , but frequently I am facing a problem
Problem 1.
And After clicking ok or cross button another screen is appearing.
Problem 2.
If I click no button then the dialog is disappearing and if I choose Yes then the Eclipse is closing.
This is probably a bug in one of the Eclipse plugins that you use. They don't properly clean up resources (colors, fonts) so Eclipse eventually runs out of handles (= the OS won't give Eclipse any more resources).
The short term solution is to restart Eclipse.
If you want to file a bug report, install the Sleak tool and follow the instructions.
For one try,
Please follow the following steps, First close your eclipse.
Go to your Eclipse Folder
you will find "Features" & "Plugins" folder in it.
Open "Features" folder and search for "org.eclipse.ui" folder or .jar file. If found then cut it & paste on desktop.
Open "Plugins" Folder and search for "org.eclipse.ui" folder or .jar file. If found then cut it & paste on desktop.
Now start your eclipse & try to compile.
It may be possible that while updation it has downloaded improper updation.

Failed to create the part's controls in Eclipse with Salesforce

I have Eclipse Juno and IDE. When I try to create new classes they always show: failed to create the part's controls. It worked for the first time, but now they always show this. Same happens if I create them inside the platform.
Error details:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed:
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(
etc ...
I would appreciate all help.
I had the same error. I fixed it by switching the eclipse workspace. Go to menu File->Switch Workspace->Other, and then select the same workspace you were working with. Eclipse will restart and you should not get the error.
I faced the same issue my default editor for JSP was Web page editor. Which I changed to JSP editor and everything is fine.
PS: To change to JSP editor
Right click on JSP page -->open with jsp .
I got the "failed to create the part's controls" error one day when I opened Eclipse and tried to view a java file I had been working on. When I opened the file I needed, it showed a red X and NullPointerException instead of the code. The error log mentioned "event loop exception" for some reason.
I restarted Eclipse, and the error was still there. I cleaned the project, updated the project, deleted and re-imported the project, deleted and re-imported the file, and the error still was there. As a last resort, I restarted Eclipse again and then the file was fine. So one of the clean/update/delete/import steps worked but I don't know which one.
Use eclipse -clean from command prompt to solve this problem.
I solved my problem like this:
This problem occur because of in eclipse default editor is not able to identify extension of that file. If you right click on file and open it with respective text editor ,problem will be solved
In ecllipse, every file types has some associated default formats and one of the default format set to the particular file type.
You can see this in General -> Editors -> File Associations-
This issue generally occurs when we open any file in the format which is not the default format of the particular types.
I got same issue when I opened one of the Java file in text format in ecllipse and then I started getting the same issue. After research, I observed that AspectJ/Java Editor was setting as default. After reset it to Java Editor, the problem got resolved.
Steps :
1. General -> Editors -> File Associations-
2. Select the content type and choose the default format for it.
3. Restart the ecllipse.
In general, it is some default file format that set in ecllipse causing the same issue.
in my case problem was that the server was resin and I didn't have the resin server extension installed
I solved the problem.
(1)Open the filed with TXT.
(2)Search and Delete the underline between number like:
int a = 10_000;
It works when i compile and run as others used, but it will fail if i save and open again.
I also had for the same problem and fixed it by updating eclipse. Help > Check for Updates.
This worked for me---->
Right click on pom.xml-->open with-->xml editor
Had a similar stacktrace on failed to create the part's controls while trying to open Git repositories view in Git perspective.
My case (cause) is different since I was migrating an Eclipse workspace from an Ubuntu VM to Windows.
Many thing were copied like projects, .git folders, or also .metadata Eclipse folder.
Tried with no success:
uninstall all egit component (installation details, then, install new software
restart eclipse -clean
reset Git repository perspective
I searched and found this invalid UNIX : separator in .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\org.eclipse.egit.core.prefs file.
Here, the : is invalid path separator on Windows.
I simply removed the value in this line, saved file, and restarted Eclipse:
(alternative: if needed, try to migrate those linux paths to their Windows equivalent too)
Git repositories view is back.

Eclipse - An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip"

I launched Eclipse earlier to jot down a snippet and was faced with the following as an error when I tried to run a fresh project:
An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip".
That popup window shows as soon as I mouse-over the run icon in the top bar, or if I right click on the class in the explorer window and select any of the run/debug options.
After doing some research on the error, I see several people who posted similar messages but they all have been fresh installs of Eclipse. So note that this is not a fresh install, and that Eclipse was working fine earlier today. Also note that not only does my new project not run (with the normal main method), but projects I was running earlier have all stopped working with the same error.
Finally, also be aware that after seeing other people's suggestions on fixing this, one specifically said to select run configurations from the top of the page run menu. When I selected run configurations from this dropdown, I got the following message:
Exception occurred creating launch configuration tabs
Reason: Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.LocalJavaApplicationTabGroup
After that message, the run window opens but all of the tabs are missing. Like where you can set the display width and height, and the other tabs, they are all missing from the window now.
I was using Eclipse trouble free earlier today and I am sure no updates took place between when Eclipse was working and now. My question is of multiple parts: What is wrong in a nutshell? What could have caused this?
Got this from another site of some guy who got this same error after upgrading.
Worked for me as well.
Apparently putting the following line in your eclipse.ini helps:
Try setting the launch properties in:
Under launch Operations menu set it to:
Always launch the previously launched application
I never found out what went wrong, but a reinstall of eclipse fixed it. All projects survived seemingly undamaged.
Thanks for the reply on the .ini but that did no good.
I had same error today - in an eclipse installation (Juno SR2 64bit) that has been running fine for months.
0: There were no changes on svn for my projects since yesterday (when it was running fine).
1: I restored the workspace from a 'Windows 7 -> Properties -> previous copy' backup. This failed because the directory structure of the '.metadata' contains folders with a deeper structure than is supported.
2: I restored the workspace from a overnight archive (gzipped so file depth is not an issue).
This had no effect.
3: I tried to restore the eclipse installation directory (which seems to be updated an awful lot) from a 'Windows 7 -> Properties -> previous copy' backup. Again this failed - because of folder-depth issues (Note: it is installed in the root directory of my disk - so there is actually no way to use a restore on this installation!)
4: Had to delete the .metadata from my workspace and reinstall eclipse (and all the additional plugins), and re-import my projects, and setup all the servers, and android, etc, which took many hours.
The moral of the story? Backup both your workspace AND the eclipse installation every night manually. Windows Restore will NOT save you. Backing up your workspace is NOT enough.
I had the same problem using eclipse mars. I cleared the folder .recommenders\index
And that solved my issue.
Hope it helps.
incase you are having the eclipse files which you have downloaded from the official site .Just extract those file in the same folder where your previous eclipse was installed and select replace all.
best solution
I also encountered this issue, the reason why this issue occurred on my project was due to I was missing the JRE System Library in the root folder of my project.
To solve this issue, make sure you have the libraries like JRE System Libraries on the root folder of your project.

java was started but returned exit code = -805306369

Can anyone help me with this error:
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369
-jar C:\Program Files\Java\eclipse-jee-helios-SR2-win32-x86_64\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.11.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar
Just had this issue, for me it was a corrupted workspace osgi cache. The solution was to run eclipse with the -clean parameter as
eclipse.exe -clean
After some time, eclipse required to clean up, the workspace selection dialog popped up and I could start eclipse normally again.
The -clean parameter is documented in the eclipse help
My problem was a corrupted workspace the solution was from Rob's link:
I started getting the same error "exit code = -805306369" just out of no where.
Eventually I looked at the Eclipse logs at the <workspace_directory>/.metadata/.log and realized that my Source Control plugin (Perforce in my case) was unable to connect and the eclipse was stuck.
This was because my eclipse was piggy back(depending) on the client connection that I have with my Perforce windows client and my Perforce client was not connected to the server. I connected my Perforce client and the eclipse started working normal.
this happens when mostly workspace is corrupted..... cooler solution is just to switch the workspace to safer location(new location).... and just import the project from previous workspace... princess can still be saved....
For me , Just change your Workspace to another one
I got this error, when workspace already setted up. Since the java virtual machine cannot be created. try command: java -version
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
I restarted my machine, and it solved my problem.
One of the class file in my project was corrupted. The name of a class file was too long and I was not able to delete or rename it, so I rename the folder containing it and then I was able to delete the project and that solved my problem.
Now i know that my workspace was corrupted, it solved my problem.
Go to your workspace and rename it.
Start your eclipse and by default it will create a workspace.
Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.
I wasn't able to disable "Automatically find new updates and notify me." The option was not there on the Install/Updates page. Perhaps eclipse workbench has changed since that answer was written.
However, running eclipse with the -clean option in my old workspace did the trick for me. The way to do that in windows is to first find the directory where eclipse.exe lives. You can go to the start menu and in the "search menus and files" bar, type eclipse. You should see the purple globe icon pop up under "Programs." Hover your mouse over it and it will tell you the directory it exists in.
Then... open "computer" or some other window from the start menu and from there navigate to the window where eclipse is. Click your mouse in the bar at the top where the directory is displayed (somewhere not on the text). That directory will highlight. Now type cmd. A black command window will open and you will be in the directory where eclipse is. At the command prompt (drum roll) type eclipse.exe -clean
eclipse will start. Make sure it is asking to go to your corrupted workspace and click OK.
Wait for it and soon you will know if your workspace has been uncorrupted. Yay!
“java was started but returned exit code = -805306369” caused by Eclipse´s currupted workspace, I solved my problem with this 4 steps:
1) claose the eclipse.
2) Kill the adb from task manager.
3) Start your eclipse and by default it will create a workspace or start with new workspace.
4) Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.
In my case, it is a work laptop, so pretty secure SOE
64 bit Win 7.
Unzipped Eclipse MARS onto a folder on "C" drive
Install failed consistently with Java error code -805306369
Created a separate folder on 'C' drive for workspace, granted
everyone full-control and that fixed it!!
I got same issue when opening files using shortcut - Ctrl+Shift+R.
I got it resolved by disabling "Automatic Updates".
Steps to disable automatic update in eclipse (helios): Windows >> Preference >> Install/Update >> Automatic Updates. Disable "Automatically find new updates and notify me".
How I managed to get mine working. I used a combination of the solutions above. It works for me.
Step 1: Change your workspace to some other names e.g. change it from workspace to workspace1.
Step 2: Access your eclipse and stop automatic updates (provided that you could access after changing your workspace)
Step 3: Exit your eclipse with workspace1
Step 4: Start your eclipse with former workspace by entering eclipse.exe -clean (if you are using others then use e.g. MuleStudio.exe -clean)
In conclusion, using a combination of solutions such as changing workspace, stop automatic updates and -clean work for me. Try it yourself.

Cannot "Install New Software" in Eclipse 3.5

I have just installed Eclipse 3.5 for Java EE developers ("Galileo").
I need to add an extra plugin, but when I select the "Install New Software ..." menu item, nothing happens. Literally nothing - no dialog opens, no error message is displayed. If I have the Debug window open, no message are displayed.
If I go to Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites, that dialog opens OK, I can manage the list of update sites, and test the connections, and they all appear OK. But I cannot get to use them to actually install anything.
Is it just broken, or could there be something more subtle wrong?
Start by checking you error log under Window -> Show View -> Error Log. See if you're getting any exception while trying to install new software.
You can also install by downloading the plugin and unzipping it in the dropins folder.
I ran into the same problem. There seems to be a bug related to the finish button (I am assuming this is the same problem you are experiencing). The way I got around it is by clicking on the finish button (or next, or whichever button is not working for you) and press the 'Enter' key. It's annoying. Seems to be an issue with how Eclipse is integrating with GTK.
I had the same problem, took a look at the error log and changed the launcher from "/usr/bin/eclipse" to "sudo /usr/bin/eclipse", it was a permissions thing...
GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true also solved the non-clickable button problem for me running gnome 2.28.1 with Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) x64 with kernel 2.6.31-14-generic
To resolve this problem, I did the following:
Placed my copy of Eclipse in the trash
Emptied my trash
Rebooted my computer
Downloaded the latest version of Eclipse (which was Indigo at the time of writing)
Placed the .zip file in my applications folder
Double-clicked on the compressed zip to open it (I'm using Mac OS X.6)
The problem disappeared. I am now able to do Help/Install new software....
I suggest to use Eclipse Indigo (Eclipse 3.7) which contains EGit already.
Something you can try:
Delete (rename/move) your workspace and try again. Be sure to backup all your projects and settings.
Download the plugin "manually" and use Eclipse>Window>Preferences>Install/Update>Available Software Sites to add it locally.
Download the plugin "manually" and use Eclipse>Window>Help>Software Updates>Available Software>Add site>Archive, find the directory on your HDD and add it.
I had the same problem in windows... and spent couple of hours to "somehow" install the new softwares.
Anyway I will explain you how I managed to install it after trying many options..
Start a fresh copy of eclipse
First tick two check boxes(Show only latest version & Contact all update sites). Make sure the check box of group items is untick.
Try to add software...
If not showing the list of plugins/Next buttons.
Delete the copy of eclipse.
Start a fresh copy of eclipse
Tick only the check box for Contact all update sites.
Now try to add plugins. It worked for me...
Even if it sounds crap... it worked for me..
If none of the solutions above work for you, simply change the workspace to another location. If the list of items appears properly then there's probably something screwed up in the workspace and not Eclipse. Hope this helps.
I actually just had a similar problem and wanted to offer the solution that worked for me. This was not a permissions thing. To solve that I always install eclipse as my user in my local directory (e.g. /home/[user]/local/eclipse-3.7.2) and then you never have permission issues.
Setup: Go to Help -> Install New software -> Available Software Sites (to add new site)
Symptom: Try to add a new site. After hitting enter or clicking finish the site shows up in the list of available sites. Click Okay to go back to the install new software and the site is not available in the drop down. Go back to Available sites and the site is gone.
Fix: After adding the site click on the reload button while the new site is highlighted (before clicking Ok to go back to the "Install new software screen"
This was occurring on Indigo SR2 (and has been happening for a while). I am running this on Linux Gtk -- but I don't see why this would be related.
Hope this helps!
Delete your ~/.eclipse folder and restart eclipse. This is the only thing that worked for me.
I had the exact the same problem. What I found out is that I installed the eclipse as root user. Therefore, I need to be a root user in order to launch "Install New Software".
just press enter after entering URL in "Install new software" window
I faced similar issue. To troubleshoot this issue follow these steps:
Go to windows -> show view -> error.
Check the error logs. In my case error was java.lang.IllegalStateException: Registry Directory not available. at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.restore
I checked my config.ini which is under eclipse -> configuration folder.
I found has incorrect path set.
I set the correct path for above key and restarted eclipse. It started working.
Hope it helps
I have faced the same issue. To solve the problem, follow the following steps:
Window (Eclipse Menu) -> Show View -> Error Log
if Error Log is not there, then:
Window (Menu) -> Show View -> Other -> General -> Error Log
Once the Error log is shown, Go to Help (Eclipse Menu) -> Install New Software
Check the Error log, most probable you will see an exception there.
Check the exception, most probable it's caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException
Check the path mentioned in the exception, if you see ".Lock" in the path, close the eclipse then go to the path in windows machine and delete that folder.
now go to the eclipse "exe" file that you're using and open it as an administrator, then try, most probably this will solve the issue.
I`m wondering if this help you.
Let me know if you have any queries.