Gatling with load balanced IP hash Nginx - scala

I'm load testing a Tomcat web application with 4 nodes. Those nodes are configured through Nginx with ip_hash:
server example:8888 weight=2 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s;
server example:8888 weight=4 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s;
server example:8888 weight=2 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s;
server example:8888 weight=2 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s;
Anyway, I use Gatling for load and performance testing but everytime when I start a test all traffic is routed to one node.. Only when I change the load balance node to least_conn of round robin then the traffic is divided. But this application needs a persistent node to do the work.
Is there any way to let Gatling route the traffic to all 4 nodes during a run? Maybe with a setup configuration? I'm using this setUp right now:
rampUsers(300) over (1800 seconds),
Thank you!

Specifies that a group should use a load balancing method where requests are distributed between servers based on client IP addresses.
You should use sticky:
Enables session affinity, which causes requests from the same client to be passed to the same server in a group of servers.
Right, I didn't see that it's for nginx plus only :(
I found this post (maybe it helps...):
Reference to:
There is also a version of the module for older versions of nginx:
Reference to:


Deploy a WebApp and always keep it running

I have a web application spread over multiple servers and the incoming traffic is handled by HAProxy in order to balance the load. When we do the distribution, we do it at night because the users are much less and therefore we are less in service. To make the distribution we use the following strategy:
we shut down half of the servers
we deploy on servers that are turned off
we reactivate the servers that are turned off
we perform the same procedure on the other servers
The problem is that in any case I turn off the servers we close connections to users. Is there a better strategy for doing this? How could I improve this and avoid disservices and maybe be able to make distributions even during the day?
I hope I was clear. Thanks
I strongly suggest to use health checks for the servers.
Using HAProxy as an API Gateway, Part 3 [Health Checks]
You should have a URL ("/health") which you can use for health check of the backend server and add option redispatch to the config.
Now when you want to maintain the backend server just "remove" the "/health" URL and haproxy automagically routes the user to the other available servers.

How to connect two applications runninig within Kubernetes

I have an application running on my own server with kubernetes. This application is supposed to work as a gateway and has a LoadBalancer service, which is exposing it to "the world". Now I'd like to connect this application with other applications running within the very same kubernetes cluster, so they can exchange HTTP requests with each other.
So let's say that my Gateway app is running on the port 9000, the app which I'd like to call runs on 9001. When I make curl my_cluster_ip:9001 it gives me a response. Nevertheless I never know, what the Cluster IP will be, so I can't implement this to my gateway app.
Use case is typing to the web browser url_of_my_server:9000 -> this will call the gateway -> it sends HTTP Request to the other app running in the cluster on the port 9001 -> response back to the gateway -> response back to the user.
Where the magic has to happen and how to easily make these two apps to talk with each other, while only one will be exposed to "the world" and the other one will be accessible only from within the cluster?
You can expose your app on port 9001 as a service (lets say myservice).
When you do that myservice.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local will resolve to IP addres of your app. More Info on DNS here :
And then you can access your app within Kubernetes cluster as:
You have a couple of options for internal service discovery:
You can use the cluster-internal DNS service to find the other application, as detailed in the answer by bits.
if both the proxy and the app runs in the same namespace, there are environment variables that expose the IP and ports. This may mean you have to restart the proxy if you remove/readd the other application, as the ports may change.
you can run both apps as two different containers in the same pod; this will ensure they get scheduled on the same host, which allows you to communicate on the same host.
Also note that support for your HTTP proxy setup already exist in Kubernetes; take a look at Ingress and Ingress Controllers.

HAProxy dynamic configuration

Here is my setup:
we do have one external load balancer (AWS) attached to root domain
external load balancer forward traffic to HAProxy instance, and haproxy have to forward it further to on of two internal load balancers
we have 2 internal load balancers, first point to latest version of our app, second to minus one version
each of our client can have 1 to many subdomains like, sub2. sub3
some subdomains should be redirected to old version, some to new, so same client can have old and new in subdomains
Basically: -> latest-load-balancer -> older-load-balancer
The problem is how to setup this routing, we can't stop/start haproxy for each new subdomain. And it could be more them 10k of that subdomains in future.
haproxy can use maps to decide which backend (internal load balancer) to use, based on the domain.
haproxy can be reloaded instead of restarted when the map changes.
If you do not wish to even reload, you could pass map commands to the unix socket, thus changing the map in realtime.

Multiple load balancers Tomcat is it Viable?

Could HAProxy and Mod_Cluster and Tomcat be used together ?
Either Mod_Cluster+Tomcat or HAProxy+Tomcat but not HAProxy+Mod_Cluster+Tomcat unless we are setting up multiple load balancer correct?
You can chain mod_cluster Apache HTTP Server balancer behind HAProxy, both in TCP and HTTP mode, in front of Tomcat. You could also use mod_cluster Apache HTTP Server balancer and HAProxy side-by-side, having them both sending requests to your Tomcats. The latter makes much less sense though.
If you tell me what would you like to achieve in which environment, I could help you architect the right solution. For instance: Azure, multiple datacentres, VMs, clients are plain HTTP embedded devices or Docker containers on Tutum/Docker Cloud, clients use HTTPS and certificate for authentication. You can / cannot use AJP internally between mod_cluster and Tomcat etc. Help me help you :-) -K-

GCE + K8S - Accessing referral IP address

With a standard Kubernetes deployment on Google Container Engine, to include services configured with the Kubernetes load balancer settings which creates network load balancers, is it possible to access the user's (or referring) IP address in an application? In the case of PHP, checking common headers in the $_SERVER superglobal only results in the server and internal network addresses being available.
Not yet. Services go through kube_proxy, which answers the client connection and proxies through to the backend (your PHP server). The address that you'd see would be the IP of whichever kube-proxy the connection went through.
Work has been done, and a tracking issue is still open to switch over to an iptables-only proxy. That would allow your PHP server to get the actual client IP.