Adding three or more matrices in one command - matlab

For example, in Octave I can do the following:
A = randn(2);
B = randn(2);
C = randn(2);
plus(A, B, C)
This does not work in MATLAB however, because the plus function in MATLAB only allows two input arguments.
For context, I have a cell array full of large, sparse matrices and I need to add all of them together. I am looking for an efficient way to do this. For example, in Octave I would do the following:
D = {A, B, C};
But this doesn't work in MATLAB for the reason explained above.

If all matrices inside the cell array have the same size then you can concatenate each of them in a separate slice of a 3D array and then sum along the 3rd dimension i.e.
This is not valid if your cell array is a combination of scalars and matrices, or if you're doing implicit expansion with plus.
If the cell array has combination of matrices of different size then just use a loop. Loops have been significantly improved in the newer versions of MATLAB.
req = 0;
for k = 1:numel(D)
req = req + D{k}; %or bsxfun(#plus, req, D{k}) for < R2016b


Extract values from a vector and sort them based on their original squence

I have a vector of numbers (temperatures), and I am using the MATLAB function mink to extract the 5 smallest numbers from the vector to form a new variable. However, the numbers extracted using mink are automatically ordered from lowest to largest (of those 5 numbers). Ideally, I would like to retain the sequence of the numbers as they are arranged in the original vector. I hope my problem is easy to understand. I appreciate any advice.
The function mink that you use was introduced in MATLAB 2017b. It has (as Andras Deak mentioned) two output arguments:
[B,I] = mink(A,k);
The second output argument are the indices, such that B == A(I).
To obtain the set B but sorted as they appear in A, simply sort the vector of indices I:
B = A(sort(I));
For example:
>> A = [5,7,3,1,9,4,6];
>> [~,I] = mink(A,3);
>> A(sort(I))
ans =
3 1 4
For older versions of MATLAB, it is possible to reproduce mink using sort:
function [B,I] = mink(A,k)
[B,I] = sort(A);
B = B(1:k);
I = I(1:k);
Note that, in the above, you don't need the B output, your ordered_mink can be written as follows
function B = ordered_mink(A,k)
[~,I] = sort(A);
B = A(sort(I(1:k)));
Note: This solution assumes A is a vector. For matrix A, see Andras' answer, which he wrote up at the same time as this one.
First you'll need the corresponding indices for the extracted values from mink using its two-output form:
[vals, inds] = mink(array);
Then you only need to order the items in val according to increasing indices in inds. There are multiple ways to do this, but they all revolve around sorting inds and using the corresponding order on vals. The simplest way is to put these vectors into a matrix and sort the rows:
sorted_rows = sortrows([inds, vals]); % sort on indices
and then just extract the corresponding column
reordered_vals = sorted_rows(:,2); % items now ordered as they appear in "array"
A less straightforward possibility for doing the sorting after the above call to mink is to take the sorting order of inds and use its inverse to reverse-sort vals:
reverse_inds = inds; % just allocation, really
reverse_inds(inds) = 1:numel(inds); % contruct reverse permutation
reordered_vals = vals(reverse_inds); % should be the same as previously

element by element matrix multiplication in Matlab

So I have the following matrices:
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
B = [0.5 2 3];
I'm writing a function in MATLAB that will allow me to multiply a vector and a matrix by element as long as the number of elements in the vector matches the number of columns. In A there are 3 columns:
1 2 3
4 5 6
B also has 3 elements so this should work. I'm trying to produce the following output based on A and B:
0.5 4 9
2 10 18
My code is below. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
C = zeros(2,3);
[a, b] = size(mat);
[c, d] = size(vec);
for i = 1:a
for k = 1:b
for j = 1
C(i,k) = C(i,k) + A(i,j) * B(j,k);
MATLAB already has functionality to do this in the bsxfun function. bsxfun will take two matrices and duplicate singleton dimensions until the matrices are the same size, then perform a binary operation on the two matrices. So, for your example, you would simply do the following:
C = bsxfun(#times,mat,vec);
Referencing MrAzzaman, bsxfun is the way to go with this. However, judging from your function name, this looks like it's homework, and so let's stick with what you have originally. As such, you need to only write two for loops. You would use the second for loop to index into both the vector and the columns of the matrix at the same time. The outer most for loop would access the rows of the matrix. In addition, you are referencing A and B, which are variables that don't exist in your code. You are also initializing the output matrix C to be 2 x 3 always. You want this to be the same size as mat. I also removed your checking of the length of the vector because you weren't doing anything with the result.
As such:
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
[a, b] = size(mat);
C = zeros(a,b);
for i = 1:a
for k = 1:b
C(i,k) = mat(i,k) * vec(k);
Take special note at what I did. The outer-most for loop accesses the rows of mat, while the inner-most loop accesses the columns of mat as well as the elements of vec. Bear in mind that the number of columns of mat need to be the same as the number of elements in vec. You should probably check for this in your code.
If you don't like using the bsxfun approach, one alternative is to take the vector vec and make a matrix out of this that is the same size as mat by stacking the vector vec on top of itself for as many times as we have rows in mat. After this, you can do element-by-element multiplication. You can do this stacking by using repmat which repeats a vector or matrices a given number of times in any dimension(s) you want. As such, your function would be simplified to:
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
rows = size(mat, 1);
vec_mat = repmat(vec, rows, 1);
C = mat .* vec_mat;
However, I would personally go with the bsxfun route. bsxfun basically does what the repmat paradigm does under the hood. Internally, it ensures that both of your inputs have the same size. If it doesn't, it replicates the smaller array / matrix until it is the same size as the larger array / matrix, then applies an element-by-element operation to the corresponding elements in both variables. bsxfun stands for Binary Singleton EXpansion FUNction, which is a fancy way of saying exactly what I just talked about.
Therefore, your function is further simplified to:
function C = lab11(mat, vec)
C = bsxfun(#times, mat, vec);
Good luck!

bsxfun-like for matrix product

I need to multiply a matrix A with n matrices, and get n matrices back. For example, multiply a 2x2 matrix with 3 2x2 matrices stacked as a 2x2x3 Matlab array. bsxfun is what I usually use for such situations, but it only applies for element-wise operations.
I could do something like:
blkdiag(a, a, a) * blkdiag(b(:,:,1), b(:,:,2), b(:,:,3))
but I need a solution for arbitrary n - ?
You can reshape the stacked matrices. Suppose you have k-by-k matrix a and a stack of m k-by-k matrices sb and you want the product a*sb(:,:,ii) for ii = 1..m. Then all you need is
sza = size(a);
b = reshape( b, sza(2), [] ); % concatenate all matrices aloong the second dim
res = a * b;
res = reshape( res, sza(1), [], size(sb,3) ); % stack back to 3d
Your solution can be adapted to arbitrary size using comma-saparated lists obtained from cell arrays:
[k m n] = size(B);
Acell = mat2cell(repmat(A,[1 1 n]),k,m,ones(1,n));
Bcell = mat2cell(B,k,m,ones(1,n));
blkdiag(Acell{:}) * blkdiag(Bcell{:});
You could then stack the blocks on a 3D array using this answer, and keep only the relevant ones.
But in this case a good old loop is probably faster:
C = NaN(size(B));
for nn = 1:n
C(:,:,nn) = A * B(:,:,nn);
For large stacks of matrices and/or vectors over which to execute matrix multiplication, speed can start becoming an issue. To avoid re-inventing the wheel, you could simply compile and use the following fast MEX code:
MTIMESX - Mathworks.
As a rule of thumb, MATLAB is often quite inefficient at executing for loops over large numbers of operations which look like they should be vectorizable; I cannot think of a straightforward way of generalising Shai's answer to this case.

Apply function to every pair of columns in two matrices in MATLAB

In MATLAB, I'd like to apply a function to every pair of column vectors in matrices A and B. I know there must be an efficient (non for) way of doing this, but I can't figure it out. The function will output a scalar.
na = size(A,1);
nb = size(B,1);
newvector = bsxfun(#(j,k)(func(A(j,:),B(k,:))),1:na,(1:nb)');
bsxfun performs singleton expansion on 1:na and (1:nb)'. The end result, in this case, is that func will be applied to every pair of column vectors drawn from A and B.
Note that bsxfun can be tricky: it can require that the applied function support singleton expansion itself. In this case it will work to do the job you want.
Do you mean pairwise? So in a for-loop the function will work as scalar_val = func(A(i),B(i))?
If A and B have the same size you can apply ARRAYFUN function:
newvector = arrayfun(#(x) func(A(x),B(x)), 1:numel(A));
According your comment you need to run all combinations of A and B as scalar_val = func(A(i), B(j)). This is a little more complicated and for large vectors can fill the memory quickly.
If your function is one of standard you can try using BSXFUN:
out = bsxfun(#plus, A, B');
Another way is to use MESHGRID and ARRAYFUN:
[Am, Bm] = meshgrid(A,B);
out = arrayfun(#(x) func(Am(x),Bm(x)), 1:numel(Am));
out = reshape(out, numel(A), numel(B));
I believe it should work, but I don't have time to test it now.

MATLAB: index a cell array with cell array of arrays and return a cell array

Say I have a cell array of (n X 1) vectors, A, and a cell array of vectors containing indices into A, called B. I wish to extract a cell array, C, such that C{i} = [A{B{i}}].
In other words, I have a cell array of arrays of indices, and I want to pull out the matrices corresponding to the concatenations of the vectors in A indexed by each of those arrays of indices.
for i = 1:length(B)
%# B{i} is an array of indices, C{i} is a matrix
C{i} = [ A{ B{i} } ];
The loop is equivalent to:
C = cellfun(#(x)[A{x}],B,'UniformOutput',false); %# implicit for loop w/ closure
Can I do that using an indexing expression alone? Or at least without the loop?
I think deal() might have to be involved but can't figure it out.
Here are two alternative solutions:
Collect all the indices of B together with the function cell2mat, index the contents of A to make one large matrix, then divide that matrix up using the function mat2cell and the sizes of the index arrays in B:
N = size(A{1}); % Size of an array in A
M = cellfun('prodofsize', B); % Array of sizes of elements in B
C = mat2cell([A{cell2mat(B)}], N, M);
Here's a more compact version of your cellfun-based solution:
C = cellfun(#(x) {[A{x}]}, B);
Ultimately, I would decide what solution to use based on speed and readability, which may actually turn out to be your for-loop-based solution.
Try the following expression:
C = A(cell2mat(B))
You may have a look at Loren's blog post about Cell Arrays and Their Contents