Zookeeper dataLogDir config invalid - apache-zookeeper

I built a zookeeper cluster and it runs very well. But I found that the log directory I set in the zoo.cfg seems not working. Below is my config about log directory and snapshots directory.
However, file zookeeper.out is generated in /var/lib/zookeeper rather than the subsidiary log folder /var/lib/zookeeper/logs.
I restarted zookeeper on every server many times, but made no sense.

This happens because zookeeper.out is related to other type of log (application log) instead of the one specified by dataLogDir which relates to transaction log.
This option will direct the machine to write the transaction log to
the dataLogDir rather than the dataDir. This allows a dedicated log
device to be used, and helps avoid competition between logging and
By checking zkServer.sh you'll see that zookeeper.out is related to _ZOO_DAEMON_OUT which depends on ZOO_LOG_DIR which is set by default by zkEnv.sh. Depending on your environment and zookeeper (ZK) version the zookeeper.out file might land in different places (according to this answer even in the working directory from which ZK is started).
For application logging you'll better configure the log4j.properties file; that's because ZK uses log4j.


How set different state directory for multiple instances of the same Kafka Streams application on a single machine

From version 2.6.0, KafkaStreams with states locks the state.dir directory and as the documentation says
The state directory. Kafka Streams persists local states under the state directory. Each application has a subdirectory on its hosting machine that is located under the state directory. The name of the subdirectory is the application ID. The state stores associated with the application are created under this subdirectory. When running multiple instances of the same application on a single machine, this path must be unique for each such instance.
In the scenario of running multiple instances of the same application on a single machine,
The path cannot be a random path like /state/dir/{uuid} because this solution bypass the KAFKA-10716 issue.
My solution is to have a directory like /state/dir with ordinal subdirectories, e.g., 0,1,2... and each instance on startup checks this subdirectories from 0 and finds the first subdirectory that is not locked and use that directory for state.dir. As a result, the process id is read from metafile and the previous tasks will be assign to new process correctly.
Is this a correct solution?
What is the best practice to set a different path for each instance on a single machine?
I had the same issue and i also came with a solution that is similar to yours:
I've created a service registry. Each kafka streams instance will request an instance-id when its starting up. The service registry wil then give an integer back beginning from 0. If a second instance comes up, this will get id 1. The instance-id is used to set the group.instance.id and the state.dir configs.
To make it more reliable, each instance will periodically send a heartbeat request to the service-registry. This is needed to make an instance-id available again in case an instance goes down. It will also unregister itself in a shutdown hook to make its id available again. So if instance-0 restarts, it will then get id 0 again, because 0 is the next lowest available number.
With this solution you dont need to read directories and lock-files.
PS: why dont you just increase the num.stream.threads. As you descbribe yourself, you are running it on the same machine (scaling vertically ). With the solution i provided, you can scale horizontally and point the state.dir to the same directory.

Snapshot directory has log files. Check if dataLogDir and dataDir configuration is correct. + Zookeeper startup

Whenever I'm starting my zookeeper server, I'm getting the below error.
[2020-05-12 08:11:43,510] ERROR Unexpected exception, exiting abnormally (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain)
org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog$SnapDirContentCheckException: Snapshot directory has log files. Check if dataLogDir and dataDir configuration is correct.
at org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog.checkSnapDir(FileTxnSnapLog.java:140)
at org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog.<init>(FileTxnSnapLog.java:109)
at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain.runFromConfig(QuorumPeerMain.java:141)
at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain.initializeAndRun(QuorumPeerMain.java:114)
at org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain.main(QuorumPeerMain.java:81)
Here is what I have in my zookeeper.properties
The default setting in zookeeper is that the snapshot and log files are stored in the same directory(the dataDir dir). Now that you have started your cluster the system would have created both the logs and snapshot files in the same directory.
Later on when you decide to have separate folders(maybe to increase efficiency) for data(snapshot) and logs(log) files you would simply added the two properties (dataDir,dataLogDir) and restart your cluster . But this will not work and the server fails during startup saying "Snapshot directory has log files". This is right because your setting clearly demands unique folders for the two(but both the files are present in the same folder already in your case. So u have to migrate now).
cut all the log files from the dataDir and paste inside the corresponding version folder(eg version-2) of the dataLogDir. This would help you resume your zookeeper from the previous state(snapshot).

what is in zookeeper datadir and how to cleanup?

I found my zookeeper dataDir is huge. I would like to understand
What is in the dataDir?
How to cleanup? Does it automatically cleanup after certain period?
According to Zookeeper's administrator guide:
The ZooKeeper Data Directory contains files which are a persistent copy of the znodes stored by a particular serving ensemble. These are the snapshot and transactional log files. As changes are made to the znodes these changes are appended to a transaction log, occasionally, when a log grows large, a snapshot of the current state of all znodes will be written to the filesystem. This snapshot supercedes all previous logs.
So in short, for your first question, you can assume that dataDir is used to store Zookeeper's state.
As for your second question, there is no automatic cleanup. From the doc:
A ZooKeeper server will not remove old snapshots and log files, this is the responsibility of the operator. Every serving environment is different and therefore the requirements of managing these files may differ from install to install (backup for example).
The PurgeTxnLog utility implements a simple retention policy that administrators can use. The API docs contains details on calling conventions (arguments, etc...).
In the following example the last count snapshots and their corresponding logs are retained and the others are deleted. The value of should typically be greater than 3 (although not required, this provides 3 backups in the unlikely event a recent log has become corrupted). This can be run as a cron job on the ZooKeeper server machines to clean up the logs daily.
java -cp zookeeper.jar:log4j.jar:conf org.apache.zookeeper.server.PurgeTxnLog <dataDir> <snapDir> -n <count>
If this is a dev instance, I guess you could just almost completely purge the folder (except some files like myid if its there). But for a production instance you should follow the cleanup procedure shown above.

Error starting kafka server: " **Different application** unexpected at this time"

I am following a quick start guide for getting kafka up and running.
I have zookeeper running but when I try to start kafka server with the following command:
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties
I get the following error
\Teradata\Client\16.20\bin\ was unexpected at this time.
I cant even begin to understand how the two might be related.
Any tip is appreciated. I am very much stuck....
In my case I needed to change the CLASSPATH environment variable, changing from Program Files to Progra~1 and Program Files (x86) to Progra~2
This solved the problem.
This isn't specific to Kafka or Zookeeper, but how they load the Java Home and classpath.
You need to fix your PATH variable in Windows settings to not contain any spaces
looks like the kafka process needs all environment variables in the CLASSPATH to be present. I was getting the same error for Meld which I had deleted but CLASSPATH still have a reference to that.
Removing it from the CLASSPATH worked.
If you are using the Apache Kafka package structure as it is, then fix the path.it will be resolved automatically.
downloaded apache Kafka folder structure kafka_2.11- ->bin->windows-> All *.bat files.
kafka_2.11->config-> all *.properties files
so to start zookeeper go to the kafka_2.11- ->bin->windows->in window address bar type cmd and enter after that enter:
zookeeper-server-start.bat ..\..\config/zookeeper.properties
o/p: zookeeper will start working
To start broker again go to the same folder
kafka_2.11- ->bin->windows->in window address bar type cmd and enter after that enter:
kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config/server.properties
o/p: broker will start working.
Note: you can update your own configuration using this properties file.like change in port etc..
I can't even begin to understand how the two might be related.<br/>
For more information, you can check the blog: Role of Apache ZooKeeper in Kafka — Monitoring & Configuration

How can I update a configuration file on zookeeper?

I uploaded a configuration folder for Solr core to Apache zookeeper using zkClient.
When I delete a file in my local configuration and update it to Zookeeper again, I can't see the change reflected in Solr admin page.
Could somebody please explain how to update/delete files from zookeeper?
Also where to find the physical files in zookeeper folder?
In order to upload a modified file in zookeeper client, you need to:
remove the old file from Zookeeper and
upload the new one and
restart the Solr nodes (depending on the change, you could reload the collection instead).
For instance if you need to update solrconfig.xml, you can:
a) clear old file on zookeeper (otherwise depending from the client version you'll get an error):
zkcli.sh --zkhost <ZK_HOST>:<ZK_PORT> -cmd clear /configs/<MY_COLLECTION>/solrconfig.xml
b) upload the updated file:
zkcli.sh --zkhost <ZK_HOST>:<ZK_PORT> -cmd putfile /configs/<MY_COLLECTION>/solrconfig.xml /<MY_UPDATED_FILE_LOCAL_FOLDER>/solrconfig.xml
c) Restart the Solr nodes.
I believe your Solr files should be in /configs/<MY_COLLECTION>.