SCOM Service UniMonitor with Dynamic AlertSeverity - service

I have defined a UnitMonitor of type CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType. The AlertSeverity of this Monitor depends on an attribute of the class being monitored, so it is dynamically specified.
However, I I could find no way to set the AlertSeverity dynamically. For instances:
Is there any way to accomplish this?

You cannot do it for a Unit Monitor. Such feature is only available for Rules.


How to assign specific technician to solve specific problem in AnyLogic?

I have a agent "customer" with the parameter "BatteryProblem" randomTrue (0.5), and I have a agent "Technician" with population of 3. How can I assign one technique to solve only "BatteryProblem" and the other two techniques to solve the remaining problems that are not battery related?
My model details are given below:
Create a variable inside technician agent called problemsSolved of type String. In the main agent, on startup, manually assign what each technician does. Like technicians(0).problemsSolved = "battery".
You can use the "custom resource choice" setting.
Then the incoming agent can choose to only seize resources where unit.problemsSolved.equals("battery"). Like this;

Define/attach Persistence Volume claim in

I would like to define or more "attach" a persistance volume claim (which is already present in K8s and named "pvc-vol-divacms-epass") and all I can see in the documentation is that there is a property "quarkus.kubernetes.pvc-volumes" for which the type is defined as "Map<String, PersistentVolumeClaimVolume>".
2 questions:
is that the right property to use
if no, which one should I use and how do I use it; if yes, how do I enter values for "Map<String, PersistentVolumeClaimVolume>" in the file?
My K8s portion in the file looks like this${}
Just add something like:
Thanks, you saved my life :-) I've added
and it did the trick.

Can't Change Metric Alias in Grafana Using a Zabbix Plugin

I want to show multiple CPU Usage from different hosts in one graph but they all end up with the same name and I can't tell which line represents which host:
here's the snapshot.
I'm using Grafana 5.2.4 with a Zabbix plugin 3.9.1. My Zabbix version is 3.0.12.
I've tried overriding legends in Grafana but there's no such option. Also, Zabbix plugin doesn't allow connecting directly to DB, so I can't use the ALIAS BY option either. I've tried using macros in Zabbix to include host name in item name, but {HOST.NAME} just ends up as is in the item name (and not replaced by the actual values).
Any solutions will be hugely appreciated.
You should use the templating feature of the Zabbix Grafana plugin,see the attached screens and the following description for a working example.
I have a Routers Zabbix Hostgroup, so I define a Router Grafana variable to match the hosts (Routers.*), see the first screenshot.
Enable both multi-value and Select All
Then in the metrics configuration use a single metric configured this way:
Group: Routers
Host: $Router (mind the $, the variable will be expanded in real time accordingly to the selection)
Item: the common item name (i.e.: ICMP Response Time)
And you will get something similar to the second screenshot, with a host picker on top and multiple selections.
So There's a "Functions" button below each metric when we are configuring and editing our graph. There's an "Alias" option and when you hover over it you see more options. If you click on "setAlias", you can define an alias for each metric.
Since this solution requires setting each alias individually, I recommend the solution that was suggested by Simone Zabberoni above. but this one is also worth knowing since it might come in handy at times.

In wldf for weblogic, is it possible to create a watch that triggers on appdepolyment state?

Im trying to create a snmp trigger for when a appdeployment has a state other then Active, or a health state other then HEALTH_OK in wldf for weblogic ( 12.1.3), but I can't figure ut how to do this.
Anyone know if it is possible, and if so how?
The ApplicationRuntimeMBean should show the state and you should be able to create an alarm from it.
I found the answer myself, the problem was that when you look at the mbean in wlst, you can either use cmo.getHealthState(), or just cmo.healthState, both will give the same answer. When building the query for wldf, the correct way to get the metric is to use the get function, but without get, so for example in my case:
NOT(${ServerRuntime//[]com.bea:Name=APPNAME,ServerRuntime=appserver1,Type=ApplicationRuntime//OverallHealthState } LIKE '%HEALTH_OK%')
and not overallHealthState.


I get the lookup failure issue in my servers often.
Unable to get remote handle for BinRemote. : Unable to resolve
''. Resolved
'' Possibly version 'qaw10-51865'
of application 'MYJms' was retired. To relax lookup to return the
active version, set context environment property defined by
weblogic.jndi.WLContext.RELAX_VERSION_LOOKUP to "true".
I goggled and suggestions were to set weblogic.jndi.WLContext.RELAX_VERSION_LOOKUP to true. Where shall I do that? I am not good at WL. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Just found this link, and adding it to jvm options.
To apply RELAX_VERSION_LOOKUP to just one area, use this:
Environment env = new Environment();
env.setProperty(weblogic.jndi.WLContext.RELAX_VERSION_LOOKUP, "true");