kops validate cluster fails with "error reading cluster configuration"? - kubernetes

I'm playing with kops, and set up 2 clusters. After setting up the second cluster, I updated the KOPS_STATE_STORE value in my .profile. Now when I do
$ kops get clusters
I get
cluster not found first-cluster.k8s.local
I can't remember what the original KOPS_STATE_STORE was. How can I fix this so first-cluster.k8s.local is gone from kops?

There is no way to check it by kops.
Usually, a KOPS_STATE_STORE value is an AWS S3 bucket so you can try to check the list of your buckets.


Get permanent certificate to access to kubectl

I have setup a cluster on AWS using kops. I want to connect to the cluster from my local machine.
I have to do cat ~/.kube/config, copy the content and replace it with my local kube config to access to the cluster.
The problem is that it expires after certain amount of time. Is there a way to get permanent access to the cluster?
Not sure if you can get permanent access to the cluster, but based on official kOps documentation you can just run kops update cluster command with --admin={duration} flag and set expire time to a very big value.
For example - let set it for almost 10 years:
kops update cluster {your-cluster-name} --admin=87599h --yes
Then just copy as usual your config file to the client.
Based on official release notes, to back to the previous behaviour just use value 87600h.

kubernetes provisioner for pv in a statefulset with aws-ebs pv issue

Have followed the documentation on how to setup k8s on aws including
Add the provider=aws
Make sure the Nodes have correct IAM permissions
Keep getting the following and I am unsure of where to find logs to see the underlying error that is making the AWS query fail.
This is how error looks:
Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "gp2": error querying for all zones: no instances returned
I faced the same issue and found the solution.
I hope this applies to your issue as well.
So every EC2 instance that is a node in your kubernetes cluster should have a tag
kubernetes.io/cluster/CLUSTERNAME = owned
When you request to create a new persistentstoragevolume kubernetes will request this from AWS. AWS will then check in which AZs you have worked nodes so it doesn't create the volume in a AZ where there are no nodes.
It seem to be doing this by listing all EC2 instances with the tag kubernetes.io/cluster/CLUSTERNAME = owned
But if you have changed or removed this tag, so that it no longer match you cluster name, you will get the exact error message you got here.
Lets say you changed it to
kubernetes.io/cluster/CLUSTERNAME-default = owned
That would trigger the issue.

Unable to make elasticsearch as persistent volume in kubernetes cluster

I want to setup Elasticsearch on Kubernetes Cluster using Helm. I can setup Elasticsearch on Kubernetes Cluster without persistence. I am using below helm chart.
helm install --name elasticsearch incubator/elasticsearch \
--set master.persistence.enabled=false \
--set data.persistence.enabled=false \
--set image.tag=6.4.2 \
--namespace logging
However, i am not able to use it with Persistence. Moreover i am confused as i am using neither cloud based storage(aws,gce) nor nfs. I am using Local VM storage.
I added disk in my VM environment formated it under ext4. And now i am trying to use it as a persistent disk for my elasticsearch Deployment.
I tried lots of ways, not working much.
For any data if you need i would be helpful to provide.
But kindly get a solution which will work.
I just need help..
I don't believe this chart will support local storage.
Looking at the volumeClaimTemplate such as on the master-statefulset.yaml shows that it's missing key parameters for a local volume setup (such as path, nodeAffinity, volumeBindingMode) described here. If you are using a cloud deployment, just use a cloud volume claim. If you have deployed a cluster on a on-prem or just onto your computer, then you should fork the chart and adjust the volume claims to meet the requirements for local storage.
Either way on your future posts you should include relevant logs. With kubernetes errors it's helpful to see from all parts of the stack such as: kubernetes control plane logs, object events (like the output from describing the volume claim), helm logs, elasticsearch pod logs failing to discover a volume, etc etc.

kops validate cluster: returns "cluster not found" even though cluster is healthy and kubectl works fine

I created a cluster using kops. It worked fine and the cluster is healthy. I can see my nodes using kubectl and have created some deployments and services. I tried adding a node using "kops edit ig nodes" and got an error "cluster not found". Now I get that error for all kops commands:
kops validate cluster
Using cluster from kubectl context: <clustername>
cluster "<clustername>" not found
So my question is: where does kops look for clusters and how do I configure it to see my cluster.
My KOPS_STATE_STORE environment variable got messed up. I corrected it to be the correct s3 bucket and everything is fine.
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://correctbucketname
Kubectl and Kops access the configuration file from the following the location.
When the cluster is created.The configuration will be saved into a users
I have attached the link for further insight for instance, If you have another config file you can EXPORT it. kube-config

How to update kubernetes cluster

I am working with Kube-Aws by coreos to generate a cloud formation script and deploy it as part of my stack,
I would like to upgrade my kubernetes cluster to a newer version.
I don't mind creating a new cluster, but what I do mind is recreating all the deployments/services etc...
Is there any way to take the configuration and replace/transfer them to the new cluster? maybe copy the entire etcd data? will that help?
Use kubectl get --export=true on all the resources that you want to move into a new cluster and then restore them that way.
kubectl get <pods,services,deployments,whatever> --export=true --all-namespaces=true