Like parameter in REST api url endpoint - rest

Is it possible to pass parameters with 'like' keyword in REST api endpoints. Basically I'm trying to create an endpoint wherein I would query a db to get list of items based on '%name%'.
The corresponding query in DB would be like:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id like "%arjun%"
So I would need to add parameters to my REST endpoint wherein i can fetch teh data based on name=%arjun%
Is that really possible?

I would recommend to user name=value and then create your sql with %%. You can put % into your GET call but it can cause bugs because % is special character which is used to encode other special characters.
But if you really want to go with name=%value% then you can put %25 instead of %. So something like this name=%25value%25


Proper multi-id syntax when using the custom_file_ids[] query parameter for the CLIO API "contacts" endpoint

What is the correct API syntax for using the custom_file_ids[] query parameter to specify multiple fields (but not all) in the CLIO API contacts result set? I need to specify multiple custom fields. I can get it to work for a single field, but not multiple fields at the same time.
Specifically, how do I specify and delimit the multiple fields? I have tried the following:
The API documentation at is silent on the list syntax that it expects.
Below is one specific API call I tried (both the actual URL-encoded call, and a decoded one for clarity) using a simple comma-delimited list, but which only returns custom field data for the first ID in the list--not the second. If I enclose the ID list in any kind of brackets (per above), the endpoint returns a 404 error.[]=1234567%2C2345678&custom_field_values[4529224]=true&fields=id%2Cname%2Cprimary_address%2Cprimary_work_address%2Cis_client%2Ctype%2C%20primary_email_address%2Cprimary_phone_number%2Ccustom_field_values%7Bid%2Cfield_type%2Cfield_name%2Cvalue%2Ccustom_field%7D[]=1234567,2345678&custom_field_values[4529224]=true&fields=id,name,primary_address,primary_work_address,is_client,type,primary_email_address,primary_phone_number,custom_field_values{id,field_type,field_name,value,custom_field}
I was able to do this with Contacts Custom Fields by putting custom_field_id[] on the URL as many times as you have IDs.
I hope this helps.

How to make a GET request using a filter on a datetime property with EspoCRM REST API?

EspoCRM provides a REST API that sadly has only incomplete documentation. Especially the filters that can be used with a GET request are not documented:
where - (array) filters;
From using Firebug I've discovered that a filter consists of three query parameters:
Example, filter on name=Foo:
The meaning of equals is not documented, as are the possible filter types.
Now I want to filter a collection on a datetime field modifiedAt. I have no idea what the proper values for type and value would be to find all entities that have been modified after a given datetime.
How can the EspoCRM REST API be used for this?
After playing around with the EspoCRM web GUI, I was able to make a search that uses the filter I need. The query parameters are:
where[0][value]=2016-06-01 16:12:00

how to get specific property name via rest call in strongloop loopback

I am having students model in loopback which is accessible via rest using this url. /api/students rest call gives all the student data but I want to get only the registration numbers (regno) of students. Like in sql (SELECT regno FROM students). how I should filter the above rest call to get only the registration numbers of students.
If you want to get multiple columns
Use the fields filter.

Paypal NVP can I pass multiple custom fields

I know I can pass a field name "CUSTOM" which is supposed to come back in IPN can I pass two values as for example CUSTOM0 and CUSTOM1? or something like that
You can't pass multiple fields, but you could pass multiple values in that 1 field if you need to. For example, you might include a value like...
Then in your IPN script, you could handle it like the following PHP sample...
$custom_values = explode('|',$_POST['custom']);
Then your custom values would all be available in the $custom_values array for you to use accordingly.
You could also send an NVP string or an XML string if that help you keep things straight, but keep in mind the CUSTOM parameter only accepts 256 characters.
If you need more than that, or if you just prefer, you could always save the data in a local database and then just pass a record ID in the CUSTOM field so that you can pull all those details back out of your database within your IPN script using that record ID.

Proper REST formatted URL with date ranges

I have a REST URL to get all users formatted like this:
To get an individual user by id:
To get all user's bids:
To get all user's bids between two dates:
or should it be like this:
I'm leaning towards the 1st date range URL as start and end are not entities in the domain. What is the proper way to format a REST URL with a date range?
Have the query parameters on the same "level" as the bids (remove the slash before the question mark). But you would probably want to have support for if they only provide one query parameter. So if they only provided "start" then it would get all bids after that date, or if they only provided "end" it would get all bids before that date.
The reasoning being that query parameters are good for GETting a subset of results from a GET request. They don't go on another level because the next level is usually one specific item with a unique identifier.
I would go with
There shouldn't be a slash before the query string.
Avoid using slashes in the query string. It'll be easier that way.
If you use the path separator / to delimit the values you're likely to encounter numerous issues. If you decide you want the start and end dates to allow ISO formats e.g. 2021-10-12T01:00:00.000Z, 2021-10-01T18:00:00.000+05:00, those formats contain characters that will break the URL. Much better to use querystring parameters.
I'd recommend using the querystring and ISO format for dates so your URL will look something like this:
Your API method that retrieves by date range can then be differentiated from the GET request that retrieves all bids for the user, simply by using a different method signature that expects additional start and end date parameters in the request.
if gets the user with id 12345, then to get all users by id it should be with the id included in the response as a relationship. (usually a hyperlink to that resource).
Now to get them by date ranges it should be
The 12345 part is the id of an individual user, it's a resource, therefore it should not be included to get the rest of the users.
As the name of the parameter it should be meaningful. start could mean anything, but start_date is more meaninful.