Select only two decimal places without rounding up - powershell

I want to select only two decimal places without rounding up.
$d = 123000.1264
'{0:f2}' -f $d
Result: 123000,13, but I need the result 123000,12
Any ideas to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance!

[Math]::Truncate(123000.1264 * 100) / 100
does it.
123000.1264 * 100 = 12300012.64
[Math]::Truncate(12300012.64) = 12300012
12300012 / 100 = 123000.12
You should use the [decimal] type for numbers when you need to preserve the accuracy of the fractional part, e.g.
$d = [decimal]123000.1264
and then [Math]::Truncate will use its decimal overload to give a decimal, and a decimal divided by an integer (or a double) will give a decimal result.
Of course, there is more than one way to interpret "up": it could mean increase in value (3 > -5) or increase in magnitude (|-5| > |3|). If you need the former, then use [Math]::Floor (which converts -1.1 -> -2.0) instead of [Math]::Truncate (which converts -1.1 -> 1.0).


Swift returning 0 on division

I'm trying to do basic division and it always returns 0 as an answer.
let mathStuff = Double((stepCount / Level.expRequired())) * 100
print ("\(totalSteps) / \(Level.expRequired()) * 100 = \(mathStuff)")
My print returns
2117 / 2500 * 100 = 0.0
I've tried using NSDecimal instead of a Double and have also tried not using Double or NSDecimal and having it just do the math, which comes back as 0 instead of 0.0.
I'm really confused on what I'm doing wrong here, this seems like basic math and I'm not sure why I'm always given 0 as an answer.
Your problem probably lies here: 2117 /2500, both 2500 and 2117 are Ints.
If they were Double, then it would work: 2117.0 /2500.0 ==> produces non-zero division
Try casting those variables to double first, and you don't need to cast the result itself:
Double(stepCount) /Double(Level.expRequired()))*100
In fact, I believe only one needs to be cast:

Results to two decimals using ST_Area

I have performed ST_Area on a shapefile but the resulting numbers are VERY long. Need to reduce them to two decimals. This is the code so far:
SELECT mtn_name, ST_Area(geom) / 1000000 AS km2 FROM mountain ORDER BY 2 DESC;
This is what I get:
mtn_name KM2
character varying double precision
1 Monte del Pueblo de Jerez del Marquesado 6.9435657067528e-9
2 Monte de La Peza 6.113288075418532e-9
I tried ROUND() but it brings KM to 0.00
Since it is not simply possible to round a decimal value (Decimal Precision problem) you will not get a double value which is exactly 6.94e-9. It would be something like 6.9400000001e-9 after rounding.
You can do:
If the exponent is always the same (in your example it is always e-9) you can round with a fixed value. With double values, this results in the problem described above.
round(area * 10e8 * 100) / 100 / 10e8
FROM area_result
To avoid these precision problems, you can use numeric type
round(area * 10e8 * 100)::numeric / 100 / 10e8
FROM area_result
If you have different exponents, you have to calculate the multiplicator first. According to this solution you can do:
For double output
round(area / mul * 100) * mul / 100
pow(10, floor(log10(area))) as mul
FROM area_result
) s
For numeric output
round((area / mul) * 100)::numeric * mul / 100
pow(10, floor(log10(area)))::numeric as mul
FROM area_result
) s
However, your exponential result is just a view of the values. This can vary from database tool to database tool. Internally they are not stored as the view. So, if you fetch these values, you will, in fact, get a value like 0.00000000694 and not 6.94e-9, which is just a textual representation.
If you want to ensure to get exactly this textual representation, you can use number formatting to_char() for this, which, of course, returns a type text, not a number anymore:
to_char(area, '9.99EEEE')
FROM area_result

Can't convert division result into float or decimal type

I have a calculation in my t-sql code that I expect will show decimal result (with at least 2 digits after comma)
My fields that I am using are integer type, but the calculations result is decimal
I tried using CAST as float, but won't work
(COUNT(ct.[ClientFK]) / ehrprg.AnnualGoalClientsServed) AS [AnnualGoal]
I tried:
CAST((COUNT(ct.[ClientFK]) / ehrprg.AnnualGoalClientsServed) as float)
I expect to see at lest two digits after comma -
2/50 to be 0.04 while now I am getting 0
Any advice / help would be much appreciated
Try explicitly casting the denominator to float before the quotient is taken:
COUNT(ct.[ClientFK]) / CAST(ehrprg.AnnualGoalClientsServed AS float) AS [AnnualGoal]
In the above approach, because one of the two terms in the quotient is floating point, the other term (in this case, the count) should be promoted to float as well.

Rounding to two decimal places is not working

I am trying to reduce the decimal places of my number to two. Unfortunately is not possible. For this reason I added some of my code, maybe you will see the mistake...
Update [dbo].[company$Line] SET
Amount = ROUND((SELECT RAND(1) * Amount),2),
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[company$Line]
Amount in db which I want to change:
Result I get after executing the code:
Result I want to get (or something like this):
0.00000000000000000000 or 0.00
1366.30000000000000000000 or 1366.30
268.99000000000000000000 or 268.99
206.49000000000000000000 or 206.49
RAND() returns float.
According to data type precedence the result of multiplying decimal and float is float, try:
ROUND(CAST(RAND(1) as decimal(28,12)) * Amount, 2)
this should do the trick.

How do I round up a float whose mantissa is ending in 5?

I want to round up a floating-point number. For example, sprintf '%.4f', 0.12345 returns 0.1235 and sprintf '%.4f', 0.12325 returns 0.1232. For the second example, I want it to print out 0.1233, not 0.1232.
sprintf in Perl is not good enough. Math::BigFloat can do it, but it’s a little over-kill.
Does anyone know if there is other effective way to round up, or whether there is any other module in Perl?
The exact way sprintf will round a number is dependent on how the system libraries round numbers. If you need to control exactly how a number is rounded you will need to use a library that implements your desired rounding explicitly, or write a function to round as desired.
For example to round a positive number to an arbitrary precision, where 5 rounds up this would work.
sub round {
my $numer = shift;
my $precision = shift;
return int($numer * 10 ** $precision + 0.5) * 10 ** -$precision;
This however doesn't round correctly for negative numbers, -0.12324 incorrectly rounds to -0.1231. A solution where 5 should round up (that is towards positive infinity) would be to use floor instead of int.
use POSIX qw(floor);
sub round {
my $numer = shift;
my $precision = shift;
return floor($numer * 10 ** $precision + 0.5) * 10 ** -$precision;
If instead 5 should round to the largest absolute value (that is round away from 0) then you can add a simple check for negative numbers to round them in the correct direction.
sub round {
my $numer = shift;
my $precision = shift;
my $direction = $numer >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
return int($numer * 10 ** $precision + $direction) * 10 ** -$precision;
There are more complex rules for rounding used in some circumstances where the bias from rounding 5 in one direction for all numbers is unacceptable and any (decimal) rounding of floating point numbers is subject to possible errors due to imprecision in their binary format.
Perl's sprintf can only be as good as the data it's fed.
There is no floating point number equal exact to either 0.12345 or 0.12325:
The floating point number closest to the 0.12345 is exactly 2223877495995551/2**54 ≈ 0.123450000000000004, a value slightly greater than the input.
The floating point number closest to the 0.12325 is exactly 4440549232587309/2**55 ≈ 0.123249999999999998, a value slightly less than the input.
Note that the 5th decimal digit of the latter one is 4 not 5.
When rounded to 4 decimal places under the usual rules, they must come out as 0.1235 and 0.1232 respectively.
You say that using Math::BigFloat is a little overkill, but it seems that what you really want is decimal arithmetic so the overkill is inescapable.
This did work for me:
print sprintf '%.*f', 4, 0.12325
Your code does work for me too. Did you test that code on its own?
Could you tell us your perl version too (perl -v)?