Render/Display Articulate content with Iframe - articulate-storyline

I publish Articulate content with LMS Option and choose Tin Can API option in Output Options section.
Now when i Render/Display it with Iframe and when i click in Any link it throw following error. Please help me to figure it out.
app.min.js:40 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of
undefined at t.checkFlow (app.min.js:40) at
Object.r.invokeGuardedCallback (app.min.js:8) at o (app.min.js:5) at
Object.a [as executeDispatchesInOrder] (app.min.js:5) at d
(app.min.js:5) at m (app.min.js:5) at Array.forEach () at n
(app.min.js:10) at Object.processEventQueue (app.min.js:5) at n


How to use ranges saved to React state - Microsoft Word javascript API? (follow-up)

I am building a Microsoft Word Add-in with the Word Javascript Api. I retrieved an array of ranges to rangeArray. Then I saved each of the items to a definitions array, so now rangeArray.item[0] is definitions[0]. Then I saved definitions to state.
Now, I am trying to access those ranges in a new call to As recommended in an answer here, I am invoking in the following way:, function(context) ...) {
When I run this, I get the following error message:
Uncaught (in promise) RichApi.Error: Cannot read property
'ObjectPathType' of undefined at new c
(…) at
(…) at….
I would greatly appreciate any guidance that you have.

IONIC-4 Navigation - how get parameter passed

Iam new to Ionic - 4.
I have function which is navigated to my items page.
gradeItem = function(data){
this.navCtrl.navigate('grade/items', {data:data});
and it is successfully navigating.
Now I want to access my parameter data from my file.
can anyone please help me on this.I tried navParams but it throwing error like
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[ItemsPage -> NavParams]:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function toHtml() on boolean

I am using Magento 2 and porto theme. My issue is with layered navigation.
When I search anything in my store results shows along with custom attribute filters, created through Store > Attribute > Product.
When results shows and I click on attribute to filter further ajax loads and nothing happens.
These are the errors I can see in console.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function toHtml() on boolean in /app/code/Mageplaza/LayeredNavigation/Controller/Search/Result/Index.php:132
Stack trace:
#0 /public_html/generated/code/Mageplaza/LayeredNavigation/Controller/Search/Result/Index/Interceptor.php(24): Mageplaza\LayeredNavigation\Controller\Search\Result\Index->execute()
#1 /public_html/vendor/magento/framework/App/Action/Action.php(107): Mageplaza\LayeredNavigation\Controller\Search\Result\Index\Interceptor->execute()
#2 /public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(58): Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action->dispatch(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http))
#3 /public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(138): Mageplaza\LayeredNavigation\Controller\Search\Result\Index\Interceptor->___callParent('dispatch', Array)
#4 /public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php(153): Mageplaza\LayeredNa in /public_html/app/code/Mageplaza/LayeredNavigation/Controller/Search/Result/Index.php on line 132
Please help.
Thank you in advance.

Call to a member function get_cart_subtotal() on a non-object in config-woocommerce/config.php on line 790

I'm trying to login into my WordPress Admin panel, and am getting the following error:
Call to a member function get_cart_subtotal() on a non-object in /home/spicom/public_html/ on line 790
This is my code at line 790:
$cart_subtotal = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_subtotal();
It sounds like you haven't called global $woocommerce;, before trying to access the $woocommerce object.
A better way would be to use WC():
$cart_subtotal = WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal();
Alternatively, it's possible the WooCommerce hasn't even been installed and activated...make sure to do that, if it's a theme dependency.
I had a very similar message.
[25-Sep-2018 10:24:08 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error:
Call to a member function get_cart_subtotal() on null in
It was due to me having the following in my wp-config.php file.
define( 'DOING_CRON', false );
I'd added this line while attempting to run something from the command line with W3 Total Cache activated. I didn't realise that it would completely ruin WooCommerce and didn't notice the side effect until attempting to view the site in my browser.

Why does second load of this dart:js date picker code error?

I use the following code in dart (chrome app):
js.context.callMethod(r'$', ['.datepicker']).callMethod('datepicker', [new js.JsObject.jsify({'format':'yyyy-mm-dd'})]);
which works fine the first time this code is rendered. However, if I navigate away and back to the page, I get the following error:
Uncaught Uncaught Error: NullError: Cannot call "split" on null
Stack Trace:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
at Object.DPGlobal.parseDate (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:393:20)
at Datepicker.update (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:161:25)
at new Datepicker (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:84:8)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:341:38)
at Function.n.extend.each (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js:2:2882)
at n.fn.n.each (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js:2:847)
at $.fn.datepicker (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:336:15)
at JsObject.callMethod$2 (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/b2015.dart.js:19892:42)
at$1 (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/b2015.dart.js:23116:58)
at _RootZone.runUnary$2 (chrome-extension://lgndonjnifhllkkomohiinkfdaphgalc/b2015.dart.js:10124:18)
By navigate I mean I use children.clear() on the holding div the re-populate it with new html.
I presume I should only run this code once, or 'unload' it when I navigate away but I am just guessing here and would appreciate a solution.