Facebook API - Friend List - facebook

I searched the internet the whole day for this, and came to the conclusion that there is no way to get a user's full friend list since API 2.0 (correct me if I am wrong).
What I want to do is, given the app user and another facebook user, generate a report about their "second level" mutual friends. That is - (friends of mine) who are friends with (a friend of his). Illustration:
Is this kind of thing possible after facebook's restriction since API 2.0 in any platform (Different SDKs, Facebook's Graph API, etc)?
Many Thanks.

This would be the API: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user-context/all_mutual_friends
There is no way to get friends (or users in general) who did not authorize your App. Every list you get will only include users who authorized your App.


Facebook Graph API: how to get online friends / or active last X minutes

Past & Now
A few years back, Facebook supports FQL in v2.0 to retrieve online friends of an user ( Facebook : Get List of Online Friends Using Graph api )
However this FQL is removed from v2.3, and what's worse is Facebook completely removed Chat API (XMPP) from April 2015.
Is it still possible to generate a list of Facebook friends and their last active time / currently online using Graph API / or any other method? (basically the same as chat window on Facebook desktop)
This would be useful:
when a user wants to see who's online but don't want to let their friends know they're online atm
or for a simple widget on phone screen, where user can have a quick look at who're online without the need of Facebook login (the widget gets data from 3rd party server which uses API / or some other method to provide that list)
Thanks alot for your input
No, it is not possible - because as you found out already, Facebook removed the required permission/endpoint. The only way would be implement your own routine for this. For example, by storing the timestamp of visiting users. Whenever a friend of that user visits your App too, you can show those to him. Of course it only works for users who authorized your App and youi can only detect if users are online/active in YOUR App, not on Facebook.

Find locations of checkins from foursquare friends using v2 API?

How is it possible to get the locations of a user's friends nearby(within X km) with v2 or real-time user push of FourSquare API please?
And can those friends be the same friends as the ones from facebook account automatically added (for those fb friends of the user that also login with their fb account to 4sqr too), or, when a user joins 4sqr via fb can they register to an app using 4sqr API and then have that app specify somehow what his friends could be and make them all part of the same group whose last checkins could be searched?
In other words, I would like to list all nearby 4sqr friends that are in the same group (list?) along with a last time stamp of their checkins. Can this be done and how please? Which APIs should I use along with OAuth or something?
Based on the API docs (https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/), it doesn't seem that you'll be able to get the information you are looking for.
It looks like you'll be able to get real time pings when a user that is using your app checks in somewhere. But you can't get just any foursquare user's real time checkin events.
I guess this is possible, at least until the Graph API v1.0 is still working (until April 30th, 2015), because then all the friends_* permissions will be removed. Have a look at the answer at
Facebook Open Graph API - action-type & object-type of another application (foursquare)
You need to request the user_actions:playfoursquare and friends_actions:playfoursquare permissions first (Reference).
Then, you should be able to request the checkins via

How to add facebook friends searchbar in website

I am learning facebook php and javascript sdk. I am trying to create a facebook search friend bar in my app where user types friends name and as user types, the searchbar should display most appropriate result while user is typing. Similar to what facebook search bar does. Is there a social plugin or any other tool available to acieve this task? To achieve this, I tried facebook comments plugin with user_friends permission. When user writes any friends name followed by # sign on comments field, facebook gives most appropriate result. But I dont know how to get what user wrote on comments. Any pointers will be helpful.
FB introduced API versoining. If you are going to create new app it will use version v2 and you will not get full friends list from me/friends.
/me/friends returns the user's friends who are also using your app
In v2.0, the friends API endpoint returns the list of a person's friends who are also using your app. In v1.0, the response included all of a person's friends.There are two key use cases where apps need access to non-app friends: tagging and inviting. In v2.0, we've added the Taggable Friends API and the Invitable Friends API to support these flows.After a person has logged in with v2.0 of Facebook Login, calling /v1.0/me/friends and/v2.0/me/friends` will both result in the v2.0 behaviour - both calls will return the set of the person's friends who also use the app.
Read this documentation
Either you can create this by yourself (not too much of complex). You have access to the friendlist, so you can get all the friends with /me/friends. You can store them (their name/info) into a variable in your application and implement search. This will make your facebook api concepts better.
Or there are many friend selectors plugin/codes that you can integrate in your application. But you'll have to modify them accordingly since you dont want to show a pre-populated list of friends instead you want to implement search.
I've used mbrevoort's multi-friend selector in my applications.
But if you just want to implement search, implementing on your own would be really easy and less complicated!

Can Facebook's API Show Friends of Friends? How Does Jelly Do It?

I know that Facebook Connect allows a web site to browse their actual friends. Does it allow us to look down into their second layer of friends (their friends of friends)?
This article appears to say that you can (that the Jelly app does just that... without needing your friends to be on Jelly in order to see down to your friends of friends).
Quote From Article: Begin by connecting to at least one social network (right now, Facebook and Twitter are the only ones available). Part of what makes Jelly stand out is it also links you to friends of friends, so you can still connect with other users, even if none of your Facebook friends or people you follow on Twitter are using the service.
Thank you!

How can I get user's best friends throught Facebook Graph API

I am designing an App for iPhone and I want the user to share my App to his or her best friends. Now I can get user's friendlist throught Facebook Graph API. But how could I find user's best friends? I have an idea that I can use the user's wall to find which friend often appears on the wall. However, some pages and famous people like Obama always appears on the wall. Could someone give a feasible solution?
Define “best friends”, please.
If that is supposed to be something based on the user’s personal perspective at the very moment – then probably best to just let them choose their “best friends” the want to a request to themselves via a simple multi-friend selector.
Or are you referring to a user’s list of “close friends”, the default friend list on Facebook that every user can add friends to? That’s available via API, check the /me/friendlists connection. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/FriendList/