JMX JBoss non-JRMP server at remote endpoint - jboss

JConsole is failing remote connection to JBoss JMX. As understood JMX is enabled by default in JBoss 6.4, using the management-native port, as per below config
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jmx:1.3">
<remoting-connector use-management-endpoint="true"/>
<socket-binding name="management-native" interface="management" port="${}"/>
Using JConsole from Windows machine, trying to make Remote Connection to remote host, with JBoss CLI (also listening on port 9999) username and password credentials.
Getting error
Connection Failed: non-JRMP server at remote endpoint
I'm running TCPDump on remote host and can see the incoming request from Jconsole
I have tried non-JRMP server at remote endpoint , and others to no avail
Any help will be appreciated


Remote Kafka JMX - Connection refused

I am running kafka10 on a remote server and the JMX is enabled on port 9999.
JMX URL :- service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://kafka_host:9999/jmxrmi
When i try to connect to the JMX from my local network, it works fine and getting response within few secs.
But when i try to connect from my test servers, we get connection refused.
The ACL is opened from this host to the kafka host on port 9999.
Application code,
TopicJMXMetrics jmxMetrics = new TopicJMXMetrics();
JMXServiceURL serviceURL = new JMXServiceURL(jmxUrl);
JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL, null);
MBeanServerConnection connection = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
Is there any other setting required from Kafka or on the Application Side? Or, any other port to be opened

Tomcat 7 RemoteHostValve not working for localhost

I am trying to restrict access to a Tomcat 7 Server by using this valve: org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteHostValve.
It's working fine for other hosts, but I can not access the server locally by using the localhost (http://localhost:8080).
Here is the Valve:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteHostValve" allow="host2.xy.i|host2.xy.i|localhost"/>
Any ideas?
for this function Hostname Lookups are needet.
Did you check that you have set ?
<Connector enableLookups="true" />
If its not working with the Hostname, you could reach the same result with:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
But check if you have localhost V6 IP, this example matches only ipv4

How can i run wildfly 8 in port 80

How can i run wildfly 8.2.1 in port 80? I can run wildfly in different ports by changing the offset as below.
<socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.binding.port-offset:100}">
But unable to run in port 80.
Offset adds that value to all ports. So if you had http set to the default port 8080, an offset of 100 would set it to 8180.
You want to set the socket for http.
<socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.binding.port-offset:0}">
<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:80}"/>
Alternatively, all of these values can be passed in via command line. so you can run: -Djboss.http.port=80
Note: on some operating systems: OSX and variants of Linux you must be superuser to bind things to port 80.

MFP Server: Specifying a particular interface on a multi-homed host

MFP 7.0.0 with IF201506081356
on WebSphere Liberty on Linux
My idea was to modify server.xml
<httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
host="*" > <=== change this to a specific ipaddress
And change this JNDI entry
<jndiEntry jndiName="" value="localhost"/>
to specify the same ipaddress.
After making those changes server does not initialise correctly, it attempts to access JMX on the localhost, even though nowhere in my serverl.xml is the word "localhost"
[6/11/15 13:19:24:232 CEST] 00000040 com.worklight.common.util.jmx.LibertyRuntimeMBeanHandler I Establishing REST connection to service:
jmx:rest://localhost:9443/IBMJMXConnectorREST SSL handler=null
That attempt just repeats ad nauseum ...
Is there some cached value somewhere? Something else I need to set?
During the startup of the runtimes "localhost" is always used for the JMX connection. It is a defect, an APAR will be created.

How do I Configure two https connector port in jboss 7?

I need to configure 2 https ports (5480 and 8443) in jboss 7 ( I did this jboss 5 adding one more connector port). I tried creating two https connector ports in standalone-full.xml but it did not work.
Following is my current configuration for 8443 https port and I need another port 5480 as well.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.2" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false">
<connector name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https" socket-binding="https" secure="true">
<ssl key-alias="tomcat" password="FOO#Bar-1" certificate-key-file="${jboss.server.config.dir}/keystore" cipher-suite="TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5" protocol="TLS" verify-client="false"/>
</ connector >
<socket-binding name="https" port="8443"/>
Unless you changed some configuration, your standalone jboss container reads configuration from standalone.xml rather than from standalone-full.xml. The "full" version is like an example file.