DataFrame : Apply a custom function on groupBy [duplicate] - scala

I know how to write a UDF in Spark SQL:
def belowThreshold(power: Int): Boolean = {
return power < -40
sqlContext.udf.register("belowThreshold", belowThreshold _)
Can I do something similar to define an aggregate function? How is this done?
For context, I want to run the following SQL query:
val aggDF = sqlContext.sql("""SELECT span, belowThreshold(opticalReceivePower), timestamp
WHERE opticalReceivePower IS NOT null
GROUP BY span, timestamp
ORDER BY span""")
It should return something like
Row(span1, false, T0)
I want the aggregate function to tell me if there's any values for opticalReceivePower in the groups defined by span and timestamp which are below the threshold. Do I need to write my UDAF differently to the UDF I pasted above?

Supported methods
Spark >= 3.0
Scala UserDefinedAggregateFunction is being deprecated (SPARK-30423 Deprecate UserDefinedAggregateFunction) in favor of registered Aggregator.
Spark >= 2.3
Vectorized udf (Python only):
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf
from pyspark.sql.functions import PandasUDFType
from pyspark.sql.types import *
import pandas as pd
df = sc.parallelize([
("a", 0), ("a", 1), ("b", 30), ("b", -50)
]).toDF(["group", "power"])
def below_threshold(threshold, group="group", power="power"):
#pandas_udf("struct<group: string, below_threshold: boolean>", PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def below_threshold_(df):
df = pd.DataFrame(
df.groupby(group).apply(lambda x: (x[power] < threshold).any()))
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=False)
return df
return below_threshold_
Example usage:
## +-----+---------------+
## |group|below_threshold|
## +-----+---------------+
## | b| true|
## | a| false|
## +-----+---------------+
See also Applying UDFs on GroupedData in PySpark (with functioning python example)
Spark >= 2.0 (optionally 1.6 but with slightly different API):
It is possible to use Aggregators on typed Datasets:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders}
class BelowThreshold[I](f: I => Boolean) extends Aggregator[I, Boolean, Boolean]
with Serializable {
def zero = false
def reduce(acc: Boolean, x: I) = acc | f(x)
def merge(acc1: Boolean, acc2: Boolean) = acc1 | acc2
def finish(acc: Boolean) = acc
def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = Encoders.scalaBoolean
def outputEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = Encoders.scalaBoolean
val belowThreshold = new BelowThreshold[(String, Int)](_._2 < - 40).toColumn[(String, Int)].groupByKey(_._1).agg(belowThreshold)
Spark >= 1.5:
In Spark 1.5 you can create UDAF like this although it is most likely an overkill:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
object belowThreshold extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction {
// Schema you get as an input
def inputSchema = new StructType().add("power", IntegerType)
// Schema of the row which is used for aggregation
def bufferSchema = new StructType().add("ind", BooleanType)
// Returned type
def dataType = BooleanType
// Self-explaining
def deterministic = true
// zero value
def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer) = buffer.update(0, false)
// Similar to seqOp in aggregate
def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row) = {
if (!input.isNullAt(0))
buffer.update(0, buffer.getBoolean(0) | input.getInt(0) < -40)
// Similar to combOp in aggregate
def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row) = {
buffer1.update(0, buffer1.getBoolean(0) | buffer2.getBoolean(0))
// Called on exit to get return value
def evaluate(buffer: Row) = buffer.getBoolean(0)
Example usage:
// +-----+--------------+
// |group|belowThreshold|
// +-----+--------------+
// | a| false|
// | b| true|
// +-----+--------------+
Spark 1.4 workaround:
I am not sure if I correctly understand your requirements but as far as I can tell plain old aggregation should be enough here:
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("a", 0), ("a", 1), ("b", 30), ("b", -50))).toDF("group", "power")
.withColumn("belowThreshold", ($"power".lt(-40)).cast(IntegerType))
// +-----+--------------+
// |group|belowThreshold|
// +-----+--------------+
// | a| false|
// | b| true|
// +-----+--------------+
Spark <= 1.4:
As far I know, at this moment (Spark 1.4.1), there is no support for UDAF, other than the Hive ones. It should be possible with Spark 1.5 (see SPARK-3947).
Unsupported / internal methods
Internally Spark uses a number of classes including ImperativeAggregates and DeclarativeAggregates.
There are intended for internal usage and may change without further notice, so it is probably not something you want to use in your production code, but just for completeness BelowThreshold with DeclarativeAggregate could be implemented like this (tested with Spark 2.2-SNAPSHOT):
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.DeclarativeAggregate
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
case class BelowThreshold(child: Expression, threshold: Expression)
extends DeclarativeAggregate {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(child, threshold)
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = BooleanType
private lazy val belowThreshold = AttributeReference(
"belowThreshold", BooleanType, nullable = false
// Used to derive schema
override lazy val aggBufferAttributes = belowThreshold :: Nil
override lazy val initialValues = Seq(
override lazy val updateExpressions = Seq(Or(
If(IsNull(child), Literal(false), LessThan(child, threshold))
override lazy val mergeExpressions = Seq(
Or(belowThreshold.left, belowThreshold.right)
override lazy val evaluateExpression = belowThreshold
override def defaultResult: Option[Literal] = Option(Literal(false))
It should be further wrapped with an equivalent of withAggregateFunction.

To define and Use UDF in Spark(3.0+) Java:
private static UDF1<Integer, Boolean> belowThreshold = (power) -> power < -40;
Registering the UDF:
.getOrCreate().udf().register("belowThreshold", belowThreshold, BooleanType);
Using the UDF by Spark SQL:
spark.sql("SELECT belowThreshold('50')");


spark scala percentile_approx with weights

How can I compute percentile 15th and percentile 50th of column students taking into consideration occ column without using array_repeat and avoiding explosion? I have huge input dataframe and explosion blows out the memory.
My DF is:
name | occ | students
aaa 1 1
aaa 3 7
aaa 6 11
For example, if I consider students and occ are bot arrays then to compute percentile 50th of array students with taking into consideration of occ I would normaly compute like this:
val students = Array(1,7,11)
val occ = Array(1,3,6)
it gives:
val student_repeated = Array(1,7,7,7,11,11,11,11,11,11)
then student_50th would be 50th percentile of student_repeated => 11.
My current code:
import spark.implicits._
val inputDF = Seq(
("aaa", 1, 1),
("aaa", 3, 7),
("aaa", 6, 11),
.toDF("name", "occ", "student")
// Solution 1
.withColumn("student", array_repeat(col("student"), col("occ")))
.withColumn("student", explode(col("student")))
percentile_approx(col("student"), lit(0.5), lit(10000)).alias("student_50"),
percentile_approx(col("student"), lit(0.15), lit(10000)).alias("student_15"),
which outputs:
|aaa |11 |7 |
I am looking for scala equivalent solution:
I am proceeding with sketches-java
I have decided to use dds sketch which has method accept which allows the sketch to be updated.
"com.datadoghq" % "sketches-java" % "0.8.2"
First, I initialize empty sketch.
Then, I accept pair of values (value, weight)
Then after all I call dds sketch method getValueAtQuantile
I do execute all as Spark Scala Aggregator.
class DDSInitAgg(pct: Double, accuracy: Double) extends Aggregator[ValueWithWeigth, SketchData, Double]{
private val precision: String = "%.6f"
override def zero: SketchData = DDSUtils.sketchToTuple(DDSketches.unboundedDense(accuracy))
override def reduce(b: SketchData, a: ValueWithWeigth): SketchData = {
val s = DDSUtils.sketchFromTuple(b)
s.accept(a.value, a.weight)
override def merge(b1: SketchData, b2: SketchData): SketchData = {
val s1: DDSketch = DDSUtils.sketchFromTuple(b1)
val s2: DDSketch = DDSUtils.sketchFromTuple(b2)
override def finish(reduction: SketchData): Double = {
val percentile: Double = DDSUtils.sketchFromTuple(reduction).getValueAtQuantile(pct)
override def bufferEncoder: Encoder[SketchData] = ExpressionEncoder()
override def outputEncoder: Encoder[Double] = Encoders.scalaDouble
You can execute it as udaf taking two columns as the input.
Additionaly, I developed methods for encoding/decoding back and forth from DDSSketch <---> Array[Byte]
case class SketchData(backingArray: Array[Byte], numWrittenBytes: Int)
object DDSUtils {
val emptySketch: DDSketch = DDSketches.unboundedDense(0.01)
val supplierStore: Supplier[Store] = () => new UnboundedSizeDenseStore()
def sketchToTuple(s: DDSketch): SketchData = {
val o = GrowingByteArrayOutput.withDefaultInitialCapacity()
s.encode(o, false)
SketchData(o.backingArray(), o.numWrittenBytes())
def sketchFromTuple(sketchData: SketchData): DDSketch = {
val i: ByteArrayInput = ByteArrayInput.wrap(sketchData.backingArray, 0, sketchData.numWrittenBytes)
DDSketch.decode(i, supplierStore)
This is how I call it as udaf
val ddsInitAgg50UDAF: UserDefinedFunction = udaf(new DDSInitAgg(0.50, 0.50), ExpressionEncoder[ValueWithWeigth])
and finally then in aggregation:
ddsInitAgg50UDAF(col("weigthCol"), col("valueCol")).alias("value_pct_50")

Spark collect_list and limit resulting list

I have a dataframe of the following format:
name merged
key1 (internalKey1, value1)
key1 (internalKey2, value2)
key2 (internalKey3, value3)
What I want to do is group the dataframe by the name, collect the list and limit the size of the list.
This is how i group by the name and collect the list:
val res = df.groupBy("name")
The resuling dataframe is something like:
key1 [(internalKey1, value1), (internalKey2, value2),...] // Limit the size of this list
key2 [(internalKey3, value3),...]
What I want to do is limit the size of the produced lists for each key. I' ve tried multiple ways to do that but had no success. I've already seen some posts that suggest 3rd party solutions but I want to avoid that. Is there a way?
So while a UDF does what you need, if you're looking for a more performant way that is also memory sensitive, the way of doing this would be to write a UDAF. Unfortunately the UDAF API is actually not as extensible as the aggregate functions that ship with spark. However you can use their internal APIs to build on the internal functions to do what you need.
Here is an implementation for collect_list_limit that is mostly a copy past of Spark's internal CollectList AggregateFunction. I would just extend it but its a case class. Really all that's needed is to override update and merge methods to respect a passed in limit:
case class CollectListLimit(
child: Expression,
limitExp: Expression,
mutableAggBufferOffset: Int = 0,
inputAggBufferOffset: Int = 0) extends Collect[mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any]] {
val limit = limitExp.eval( null ).asInstanceOf[Int]
def this(child: Expression, limit: Expression) = this(child, limit, 0, 0)
override def withNewMutableAggBufferOffset(newMutableAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
copy(mutableAggBufferOffset = newMutableAggBufferOffset)
override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset)
override def createAggregationBuffer(): mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any] = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty
override def update(buffer: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any], input: InternalRow): mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any] = {
if( buffer.size < limit ) super.update(buffer, input)
else buffer
override def merge(buffer: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any], other: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any]): mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any] = {
if( buffer.size >= limit ) buffer
else if( other.size >= limit ) other
else ( buffer ++= other ).take( limit )
override def prettyName: String = "collect_list_limit"
And to actually register it, we can do it through Spark's internal FunctionRegistry which takes in the name and the builder which is effectively a function that creates a CollectListLimit using the provided expressions:
val collectListBuilder = (args: Seq[Expression]) => CollectListLimit( args( 0 ), args( 1 ) )
FunctionRegistry.builtin.registerFunction( "collect_list_limit", collectListBuilder )
Turns out adding it to the builtin only works if you haven't created the SparkContext yet as it makes an immutable clone on startup. If you have an existing context then this should work to add it with reflection:
val field = classOf[SessionCatalog].getFields.find( _.getName.endsWith( "functionRegistry" ) ).get
field.setAccessible( true )
val inUseRegistry = field.get( SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate.sessionState.catalog ).asInstanceOf[FunctionRegistry]
inUseRegistry.registerFunction( "collect_list_limit", collectListBuilder )
You can create a function that limits the size of the aggregated ArrayType column as shown below:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
case class KV(k: String, v: String)
val df = Seq(
("key1", KV("internalKey1", "value1")),
("key1", KV("internalKey2", "value2")),
("key2", KV("internalKey3", "value3")),
("key2", KV("internalKey4", "value4")),
("key2", KV("internalKey5", "value5"))
).toDF("name", "merged")
def limitSize(n: Int, arrCol: Column): Column =
array( (0 until n).map( arrCol.getItem ): _* )
groupBy("name").agg( collect_list(col("merged")).as("final") ).
select( $"name", limitSize(2, $"final").as("final2") ).
// +----+----------------------------------------------+
// |name|final2 |
// +----+----------------------------------------------+
// |key1|[[internalKey1,value1], [internalKey2,value2]]|
// |key2|[[internalKey3,value3], [internalKey4,value4]]|
// +----+----------------------------------------------+
You can use a UDF.
Here is a probable example without the necessity of schema and with a meaningful reduction:
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import scala.collection.mutable
object TestJob1 {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession
.appName(this.getClass.getName.replace("$", ""))
val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext
import sparkSession.sqlContext.implicits._
val rawDf = Seq(
("key", 1L, "gargamel"),
("key", 4L, "pe_gadol"),
("key", 2L, "zaam"),
("key1", 5L, "naval")
).toDF("group", "quality", "other")
val rawSchema = rawDf.schema
val fUdf = udf(reduceByQuality, rawSchema)
val aggDf = rawDf
.withColumn("short", fUdf($"horizontal"))
def reduceByQuality= (x: Any) => {
val d = x.asInstanceOf[mutable.WrappedArray[GenericRowWithSchema]]
val red = d.reduce((r1, r2) => {
val quality1 = r1.getAs[Long]("quality")
val quality2 = r2.getAs[Long]("quality")
val r3 = quality1 match {
case a if a >= quality2 =>
case _ =>
here is an example with data like yours
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import scala.collection.mutable
object TestJob {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val sparkSession = SparkSession
.appName(this.getClass.getName.replace("$", ""))
val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext
import sparkSession.sqlContext.implicits._
val df1 = Seq(
("key1", ("internalKey1", "value1")),
("key1", ("internalKey2", "value2")),
("key2", ("internalKey3", "value3")),
("key2", ("internalKey4", "value4")),
("key2", ("internalKey5", "value5"))
.toDF("name", "merged")
// df1.printSchema
val res = df1
.agg( collect_list(col("merged")).as("final") )
def f= (x: Any) => {
val d = x.asInstanceOf[mutable.WrappedArray[GenericRowWithSchema]]
val d1 = d.asInstanceOf[mutable.WrappedArray[GenericRowWithSchema]].head
val fUdf = udf(f, StringType)
val d2 = res
.withColumn("d", fUdf(col("final")))

spark map partitions to fill nan values

I want to fill nan values in spark using the last good known observation - see: Spark / Scala: fill nan with last good observation
My current solution used window functions in order to accomplish the task. But this is not great, as all values are mapped into a single partition.
val imputed: RDD[FooBar] = recordsDF.rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i, iter) => fill(i, iter) } should work a lot better. But strangely my fill function is not executed. What is wrong with my code?
| foo| bar|
|2016-01-01| first|
|2016-01-02| second|
| null| noValidFormat|
Here is the full example code:
import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.log4j.{ Level, Logger }
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
case class FooBar(foo: Date, bar: String)
object WindowFunctionExample extends App {
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf()
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
import spark.implicits._
val myDff = Seq(("2016-01-01", "first"), ("2016-01-02", "second"),
("2016-wrongFormat", "noValidFormat"),
("2016-01-04", "lastAssumingSameDate"))
val recordsDF = myDff
.toDF("foo", "bar")
.withColumn("foo", 'foo.cast("Date"))
def notMissing(row: FooBar): Boolean = { != null
val toCarry = recordsDF.rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i, iter) => Iterator((i, iter.filter(notMissing(_)).toSeq.lastOption)) }.collectAsMap
println("###################### carry ")
println("###################### carry ")
val toCarryBd = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(toCarry)
def fill(i: Int, iter: Iterator[FooBar]): Iterator[FooBar] = {
var lastNotNullRow: FooBar = toCarryBd.value(i).get => {
if (!notMissing(row))1
else {
lastNotNullRow = row
// The algorithm does not step into the for loop for filling the null values. Strange
val imputed: RDD[FooBar] = recordsDF.rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i, iter) => fill(i, iter) }
val imputedDF = imputed.toDS()
I fixed the code as outlined by the comment. But the toCarryBd contains None values. How can this happen as I did filter explicitly for
def notMissing(row: FooBar): Boolean = { != null}
non None values.
This leads to NoSuchElementException: None.getwhen trying to access toCarryBd.
Firstly, if your foo field can be null, I would recommend creating the case class as:
case class FooBar(foo: Option[Date], bar: String)
Then, you can rewrite your notMissing function to something like:
def notMissing(row: Option[FooBar]): Boolean = row.isDefined &&

How to use countDistinct in Scala with Spark?

I've tried to use countDistinct function which should be available in Spark 1.5 according to DataBrick's blog. However, I got the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: undefined function countDistinct;
I've found that on Spark developers' mail list they suggest using count and distinct functions to get the same result which should be produced by countDistinct:
count(distinct <columnName>)
// Instead
Because I build aggregation expressions dynamically from the list of the names of aggregation functions I'd prefer to don't have any special cases which require different treating.
So, is it possible to unify it by:
registering new UDAF which will be an alias for count(distinct columnName)
registering manually already implemented in Spark CountDistinct function which is probably one from following import:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{CountDistinctFunction, CountDistinct}
or do it in any other way?
Example (with removed some local references and unnecessary code):
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, SQLContext, DataFrame}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class Flattener(sc: SparkContext) {
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
def flatTable(data: DataFrame, groupField: String): DataFrame = {
val flatteningExpressions =
flatMap(x => getFlatteningExpressions(x._1, x._2)).toList
data.groupBy(groupField).agg (
expr(s"count($groupField) as groupSize"),
private def getFlatteningExpressions(fieldName: String, fieldType: DType): List[Column] = {
val aggFuncs = getAggregationFunctons(fieldType) => expr(s"$f($fieldName) as ${fieldName}_$f"))
private def getAggregationFunctons(fieldType: DType): List[String] = {
val aggFuncs = new ListBuffer[String]()
if(fieldType == DType.NUMERIC) {
aggFuncs += ("avg", "min", "max")
if(fieldType == DType.CATEGORY) {
aggFuncs += "countDistinct"
countDistinct can be used in two different forms:
df.groupBy("A").agg(expr("count(distinct B)")
However, neither of these methods work when you want to use them on the same column with your custom UDAF (implemented as UserDefinedAggregateFunction in Spark 1.5):
// Assume that we have already implemented and registered StdDev UDAF
df.groupBy("A").agg(countDistinct("B"), expr("StdDev(B)"))
// Will cause
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: StdDev is implemented based on the new Aggregate Function interface and it cannot be used with functions implemented based on the old Aggregate Function interface.;
Due to these limitation it looks that the most reasonable is implementing countDistinct as a UDAF what should allow to treat all functions in the same way as well as use countDistinct along with other UDAFs.
The example implementation can look like this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{MutableAggregationBuffer, UserDefinedAggregateFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
class CountDistinct extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction{
override def inputSchema: StructType = StructType(StructField("value", StringType) :: Nil)
override def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row): Unit = {
buffer(0) = (buffer.getSeq[String](0).toSet + input.getString(0)).toSeq
override def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(
StructField("items", ArrayType(StringType, true)) :: Nil
override def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row): Unit = {
buffer1(0) = (buffer1.getSeq[String](0).toSet ++ buffer2.getSeq[String](0).toSet).toSeq
override def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = {
buffer(0) = Seq[String]()
override def deterministic: Boolean = true
override def evaluate(buffer: Row): Any = {
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
Not sure if I really understood your problem, but this is an example for the countDistinct aggregated function:
val values = Array((1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (1, 2))
val myDf = sc.parallelize(values).toDF("id", "foo")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.countDistinct
myDf.groupBy('id).agg(countDistinct('foo) as 'distinctFoo) show
| 1| 2|
| 2| 1|

Better way to convert a string field into timestamp in Spark

I have a CSV in which a field is datetime in a specific format. I cannot import it directly in my Dataframe because it needs to be a timestamp. So I import it as string and convert it into a Timestamp like this
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
def getTimestamp(x:Any) : Timestamp = {
val format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy' 'HH:mm:ss")
if (x.toString() == "")
return null
else {
val d = format.parse(x.toString());
val t = new Timestamp(d.getTime());
return t
def convert(row : Row) : Row = {
val d1 = getTimestamp(row(3))
return Row(row(0),row(1),row(2),d1)
Is there a better, more concise way to do this, with the Dataframe API or spark-sql? The above method requires the creation of an RDD and to give the schema for the Dataframe again.
Spark >= 2.2
Since you 2.2 you can provide format string directly:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.to_timestamp
val ts = to_timestamp($"dts", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
df.withColumn("ts", ts).show(2, false)
// +---+-------------------+-------------------+
// |id |dts |ts |
// +---+-------------------+-------------------+
// |1 |05/26/2016 01:01:01|2016-05-26 01:01:01|
// |2 |#$#### |null |
// +---+-------------------+-------------------+
Spark >= 1.6, < 2.2
You can use date processing functions which have been introduced in Spark 1.5. Assuming you have following data:
val df = Seq((1L, "05/26/2016 01:01:01"), (2L, "#$####")).toDF("id", "dts")
You can use unix_timestamp to parse strings and cast it to timestamp
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.unix_timestamp
val ts = unix_timestamp($"dts", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").cast("timestamp")
df.withColumn("ts", ts).show(2, false)
// +---+-------------------+---------------------+
// |id |dts |ts |
// +---+-------------------+---------------------+
// |1 |05/26/2016 01:01:01|2016-05-26 01:01:01.0|
// |2 |#$#### |null |
// +---+-------------------+---------------------+
As you can see it covers both parsing and error handling. The format string should be compatible with Java SimpleDateFormat.
Spark >= 1.5, < 1.6
You'll have to use use something like this:
unix_timestamp($"dts", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").cast("double").cast("timestamp")
(unix_timestamp($"dts", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") * 1000).cast("timestamp")
due to SPARK-11724.
Spark < 1.5
you should be able to use these with expr and HiveContext.
I haven't played with Spark SQL yet but I think this would be more idiomatic scala (null usage is not considered a good practice):
def getTimestamp(s: String) : Option[Timestamp] = s match {
case "" => None
case _ => {
val format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy' 'HH:mm:ss")
Try(new Timestamp(format.parse(s).getTime)) match {
case Success(t) => Some(t)
case Failure(_) => None
Please notice I assume you know Row elements types beforehand (if you read it from a csv file, all them are String), that's why I use a proper type like String and not Any (everything is subtype of Any).
It also depends on how you want to handle parsing exceptions. In this case, if a parsing exception occurs, a None is simply returned.
You could use it further on with: => Row(row(0),row(1),row(2), getTimestamp(row(3))
I have ISO8601 timestamp in my dataset and I needed to convert it to "yyyy-MM-dd" format. This is what I did:
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone}
object DateUtils extends Serializable {
def dtFromUtcSeconds(seconds: Int): DateTime = new DateTime(seconds * 1000L, DateTimeZone.UTC)
def dtFromIso8601(isoString: String): DateTime = new DateTime(isoString, DateTimeZone.UTC)
sqlContext.udf.register("formatTimeStamp", (isoTimestamp : String) => DateUtils.dtFromIso8601(isoTimestamp).toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
And you can just use the UDF in your spark SQL query.
Spark Version: 2.4.4
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType
scala> val df = Seq("2019-04-01 08:28:00").toDF("ts")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ts: string]
scala> val df_mod =$"ts".cast(TimestampType))
df_mod: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ts: timestamp]
scala> df_mod.printSchema()
|-- ts: timestamp (nullable = true)
I would like to move the getTimeStamp method wrote by you into rdd's mapPartitions and reuse GenericMutableRow among rows in an iterator:
val strRdd = sc.textFile("hdfs://path/to/cvs-file")
val rowRdd: RDD[Row] ='\t')).mapPartitions { iter =>
new Iterator[Row] {
val row = new GenericMutableRow(4)
var current: Array[String] = _
def hasNext = iter.hasNext
def next() = {
current =
row(0) = current(0)
row(1) = current(1)
row(2) = current(2)
val ts = getTimestamp(current(3))
if(ts != null) {
row.update(3, ts)
} else {
And you should still use schema to generate a DataFrame
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRdd, tableSchema)
The usage of GenericMutableRow inside an iterator implementation could be find in Aggregate Operator, InMemoryColumnarTableScan, ParquetTableOperations etc.
I would use
This will infer timestamps for you.
import com.databricks.spark.csv._
val rdd: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("csvfile.csv")
val df : DataFrame = new CsvParser().withDelimiter('|')
.csvRdd(sqlContext, rdd)
I had some issues with to_timestamp where it was returning an empty string. After a lot of trial and error, I was able to get around it by casting as a timestamp, and then casting back as a string. I hope this helps for anyone else with the same issue:
df.columns.intersect(cols).foldLeft(df)((newDf, col) => {
val conversionFunc = to_timestamp(newDf(col).cast("timestamp"), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").cast("string")
newDf.withColumn(col, conversionFunc)