Allow load balanced instances to connect single compute instance postgresql server - postgresql

I am looking for GCP networking best practice, where I can allow connection of auto-scaled instances to Postgresql server installed on separate instance.
So far I tried whitelisting load-balancer IP within firewall and postgresql config file, but failed.
Any help or pointer is highly appreciated.

The load-balancer doesn't process information by itself, it just redirects Frontend addresse(s) and manage the requests with Instance Groups.
That instance group should manage the HTTP requests and connect with the database instance.
The load-balancer is used to dynamically distribute (or even create additional instances) to handle the requests over the same Frontend address.
So first you should make it work with a regular instance, configure it and save the instance template. Then you can proceed with creating an instance group that can be managed by a load-balancer.
EDIT - Extended the answer from my comment
"I don't think your problem is related to Google cloud platform now. If you have a known IP address for the PostgreSQL server (connect using an internal network IP address so it doesn't change), then make sure your auto-balanced instances are in the same internal network, use db's internal IP and connect to it."


How do I simulate a VPN connection to Google Cloud?

So I have GCP set up and Kubernetes, I have a web app (Apache OFBiz) running on pods in the GKE cluster. We have a domain that points itself to the web app, so essentially it's accessible from anywhere on the internet. Our issue is since this is a school project, we want to limit the access to the web app to the internal network on GCP, we want to simulate a VPN connection. I have a VPN gateway set up, but I have no idea what to do on any random computer to simulate a connection to the internal network on GCP. Do I need something else to make this work? What are the steps on the host to connect to GCP? And finally, how do I go about limiting access to the webapp so only people in the internal network have access to the webapp?
When I want to test a VPN, I simply create a new VPC in my project and I connect both with Cloud VPN. Then, in the new VPC, you can create VM that simulate computer in the other side of the VPN and thus simulate what you want.
To setup a VPN on GCP you can use Cloud VPN using static or dynamic routing, you will need to configure a remote peer from the location you want to access your GCP resources to establish the connection towards the Cloud VPN gateway on GCP end.
This means you may require a router that supports creating VPN tunnels on your on-premises or use a host that acts like a router to establish this connection using a VPN software towards Cloud VPN (like Strongswan, for example).
You can block external access to the resources on your VPC network by using GCP firewall rules and just allow specific ports or source IP ranges as you wish.
Another option, even if it's not a VPN or encrypted traffic, is to only allow ingress traffic from the public IP from where you would like to connect to your internal VPC, but this is less secure and would only work if you have an static public IP on your on-premises.
Since you said this is a school project, I would recommend asking your teacher for more direct advice. That said, you can't "simulate" a VPN but you can set up an IPSec client on your laptop or whatever and actually connect to it. Unfortunately Google doesn't appear to have any documentation on this so I'm guessing they presume you already know IPSec well enough to write a connection config yourself.
Using kubectl port-forward might be an easier solution.

How can one connect from Heroku to a firewalled host to get data from MongoDb?

I am currently developing a service application that pulls data from Mongo and returns it to consumers. There is a layer of authentication involved and I am using Heroku to host the service. Mongo was being hosted on MongoLabs, but there were some significant performance concerns and so we have moved to hosting Mongo on one of our cloud servers. We want to be able to secure access to Mongo using a firewall, white-listing the ip address of the service app on Heroku.
There are a couple of issues with this.
Well, at least these are main ones...
Heroku, while providing some nice features like easily managing cluster settings, s/w upgrades, etc., draws ip addresses from a pool. While the dns value of an application's url may not change, the underlying ip address can and will change.
to be better secured, mongo-server01 is placed behind a firewall that requires rules to be added using static ip addresses to allow access.
Since Heroku can't provide static ip addresses, we need to consider options for how Heroku can access mongo-server01 while still protecting the data it hosts.
Static IP addresses for outbound requests
There seem to be a couple of options, specifically for Heroku. Fixie and QuotaGuard Static both seem to serve that function, but these seem to be geared toward HTTP and HTTPS communication only (perhaps not even HTTPS).
Mongo doesn't use HTTP, it uses its own network protocol over port 27017, by default!topic/mongodb-user/eX_RIv2cZVw
Does this mean these proxies won't work for calls to Mongo? In theory, there doesn't seem to be any reason that a proxy is only for HTTP or HTTPS requests. That being said, there doesn't seem to be any way to get in to these Heroku plugins and configure the proxy to use a different port or to handle Mongo's particular protocol.
If we could get into the proxy, perhaps we could put an additional set of ssh keys in place so the ssl tunnel chain could continue on to mongo-server01. But there doesn't see to be any way to ssh to these proxies or access configuration through the plugin dashboards.
The question (finally!)
How can one connect from Heroku to a firewalled host to get data from MongoDb? Are there proxies that can be used to achieve this?
The simple approach. Won't work because Heroku applications don't use static ip addresses.
Using a proxy. The Heroku proxy plugins don't know how to proxy mongodb protocol. Can't install ssh keys on proxy for ssh tunneling.
What can be done to get a connection without opening up the Mongo server to the world?
I spoke with the folks at QuotaGuard and they do have something that does the trick.
we offer a SOCKS proxy which should do the trick as it proxies at the TCP layer
I did need to make a simple change to bin/qgsocksify
#SOCKS_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})))/vendor/dante
After that, the proxy worked like a charm.

Cannot access google cloud SQL from google container engine

I'm still having problems accessing the cloud SQL instance from a GCE container. When I try to open up mysql, I get the following error:
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial
communication packet', system error: 0
The connection works fine from my local machine, though (The instance has a public IP and I have added my office's IP to the 'allowed Networks'). So, the instance is accessible through the internet just fine.
I guess the db's access control is blocking my access from the gce network, but I'm unable to figure out how to configure this.
I added my project to "Authorized App Engine Applications" in the Cloud SQL control panel, but that doesn't seem to help.
If I add "" to Allowed Networks, all works well. This is obviously not what I want, so what do I need to enter instead?
EDIT2: I could also add all public IPs from my kubernetes cluster (obtained through gcloud compute instances list) and add them to the cloud sql access list manually. But, this doesn't seem to be right, does it?
The recommended solution is to use SSL connection with that CIDR. This is to limit the connection to the correct key. I also read that they won't promise you a specific IP range so the CIDR /14 might not work some times. I had to do the SSL connection with my Cloud SQL for the same reasons.
You should use the public IP addresses of the GCE instances to correctly allow traffic to your Cloud SQL instance (as you mentioned in EDIT2).
You can find more information in Cloud SQL documentation:
If you add the /14 CIDR block for your Container Engine cluster as the source address range does that work?
To find the CIDR block for your cluster, click on the cluster name in the Google Cloud Console and find the row labeled "Container address range".

How to make a Google Cloud SQL Instance accessible for any IP address?

I have just created a Google Cloud SQL instance. When I was looking on the access control of my instance, I found that if I want to access my database, I should authorize my IP address to get the right to access the database, but the problem is that my application will be deployed anywhere where the clients need, and even if I know where they will run the application and also I authorized their IP address, it (the IP) will be changed at least one time every 24 hours because it is not static IP, and then I have to re-authorize the IP again and again!
Is there any way to make the instance accessible from any IP?
You can whitelist any subnet. You just need to enter it using CIDR notation:
In particular, you can whitelist which includes all possible IP Address.
Please note that this is not recommended for security reasons. You want your access to be as restricted as possible.
This is an older post, but I noticed it on the sidebar so I figured I would add my 2c.
If you're able to use Cloud SQL Second Gen (currently in Beta) there is a new feature which allows access to the database without having to whitelist any firewalls:
Today, I was looking for a way to set-up an MS-SQL server for development purpose and found the similiar problem (how to allow my laptop to access).
This guide, helps.
In short, you need to allow firewall to enable EXTERNAL access to your VM instance at port 1433.

How to find IP of my server for Microsoft's Cloud

I created tcp ip application and published it to cloud of Microsoft, but for now I don't know how to find the IP of my server.
Or in another words, how can I find the IP at which implemented role was deployed?
Depends on whether you are trying to get the public IP or the private IP of the server.
If you want to reach this server from outside of the Azure network, then you are looking for the public IP. In this case you must define an InputEndpoint for your role. You'll be required to specify a FQDN for your app. You can find the IP address of this FQDN using the usual methods like tracert, ping, etc.
If you want to reach this server from within the Azure network, typically you'd want some other role in your tenant to communicate with this server, then you'd need to define an InternalEndpoint for your server. You can then use the ServiceRuntime library to discover the private endpoint of your role instance.
Enabling Communication for Role Instances in Windows Azure is an excellent resource to get a better understanding of how this works.