Which tool is the best to convert clauses in CNF (or even better DIMACS CNF)? - sat

I am automatically generating clauses like this with a C++ program:
((((((condition1#0 and not action1#0 and not action2#0 and TRUE) and (action1#1 and not action2#1 and not condition1#1 and TRUE) and TRUE)) or (not action1#0 and not action2#0 and not condition1#0 and action2#1 and not action1#1 and not condition1#1 and TRUE) or FALSE)))
I need then to check their satisfiability with some tool (something like MiniSat), but before inputing them in such a tool I need to convert them in DIMACS CNF, do you know any tool that can do it automatically for me?
Thank you!
Also a non-CNF sat solver would work fine!

In pysmt there is a parser called human readable parser (hrparser) that should be able to parse those expressions. [1] .
Pysmt is integrated with both picosat and the cudd bdd package,so that you can check for satisfiability easily. In general, smt solvers are more flexible in the structure of the input (non cnf) . If you can change the output of the c++ code, it might be easy enough to create an smtlib file and use an smt silver (eg yices, z3, or cvc4).
Note: I am one of the developers of pysmt
[1] http://pysmt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/pysmt/parsing.html#HRParser


Matlab converting library to model

I'm working on a script to convert a Simulink library to a plain model, meaning it can be simulated, it does not auto-lock etc.
Is there a way to do this with code aside from basically copy-pasting every single block into a new model? And if it isn't, what is the most efficient way to do the "copy-paste".
I was not able to find any clues as how to approach this problem here, or on Google, or on the official documentation or on the MathWorks forum so I'm at a loss on how to proceed.
Thank you in advance!
I don't think it's possible to convert a library to a model, but you can programmatically add library blocks to models like so:
sys = 'testModel';
add_block('Simulink/Sources/Sine Wave', [sys, '/MySineWave']);
You could even use the find_system command to list all the blocks in a library and then loop through them all and create a new model for each using the above code.

Removing annotations from a Modelica model

I'm developing a Modelica library and need to produce a document with source code listings. I'd like to be able to include the source of the Modelica models without annotations.
I could manually edit them out, but I'm looking for a more automated strategy. I'm guessing the most convenient and straightforward approach is to use some tool to save .mo files with no annotations and include those in my document (I'm using \lstinputlisting in LaTeX).
Is it possible to do this? I have access to Dymola, OpenModelica and JModelica. Dymola is obviously capable of producing such a listing, as it's able to include it in the automatically generated documentation (File > Export > HTML...). I've been looking into scripting with Dymola and OpenModelica, but haven't found a way to do this either.
JModelica seems like it could be a good option, but I don't have experience working with Python. If this is possible and someone gives me some pointers, I'm willing to look into it myself. I found a mention to a prettyprint function that might do the job, but I'm not sure where to start. I can't even find reference to that function in the latest documentation.
It would also be more convenient for me to find a way of doing it with Dymola/OpenModelica (whether through the UI or by using a script). Have I missed something?
I think you could use saveTotalModel("total.mo", MyModelName) in OpenModelica. This will strip most annotations (not ones used for code generation if I remember correctly) and pretty-print the source code including all dependencies. Then you just copy-paste the models/packages that you want to include in the listing. Or if you prefer, you can do something like the following to only include code for a particular model:
saveTotalModel("total.mo", MyModel.A.B);
str := list(MyModel.A.B);
writeFile("MyModel.A.B.listing", str);

dReal SMT solver counterexamples

Does the dReal SMT solver return counterexamples? I have seen examples where :produce-models is true, but I do not know how to generate counterexamples. Also, the dReach tool has a --visualize option, so it would seem that dReal would need to produce some model information. However, when I run it on .smt2 files, I can't seem to find a way to view counterexamples.
O.k., it is trivial :). dReal does not follow the usual .smt2 convention of using (get-model), but you can get models by using the command line option --model.
E.g.: dReal --model microwave1.smt2

Accessing variable by string name

I need to load experimental data into scicoslab, a (pretty badly designed) clone fork of scilab which happens to support graphical modeling. The documentation on the web is pretty poor, but it's reasonably similar to scilab and octave.
The data I need to process is contained into a certain number of text files: Data_005, Data_010, …, Data_100. Each of them can be loaded using the -ascii flag for the loadmatfile command.
The problem comes from the fact that loadmatfile("foo", "-ascii") loads the file foo.mat into a variable named foo. In order to to cycle on the data files, I would need to do something like:
for i = [5:5:100]
name = sprintf("Data_%02d", i);
loadmatfile(name, "-ascii");
x = read_var_from_name(name);
where what I search for is a builtin read_var_from_name which would allow me to access the internal symbol table by string.
Do you know if there exist a similar function?
There's no way of overriding this behavior if your file is in ascii format;
In this phase I could also use octave (no graphical modelling is involved), although it behaves in the same way.
>> foo = 3.14; name = 'foo'; eval(name)
foo =
The above works in MATLAB, and Scilab's documentation says it also has an eval function. Not sure if I understood you correctly, though.
#arne.b has a good answer.
In your case you can also do that in matlab:
lets go through your points one by one:
"ScicosLab, a (pretty badly designed) clone of Scilab" This in my opinion is an inaccurate way of introducing the software. ScicosLab is not a clone of Scilab but a fork of it. The team behind ScicosLab (INRIA) are the ones who made scocos (now called xcos in Scilab development line). At some point (from Scilab v4) the Scilab team decided to move away from Tcl/tk towards Java, but the SciccosLab/scicos team departed, keep using the language (Tcl) and it's graphical user interface design package (tk). Giving the ScocosLab community the credit that the whole Scilab documentation and support is not very good in general. :) (more about Scilab and the forks here)
Regarding the technical question I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve here, Scilab/ScicosLab still have the eval function which basically does what you want. However this function is to be deprecated in favor of evstr. There is also the execstr function which worth studying.
The loadmatfile, as far as I have understood, "tries" to load the variables defined in a MATLAB .mat file (MATLAB's proprietary tabular format) into the Scilab workspace. For example if there is a variable foo it will "try" to create the variable foo and loads its value from the MATLAB script. Check this example. I would create a variable x(i) = foo in the for loop. again your question is not completely clear.
As a side note maybe you could consider exporting your data as CSV instead of .mat files.

Good practices for formatting simulation output

This is almost a programming question, but geared towards physicists.
Suppose I am writing a piece of software that takes some system parameters as input and then calculates something from it, in my case a spectral function $A(k,\omega)$.
When I want to just take the output and feed it to gnuplot, I should make the program output a simple table with one column for the $k$-values, one for $\omega$ and one for $A(k,\omega)$.
But then I cannot store there all the additional information, such as what parameters were used. And maybe I want to store in that output some additional debugging information such as intermediate quantities. In my example, the spectral function is obtained from the self energy, so in some situations I might want to look at the self energy directly.
I do not want to constantly hack the source code depending on what output I want. It would be nicer if all the relevant data of a "run" would be present in a single file/entity but so that it is still easy to extract tables I can feed to gnuplot.
Not wanting to reinvent the wheel and develop a full-blown file format, are there some "standards" around that are best used when creating, processing and storing data from calculations or simulations? Maybe even in an SQL database format?
There are dozens of methods, and none too good; I'll share two mine:
If the program is worth it, I add a small parser of config files. Then I just make a cofig, let's say, SimA.in, and simulator makes a bunch of files with corresponding data SimA.paths, SimA.stats, SimA.log, etc. Unless the names are unique and I add version of the code to log, this makes the results fully reproducible and the simulation itself portable enough to be easily manageable.
If not, I just wrap a code a bit and use R as a host. Then I just return all the arrays and scalars (R data structures are very flexible, and it is easy to cast native R or C structs) and use R to manage, save/load and of course visualize and analyse the data. Moreover, with Sweave and CacheSweave the whole executing, analysis and reporting can be bunched in an elegant bunch, fully reproducible with one command.
If you want an "enterprise" solution, try NetCDF or HDF5. But I feel it may be an overkill here.
And of course a version control of the simulator code is a must. But that's obvious =)
For a project I'm currently working on that uses Python and C++ (via SWIG), I'm planning to use a short python script as input file. So, in a way, I'll be 'hacking the source' to change parameters, but in an interpreted language, not a compiled one.
Currently, I plan to have an input file like parameters.py, and use it like from parameters import params. But that might be too dependent on correct syntax.
params = {
"foods" : ["spam", "beans", "eggs"],
"costs" : [199, 4, 1],
"customerAge" : 23,
Another option might be to just define the variables at the script level in parameters2.py. This loses the nice dictionary packaging, but makes it a little harder for the user to mess it up. And it probably wouldn't be to hard to write a 'parser' that puts those script-level variables into a nice dictionary. A plus to method is that the user could parameterize things that weren't originally considered--from parameters2 import * would overwrite previous definitions of those parameters. Of course, this might be bad if the user overwrites something important.
foods = ["spam", "beans", "eggs"]
costs = [199, 4, 1]
customerAge = 23
parameters3.py would use a class, though it is contraindicated by Python's persnicketiness about indentation. from parameters3 import params:
class params:
foods = ["spam", "beans", "eggs"]
costs = [199, 4, 1]
customerAge = 23
I should also mention, for completeness, that our C++ code also defines a parameters class. That is, in our actual project, parameters.py is a SWIG wrapper for a corresponding C++ class. You'd use like from parameters4 import params. However, this allows only parameters that are already declared in the C++ class.
import parameters
params = parameters.Parameters()
params.foods = ["spam", "beans", "eggs"]
params.costs = [199, 4, 1]
params.customerAge = 23