Kubernetes - Get value of a specific metadata when using describe command - kubernetes

When ruining kubectl describe service MyService command and can get the details of my kubernetes service as per below sample:
I am only interested to get the value of LoadBalancer Ingress metadata. Is there a way to retrieve this specific metadata using kubectl describe command?

I think it's better to use the get method and the go-template output :
kubectl get svc MyService -o go-template --template='{{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{.ip}}{{end}}'
Otherwise (but I don't recommend it), use bash tools like grep and cut
kubectl describe svc MyService | grep "LoadBalancer Ingress" | cut -d ':' -f2

How do you define "LoadBalancer Ingress metadata"? The IP address? If so, that information should appear under "IP:", right on top of LoadBalancer Ingress. But the LoadBalancer type service is cloud provider specific.
Do you actually have an IP address assigned to that specific load balancer?


k8s create service with port, targetPort and nodePort identical

I need to create Kubernetes services that their nodePort are auto-allocated by K8S, and port/targetPort must equal to nodePort. (The requirement comes from the spec of a spark YARN node as the backend of the services).
Maybe I can first create the service with a fixed dummy port/targetPort and an auto-allocated nodePort, then update the service to set port/targetPort to the same value as the nodePort.
But is there any better way of doing this?
There are two main ways to expose a resource on k8s
First one using kubectl expose command: using this one you can choose the pod/deploy to expose but not the nodePort value. Then as you already know you must set the nodeport value on the created yaml
Another way to expose is using kubectl create service nodeport command: using this one you can set the port, target port and nodeport.
If you know the label of the pod to expose (for example app: superPod ) you can create a file, then replace a label (for example TOREPLACE)
with the value of your choosen port (for example 30456):
On linux:
portValue=30456 && k create service nodeport TOREPLACE \
--node-port=$portValue --tcp=$portValue --dry-run=client -oyaml > file.yaml \
&& sed -i 's/app: TOREPLACE/app: yourselector/g' file.yaml \
&& sed -i 's/name: TOREPLACE/name: yourselector-name/g' file.yaml
This will creates the file with preferred values.
After that, you can apply the file using kubectl -f file.yaml apply
However, depending on your needs, and if you want a reliable customizations of your resources, you could try to use:
Hope it helps.

How to get kubernetes service as spec yaml after has been `exposed`?

I'm very new to kubernetes and I find it a bit confusing and to understand I'd like to know what exactly kubectl expose deployment xxx--type=LoadBalancer --name=xxx does. So I was wondering if is possible to extract this service to yaml spec definition somehow.
I understand that Im creating a service, but not sure how he figures out all the ports automatically. I'd like to have the same thing in a file to run it like kubectl apply -f ./service.yaml.
kubectl expose doesnot assign ports automatically. If any port defination mentioned in deploymwnt yaml then only it uses the port. otherwise it will give error like :
error: couldn't find port via --port flag or introspection
to assign port on run use:
kubectl expose deployment xxx --type=NodePort --name=xxx --port=80 --target-port=8080
you can get the yaml by running this:
kubectl get service xxx -o yaml

How to deploy keycloak as a pod in kubernetes dashboard which is set up up in AWS EC2?

Added from a form which is quay.io/keycloak/keycloak
Changed from Loadbalancer to a Nodeport
Can visit that but ip:port
Showing error to add a user from localhost:8080 or use add-user-keycloak script
Please follow the docs Keycloak on Kubernetes.
You can find instructions there, how deploy keycloak inside minikube.
However you can download this deployment files and modify the settings according to your needs.
F.E. you can change service type from Loadbalancer to NodePort.
In addition please consider making a changes in other settings like: KEYCLOAK_USER, KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD:
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts/latest/kubernetes-examples/keycloak.yaml | \
sed "s/LoadBalancer/NodePort/" | \
kubectl create -f -
In order to access your keycloak instance you should change:
minikube ip ( to your externalIp address associated with your vm or use nodeIP from inside the vm)
verify your service NodePort by running.
kubectl get services/keycloak -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}'
kubectl get svc -o wide
By default NodePort should be in the range (30000-32767)

How to get the cluster IP of a kubernetes service

I've created a service which wraps an nfs, and I need to get the cluster IP for it so that I can set it to persistent volumne using it.
I know I can use the following to get this:
$ kubectl get svc nfs-server
nfs-server ClusterIP <none> 2049/TCP,20048/TCP,111/TCP 2m
What I want to know is, how do I extract that cluster IP in a bash script? It's generated as part of a deployment process, so I can't just type it in to my persistent volume manifest.
You can parse the of kubectl get svc command something like below to get the inner details of the deployment.
export CLUSTER_IP=$(kubectl get services/nfs-server -o go-template='{{(index.spec.clusterIP)}}');echo CLUSTER_IP=$CLUSTER_IP
Alternatively, you can try any combination of shell hacks involving cut and awk. One such example is;
kubectl describe svc/nfs-server | grep IP: | awk '{print $2;}'
The previous answer using go-template output was failing. Using jsonpath worked for me:
cluster_ip=$(kubectl get svc nfs-server -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')
echo $cluster_ip

How do I get the External IP of a Kubernetes service as a raw value?

I am running an application with GKE. It works fine but I can not figure out how to get the external IP of the service in a machine readable format.
So i am searching a gcloud or kubectl command that gives me only the external IP or a url of the format so that I can cut out the IP.
You can use the jsonpath output type to get the data directly without needing the additional jq to process the json:
kubectl get services \
--namespace ingress-nginx \
nginx-ingress-controller \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
Be sure to replace the namespace and service name, respectively, with yours.
Maybe not GKE as my clusters are on AWS, but I assume logic will be similar. When you kubectl get svc you can select output format and it will show more then just the "normal" get. For me, with ELB based services to het LB hostname it's enough to run ie. kubectl -n kube-system get svc cluster-nginx-ingress-controller -o json | jq .status.loadBalancer.ingress.hostname
In my case 'kubectl get services' returns array of items, but not just one service.
So then such jsonpath works fine to me:
kubectl get services -l component=controller,app=nginx-ingress -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
...and yet another way... This will list all the "load-balancer" services
kubectl get services --all-namespaces -o json | jq -r '.items[] | { name: .metadata.name, ns: .metadata.namespace, ip: .status.loadBalancer?|.ingress[]?|.ip }'
Depending on the networkPlugin used by your cluster services/pods may be exposed directly on external-ip. But this will also find an Ingress controllers run in the cluster.
To get the external-ip on GCP i can use:
kubectl get services --namespace=<your-namespace> -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
The answers above do not provide the output the user asked. The correct command would be:
kubectl -n $namespace get svc $ingressServiceName -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname
All previous solutions don't work any more for me (on GCP).
To get the IP:
kubectl get ingress <YOUR_INGRESS_NAME> -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"
To get the host-name:
kubectl get ingress <YOUR_INGRESS_NAME> -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}"
minikube tunnel
kubectl cluster-info
You can get the public exposed IP of your relevant service.