Pip installing packages but module not found after install - ubuntu-16.04

Hi I am running Ubuntu 16.04.
I have had problems with my pip, it seems like it is installing correctly but when I open python and go to import, it gives me an error saying it cannot be found.
I read other posts and it seems like pip is talking to the wrong version of python.
When I run:
>> which pip
>> which python
I tried uninstalling pip and then reinstalling it but when I run "which pip" it comes up the same location. I can't use this pip to download any python packages. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
When i put in the terminal the following commands the output is:
>> python -V
Python 2.7.12
>> pip -V
pip 9.0.1 from /home/heatdeath/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)


I got an error while creating virtualenv. It thows cmd not defined error

└─$ python3 -m venv venv
Error: name 'cmd' is not defined
┌──()-[~/Documents/Software Development/DjangoAuth/simplejwt]
└─$ source venv/bin/activate
source: no such file or directory: venv/bin/activate
It used to work fine on my other laptop while I just freshly installed new OS here, it throwing an odd error.
This bug report (found by search) suggests you don't have python-venv package installed. Install it:
sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv
The error message is due to a conflict in the versions of Python installed on my system. The package python3.10-venv depends on version 3.10.8-3 of Python, but version 3.10.9-1 is to be installed.
To resolve this issue, I tried the following:
Check the version of Python I have installed by running the command python3 --version.
If I have a version of Python other than 3.10.8-3, I tried uninstalling it and installing version 3.10.8-3 instead.
Once I have installed the correct version of Python, I install the python3-venv package again using the sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv command and it worked.
Thanks all who helped!

python2.7 in Raspbian Lite

I have installed Raspbian Lite OS in Raspberry Pi zero.
I found that Raspbian Lite comes with Python3 as default.
But I am gonna run some scripts that uses libraries that are Python2 Compatible.
So I tried to change the default Python version from Python3 to Python2 (Specifically Python2.7.18)
After so much searching and trying, instructions from [this page][1] made my job
Now if I try to check in command writing
python --version
It shows me that it is Python2.7.18
But the problem is I am not being able to install any packages using
sudo apt-get install <python-packagename>
It shows me Errors like
1.Package "python-pip" has no installation candidate (When I tried to install pip)
2. Package python-numpy has no installation candidate (when I tried to install numpy)
3. unable to locate package python-pyaudio (when I tried to install pyaudio)
I am searching but no solution.
Can anyone please help? I am frozen in a critical stage of my project .
Generally, for new raspbian/raspios os with python 3 by default, it is not suggested to replace the system python interpreter to python 2, it may break some system component's dependency.
Instead, you can create a python 2 virtual env, if you need to run python2 scripts.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate
You can test the python version as following,
(venv) $ python --version

Installing python modules in vs code not working

i am trying to install some module like: "praw" and "discord" but after using this command: pip install praw in vs code's terminal and after when i run the file, i got a error saying that No module named 'praw' i have searched the entire internet that how to install a module in vs code and about this error. pls help if you know.
If you have python3 you could try py -3 -m pip install praw or python3 -m pip install praw
edit: If this doesn't works in vscode then try running cmd as admin.

Unable to create virtual environment on CentOS 7.8 and python3.6

I have two servers that are running CentOS 7.8 with all the latest patches as of the date of this post. On one server I can create a venv, and on the other I get an error. Here is the command used to create the venv:
python3.6 -m venv venv
The error is:
Error: Command '['/root/venv/bin/python3.6', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
So it seems there is a problem after the venv is created. In fact, it makes the links to the python interpreters in venv/bin, but the lib64/python3.6 and lib/python3.6 directories that are created have only empty site-packages in them. I get the problem whether running the command with root privileges (as above) or as a non-privileged user. On the other system, which is not quite the same hardware but very similar, I get no errors.
I have tried a bunch of things including completely uninstalling all the python3 rpms and reinstalling them on both systems. The python3 modules installed are:
python3, python3-devel, python3-libs, python3-other-rpm-macros, python3-pip, python3-rpm-generators, python3-setuptools, python3-tkinter, python3-wheel. All these are installed using the centos repos.
I have searched the internet and one thing that works is to use --no-pip. However, not surprisingly, if I do that I get a venv with no pip, which does not work very well. The version of pip that is installed with the rpm is version 9.0.3. However, I have tried upgrading pip:
python3.6 -m pip install --upgrade pip
This installs pip 20.1. Interestingly, it is installed in /usr/local/lib/python/site-packages. In any event, it doesn't change anything and I get essentially the same error message.
I have even gone as far as rsyncing the /usr/lib/python3.6 and /usr/lib64/python3.6 (using -avu --delete) on the two servers so that they are identical. All to no avail. I am at a loss to know what to do.
I can of course hack things to make them work, but since I am using this to automatically build test environments I really need to get it working automatically. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've had the same issue on CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) and solved it by installing the following system packages:
yum install python36-devel
yum install python36-setuptools
yum install python36-virtualenv
python3.6 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Used virtualenv to install the venv into the project-root:
python3 -m virtualenv venv-dev
After sourcing the venv everything looks good and I could install the needed requirements:
. ./venv-dev/bin/activate
python3 --version
Python 3.6.8
pip3 --version
pip 21.1.1 from /project/root/dir/venv-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip (python 3.6)
pip3 install -r requirements/dev.txt
Successfully installed ...

Installing Network-x

How do I download and install network-x for python version 3.4.0 on mac? Can someone give me a step by step guide on installing network-x? I tried to quick 'quick install' as suggested by github.
When I try to import it on python it gives me an import error saying no modules were found.
Ok so I have figured out an easier way:
(Answering my own question)
I first download the networkx-1.10.zip (md5) zip file from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/networkx. Unzipped it. Opened the terminal and typed cd
Then, I dragged and dropped the unzipped folder (networkx-1.10) into the terminal. Hit Enter.
Then I proceeded with the following commands:
python3 --version
sudo python setup.py install
sudo python3 setup.py install
It worked like a charm.
this has worked for me
sudo pip install networkx
This should work:
sudo pip3 install networkx
if you have annaconda, in your terminal or cmd
> % conda install -c anaconda networkx
> % conda install -c anaconda graphviz
> % conda install -c anaconda pydot
> % conda install -c pdrops pygraphviz
The other packages come in handy as well
The easiest way is using Anaconda, since networkX is installed by default. Just follow the instructions on their website (they have both a graphical and command line installer).