Facebook Graph API not returning posts likes - facebook

I am trying to retrieve the number of likes for posts in a Facebook page. For instance, I am calling the following endpoint from Graph API explorer
nba?fields=posts{message, likes}
to retrieve posts from NBA page. But I only managed to retrieve message and id but not the likes. Is it because of new privacy policy?
"posts": {
"data": [
"message": "๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ฎ Does ANYBODY get better bench reactions than Klay Thompson??
๐Ÿ‘€: Golden State Warriors x Cleveland Cavaliers Game 3
๐Ÿ“บ: 9 pm/et Wednesday, #NBAonABC",
"id": "8245623462_10156593269718463"
"message": "๐Ÿ“ธ x #NBAFinals Game 2",
"id": "8245623462_10156593260853463"
"message": "Game 2 in #PhantomCam! ๐Ÿ‘€ the BEST of Stephen Curry, LeBron James, & more slowed all the way down.
NBAFinals presented by YouTube TV",
"id": "8245623462_10156592692223463"
"message": "George Hill added 15 PTS, 3 AST for the Cleveland Cavaliers in game 2 at Oracle Arena. #NBAFinals presented by YouTube TV",
"id": "8245623462_10156590505838463"
"message": "๐Ÿ—ฃ Stephen Curry somehow beat the shot clock with this WILD 3-pointer! Hear how it sounded around the world #GlobalGame ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ€

Likes are call "reactions" now ,(
thumb and , emoji reactions)

But I only managed to retrieve message and id but not the likes. Is it because of new privacy policy?
Yes. You will need admin access (page access token) now to get individual likes.
If you only want the number of likes though, you can ask for the summary field:
And be aware, you will still need to get your app reviewed for Page Public Content Access, otherwise you wonโ€™t be able to get any info about pages you do not have admin access to. It works using above example link when using the Graph API Explorer app id - but as soon as you switch to one of your own, you will get an error saying you need PPCA, if the app in question isnโ€™t already approved for that.

Yes it is, more information than public available (by example the likes, now just called reactions) options will be closed soon.


How to get Facebook Insights data of photo feed using Graph API?

Insights API works properly for link feed but it doesn't work for photo feed. For photo feed, Insights API returns 0 or empty even though Insights page shows a high reach and engagement rate.
Here is the url pattern of my photo feed:
https://www.facebook.com/[PAGE]/photos/a.xxx.xxx.[PAGE ID]/[POST ID]/
Insights API returns:
"id": "[PAGE ID]_[POST ID]/insights/post_story_adds_by_action_type_unique/lifetime",
"name": "post_story_adds_by_action_type_unique",
"period": "lifetime",
"values": [
"value": [
"title": "Lifetime Talking About This (Post) by action type",
"description": "Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story about your Page post by interacting with it. (Unique Users)"
I've been struggeling with the same questions... one thing I can tell you is, that you most likely used a wrong id for you photo post.
Please ensure that you ONLY use ID's retrieved by a facebook api. So this is a sample process:
1. Note your page-id
2. Use GRAPH to query <url-to-graph>/<page_id>/feed?access_token=<your_token>
3. From the response, take the photo-post-id you want to analyze
4. Use GRAPH to query <url-to-graph>/<id_from_step_3>/insights/?access_token=<your_token>
5. Check the metrics returned from step 4 and enjoy!
Please keep in mind that there's an undocumented need to add your page_id to any post_id. So every replacement of {post-id} as it is written in the FB api's will be _.
Hope that helps...

Can I aggregate Facebook Likes, Tweets, and Google Pluses?

I'm building a voting application on my new website, cabinethardware.org. I'd like the voting to be done in such a way that when someone votes for a project (to receive a $1000 rebuilding grant) that they are encouraged to plug the project via social networks. My programmer has had difficulty with the application, and it occurred to me that one way of doing it is to just put like, tweet and G+ buttons on the site and add them together. So if a project gets 24 likes, 12 tweets, and 18 G+, it would have 64 votes. It doesn't bother me if someone votes on all three engines.
Before a project is eligible for a grant, it must receive 100 votes. My question is, is there a way that I can aggregate the likes, tweets, and G+ so that I can see on the backend how many votes each project has, without going to each project and adding them up by hand? Also, I'd like to display to customers the combined total.
Does anyone know of a way to combine the count of these three?
For Google+, you would only need to perform one API call to the Google+ APIs that would be searching the Google+ public data. Searching the Google+ public data is demonstrated in the API explorer.
The post response contains information about reshares and +1s:
"verb": "post",
"object": {
"objectType": "note",
"content": "Setting up a server-side flow project that accesses Google+ data using the .NET stack can be a little tricky, I walk you through it in this blog post.",
"url": "https://plus.google.com/109716647623830091721/posts/g8LjdGAXdDc",
"replies": {
"totalItems": 0,
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/z125srm50lf1slxrd04cfftatqyoglnoqio/comments"
"plusoners": {
"totalItems": 6,
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/z125srm50lf1slxrd04cfftatqyoglnoqio/people/plusoners"
"resharers": {
"totalItems": 0,
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/z125srm50lf1slxrd04cfftatqyoglnoqio/people/resharers"
For Facebook, you can use the Pages API to count likes for your page, you can experiment with this in their API explorer.
The following data shows their response data:
"about": "Build and distribute amazing social apps on Facebook. https://developers.facebook.com/ ",
"company_overview": "Facebook Platform enables anyone to build social apps on Facebook, mobile, and the web.\n\n",
"is_published": true,
"talking_about_count": 39241,
"username": "FacebookDevelopers",
"website": "http://developers.facebook.com",
"were_here_count": 0,
"category": "Product/service",
"id": "19292868552",
"name": "Facebook Developers",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/FacebookDevelopers",
"likes": 952596,
"cover": {
"cover_id": "10151121467948553",
"source": "https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/299374_10151121467948553_45631061_n.png",
"offset_y": 0
Likes are just a member in the response data.
For twitter, you can query for mentions of a user with their search API and passing a search string for the user as #user. A count of the objects within results is going to be your mention count. The response data is a little too much to paste in here but here's an example query using their API.

Posts from Instagram not showing up on Facebook Open Graph API

I have an issue with Facebook OpenGraph API. Whenever I request data using either '/home' or '/feed', none of the posts from Instagram showed up.
I've been googling around and apparently some people raised the same issue with no solution yet. And I read some that the issue not only affecting posts from Instagram, but also other third-party app/device/platform.
Even the ticket posted on Facebook's dev page seems somewhat dead (no continuation). Link: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/110563582419837/
If any of you guys also stumbled on this issue and has some ideas/pointers/links, please do share and let's discuss it.
Much appreciated. Cheers!
There are two bug reports in Facebook's bug tracker about this:
https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/110563582419837 and https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/202119973248747
The core reason is that the photos are attached to Open Graph actions as User Generated Photos and not via the regular Photo upload API.
As such, the regular photos permissions don't grant access to them and you need the user to specifically allow you the access their Open Graph activity for the app that posted the actions. The bug reports above are accepted on the basis that this appears to be an oversight in the case of actions with user generated photos, but it could also be by design in which case what i've outlined below as a workaround would be the only supported way to do this:
If you specifically need to request Instagram (or another Open Graph photos app) photos for a user, you can ask for Permission to access the actions posted by that app.
For Instagram photos you can do this by requesting the user_actions:instapp permission and once you've done that the Instagram Photos album will no longer appear to be empty, and the Instagram activity will appear in the feed connection.
To find out the namespace for an arbitrary app, access https://graph.facebook.com/<APP ID> and look for the namespace field,
e.g. for instagram, a call to https://graph.facebook.com/124024574287414/?fields=id,namespace returns:
"id": "124024574287414",
"namespace": "instapp"
A sample photo from my own /feed connection, retrieved with the read_stream, user_photos, user_actions:instapp permissions, is:
"data": [
"id": "[SNIPPED]",
"from": {
"name": "[SNIPPED]",
"id": "[SNIPPED]"
"picture": "[SNIPPED]",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=[SNIPPED]",
"icon": "https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yb/x/StEh3RhPvjk.gif",
"privacy": {
"value": ""
"type": "photo",
"object_id": "[SNIPPED]",
"application": {
"name": "Instagram",
"namespace": "instapp",
"id": "124024574287414"
"created_time": "2013-01-07T17:33:04+0000",
"updated_time": "2013-01-07T17:33:04+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
I can also access the /photos connection of my 'Instagram Photos' album with the same permissions, and can access all Instagram 'take' actions (i.e the photos) at /me/instapp:take
Facebook employee here. Looking at the internal task that is tracking this issue, all I can say at this time is that this is an issue that we are currently aware and investigating into. If you would like to be notified of any updates, be sure to click "subscribe" on the bug report.
For the time being, I recommend finding the album ID of the user named "Instagram Photos", then calling a GET request to /INSTAGRAM_ALBUM_ID/photos to get their Instagram photos. On the Graph API Explorer tool, I confirm that I am able to fetch all of my instagram pictures. Since my album is public, you should be able to view them as well.

Displaying Different Copy / Images Based on the Number of Likes

We're working on developing a program that will (hopefully) automatically swap out creative with new creative once a certain like threshold is met (i.e. if 100 people like the page, something new appears). Can we add coding so our system is able to tell how many "likes" are generated? I know that the number of likes are displayed, I'm just not sure if there is a way for a program to actually read how many likes there are.
I don't see if in any of the Facebook attributes in the developer's platform.
What you'll have to do is acquire an access token for your page and then query the facebook platform for the number of likes periodically (possibly with a cron job of sorts).
You can read more about how to get the page access token at this URL
Facebook has given us a great took to help us mine all the data it holds - its called the Graph API Explorer and with it you can see what data will be returned when you query the API. When you query the API with only the page_id you'll get a response similar to this :
"id": "XXXXXXXXX",
"name": "My Awesome Page",
"picture": "foo.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/pages/XXXXXXXX",
"likes": 345,
"category": "Product/service",
"website": "XXXXXXX",
"founded": "2011",
"description": "...",
For more information about how to use the Graph API you can see this link :
Facebook does provide good documentation:
As you can see there, there is a field "likes" containing the number (count) of likes for a page.

Getting the last date user clicked like on anything on Facebook

I'm developing an app on facebook and want to get the last date that the user of my app liked anything on Facebook.
It doesn't matter if its a page, post, comment, link or anything else you can like on Facebook.
Is it possible?
Actually, you can. (Probably added since Peter Bailey wrote his answer.)
Each like has a created_time field. The likes connection of a user object in the graph API returns most recently liked objects first. So if you just fetch the most recently liked item and check its creation time, you can get this data.
The API GET call would be:
and the result would look like:
"data": [
"name": "Steve Jobs",
"category": "Business person",
"id": "113529011990795",
"created_time": "2011-09-23T02:22:22+0000"
You can play with this on the Graph API Explorer.
A timestamp or other type of date value is not part of the information retrievable for likes. Not through FQL nor through the Graph API.