Managing parallel processes - perl

I am starting multiple bash scripts from a Perl script and I want to monitor them and log their behavior.
I know that I can tell whether a process is still running with kill 0, $pid and I can get the exit code from $?, but with launching multiple scripts in the background I can't relate values of $? to the processes that gave it as an exit code.
How can I launch those scripts in parallel, but get the exit code from each them? I need something like proc_get_status from PHP.
Sorry for not providing the code from the beginning.
I stripped down the code, so the important things are to see.
use warnings;
use strict;
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Handle;
my $timeLimit = 60*60; # some time limit not to be crossed
my $startTime = time();
my #commands = (); # fill up with commands to be executed
my #processes = ();
foreach my $cmd (#commands) {
my $stdout = IO::Handle->new;
my $stderr = IO::Handle->new;
my $pid = open3(undef, $stdout, $stderr, $cmd);
push #processes, {"pid" => $pid, "out" => $stdout, "err" => $stderr, "cmd" => $fullcmd};
do {
if (time() - $startTime > $timeLimit) {
kill 2, $_->{pid} foreach (#processes);
#processes = ();
} else {
for (my $i = 0; $i < #processes; $i++) {
unless (kill 0, $processes[$i]) {
# if it's not running, I would like to check the exit code and log it from here on.
# also remove it from the array, thats why I used for and not foreach, so I can use splice later.
} while (#processes > 0);

You have already hit upon the insight of storing background job data in mini-objects. Take the next step and try a full-featured parallelization package like Forks::Super. You can create background process objects that you can then query for their status and exit code. Forks::Super supports process timeouts and an open3-like interface.
use Forks::Super;
$Forks::Super::MAX_PROC = 10; # optional, block while 10 jobs already running
foreach my $cmd (#commands) {
my $job = fork {
cmd => $cmd, # run $cmd in background process
child_fh => 'out,err', # child STDOUT,STDERR available to parent
timeout => $timeLimit # kill the job after $timeLimit seconds
push #processes, $job;
while (#processes) {
sleep 5;
foreach my $job (#processes) {
if ($job->is_complete) {
my $exit_code = $job->status;
my $output = $job->read_stdout;
my $error = $job->read_stderr;
# ... log status, output, error, $job->{cmd}, etc. ...
$job->dispose; # close filehandles and other clean up
#processes = grep { !$_->is_reaped } #processes;

You can use wait and waitpid to get the status of individual children. The perlipc documentation gives a few examples in the section on "Signals".
Since you're using IPC::Open3, the Synopsis also has an example of using waitpid():
my($wtr, $rdr, $err);
use Symbol 'gensym'; $err = gensym;
$pid = open3($wtr, $rdr, $err,
'some cmd and args', 'optarg', ...);
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8;

First, take a look at Perl's fork() function. This would be the typical way I do things like this. There's a good explanation with examples here.
An easy to use forking module is provided by Parallel::ForkManger.
There is also Perl's interpreter-base threads which is a bit lower-level, harder to use, and spawns threads rather than forking processes.
Another possible way is with GNU Parallel. parallel is a very powerful tool to run commands in parallel. You can easily run and manage multiple commands and scripts with it. It has a ---joblog option which might be helpful for you.
All of these approaches provide ways to get the exit code of the sub-processes. In the end, the best choice depends on your current implementation which you did not provide.


Perl how to properly handle System Commands (including Timeout with Kill & capture of RC/STDERR/STDOUT)

From a Perl script I want to execute various system commands and process the output in my script.
The script will be run automatically, so I want to make sure that no commands are hanging etc.
I'm open to any kind of feedback.
My requirements for the command execution:
Timeout -> If command runs longer than XX Seconds, it should kill its process(es)
If command returns information, it should not have to wait for end of timeout
I want to capture the exit status, STDERR, STDOUT in the script.
Here is an example I worked out from an other stackoverflow question: Kill a hung child process
What's not working for me at the moment:
cannot capture exit status of executed command
cannot capture STDERR of executed command
my $cmd = "sleep 15"; # other tests i use -> "echo bla" and "alkjdsf"
my $TIMEOUT = 10;
my $pid = open my $proc, '-|', "$cmd";
if (fork() == 0) {
my $poor_mans_alarm = "sleep 1,kill 0,$pid ||exit for 1..$TIMEOUT;kill 9,$pid";
# run poor man's alarm in a background process
exec($^X, '-e', "$poor_mans_alarm");
my $process_output = "";
while (<$proc>) {
$process_output .= $_;
If you either have a trick for this code or recommend a completely different solution, let me know.
Thanks and cheers
Got a working Example with IPC::Open3,
But for future reader please Check out IPC::Run which has a Timeout Functionality included,
as mentioned by James Green.
Working example with IPC::Open3:
my $pid = open3(\*WRITE, \*READ,\*ERROR,"$command");
if (fork() == 0) {
my $poor_mans_alarm = "sleep 1,kill 0,$pid ||exit for 1..10;kill 9,$pid";
# run poor man's alarm in a background process
exec($^X, '-e', "$poor_mans_alarm");
# get all the STDOUT and STDERR from the Child.
while (<READ>) {
$output .= $_;
while (<ERROR>) {
$output .= $_;
waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($?) {
$rc = $? >> 8;
if ($rc != 1){
print "Some error $?\n";
It looks like IPC::Run provides pretty much everything you're after, including timeouts and capture of both STDOUT and STDERR. Docs are at including some usage examples.

Perl (tk): how to run asynchronously a system command, being able to react to it's output?

I'm writing a wrapper to an external command ("sox", if this can help) with Perl "Tk".
I need to run it asynchronously, of course, to avoid blocking tk's MainLoop().
But, I need to read it's output to notify user about command's progress.
I am testing a solution like this one, using IPC::Open3:
$| = 1;
$pid = open3(gensym, ">&STDERR", \*FH, $cmd) or error("Errore running command \"$cmd\"");
while (defined($ch = FH->getc)) {
notifyUser($ch) if ($ch =~ /$re/);
waitpid $pid, 0;
$retval = $? >> 8;
POSIX::close($_) for 3 .. 1024; # close all open handles (arbitrary upper bound)
But of course the while loop blocks MainLoop until $cmd does terminate.
Is there some way to read output handle asynchronously?
Or should I go with standard fork stuff?
The solution should work under win32, too.
For non-blocking read of a filehandle, take a look at Tk::fileevent.
Here's an example script how one can use a pipe, a forked process, and fileevent together:
use strict;
use IO::Pipe;
use Tk;
my $pipe = IO::Pipe->new;
if (!fork) { # Child XXX check for failed forks missing
for (1..10) {
print $pipe "something $_\n";
select undef, undef, undef, 0.2;
my $mw = tkinit;
my $text;
$mw->Label(-textvariable => \$text)->pack;
$mw->Button(-text => "Button", -command => sub { warn "Still working!" })->pack;
$mw->fileevent($pipe, 'readable', sub {
if ($pipe->eof) {
warn "EOF reached, closing pipe...";
$mw->fileevent($pipe, 'readable', '');
warn "pipe is readable...\n";
chomp(my $line = <$pipe>);
$text = $line;
Forking may or may not work under Windows. Also one needs to be cautious when forking within Tk; you must make sure that only one of the two processes is doing X11/GUI stuff, otherwise bad things will happen (X11 errors, crashes...). A good approach is to fork before creating the Tk MainWindow.

Perl system call throws strange error

I just wrote a perl script that is restarting a list of services on a linux server. It's intended to run as a cron job. when I execute the script though, I keep getting this error;
root#www:~/scripts# ./
* Stopping web server apache2 [ OK ]
sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
* Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ]
sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
The call that is being used to do this is;
system("/etc/init.d/apache2 stop");
system("/etc/init.d/mysql stop");
I can paste the entire script code if needed, but I figured that this is the source of the problem and just need to know how to stop it.
Any ideas?
Here's the entire script;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $old_pids = {};
my $post_stop_ids = {};
my #services = qw/apache2 mysql solr/;
my $app_dir = '/home/grip/apps/eventfinder';
# collect existing pids then kill services
foreach my $service (#services) {
# gather up existing pids
$old_pids->{$service} = [ get_pids_by_process($service) ];
# issue stop command to each service
set_service_state($service, 'stop');
# attempt to regather same ids
$post_stop_ids->{$service} = [ get_pids_by_process($service) ];
# kill any rogue ids left over
# give each kill time to finish
# attempt to restart killed services
foreach my $service (#services) {
# issue start command to each service
set_service_state($service, 'start');
# Let's give each service enough time to crawl outta bed.
# I know how much I hate waking up
# wait for it!...wait for it! :P
# Pad an extra 5 seconds to give solr enough time to come up before we reindex
# start the reindexing process of solr
system("cd $app_dir ; RAILS_ENV=production rake reindex_active");
# call it a day...phew!
exit 0;
sub kill_rogue_procs {
my #ids = shift;
# check if we still have any rogue processes that failed to die
# if so, kill them now.
if(scalar #ids) {
foreach my $pid (#ids) {
system("kill $pid");
sub set_service_state {
my ($proc, $state) = #_;
if($proc eq 'apache2') {
system("/etc/init.d/apache2 $state");
} elsif($proc eq 'mysql') {
system("/etc/init.d/mysql $state");
} elsif($proc eq 'solr') {
system("cd $app_dir ; RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:$state");
sub get_pids_by_process {
my $proc = shift;
my #proc_ids = ();
open(PSAE, "/bin/ps -ae | grep $proc |") || die("Couldn't run command");
while(<PSAE>) {
push #proc_ids, $_ =~ /(\d{1,5})/;
close PSAE;
return #proc_ids;
Actually, I'd be more suspicious of what's in #ids in kill_rogue_procs. It's the result of a ps followed by a grep, so might have bogus values if ps doesn't return any results or if the pid isn't 5 digits long.
This is wrong:
sub kill_rogue_procs {
my #ids = shift;
# check if we still have any rogue processes that failed to die
# if so, kill them now.
if(scalar #ids) {
From what you're passing to this sub, #ids will always contain a single array reference, so (scalar #ids) will always be true. It also means you end up passing something like the following to sh:
kill ARRAY(0x91b0768)
You want something like (if the arrayref is empty, there's nothing to loop over anyway):
my $ids = shift;
for my $pid (#$ids) {
kill SIGTERM => $pid;
Or instead of the loop:
kill SIGTERM => #$ids;
Also, there is no need to call system to kill a process.
To this, I'd add the last line, so you don't grep the grep process itself:
sub get_pids_by_process {
my $proc = shift;
$proc =~ s/^(.)/[$1]/;
As sh is raising the errors, I'm pretty sure one of the parameters to system is being expanded to something unexpected. I'd print all parameters just prior to passing them to system for a quick debug.

Initiating Non-waiting Background Process in Perl

I have a Perl script that needs to kick off another process in the background and exit without waiting for the other script to finish. There are lots of threads on StackOverflow that cover how to wait in Perl or how to not wait for other programming languages, but I can't seem to find the right answer for Perl.
I've read up quite a bit and thought I was doing the right things but none of my attempts seem to be working correctly. Here are all the variations I've tried so far to no avail:
system(qq|perl /util/ $id|);
system(qq|perl /util/ $id &|);
exec(qq|perl /util/ $id|);
exec(qq|perl /util/ $id &|);
With each of these the parent process continues to wait for the child to finish before exiting. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong and the right way to fork the background process.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Full code to help with debugging. Note that the API->Function() calls are object oriented modules our code base uses for specific functions that database interactions, etc:
sub Add {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
if(!$self->IsValid($domain)) { return; }
my $SQL = qq| insert into domains set added=NOW(),domain=| . API->Database->Quote($domain);
my $sth = API->DatabaseQuery($SQL);
$SQL = qq| select last_insert_id() |;
$sth = API->DatabaseQuery($SQL);
my $id = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $command = qq|perl /home/siteuser/util/ $id &|;
return {'id'=>$id,'domain'=>$domain};
The first one is designed to work that way - system executes the command and finishes for it to end.
The last two are also designed that way - exec specifically is designed to never return. It basically replaces the parent process with the child process.
However, the second one should do the trick: the command launched from the system call is shell, which is given your string to execute. Since the string ends with "&", that means the shell will launch your command as a background process, and finish its own execution after that launch.
Can you please post more code illustrating how #2 didn't work?
Also, see what happens if you try backticks or qx:
my $output = qx|perl /util/ $id &|;
print $output;
Also, as a way of reducing unknowns, can you please run the following and tell me what prints:
my $output = qx|(echo "AAAAAAA"; /bin/date; sleep 5; /bin/date; echo "BBBBBBB") &|;
print $output;
Are you calling fork() before calling system or exec?
my $pid = fork();
if (defined($pid) && $pid==0) {
# background process
my $exit_code = system( $command );
exit $exit_code >> 8;
my $pid = fork();
if (defined($pid) && $pid==0) {
# background process
exec( $command );
# doesn't^H^H^H^H^H^H shouldn't return
You need to disassociate the child from the parent.
See perldoc -q daemon. Or Proc::Daemon
Using fork is a good way to background processes:
my $pid = fork;
die "fork failed" unless defined $pid;
if ($pid == 0) {
# child process goes here
do '/util/';
# parent process continues here

perl process queue

I have a Perl script which forks a number of sub-processes. I'd like to have some kind of functionality like xargs --max-procs=4 --max-args=1 or make -j 4, where Perl will keep a given number of processes running until it runs out of work.
It's easy to say fork four process and wait for them all to complete, and then fork another four, but I'd like to keep four or n processes running at the same time, forking a new process as soon as one completes.
Is there a simple way in Perl to implement such a process pool?
Forks::Super can handle this requirement.
use Forks::Super MAX_PROC => 5, ON_BUSY => [ block | queue ];
Calls to fork() can block until the number of active subprocesses falls below 5, or you can pass additional parameters to the fork call and the tasks to perform can queue up:
fork { sub => sub { ... task to run in subprocess ... } }
When one subprocess finishes, another job on the queue will start up.
(I am the author of this module).
Check out Parallel::ForkManager -- it does much of what you describe. You can set a maximum number of processes, and the callback function could start a new child as soon as one finishes (as long as there is work to do).
While I would almost always use a CPAN module, or write something with the fantastic AnyEvent modules I think its important to understand how these things work under the hood. Here's an example that has no dependencies other than perl. The same approach could also be written in C without too much trouble.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
## run a function in a forked process
sub background (&) {
my $code = shift;
my $pid = fork;
if ($pid) {
return $pid;
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
} else{
die "cant fork: $!"
my #work = ('sleep 30') x 8;
my %pids = ();
for (1..4) {
my $w = shift #work;
my $pid = background {
exec $w;
$pids{$pid} = $w;
while (my $pid = waitpid(-1,0)) {
if ($?) {
if ($? & 127) {
warn "child died with signal " . ($? & 127);
} else {
warn "chiled exited with value " . ($? >> 8);
## redo work that died or got killed
my $npid = background {
exec $pids{$pid};
$pids{$npid} = delete $pids{$pid};
} else {
delete $pids{$pid};
## send more work if there is any
if (my $w = shift #work) {
my $pid = background {
exec shift #work;
$pids{$pid} = $w;