Aggregate method in MongoDB Compass? - mongodb

as stated in the title i'm having some problems querying from MongoDB Compass using the aggregate methhod. I have a collection of documents in this form:
using mongo shell or Studio 3T software I query it with aggregate method, follows an example:
{ $match: {"Array.field": "val"}},
{ $unwind: "$Array"},
{ $match: {"Array.field": "val"}},
{ $group: {_id: null, count: {$sum:NumberInt(1)}, Array: {$push: "$Array"}}},
{ $project: {"N. Hits": "$count", Array:1}}
where I look for elements of Array who has field's value = "val" and count them. This works perfectly, but I don't know how to do the same in MongoDB Compass
in the query bar I have 'filter', 'project' and 'sort' and I can do usual queries, but i don't know how to use aggregate method.

You are looking at the Documents tab which is restricted for querying documents.
Take a look in the second tab called Aggregations where you can do your aggregation pipelines, as usual.
For further information please visit the Aggregation Pipeline Builder documentation.


How does mongodb use an index to count documents?

According to docs, db.collection.countDocuments() wraps this:
{ $match: <query> },
{ $group: { _id: null, n: { $sum: 1 } } }
Even if there is an index, all of the matched docs will be passed into the $group to be counted, no?
If not, how is mongodb able to count the docs without processing all matching docs?
The MongoDB query planner can make some optimizations.
In that sample aggregation, it can see that no fields are required except for the ones referenced in <query>, so it can add an implicit $project stage to select only those fields.
If those fields and the _id are all included in a single index, there is no need to fetch the documents to execute that query, all the necessary information is available from the index.

MongoDB Compass: select distinct field values

I am using MongoDB Compass and don't have Mongo Shell. I need to build a query using MongoDB Compass tool to select distinct values of the "genre" field from my collection.
Sample Input:
{"_id":{"$oid":"58c59c6a99d4ee0af9e0c34e"},"title":"Bateau-mouche sur la Seine","year":{"$numberInt":"1896"},"imdbId":"tt0000042","genre":["Documentary”,”Short”],"viewerRating":{"$numberDouble":"3.8"},"viewerVotes":{"$numberInt":"17"},"director":"Georges Mlis"}
{"_id":{"$oid":"58c59c6a99d4ee0af9e0c340"},"title":"Watering the Flowers","year":{"$numberInt":"1896"},"imdbId":"tt0000035","genre":["Short”],"viewerRating":{"$numberDouble":"5.3"},"viewerVotes":{"$numberInt":"33"},"director":"Georges M�li�s"}
{"_id":{"$oid":"58c59c6a99d4ee0af9e0c34a"},"title":"The Boxing Kangaroo","year":{"$numberInt":"1896"},"imdbId":"tt0000048","genre":["Short”],"viewerRating":{"$numberDouble":"5.2"},"viewerVotes":{"$numberInt":"48"},"director":"Birt Acres"}
Expected output: Documentary, Short
You can do this via aggregation framework in Compass, using $unwind and $group. The $unwind is performed to create a unique document for each element in the target array, which enables the $addToSet operator in the $group stage to then capture the genres as distinct elements.
$unwind: {
path: '$genre',
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
$group: {
_id: null,
uniqueGenres: { $addToSet: '$genre' }
See screenshot below for Compass example:

mongo find limit each match

I have a mongo collection which looks something like this:
title: String,
category: String
I want to write a query that selects various categories, similar to this:
Collection.find({category: {$in: ['Books', 'Cars', 'People']});
But I want to only select a limited number of each category, for example 5 of each book, car, people. How do I write such a query? Can I do it one query or must I use multiple ones?
You can do it using mongodb aggregation. Take a look at this pipeline:
Filter all documents by categories(using $match).
Group data by categories and create array for items with the same category(using $group and $push).
Get a subset of each array with a limited maximum length(using $project and $slice).
Try the following query:
{$match: {category: {$in: ['Books', 'Cars', 'People']}}},
{$group: {_id: "$category", titles: {$push: "$title"}}},
{$project: {titles: {$slice: ["$titles", 5]}}}

Refine/Restructure data from Mongodb query

Im using NodeJs, MongoDB Native 2.0+
The following query fetch one client document containing arrays of embedded staff and services.
db.collection('clients').findOne({_id: sessId}, {"services._id": 1, "staff": {$elemMatch: {_id: reqId}}}, callback)
Return a result like this:
_id: "5422c33675d96d581e09e4ca",
name: "Anders"
_id: "5458d0aa69d6f72418969428"
// More fields not relevant to the question...
services: [
_id: "54578da02b1c54e40fc3d7c6"
_id: "54578da42b1c54e40fc3d7c7"
_id: "54578da92b1c54e40fc3d7c9"
Note that each embedded object in services actually contains several fields, but _id is the only field returned by means of the projection of the query.
From this returned data I start by "pluck" all id's from services and save them in an array later used for validation. This is by no means a difficult operation... but I'm curious... Is there an easy way to do some kind of aggregation instead of find, to get an array of already plucked objectId's directly from the DB. Something like this:
_id: "5422c33675d96d581e09e4ca",
name: "Anders"
_id: "5458d0aa69d6f72418969428"
// More fields not relevant to the question...
services: [
One way of doing it is to first,
$unwind the document based on the staff field, this is done to
select the intended staff. This step is required due to the
unavailability of the $elemMatch operator in the aggregation
There is an open ticket here: Jira
Once the document with the correct staff is selected, $unwind, based on $services.
The $group, together $pushing all the services _id together in an array.
This is then followed by a $project operator, to show the intended fields.

Retrieve Array Of Documents in MongoDB

I have a MongoDB Document like as follows
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:1, Score:100},
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:2, Score:80},
{ExamName:"Science", UnitTest:1, Score:90}
I Need to retrieve this document so that it has to show only Maths Array. Like as follows
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:1, Score:100},
{ExamName:"Maths", UnitTest:2, Score:80},
How Can I Do That ?
As #karin states there is no, normal, in query method of doing this.
In version 2.2 you can use $elemMatch to project the first matching result from ExamScores but you cannot get multiple.
That being said, the aggregation framework can do this:
{$unwind: '$ExamScores'},
{$match: {'ExamScores.ExamName':"Maths"}},
{$group: {_id: '$_id', name: '$name', ExamScores: {$push: '$ExamScores'}}}
Something like that anyway.
This has been asked before MongoDB query to limit values based on condition, the only answer there says it is not possible, but that there is a request to implement that.