Which field describes reporter of a Salesforce Case - rest

AS in every ticket we create normally programmatically, we do have a reporter and assignee of ticket. But in sales-force API documentation I could not find any field which describes Reporter of Case.
Also, there is no field to specify project Id against which we can create a case.
Is this the limitation of the Salesforce ITSM services or am I missing something.
Reference link

A case is normally associated with an Account (AccountID) record and a Contact (ContactId) record. Those record indicate the "reporter" of your case.


How to get a Task's "Unique ID" from a Project Web App via REST?

I'm a fairly experienced SharePoint developer, but brand new to MS Project and Project Server / PWA.
In MS Project Pro, there is a column called "Unique ID" that seems to function like SharePoint's built-in list item "ID" field - an auto-incrementing integer (1 based).
How can I find a task's "Unique ID" from a project that has been saved and published to a Project Web App through Project Server's REST API?
The only "ID" on a Task object retrieved through
is a GUID, there doesn't seem to be any property associated with an integer ID.
I found this other question and answer over on the MSDN help site. It is about Project Server 2010, and about how to show the "Unique ID" field in a report. But the answer says (emphasis mine):
There are three ID fields in the MSP_EpmTask_UserView; TaskUID,
TaskIndex and TaskClientUniqueId. TaskUID is a GUID, TaskIndex
corresponds to the Task positional ID and TaskClientUniqueId
corresponds to the Unique Id field in Project Professional.
So it appears that this information is stored somewhere within Project Server, but... how do I get it through REST?
{PWA Site URL}/_api/ProjectData/Projects(guid'{project guid}')/Tasks()?$Select=TaskName,TaskId,TaskIndex,TaskClientUniqueId
Well, although the other answer here is correct, some explanation might be in order.
Project Server has two different REST endpoints, and they do not return the same data.
There is
<PWA site URL>/_api/ProjectServer/
<PWA site URL>/_api/ProjectData/
There is quite a bit of overlap in the data they return, but there are some fields that can only be retrieved through the ProjectServer endpoint, and there are some fields that can only be retrieved through the ProjectData endpoint.
As it turns out, TaskClientUniqueId can only be retrieved from the /_api/ProjectData/ endpoint.

Umbraco Forms - Use Record ID in workflow email

I need to have a unique identifier within the Email subject. Is it possible to use the RecordId of the Entry within a workflow email?
I've tried using {record.id} within the Message/Subject field and it only returns the value of 0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Found out that {record.id} isn't populated on submission (for obvious reasons). You can't use this within the "When the form is submitted..." workflow. But you can use use it during the "When the form is approved..." workflow.

How to use "correctAction" and "correctInstitutionTransactionId" in Intuit's Customer Account Data API

My questions concern the Transaction data object in Intuit's Customer Account Data API.
I am not sure how to use the following fields (or even really what they mean):
correctAction: The documentation does mention that "replace" and "delete" are possible values, which leads me to think that the word "correct" is being used to mean "fix", not as in the opposite of "incorrect".
correctInstitutionTransactionId: The documentation does not provide any details on this field. My best guess is that this id is used in conjunction with the "correctAction" field. I do not know how.
How do I use these fields?

Accessing multi-level fields in a CRM 2011 Workflow

Sorry if this is sort of confusing because I'm not sure how to word this. I am trying to create a workflow that runs off of Account's in Microsoft CRM 2011. One part of this workflow requires me to retrieve a field contained in the Business Unit of the User in the Account's "Created By" field. However, the workflow will only allow me to access the Business Unit itself, but not any of its fields.
I'm wondering if there is a simple trick or work-around that will allow me access to this data.
For reference, the Account has a User, who has a Business Unit, and the Business Unit has a field I need to access. CRM, however, doesn't want to let me get more than 2 levels deep when accessing fields.
Clunky but do-able if you accept a bit of denormalisation (temporarily or otherwise). I'll assume for the sake of example you want to get at the "cost centre" field from the BU.
Add a field on User entity to temporarily hold the value from the BU (so make it same type and length, text(100) in this case), optionally put it on the form.
Create a child workflow for the User entity to update the user with the "cost centre" value from their BU. Make it only available to run as a child, not onDemand or anything else. Activate
In your Account workflow, add a step to call the child workflow against the relevant user (eg Created By in your case).
Add a step to wait until the new cost centre field on the user record contains data.
Now do whatever you need to with the value from the user record, such as update the Account, or do some branched logic.
Whatever you do, once you have used the value, clear the field on the user record, or do this as the last step of the workflow.
Now, since Users don't change BU very often, you might actually just go ahead and keep that value on the User record permanently, and instead of a child workflow, simply run this on create of a new user, or on change of BU, and store the value permanently on the User record. Yes, it is 'denormalised' and not purest SQL design, but then you don't need a child workflow, you don't need a wait state and you don't have to clear the value at the end, or worry about what happens when two Accounts need to run their workflow at the same time. I include the more general approach above as this might apply to other records which do change their parent quite often.
Just an additional thought - you can access the "owning business unit" of the Account, but this will be the BU of the Owning User, rather than the Created By, but is your business process such that this would normally be the same person? (eg users only have Create priviledge to "user owned" depth, so can only create records they own).
If so, then you could get at the BU directly from the Account, and then any fields on it too (in a condition or to update the Account)
Alternative which is less ideal but a similar approach - add a relationship from Account to BU (eg "created BU"). Now you can update the Account with this by referring to the Created By User's BU, then in the next step, reference this value from the Account. This is again denormalised, and less preferable since number of Accounts is far greater than number of users, so the level of duplicate information is much higher.
You can't get deeper with the standard steps of a workflow.
The solution is to create a custom workflow activity, you can start from this article:

Crm 2011 how to get the stepid in which the plugin is executing

In crm 2011, inside the Execute method of a plugin, how can I know the id of the registered step that is executing? For instance, I have two steps for the pre create of an account. The execute method will run two times one for each step. I need to know in the execute method the stepid of the step that is actually running. I can't find it in the context.
I'm updating here to explain the scenario, because in the comments I don't have enough characters. So the scenario:
I have a solution for autonumbering entities that enables users to format their numbers the way they want.
For that I have an entity (autonumber) where they configure the format, the entity and the field they want to number. Every time a record is created for the autonumber entity it will create and register a step dynamically in the pre operation of the create message of the entity to be numbered, for example the account.
When that step is executed it will load the autonumber record to know how to number the account field.
The created step must be linked to the autonumber record and for that the autonumber entity has an attribute to store the id of the step. This attribute is filled on the pre create of the autonumber entity when the step is created.
This link attribute allows for the step to be unregistered when the user deletes the autonumber record because it knows exactly which step to unregister. It also allows the user to set the order in which the step is going to be executed if there are more plugins registered to the account.
The problem that I had was when I wanted to number 2 or more attributes for the same entity. In this case the users would create, lets say, 2 records of the autonumber entity in order to number 2 fields of the account. In this case I will have 2 steps registered to the account. When the account is being created one step will number one field and the other step will number the other field. That's why I need to know the id of the step that is being executed in order to load the right autonumber record.
Sorry for the tedious explanation but this scenario is a bit complex and I'm not sure if I was clear enough, but if you want I'll try to be more clear.
The OwningExtension property available on the IPluginExecutionContext will return an EntityReference to the SdkMessageProcessingingStep which should provide all the information you need.
What are you trying to achieve by registering the same plugin twice for the same Message and Stage? I'm struggling to think of a valid scenario.
You can get the name of the message from the context. Usually, I do something similar to this.
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
IPlugingExecutionContext context
= (IPlugingExecutionContext)serviceProvider
case "Create" ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Retrieve" ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Update" ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Delete" ExecuteCreate(); break;
default ExecuteFunctionality(Context.MessageName);
Then, of course, you need to implement those methods too. And usually I have a private field that hold the reference to context. It's good to be able to access it easily when the need arises. Also, you can (and should) check if the message is supported by your plug in, if there's a Target and if it's of the right entity type. Stuff like that.