Why in SOAP client needs to know the web services's interface? - soap

I am new to web application development, I am learning many things from many tutorial, currently I am learning SOAP and REST.
My confusion is regarding SOAP , in SOAP based architecture when a user enters a URL, it takes him/her to SOAP client and then that is the page that the client sees ? and then this SOAP-client will actually communicate to another application SOAP server ??
Not understanding it at all? Can someone please explain?

SOAP is meant for communication between machine over HTTP/HTTPS with common interoperable format i.e XML.
Think like you are payment gateway provider, someone's would like to use your payment gateway for transactions.
So as payment gateway provider, you may create webservice, and whoever wants to use it could create SOAP client to use your payment gateway service.
So in your case the HTML page is party would like to utilise the payment gateway service (by calling the SOAP service).
Do some googling, you will find lots of practical SOAP use cases.


Should I be using REST or SOAP UI for testing?

I am testing a new webservice that is receiving messages from an application and responding with messages with specific information. The webservice then uses this information to create new messages for downstream systems. I need to know the best way I can test this using the Ready API tool, we just got a pro license. Is it SOAP or REST I need to use. Ideally I want to simply copy my application messages in to the tool, call the webservice and get the response, which I can then check is the correct response for the test
To find your web-service is SOAP or REST.
Please check whether your web service has WSDL to verify it has SOAP web-service, you can get your web-service's WSDL by post-fixing WSDL with your web service url.
Eg: http://{yourservice-url/path1}?WSDL
If your service don't provide WSDL from the above URL, then your web-service is REST.

Google SMTP Server vs Sending Email via Google Apps Service Account

I have an application that I've been spending way too much time on trying to send an email via a service account that I setup in my google apps account.
I was wondering if should continue down this overly complex method of using a service account or if I should just use Gmail's SMTP server. The only function I need is to actually send an email.
Are there any pros/cons to simply using Gmail's SMTP server vs setting up a service account and calling Google's API to send emails? If it makes a difference this will be sort of a batch email in that it will send to many people at once.
Please consider the following:
I guess you should majorly be concerned on sending batch emails. If you don't do it right you might have problems. To avoid those problems make sure to follow the Bulk Senders Guidelines here https://support.google.com/a/answer/81126 Another factor to take into account is the email authentication. When using smtp, make sure all email sent will pass SPF and DKIM to prevent being marked as spam or worse, getting emails rejected. If you use the Gmail API then all you need to do is make sure you set up SPF by following the steps here https://support.google.com/a/answer/178723?hl=en and DKIM by following the steps here https://support.google.com/a/answer/174126?hl=en As per the GMAIL API quotas, you can use 1,000,000,000 units per day so I don't think that will be a problem. The benefit of using SMTP is that you can use SMTP RELAY https://support.google.com/a/answer/2956491 which gives you a way much higher limit when sending emails in case the Bulk Senders Guidelines is something that won't work for you.
In summary, if all you are looking for is to send batch emails, then I guess going with SMTP is easier. Hope this helps!
For just ordinary usage by one user, SMTP will work fine except API has the advantage on server-side for the sysadmin for security.
Differences are theoretical for web service, web application development. Both are ways to give access or to interact with their server. Nowadays REST is used for integrating their service for custom software development, their one part will have F/OSS implementation like OAuth. With REST API we get some extra advantages but that is for integrating for professional grade software development. SMTP relay is less secure.
Take as 2 servers with two technologies. That "Google Apps Service Account" one modern web application supporting Representational State Transfer(REST) API to give access to resource, interact with the server. SMTP one is older web software using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). You can search with SOAP vs REST to understand the basics.
Google SMTP Server is traditional SMTP traditional SMTP relay service. Advantages are -- easy to setup by the users, lesser documentation to help the users to use etc. Disadvantage are they are less secure, plus all inherited disadvantages of SOAP.
"Google Apps Service Account" is modern web application developed in service oriented architecture providing RESTful API for server to server communication over TCP/IP. Advantages are easy to integrate with custom software using open source authentication library (they use OAuth), REST provide more control on sending request, username-password for communication can be avoided, extensive examples of usage, more secure, granular control to operation on server, JSON response has common meaningful format etc. Disadvantages are related to common disadvantages of SOA, Web Hook, RESTful API, difficult to use by a new user etc.
In real, it is basically one web software supporting both ways. One always should use DKIM, SPF etc as anti-spoofing measures.

Session Management in GWT Client and Restful Back end using GUICE-Jersey

I have few basic questions on session management in GWTP.
Client : GWTP, Server - Restful WebServices using Guice and Jersey.
Application session management is straightforward when i have the backend service with RPC mechanism. But, With GWT client running on android and server side logic exposed as Restful Web services using Jersey, how do we maintain session because Restful WS are stateless. Now how do we achieve user session in this case?
Regarding session management there is no difference whether you use GWT's RPC, RequestFactory or RequestBuilder.
Communication in the web is basically stateless regardless of the communication protocol you are using.
Traditionally session management is done via server side sessions.
However RESTfull services are not supposed to rely on server side sessions as it violates restful principle.
So basically there are two ways to do it:
If you don't care much about violating the restful principles you can deploy server side sessions (see here for more details).
use OAuth (https://wikis.oracle.com/display/Jersey/OAuth)
somehow pass the credentials/securityToken for every request to your backend. You can probably do that by using GWTP's ClientActionHandlers.
After going throught lot of comments from different people, here what I have thought of doing.
My application can be accessed from Browser based app and Mobile devices as well. Application was written the http session management in server at first for browser based app. Now while getting Mobile client, we have implemented Rest web services, with same service layer for mobile device and browser client as well.
When user logs in with mobile device, we are creating a unique auth token and we store the http session with this token ID as key, value map in app. Later on we expect every user request from mobile device to return this token, and using this token get the session from map and continue.
Does anybody has any opinion on this approach?

WSO2 ESB Topic Subscription for REST url

We are successfully using WSO2 ESB for basic mediation using REST for the caller and the service (via a message queue).
We are now trying to use the topics and subscription model. However, unlike in other parts of the ESB where you can modify the message format to POX, in the subscription interface there is way to define the format of the payload to the URL. The ESB always sends soap to the URL, even though we want it to send POX. We don;t want to have to write SOAP services.
Is there way to change the format that the subscriber gets? I know we can setup a proxy which then sends the message etc, but this is cumbersome and cannot be automated for new services.
If you use WS-Eventing, then you get the soap messages to the subscriber endpoints. You can use JMS based pub-sub scenario to implement what you want. Please have a look at [1].
[1] http://wso2.org/library/articles/2011/12/wso2-esb-example-pubsub-soa

What is the benefit of RESTful Web Service Vs Using Just a simple Servlet?

Regardless of whether I create a RESTful Web service to be consumed by Ajax in my own pages, or by any user, I can provide the same functionality (data) to the application or user using a simple servlet.
I mean the user or application don't see any different between response provided by a simple servlet or respone provided by a RESTful web service. So, I'm guessing that the benefit is on the server side and to the developers. Can someone please tell me what are the benefits of using RESTful web services.
I appreciate any respone
By definition a webservice is intended to be consumed by any client granted access. If the client you are developing is the only application that you will ever need or want to access the resource then there is little benefit to creating a webservice. However, if you want to make the resource available as a service endpoint for more than just this application in a way that is implementation agnostic then a Restful webservice is a great way of doing it.