Import Shutil module arttribute - copy

I tried to use shutil module and copytree attribute. But it is not working and the commands box is empty. I import copytree and still not working.


ImportError: cannot import name 'compute_associations' from 'dython.nominal'

I just installed dython using pip install dython to use the tabsyndex. Here is the block of import
import pandas as pd
from tabsyndex import tabsyndex
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
and it always shows
ImportError: cannot import name 'compute_associations' from 'dython.nominal'
Are there any way to import compute associations?
So far I tried reinstalling dython, but it always show the same error.

import name 'Mapping' from 'collections'

I have installed yfinance, but when i try to import it, it gives me the error: cannot import name 'Mapping' from 'collections'. I tried writing on jupyter notebook from collections.abs import Mappings, but it didn't work. I tried to look at the file, but there is no: from collection import mapping, there is only import _collections_abc, and from _collections import deque.
Please help if someone has a solution?My python version is 3.10.5

import statsmodels package returns ModuleNotFound despite correct path

I am trying to import statsmodels.stats.weightstats.DescrStatsW.tconfint_mean.
I run
from statsmodels.stats.weightstats.DescrStatsW import tconfint_mean
I get the error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
'statsmodels.stats.weightstats' is not a package
I have confirmed that I can import other packages from statsmodels with no problems.
I must be using the wrong path, but the docs don't specify any other path to use.
I just figured it out. I will leave this up for progeny.
from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import DescrStatsW
Not sure why this behaves differently from other python libraries.

Importing keras-rl package into conda environment

I've installed keras-rl package on my computer, using their instructions:
git clone
cd keras-rl
python install
So my conda environment sees this package, however when I am trying to import it in Spyder as a part of my code, i.e. import keras-rl, I get the following error:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
with a pointer to the dash of keras-rl.
Question: How could I import the keras-rl (or any other package with the dash in the name) in Spyder?
We can install keras-rl by simply executing
pip install keras-rl
There are various functionalities from keras-rl that we can make use for running RL based algorithms in a specified environment
few examples below
from rl.agents.dqn import DQNAgent
from rl.policy import BoltzmannQPolicy
from rl.memory import SequentialMemory
This is how we can use the package.
If you look at the examples present in the github repository, you will see that the various functionalities are imported from rl. Like this:
(root) ~/condaexpts/keras-rl/examples $ grep -h import * | grep rl
from rl.agents import ContinuousDQNAgent
from rl.memory import SequentialMemory
from rl.random import OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
from rl.core import Processor
from rl.agents.cem import CEMAgent
from rl.memory import EpisodeParameterMemory
from rl.agents import DDPGAgent
from rl.memory import SequentialMemory
from rl.random import OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
from rl.agents.dqn import DQNAgent
from rl.policy import LinearAnnealedPolicy, BoltzmannQPolicy, EpsGreedyQPolicy
from rl.memory import SequentialMemory
from rl.core import Processor
from rl.callbacks import FileLogger, ModelIntervalCheckpoint
from rl.agents.dqn import DQNAgent
from rl.policy import BoltzmannQPolicy
from rl.memory import SequentialMemory
I had the same problem. After lots of examination I found the correct way.
You can import RL by writing this:
"import rl"
and then write your code like:

can no longer import from ElementTree

For some years alread I have had the following import in my code:
from etree.ElementTree import fromstring, parse, VERSION
Today I made a mistake while moving (in Eclipse/pyDev) a few unrelated sourcefiles to another folder. The folder was not a package and it cost me some cleans, rebuilds and del *.pyc-s to get them found again. That part has been solved, but now, the import above breaks with "unresoved import...". When I remove the etree-prefix, the imports are resolved, but at runtime I get
from ElementTree import fromstring, parse, VERSION
File "C:\Program Files\Python\EPD-7.3-2x64\Lib\xml\etree\", line 127, in <module>
from . import ElementPath
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
What is going wrong..?
You should not have been able to.
The import normally would be from xml.etree.ElementTree import ...; the top-level package name is xml.etree, not etree.
It looks as if you added the xml.etree package to the Python sys.path module search path. Don't do that. Remove C:\Program Files\Python\EPD-7.3-2x64\Lib\xml\etree from your sys.path (or the PYTHONPATH environment variable) and import from the correct top-level package name instead.