NGSI proxy wirecloud - fiware-orion

I have installed standalone version of wirecloud and ngsi-proxy using docker.While I am able to create subscriptions(able to view subscription id) I am unable to receive notifications from Orion Context Broker.What might be causing this?
This is from where I downloaded image for ngsi-proxy.


Web service consumer SOAP version is showing error by default

I am trying to configure a SOAP service using web service consumer, as soon as I click on new configuration in the connector configuration, I see SOAP version column is turning into error and when I hover on it, it is showing some tooling related error and when i check my tooling stats in preferences, it shows in running state.
My studio version is 7.11.1
Please let me know how to resolve this issue.
The information is not complete to identify the root cause. Having said that it is possible that the error is happening when the Web Service Consumer connector is trying to download the WSDL if the access is restricted in some way. For example if the server has whitelisted the IPs of authorized clients, or there is an access restriction in your network, or some other permission issue.
In that case you may resolve the issue if you can download the WSDL locally and add it to the application in the src/main/resources folder, and reference it by the file name (with no path) instead of an URL.

Connecting to my own Hyperledger Fabric instance

I am new to IBM Blockchain Platform VSCode Extension and using IBM Blockchain Platform Extension Version: 0.3.2 and Visual Studio Code version: 1.32.3.
In this extension there is a feature "Connecting to your own Hyperledger Fabric instance". I tried this by using the command "Add Gateway" in VSCode. I have provided connection profile, cert and private key. It successfully connected and showing only channel name under "FABRIC GATEWAYS". No peers are showing. But now my question is, how to install and initiate smart contract using the extension? Nothing is showing under "LOCAL FABRIC OPS" which was showing when I connect to pre-configured local fabric instance. Please help me to understand.
It's not possible to install chaincode or instantiate chaincode on an external network (ie one that isn't managed by the vscode plugin itself), although as you have already discovered you can connect a gateway to it to test your running chaincode. So you can perform an install/instantiate on your external network then use the plugin to interact with it.
If the network provided by the plugin isn't suitable for you to use for your local testing then I would suggest raising an issue at
describing why the in built network isn't suitable and what sort of inbuilt network would be suitable.

how to fix ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE error in azure web app deployment using VSTS

I am using VSTS pipeline to deploy core 2.2 MVC to azure web app.
The last step which is deploy to azure fails - please see the error below:
##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
2019-01-08T21:39:47.3810424Z ##[error]Error Code:
ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE More Information: Could not connect to
the remote computer ("our website url"). On the remote computer, make
sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web
Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
Error: Unable to connect to the remote server Error: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because
connected host has failed to respond ????:443
I even tried to Take App Offline but no luck:
However, it works fine if I publish the web app through Visual studio.
The problem was the subscription we were using has a firewall in place. So there was no way to get into firewall by even doing things like adding "WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM" = false in the app setting of web service.
The only solution we could think of was to create an agent inside a VM sitting inside the same firewall.
Recreate web app in Azure Portal -> Make sure target framework selected correctly.
I had accidentally set this to docker previously during my web app setup in the portal and this error was produced as well. I was using a MVC .NET 4.7 project and trying to use web deploy.
Hopefully this helps someone who has perhaps set up their web app incorrectly in the azure portal.

wirecloud IDE connect to fi-lab wirecloud instance error

I am trying to connect to the fi-lab wirecloud instance through the wirecloud IDE plugin for eclipse. I follow the guide and i have created an application at the FI-Lab and tried the as the callback url.
When i try to authorize the connection, i get a redirect url mismatch.
Any ideas?
You will need download a new version of the WireCloud IDE: the 4.3.2 version. This version adds support for KeyRock 2.0 (the software behind the FIWARE Lab's Account portal). Then use (without a dash between fi and ware) as Callback URL :).

Application Can Not Be Deployed on Cloudhub

currently I am working with mule esb in cloud, to achieve this I am using free trial version of Cloudhub. FYI, I am new to cloudhub and right now tring to deploy my mule application there. Unfortunately, everytime I tried to deploy my application, it can not be deployed.
I have tried 2 ways to deploy the apps.
The first one is from the Mule Studio, by following this documentation:
Deploy Apps to Cloudhub From Mule Studio
When I tried that way, I got following error:
I guess it was because of the proxy.
The second way I tried is by deploying it directly from the, by following this documentation:
Deploying Apps Directly From
But, when I check on the deployment section, I found out, that my application is not uploaded. Then I tried to upload it again, update it, and run the application, but it seems that the application still not uploaded and the change I made is not applied.
Here is the error I got:
FYI, before I upload the application to cloudhub, I compressed the application folder into zip file.
How can I solved this problem? Do you think I did something wrong when deploying it? Thanks in advance.
I too faced similar problem, when deploying application in cloud hub, using Mule 3.5. My application inserts Contacts info (FirstName, LastName, Title, Email etc) from CSV file in Salesforce "Contacts" object. With proxy details configured, my application was running fine in local machine but when deployed in cloud hub, I was getting "Unknown host Exception. Root exception in proxy (something similar to this) " exception.
What I did:
I have removed proxy details from Salesforce connector and re-compiled and deployed in cloud hub. When I tested, the contacts from csv file are getting inserted in Salesforce "Contacts" objects.
Note: When Proxy details are removed, it works in cloud hub but fails in local. It seems cloud hub takes care of proxy connection and we don't need to explicitly mention it.
Ravi Nori
Be sure that you configure your http endpoint like this:
<http:inbound-endpoint host="localhost" port="${http.port}".... />
CloudHub will automatically expand http.port property to the correct value.
To make it work deploying from CloudHub you shouldn't compress your project yourself and upload but make Studio create a deployable archive: Right click on your project and then click export, select 'Anypoint Studio Project to Mule Deployable Archive' under Mule category. That will have Mule ESB application structure and should work in CloudHub.
Check your http global endpoint is like that
or you can give in properties file like http.port=8081
these values you can give directly in cloudhub properties.
From flow you can access like ${} , ${http.port}
First check that domain name is available