The following piece of code takes a lot of time on 4Gb of raw data in a cluster:"type", "user_pk", "item_pk","timestamp")
.filter($"date" > "2018-04-14")
.select("type", "user_pk", "item_pk")
.map {
row => {
val typef = row.get(0).toString
val user = row.get(1).toString
val item = row.get(2).toString
(typef, user, item)
The output should be of type Dataset[(String,String,String)].
I guess that map part takes a lot of time. Is there any way to optimize this piece of code?
I seriously doubt the map is the problem, nonetheless I wouldn't use it at all and go with standard Dataset converter
import df.sparkSession.implicits._"type", "user_pk", "item_pk","timestamp")
.filter($"date" > "2018-04-14")
.select($"type" cast "string", $"user_pk" cast "string", $"item_pk" cast "string")
You're creating date column with Date type and then compare it with string??
I'd assume some implicit transformation is happening underneath (for each row while filtering).
Instead I'd convert that string to date to timestamp and do integer comparison (as you're using from_unixtime I assume timestamp is stored as System.currenttimemillis or similar):
timestamp = some_to_timestamp_func("2018-04-14")"type", "user_pk", "item_pk","timestamp")
.filter($"timestamp" > timestamp)
... etc
I try to combine the two columns "Format Group" and "Format SubGroup" to a single column called Format.
The O/P in the final Format column should be in the form of Format Group:Format Subgroup
I need to create my own UDF using some given data, but I am not sure why my UDF doesn't like the input I have given it.
This is the first rows of the data I use:
BibNumber, ItemBarcode, ItemType, Collection, CallNumber, CheckoutDateTime
1842225, 0010035249209, acbk, namys, MYSTERY ELKINS1999, 05/23/2005 03:20:00 PM
Code, Description, Code Type, Format Group, Format Subgroup
acdvd, DVD: Adult/YA, ItemType, Media, Video Disc
Here's how it looks in the IntelliJ IDEA
Updated the code: changed seq[seq[string]] to String
def numberCheckoutRecordsPerFormat(checkoutDF: DataFrame, dataDictionaryDF: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val createFeatureVector = udf{(Format_Group:String, Format_Subgroup:String) => { => if(Format_Group.flatten.contains(x)) 1.0 else 0.0)++Array(Format_Subgroup)
.select($"Format_Group", $"Format_Subgroup", $"Code".as("ItemType"))
, "ItemType")
.withColumn("Format", createFeatureVector(dataDictionaryDF("Format_Group"), dataDictionaryDF("Format_Subgroup")))
.withColumnRenamed("count(ItemBarCode)", "CheckoutCount")
.select($"Format", $"CheckoutCount")
Furthermore, the numberCheckoutRecordsPerFormat should return a DataFrame of Format and number of Checkouts for a given item - but I got this part covered myself.
The data set used is the Seattle Library Checkout Records from Kaggle
Thanks, people!
Doomdaam, you can try to use the concat_ws built-in function (always use built-in functions when possible). Your code will look like :
.select($"Format_Group", $"Format_Subgroup", $"Code".as("ItemType"))
, "ItemType")
.withColumn("Format", concat_ws(":",$"Format_Group", $"Format_Subgroup"))
.withColumnRenamed("count(ItemBarCode)", "CheckoutCount")
.select($"Format", $"CheckoutCount")
Otherwise your UDF would have been :
val createFeatureVector = udf{(formatGroup:String, formatSubgroup:String) => Seq(formatGroup,formatSubgroup).mkString(":")}
We are currently facing a performance issue in sparksql written in scala language. Application flow is mentioned below.
Spark application reads a text file from input hdfs directory
Creates a data frame on top of the file using programmatically specifying schema. This dataframe will be an exact replication of the input file kept in memory. Will have around 18 columns in the dataframe
var eqpDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(eqpRowRdd, eqpSchema)
Creates a filtered dataframe from the first data frame constructed in step 2. This dataframe will contain unique account numbers with the help of distinct keyword.
var distAccNrsDF ="accountnumber").distinct().collect()
Using the two dataframes constructed in step 2 & 3, we will get all the records which belong to one account number and do some Json parsing logic on top of the filtered data.
var filtrEqpDF =
eqpDF.where("accountnumber='" + data.getString(0) + "'").collect()
Finally the json parsed data will be put into Hbase table
Here we are facing performance issues while calling the collect method on top of the data frames. Because collect will fetch all the data into a single node and then do the processing, thus losing the parallel processing benefit.
Also in real scenario there will be 10 billion records of data which we can expect. Hence collecting all those records in to driver node will might crash the program itself due to memory or disk space limitations.
I don't think the take method can be used in our case which will fetch limited number of records at a time. We have to get all the unique account numbers from the whole data and hence I am not sure whether take method, which takes
limited records at a time, will suit our requirements
Appreciate any help to avoid calling collect methods and have some other best practises to follow. Code snippets/suggestions/git links will be very helpful if anyone have had faced similar issues
Code snippet
val eqpSchemaString = "acoountnumber ....."
val eqpSchema = StructType(eqpSchemaString.split(" ").map(fieldName =>
StructField(fieldName, StringType, true)));
val eqpRdd = sc.textFile(inputPath)
val eqpRowRdd =",")).map(eqpRow => Row(eqpRow(0).trim, eqpRow(1).trim, ....)
var eqpDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(eqpRowRdd, eqpSchema);
var distAccNrsDF ="accountnumber").distinct().collect()
distAccNrsDF.foreach { data =>
var filtrEqpDF = eqpDF.where("accountnumber='" + data.getString(0) + "'").collect()
var result = new JSONObject()
result.put("jsonSchemaVersion", "1.0")
val firstRowAcc = filtrEqpDF(0)
//Json parsing logic
The approach usually take in this kind of situation is:
Instead of collect, invoke foreachPartition: foreachPartition applies a function to each partition (represented by an Iterator[Row]) of the underlying DataFrame separately (the partition being the atomic unit of parallelism of Spark)
the function will open a connection to HBase (thus making it one per partition) and send all the contained values through this connection
This means the every executor opens a connection (which is not serializable but lives within the boundaries of the function, thus not needing to be sent across the network) and independently sends its contents to HBase, without any need to collect all data on the driver (or any one node, for that matter).
It looks like you are reading a CSV file, so probably something like the following will do the trick: // Using DataFrameReader but your way works too
foreachPartition { rows =>
val conn = ??? // Create HBase connection
for (row <- rows) { // Loop over the iterator
val data = parseJson(row) // Your parsing logic
??? // Use 'conn' to save 'data'
You can ignore collect in your code if you have large set of data.
Collect Return all the elements of the dataset as an array at the driver program. This is usually useful after a filter or other operation that returns a sufficiently small subset of the data.
Also this can cause the driver to run out of memory, though, because collect() fetches the entire RDD/DF to a single machine.
I have just edited your code, which should work for you.
var distAccNrsDF ="accountnumber").distinct()
distAccNrsDF.foreach { data =>
var filtrEqpDF = eqpDF.where("accountnumber='" + data.getString(0) + "'")
var result = new JSONObject()
result.put("jsonSchemaVersion", "1.0")
val firstRowAcc = filtrEqpDF(0)
//Json parsing logic
I need to update the value and if the value is zero then drop that row. Here is the snapshot.
val net = sc.accumulator(0.0)
df1.foreach(x=> {net += calculate(df2, x)})
def calculate(df2:DataFrame, x : Row):Double = {
var pro:Double = 0.0
df2.foreach(y => {if(xxx){ do some stuff and update the y.getLong(2) value }
else if(yyy){ do some stuff and update the y.getLong(2) value}
if(y.getLong(2) == 0) {drop this row from df2} })
return pro;
Any suggestions? Thanks.
You cannot change the DataFrame or RDD. They are read only for a reason. But you can create a new one and use transformations by all the means available. So when you want to change for example contents of a column in dataframe just add new column with updated contents by using functions like this:
DataFrames are immutable, you can not update a value but rather create new DF every time.
Can you reframe your use case, its not very clear what you are trying to achieve with the above snippet (Not able to understand the use of accumulator) ?
You can rather try df2.withColumn(...) and use your udf here.
I wanted to perform some benchmarks on some methods of my program so I wrote this little snippet
object ExecutionTime {
private val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss")
private var timeList = scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[String]()
def startTimer() : Long = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def getExecutionTime(start : Long) {
val executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
timeList.+=(format.format(new Date(executionTime)))
def printResults() {
timeList.mkString(" /n ")
To test this, I ran this little piece of code :
object Test {
val begin = ExecutionTime.startTimer()
However, when I run this I am getting a strange output :
01:00:02 // Should be 00:00:02
The result I have is the one that I expect, but with 1 extra hour.
Anyone have an idea on this?
You are constructing a Date object using the time delta between clock measurements. Therefore the SimpleDateFormat is translating the Date to local time when constructing the String.
From the documentation (emphasis mine):
SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates
in a locale-sensitive manner.
Your constructed Date is epoch + 2 seconds, so your local time must be (epoch + 1 hour + 2 seconds); and that is what the formatter is printing.
To have SimpleDateFormat print without the 1 hour addition you need to set the locale to be GMT and change your hour format to be "HH":
private val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss")
As another suggestion, look into the Joda time library (here's a scala wrapper). This library can be used to easily subtract and add periods of time and convert to time formats on the fly. I much prefer it to the SimpleDateFormat class.
I look for a way to retrieve the first elements of a DStream created as:
val dstream = ssc.textFileStream(args(1)).map(x => x.split(",").map(_.toDouble))
Unfortunately, there is no take function (as on RDD) on a dstream //dstream.take(2) !!!
Could someone has any idea on how to do it ?! thanks
You can use transform method in the DStream object then take n elements of the input RDD and save it to a list, then filter the original RDD to be contained in this list. This will return a new DStream contains n elements.
val n = 10
val partOfResult = dstream.transform(rdd => {
val list = rdd.take(n)
The previous suggested solution did not compile for me as the take() method returns an Array, which is not serializable thus Spark streaming will fail with a
A simple variation on the previous code that worked for me:
val n = 10
val partOfResult = dstream.transform(rdd => {
Sharing a java based solution that is working for me. The idea is to use a custom function, which can send the top row from a sorted RDD.
rdd ->
JavaRDD<CryptoDto> result =
.sortByKey(new CryptoComparator()).values().zipWithIndex()
.map(row ->{
CryptoDto purchaseCrypto = new CryptoDto();
purchaseCrypto.setBuyIndicator(row._2 + 1L);
return purchaseCrypto;
return result;
The custom function selectTopinSortedRdd looks like below:
public static Function<CryptoDto, Boolean> selectTopInSortedRdd = new Function<CryptoDto, Boolean>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Boolean call(CryptoDto value) throws Exception {
if (value.getBuyIndicator() == 1L) {
System.out.println("Value of buyIndicator :" + value.getBuyIndicator());
return true;
else {
return false;
It basically compares all incoming elements, and returns true only for the first record from the sorted RDD.
This seems to be always an issue with DStreams as well as regular RDDs.
If you don't want (or can't) to use .take() (especially in DStreams) you can think outside the box here and just use reduce instead. That is a valid function for both DStreams as well as RDD's.
Think about it. If you use reduce like this (Python example):
.reduce( lambda x, y : x)
Then what happens is: For every 2 elements you pass in, always return only the first. So if you have a million elements in your RDD or DStream it will shrink it to one element in the end which is the very first one in your RDD or DStream.
Simple and clean.
However keep in mind that .reduce() does not take order into consideration. However you can easily overcome this with a custom function instead.
Example: Let's assume your data looks like this x = (1, [1,2,3]) and y = (2, [1,2]). A tuple x where the 2nd element is a list. If you are sorting by the longest list for example then your code could look like below maybe (adapt as needed):
def your_reduce(x,y):
if len(x[1]) > len(y[1]):
return x
return y
yourNewRDD = yourOldRDD.reduce(your_reduce)
Accordingly you will get '(1, [1,2,3])' as that has the longer list. There you go!
This has caused me some headaches in the past until I finally tried this. Hopefully this helps.