Stop a process running longer than an hour - powershell

I posted a question a couple ago, I needed a powershell script that would start a service if it was stopped, stop the process if running longer than an hour then start it again, and if running less than an hour do nothing. I was given a great script that really helped, but I'm trying to convert it to a "process". I have the following code (below) but am getting the following error
"cmdlet Start-Process at command pipeline position 3
Supply values for the following parameters:
FilePath: "
# for debugging
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*Process:Verbose'] = $true
$str = Get-Process -Name "Chrome"
if ($str.Status -eq 'stopped') {
$str | Start-Process
} elseif ($str.StartTime -lt (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)) {
$str | Stop-Process -PassThru | Start-Process
} else {
'Chrome is running and StartTime is within the past hour!'
# other logic goes here

Your $str is storing a list of all processes with the name "Chrome", so I imagine you want a single process. You'll need to specify an ID in Get-Process or use $str[0] to single out a specific process in the list.
When you store a single process in $str, if you try to print your $str.Status, you'll see that it would output nothing, because Status isn't a property of a process. A process is either running or it doesn't exist. That said, you may want to have your logic instead check if it can find the process and then start the process if it can't, in which case it needs the path to the executable to start the process. More info with examples can be found here:
If you're using Powershell ISE, try storing the process in a variable in the terminal, type the variable with a dot afterwards, and Intellisense (if it's on) should give a list of all its available properties.


Powershell Script cycles through machines but hangs if one loses network temporarily

I have a powershell script that parses a txt file which is full of machine names, then one by one, it creates a session to the system, runs a few commands, and moves to the next system. The script usually take about 10-30 seconds to run on each system depending on the case encountered in the script.
Once in a while the system that is currently being checked will lose the network connection for some various reason. When this happens the console starts writing yellow warning messages about attempting to reconnect for 4 minutes and then disconnects the session when it cannot reconnect.
Even if it establishes the connection again within the 4 minutes, it doesn't do anything after that, it's like the script just freezes. It won't move on to the next system and it doesn't stop the script, I have to manually stop it, or if i manually run the script, i can hit control+c to break out of the current loop, and it then moves on to the next machine in the list.
Is there any way to break out of the current loop if a warning is encountered so it can move on to the next machine? That would be my ideal solution. thanks!
Script is simple..
foreach($server in Get-Content .\machines.txt) {
if($server -match $regex){
invoke-command $server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ScriptBlock{
this is what happens
PS C:\temp> .\script.ps1
WARNING: The network connection to machine5 has been interrupted. Attempting to reconnect for up to 4 minutes...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: Attempting to reconnect to machine5 ...
WARNING: The network connection to machine5 has been restored.
But it never goes on to machine6
When i work remotely with multiple machines i usually start the processes on the machines in parallel. So i have less impact when single machines are timing out. I use powershell 7 ForEach-Object -Parallel Feature for this
Try something like this:
#all Necessary parameters must be in the Object i give to ForEach Object
$myHosts = #(
#Hosts i want to connect to with values i want to use in the loop
$myHosts | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
#Variables outside of this "Parallel" Loop are not available. Because this is startet as separate SubProcess
#All Values come from the Object i piped in the ForEach-Object
#This is written to your local Shell
Write-Host ("Computer: "+ $env:Computername)
Write-Host $myHost.param1
Write-Host $myHost.param2
Write-Host $myHost.cred.UserName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $myHost.Name -Credential $myHost.cred -ArgumentList #($myHost.param1,$myHost.param2) -ScriptBlock {
#Variables outside of of this Invoke Command Script Block are not available because this is a new Remote-Shell on the remote Host
#Parameters in Ordner of -Argument List
#Do your things on the Remote-Host here
#This is not Visbible -> it is only written on the "remote Shell"
Write-Host $env:Computername
#Here you get Back Values from the remote Shell
} -ThrottleLimit 5
Hmm his is indeed a Problem.
You could experiment with:
Get-Job (
Receive-Job (
So you have more control what the processes do.
You start Background Jobs with Start-Job. Start-Job deliveres Job Objects Back -> save them in a array or variables
With Get-Job you see all Jobs currently Running
with Receive-Job you get back the output from a Job so far. You can use receive-Job to get back all PSObjects a Background Job has written.
Cannot explain in Detail, but this woul be another try i would do for this job.

Powershell - Loop run console app >Wait for Ctrl+c

I have a windows console app that currently runs to process some files, at the end of the run, if successful, it starts a windows service and I get the output > xxx service is now running, press control_c to exit.
The console app looks at a config file to pull some parameters, I need to be able to re-run this multiple times while changing the parameters in the config file first. To do this manually I'd do the following:
change config file
run the app from powershell
wait for the message above to appear
click ctrl + c to terminate
change config file and run again
I thought it makes sense to automate this in a PS script where I can just pass the config values for all the runs, then the script loops through the values, edit the config file and run the exe.
Issue I have is the loop gets "stuck" at first run because the application is waiting for the ctrl+c command so never progresses through the loop.
what I have at the moment looks like this:
foreach ($dt in $datesarr)
##edit config values with stuff in $dt
$output=(<path to app here>)
while ($output[-1] -notlike "*Control-C*")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
problem I have is the script never reaches the while loop as it's just stuck after running the app awaiting for ctrl + c... What I want it to do is launch the app, wait for it to get to the ctrl + c bit then exit the loop and pick the second value in the parameter.
Any thoughts would be hugely appreciated!
Try the following approach, which is based on direct use of the following, closely related .NET APIs:
Instead of trying to programmatically press Ctrl-C, the process associated with the external program is simply killed (terminated).
# Remove the next line if you don't want to see verbose output.
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$psi = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo] #{
UseShellExecute = $false
WindowStyle = 'Hidden'
FileName = '<path to app here>'
Arguments = '<arguments string here>' # only if args must be passed
RedirectStandardOutput = $true
RedirectStandardError = $true # optional - if you also want to examine stderr
Write-Verbose "Launching $($psi.FileName)..."
$ps = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
Write-Verbose "Waiting for launched process $($ps.Id) to output the line of interest..."
$found = $false
while (
-not $ps.HasExited -and
-not ($found = ($line = $ps.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) -match 'Control-C')
) {
Write-Verbose "Stdout line received: $line"
if ($found) {
Write-Verbose "Line of interest received; terminating process $($ps.Id)."
# Note: If the process has already terminated, this will be a no-op.
# .Kill() kills only the target process itself.
# In .NET Core / .NET 5+, you can use .Kill($true) to also
# kill descendants of the process, i.e. all processes launched
# by it, directly and via its children.
} else {
Write-Error "Process $($ps.Id) terminated before producing the expected output."

Parent Powershell script doesn't print messages from child script in Azure Pipeline

We have a Powershell script (A), which is executing another Powershell script (B) as another user (domain user). The child script (B) executes a range of SQL queries against a database on different servers in the domain. While the child script (B) is executing, it prints several status messages using Write-Host, which then in turn are captured by the parent script (A) and printed to the console. This works perfectly, when I am executing the parent script (A) manually from the Powershell prompt on my development machine (in the same domain). And I get all the output from the child script (B) as well.
Below is the part of the code in the parent script (A) that executes the child script (B).
$ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$ProcessInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe"
$ProcessInfo.Domain = "jmres"
$ProcessInfo.UserName = $username
$ProcessInfo.Password = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$ProcessInfo.Arguments = $file, $fileArguments
$Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo
$Process.Start() | Out-Null
$stdOutput = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stdError = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host $stdOutput
Write-Host $stdError
Write-Host "Could not execute script."
Write-Error $Error[0]
Now in our Azure Release Pipeline we are executing the parent script (A) automatically, via a Powershell task, when deploying our application. The child script (B) runs fine as the specified user and I can verify, that SQL queries are executed correctly against the given SQL server.
Okay. So the problem here is, that status messages from the parent script (A) are printed to the Powershell console in the Pipeline. But status messages from the child script (B) are not. I have been struggling for days now trying to figure out why.
Things I have tried:
Replacing Write-Host with Echo in the child script (B) to redirect output to the pipeline instead of directly to the console as described here.
Tried to only print the StandardOutput stream, and omit the StandardError stream to avoid a potential deadlock as described on this site.
Tried turning off (set $false) redirection of the StandardOutput and StandardError streams and have the output sent to the child scripts (B) own console window, and then hope for it to show up in the Azure Pipeline console.
Nothing works. The output in the Azure Pipeline console is two empty lines, where I would expect the output from the child script (B) to be shown. My findings this far is, that the problem is these two lines.
$stdOutput = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stdError = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
The two variables are empty. Why doesn't ReadToEnd() get anything from the streams? And why does it work when executed manually from the Powershell prompt but not in Azure Pipeline? Does anyone have any ideas what to try next?
UPDATE 1 (important):
So this is embarrassing. This morning I discovered a huge brain fart of mine. I though I had verified, that SQL queries where fired against the database. I was wrong. The child script (B) is not executed at all. Hence no SQL queries are fired against the database, when the parent script (A) is executed from the Azure Pipeline. That answers why I get no output. Strange thing is, that it works when I execute the parent script (A) manually from the Powershell prompt.
This is clearly an issue regarding user context while executing scripts and not, as I thought, capturing output from the child script (B). I don't know whether to delete this question. An admin must decide.
Please check Logging commands to print to the console in pipeline. For example:
Set the variables:
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sauce;]crushed tomatoes"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=secretSauce;issecret=true]crushed tomatoes with garlic"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=outputSauce;isoutput=true]canned goods"
name: SetVars
Read the variables:
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "Non-secrets automatically mapped in, sauce is $env:SAUCE"
Write-Host "Secrets are not automatically mapped in, secretSauce is $env:SECRETSAUCE"
Write-Host "You can use macro replacement to get secrets, and they'll be masked in the log: $(secretSauce)"
Write-Host "Future jobs can also see $env:SETVARS_OUTPUTSAUCE"
write-Host "Future jobs can also see $(SetVars.outputSauce)"
Console output:
Non-secrets automatically mapped in, sauce is crushed tomatoes
Secrets are not automatically mapped in, secretSauce is
You can use macro replacement to get secrets, and they'll be masked in the log: ***
Future jobs can also see canned goods
Future jobs can also see canned goods

How can I speed up a PowerShelll foreach loop

I have a PowerShell script that connects to a database and pulls a list of user data. I take this data and create a foreach loop to run a script for the data.
This is working but its slow as the results could be 1000+ entries, and it has to complete the Script.bat for User A before it can start User B. The Script.bat for a single user is independent from another and takes ~30s for each user.
Is there a way to speed this up at all? I've been playing with -Parallel, ForEach-Object and workflow but I can't get it to work, likely due to me being a noob in PS.
foreach ($row in $Dataset.tables[0].rows)
cmd.exe /c "`"$PSScriptRoot`"\bin\Script.bat -c `" -Switch $UserID`" >> `"$PSScriptRoot`"\${FileName3}_REST_${DateTime}.txt 2> nul";
You said it yourself, your bottleneck is with the batch file in your script, not the loop itself. foreach (as opposed to ForEach-Object) is already the faster foreach loop mechanism in PowerShell. Investigate your batch file to find out why it takes 30 seconds to complete, and optimize it where you can.
Using Jobs
Note: Start-Job will run the job under another process. If you have PowerShell Core you can make use of the Start-ThreadJob cmdlet in lieu of Start-Job. This will start your job as part of another thread of the same process instead of starting another process.
If you can't optimize your batch script or optimize it to meet your needs, then you can consider using Start-Job to kick off the job to execute asynchronously, and then check the result and get any output from it using Receive-Job. For example:
# Master list of jobs you need to check the result of later
$jobs = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.Job]
# Run your script for each row
foreach ($row in $Dataset.tables[0].rows)
# Use Start-Job here to kick off the script and store the job information
# for later retrieval.
# The $using: scope modifier allows you to make use of variables that were
# defined in the session calling Start-Job
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { cmd.exe /c "`"${using:PSScriptRoot}`"\bin\Script.bat -c `" -Switch ${using:UserID}`" >> `"${using:PSScriptRoot}`"\${using:FileName3}_REST_${DateTime}.txt 2> nul"; }
# Add the execution to the $jobs list to check the result of later
# Casting to void here prevents the Add method from returning the object
# we've added.
# Wait for the jobs to be done
Write-Host 'Waiting for all jobs to complete...'
while( $jobs | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Running' } ){
Start-Sleep -s 10
# Retrieve the output of the jobs
foreach( $j in $jobs ) {
Receive-Job $j
Note: Since you have ~1000 times you need to execute this script, you may want to consider writing your logic to only run a certain number of jobs at a time. My example above starts all necessary jobs without regarding the number that may execute at once.
For more information about jobs and the properties you can inspect on a running/completed job, check the links below:
About Jobs
Job Class
Using Scope*
* The documentation states that the using scope can only be declared when working with remote sessions, but this seems to work fine with Start-Job even if the job is local.

How to determine if Write-Host will work for the current host

Is there any sane, reliable contract that dictates whether Write-Host is supported in a given PowerShell host implementation, in a script that could be run against any reasonable host implementation?
(Assume that I understand the difference between Write-Host and Write-Output/Write-Verbose and that I definitely do want Write-Host semantics, if supported, for this specific human-readable text.)
I thought about trying to interrogate the $Host variable, or $Host.UI/$Host.UI.RawUI but the only pertinent differences I am spotting are:
in $Host.Name:
The Windows powershell.exe commandline has $Host.Name = 'ConsoleHost'
ISE has $Host.Name = 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host'
SQL Server Agent job steps have $Host.Name = 'Default Host'
I have none of the non-Windows versions installed, but I expect they are different
in $Host.UI.RawUI:
The Windows powershell.exe commandline returns values for all properties of $Host.UI.RawUI
ISE returns no value (or $null) for some properties of $Host.UI.RawUI, e.g. $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorSize
SQL Server Agent job steps return no values for all of $Host.UI.RawUI
Again, I can't check in any of the other platforms
Maintaining a list of $Host.Name values that support Write-Host seems like it would be bit of a burden, especially with PowerShell being cross-platform now. I would reasonably want the script to be able to be called from any host and just do the right thing.
I have written a script that can be reasonably run from within the PowerShell command prompt, from within the ISE or from within a SQL Server Agent job. The output of this script is entirely textual, for human reading. When run from the command prompt or ISE, the output is colorized using Write-Host.
SQL Server jobs can be set up in two different ways, and both support capturing the output into the SQL Server Agent log viewer:
via a CmdExec step, which is simple command-line execution, where the Job Step command text is an executable and its arguments, so you invoke the powershell.exe executable. Captured output is the stdout/sterr of the process:
powershell.exe -Command x:\pathto\script.ps1 -Arg1 -Arg2 -Etc
via a PowerShell step, where the Job Step command text is raw PS script interpreted by its own embedded PowerShell host implementation. Captured output is whatever is written via Write-Output or Write-Error:
x:\pathto\script.ps1 -Arg1 -Arg2 -Etc
Due to some other foibles of the SQL Server host implementation, I find that you can emit output using either Write-Output or Write-Error, but not both. If the job step fails (i.e. if you throw or Write-Error 'foo' -EA 'Stop'), you only get the error stream in the log and, if it succeeds, you only get the output stream in the log.
Additionally, the embedded PS implementation does not support Write-Host. Up to at least SQL Server 2016, Write-Host throws a System.Management.Automation.Host.HostException with the message A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction.
To support all of my use-cases, so far, I took to using a custom function Write-Message which was essentially set up like (simplified):
$script:can_write_host = $true
$script:has_errors = $false
$script:message_stream = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
function Write-Message {
Param($message, [Switch]$iserror)
if ($script:can_write_host) {
$private:color = if ($iserror) { 'Red' } else { 'White' }
try { Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $private:color }
catch [Management.Automation.Host.HostException] { $script:can_write_host = $false }
if (-not $script:can_write_host) {
$script:message_stream.AppendLine($message) | Out-Null
if ($iserror) { $script:has_errors = $true }
try {
catch {
Write-Message -Message ("Unhandled error: " + ($_ | Format-List | Out-String)) -IsError
finally {
if (-not $script:can_write_host) {
if ($script:has_errors) { Write-Error ($script:message_stream.ToString()) -EA 'Stop' }
else { Write-Output ($script:message_stream.ToString()) }
As of SQL Server 2019 (perhaps earlier), it appears Write-Host no longer throws an exception in the embedded SQL Server Agent PS host, but is instead a no-op that emits nothing to either output or error streams. Since there is no exception, my script's Write-Message function can no longer reliably detect whether it should use Write-Host or StringBuilder.AppendLine.
The basic workaround for SQL Server Agent jobs is to use the more-mature CmdExec step type (where Write-Output and Write-Host both get captured as stdout), but I do prefer the PowerShell step type for (among other reasons) its ability to split the command reliably across multiple lines, so I am keen to see if there is a more-holistic, PowerShell-based approach to solve the problem of whether Write-Host does anything useful for the host I am in.
Just check if your host is UserInteractive or an service type environment.
$script:can_write_host = [Environment]::UserInteractive
Another way to track the output of a script in real time is to push that output to a log file and then monitor it in real time using trace32. This is just a workaround, but it might work out for you.
Add-Content -Path "C:\Users\username\Documents\PS_log.log" -Value $variablewithvalue