Purpose of StatefulWidgets in Flutter? - flutter

Here is an example of a StatefulWidget. But isn't it just boiler plate code? Why do we need two classes? Normally you copy&paste the extends StatefulWidget part but where is the purpose? Is there some hidden functionality? Or is it some kind of abstraction level? Why was this design chosen by the Flutter team?
class Counter extends StatefulWidget {
int someVar;
_CounterState createState() => new _CounterState();
And here is the State class. Wouldn't be this class sufficient? Why do we need two classes for a StatefulWidget?
class _CounterState extends State<Counter> {
int _counter = 0;
void _increment() {
setState(() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Row(children: <Widget>[
new CounterIncrementor(onPressed: _increment),
new CounterDisplay(count: _counter),

Because all Widgets's are immutable. This means that your Counter class in this case is immutable and thus also all variables should be final. The State, however, is not mutable.
You can check out the documentation about the Widget class to read more about its purpose.
A widget is an immutable description of part of a user interface. [...] Widgets themselves have no mutable state (all their fields must be final). If you wish to associate mutable state with a widget, consider using a StatefulWidget, which creates a State object (via StatefulWidget.createState) whenever it is inflated into an element and incorporated into the tree.

Dividing a stateful widget in two is a requirement of some of flutter patterns. Widgets being the representation of a pure function you'd find in functional programming.
In fact React, a library from which flutter takes inspiration use two separate objects too. It's fairly obvious when using the following syntax :
class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props, State> {
state: State = {
foo: 42,
Okey, but why is it that State and the Stateful subclass are deeply linked ? Why can't I use any class as State ?
Ah, that's an interesting question ! For those who've used react before, this is something you can do out there. React can use any object as it's state. Flutter being so similar, why can't we too ?
After all, with a bit of tweaks there's nothing preventing the following syntax, not even the #immutable flag :
class MyStateful extends StatefulWidget<Video> {
void dispose() {}
build(BuildContext context) {
return new Text(state.title);
So why ?
A quote from flutter documentation :
You might wonder why StatefulWidget and State are separate objects. In Flutter, these two types of objects have different life cycles. Widgets are temporary objects, used to construct a presentation of the application in its current state. State objects on the other hand are persistent between calls to build(), allowing them to remember information.
This would mean that we'd have all the lifecycle methods override you can have on State move to the Stateful subclass. Such as initState, but also dispose or didUpdateWidget. Which doesn't make sense considering widgets are just throwable objets that never update.


Avoid no_logic_in_create_state warning when saving reference to State of StatefulWidget in Flutter

Using Flutter, I display a list of elements in an app.
I have a StatefulWidget (ObjectList) that holds a list of items in its State (ObjectListState).
The state has a method (_populateList) to update the list of items.
I want the list to be updated when a method (updateList) is called on the widget.
To achieve this, I save a reference (_state) to the state in the widget. The value is set in createState. Then the method on the state can be called from the widget itself.
class ObjectList extends StatefulWidget {
const ObjectList({super.key});
static late ObjectListState _state;
State<ObjectList> createState() {
_state = ObjectListState();
return _state;
void updateList() {
class ObjectListState extends State<ObjectList> {
List<Object>? objects;
void _populateList() {
setState(() {
// objects = API().getObjects();
// ... return ListView in build
The problem is that this raises a no_logic_in_create_state warning. Since I'm not "passing data to State objects" I assume this is fine, but I would still like to avoid the warning.
Is there a way to do any of these?
Saving the reference to the state without violating no_logic_in_create_state.
Accessing the state from the widget, without saving the reference.
Calling the method of the state from the outside without going through the widget.
It make no sense to put the updateList() method in the widget. You will not be able to call it anyway. Widgets are part of a widget tree, and you do not store or use a reference to them (unlike in other frameworks, such as Qt).
To update information in a widget, use a StreamBuilder widget and create the widget to be updated in the build function, passing the updated list to as a parameter to the widget.
Then, you store the list inside the widget. Possibly this may then be implemented as a stateless widget.

Flutter GetX: Where Does Get.put Go in a Widget?

I am new to GetX and am trying to learn how to use it. I have read different tutorials that inject the controller outside of the widget's build method, and others that put it inside it.
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget{
const MyWidget({Key? key}) : super(key:key);
final controller = Get.put(Controller()); //<---
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final controller = Get.put(Controller()); //<---
return Obx(
() => Text(controller.name)
Is there a difference between those two locations? If so, why?
Also, where should it go in a StatefulWidget? It seems it should not go inside the build method because it causes a stack overflow error for me.
Does the location of Get.put() matter inside a widget?
The normal way is to put the controller outside the widget, so it will be created once. if you but it inside the widget a new instance of the controller will be created each time you refresh (update) the widget.
Also, with GetX there is no need to use StatefulWidget.
When you put it inside the build method, it will create a new instance every time the widget is rebuilt, so it is better to but it outside and in most cases I think you do not need to use StatefulWidgetwith GetX even in animation.
The answers shared are correct. Thank you! I wanted to post another answer that I consider to be an even better way to do it as referenced in the documentation.
This method allows for controller access without ever putting Get.put in any of your widgets. This is also really helpful if you have a lot of controllers and need to reference them in widgets as well as from other controllers.
Here is an example:
class ControllerA extends GetxController {
static ControllerA get to => Get.find();
final name = 'Bob'.obs;
ControllerB.to.anotherMethod(); //'I am inside ControllerB!'
class ControllerB extends GetxController {
static ControllerB get to => Get.find();
print('I am inside ControllerB!');
And then inside Widgets:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget{
const MyWidget({Key? key}) : super(key:key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Obx(
() => Text(ControllerA.to.name) //Bob
This requires that you add your Get.put declarations in main.dart so that you make sure they are all ready:
void main() {
In my opinion, it's really clean like this--and very convenient!
If we want to keep a GetX controller in memory forever, then we should indeed instantiate it outside of a Widget's build() function (such as within main() as Clifton shows).
(Note that we can also use GetXService for persistent controllers, which allows manual disposal.)
Placing controllers inside build() functions, is the correct place when we want GetX to free memory & dispose the controller when the widget goes "out of scope". (e.g. when the user has "popped" the route from the stack.) There's also no danger in "recreating" the controller when its instantiated inside build(): Get checks for existence of a controller when Get.put() is called and skips it if the controller is already instantiated.
See this answer (and link to an explanation by one of Get's maintainers) for more info on why we should Get.put() inside build().

How to get the State<> instance inside of its StatefulWidget?

I have an unusual use case where I'd like to add a getter to a StatefulWidget class that accesses its State instance. Something like this:
class Foo extends StatefulWidget {
int get bar => SomethingThatGetsFooState.bar;
State<Foo> createState() => _FooState();
class _FooState extends State<Foo> {
int bar = 42;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
Does SomethingThatGetsFooState exist?
I wonder, if your approach is the right way.
Flutter's way isn't 'Ask something about its state'
Flutter is much more like this: 'The consumer of a Widget passes something to another Widget, which the other Widget e.g. calls in case of certain situations (e.g. value change).'
Approach 1
You map pass a Callback Function to Foo and pass that along to _FooState.
If something special happens inside _FooState, you may call the callback and thus pass some value back to the provider of the Callback.
Approach 2
Probably use a state management solution like Flutter Redux. Using Flutter Redux, you establish a state store somewhere at the top of the widget tree, e.g. in MaterialApp.
Then you subscribe to the store at certain other locations, where dependent widgets exist, which need to update accordingly.
In one project I created certain Action classes, which I send to certain so called reducers of those states, to perform a change on the state:
StoreProvider.of<EModel>(context).dispatch( SaveToFileAction())
This call finds the relevant EModel state and asks it to perform the SaveToFileAction().
This way, a calling Widget not even needs to know, who is responsible for the Action.
The responsible Widget can even be moved around the widget tree - and the application still works. The initiator of SaveToFileAction() and the receiver are decoupled. The receiver you told a coordination 'Tell me, if someone tried to ask me for something.'
Could your provide some further details? Describe the usage pattern?
#SteAp is correct for suggesting there's a code smell in my OP. Typically there's no need to access State thru its StatefulWidget. But as I responded to his post, I'm fleshing out the first pass at a state management package, so it's an unusual case. Once I get it working, I'll revisit.
Below worked without Flutter complaining.
class _IntHolder {
int value;
class Foo extends StatefulWidget {
final _intHolder = _IntHolder();
int get bar => _intHolder.value;
State<Foo> createState() => _FooState();
class _FooState extends State<Foo> {
int value = 42;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
widget._intHolder.value = value;
return Container();

What is the difference between the following var initialization positions in a StatefulWidget?

I was wondering about where to declare and initialize variables in the case of a StatefulWidget. There seem to be a couple of ways to do it, but are there differences, any guidelines, or best practice approaches for it?
I created the below sample, but can not find any differences except that when performing a hot reload, variable i loses its value and is back to zero again.
I read this, but it contains so many contradicting comments.
class Sample extends StatefulWidget {
int i=0;
late Object object1 = Get.put(Object());
_SampleState createState() => _SampleState();
class _SampleState extends State<Sample> {
int j = 0;
late Object object2;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
First, if you run your app on the emulator you can indeed find no differences. But, that observation is huge misleading!
Variables declared whether initialized or not inside the Widget class are not persisted in the case of widget recreation. StatefulWidgets (and all Widget subclasses) are thrown away and rebuilt whenever configuration changes. Luckily, you can force performing Widget recreation by performing a hot reload on the widget while you are testing your app. to ensure proper behavior.
If you want to declare variables that should persist (State data), make sure to put them inside the State class as int j in the above code example.
Use initState() for variables that you cannot initialize within the declaration statement.
Why then object1 retain its data?
Simply, because GetX will not recreate a new instance of Object if one already exists. It will return back the old instance every time the Widget is rebuilt. That's why no difference is perceived in the case of object1 and object2 places of declaration.
At the time of writing this answer, you have to manually call Get.delete<>() in order to dispose a controller if you are not using bindings.

Can a StatelessWidget contain member variables?

I have a StatelessWidget that uses a ScopedModel to store its data. The widget basically presents a list of checkboxes and some buttons to save the state of the checked boxes.
Now I want to keep track of if the user has altered any of the checkboxes, i.e. checked/unchecked them since the widget was displayed. So I added something like this:
class MyCheckboxScreen extends StatelessWidget{
bool _hasBeenModified = false;
void _itemCheckedChange(bool checked, MyModel model){
_hasBeenModified = true;
// Code to change the model here
void _onCloseButton(){
if( _hasBeenModified ){
// Show a warning that there are modifications that will not be be saved
void _onSaveButton(Context context, MyModel model){
This seems to work, but my StatelessWidget now contains its own state.
The state isn't used to update the UI and redraw anything, it's only used to check if there are modifications to any checkbox when pressing the "Close" button.
Is it safe for a StatelessWidget to have this kind of internal state? Or could it be a problem? For example, could the widget be recreated unexpectedly, and the internal state lost?
I don't find the documentation to be very clear on this, it just says
For compositions that can change dynamically, e.g. due to having an internal clock-driven state, or depending on some system state, consider using StatefulWidget.
But this sounds like it only applies to state that affects the UI and requires rebuilding the widget.
Yes, a StatelessWidget can have mutable variables (your code compiles) but that's wrong.
A widget that does not require mutable state
This is taken from the documentation. Even if you have a single non-final variable, it means that something can actually be changed in your widget. It's not an immutable class. Ideally, you should use StatelessWidgets like this:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final int a;
final String b;
const MyWidget(this.a, this.b);
Or something similar such as
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const MyWidget();
When you have non final variables, use a StatefulWidget. Your class has to clearly be a StatefulWidget:
// This is not final. It can be changed (and you will change it)
// so using the stateless way is wrong
bool _hasBeenModified = false;
void _itemCheckedChange(bool checked, MyModel model){
_hasBeenModified = true;
The UI doesn't matter actually because here's a matter of variables and mutability. Something is changing (bool _hasBeenModified) so it cannot be a StatelessWidget because it has to be used in all those cases where the state is immutable.
Are there any reasons why you don't use a stateful widget? Stateless widgets aren't intended to be used that way.. And without any benefits, I don’t understand why you overcomplicate things..