I am trying to send multiple HTTP get requests using Perl. I need to send those request using sock proxy.
If I use following code, I am able to send a request with sock proxy
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
agent => q{Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; YPC 3.2.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)},
$ua->proxy([qw/ http https /] => 'socks://localhost:9050'); # Tor proxy
$a = 10;
while ( $a < 20 ) {
my $rsp = $ua->get('http://example.com/type?parameter=1¶meter=2');
print $rsp->content;
$a = $a + 1;
It works successfully but I need to use AnyEvent to send multiple GET requests in parallel
use strict;
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::HTTP;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use LWP::Protocol::socks;
use AnyEvent::Socket;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar( cb => sub {
warn "done";
my $urls = [
my $start = time;
my $result;
$cv->begin(sub { shift->send($result) });
for my $url ( #$urls ) {
my $now = time;
my $request;
$request = http_request(
GET => $url,
timeout => 2, # seconds
sub {
my ($body, $hdr) = #_;
if ($hdr->{Status} =~ /^2/) {
push (#$result,
" has length ",
" and loaded in ",
time - $now,
else {
push (#$result,
"Error for ",
": (",
") ",
undef $request;
warn "End of loop\n";
my $foo = $cv->recv;
print join("\n", #$foo), "\n" if defined $foo;
print "Total elapsed time: ", time-$start, "ms\n";
This is working fine but I am not able to send these requests using sock proxy.
Even in the terminal, if I export proxy commands like curl and wget they work fine with sock proxy, but when I use a Perl command to execute this script as a sock proxy it does not work.
I could integrate it with LWP::UserAgent but it is not working with AnyEvent.
I have used
proxy => [ $host, $port ],
GET => $url,
but it works for HTTP and HTTPS proxy only, not for sock proxy.
This url is working for HTTP/HTTPS proxy but not for sock proxy.
documentation for AnyEvent::HTTP has this
Socks proxies are not directly supported by AnyEvent::HTTP
If you read that section it may describe a workaround that suits you
Alternatively, take a look at
AnyEvent::HTTP::Socks which says
This module adds new ‘socks’ option to all http_* functions exported by AnyEvent::HTTP. So you can specify socks proxy for HTTP requests.
Or AnyEvent::HTTP::LWP::UserAgent which should allow you to use ideas from the working LWP::UserAgent code that you already have
I'm running a little Perl Webservice, based on the example i found on this page : https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1078567 (first example)
However, when a lot of clients are calling it at once, it looks like the requests are suddenly crashing, and there's a lot of TIME_WAIT tcp connections left on the server running the webservice, as if the webservice was not able to handle that many connections at once.
is there a parameter in that module or other that i could use to extend this ?
or a way to put some kind of queue for the incoming requests ?
some parts of my code, to help :
package TACWebService;
use HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI;
use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI);
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use POSIX;
use DBI;
use warnings;
my %dispatch = (
'/insertunix' => \&resp_insertunix,
'/insertwin' => \&resp_insertwin,
'/getpwdate' => \&resp_getpwdate,
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requests Handling
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sub handle_request {
my $self = shift;
my $cgi = shift;
my $path = $cgi->path_info();
my $handler = $dispatch{$path};
if (ref($handler) eq "CODE") {
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
} else {
print "HTTP/1.0 404 Not found\r\n";
print $cgi->header,
$cgi->start_html('Not found'),
$cgi->h1('Not found'),
sub resp_insertwin {
my $cgi = shift; # CGI.pm object
return if !ref $cgi;
} else {
print $cgi->header("text/plain"), "INSERT";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# WebService Start in background
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
my $pid = TACWebService->new($TACWebService::conf{tac_ws_port})->background();
print "Use 'kill $pid' to stop TAC WebService.\n";
the clients themselves are using use LWP::UserAgent like this :
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->post($TAC_Url,
'args' => $here,
if (!$response->is_success) {
print "Timeout while connecting to $TAC_Url\n";
} else {
my $content = $response->as_string();
print $content if (grep(/INSERT_/,$content));
to describe the exact issue would be complicated. In short : the clients are Unix servers sending their user database (user accounts). and when lots of clients are sending this user db at once, i can see the webservice receiving half of the data, and answering "timeout" after a couple of accounts (probably because it's overloaded in some way)
thanks again
The problem is, that the client waits to long for the server to respond. To solve this you have to start the server multiple times. The easiest Solution to this is to add
sub net_server { 'Net::Server::PreFork' }
to your package TACWebService and the HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI will do the rest of the magick.
Or you can use HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::PreFork instead. See https://metacpan.org/pod/HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::PreFork
I am using LWP::UserAgent to check the response from a server. I get a response from port 443 but I am not able to get any response from port 8443.
When I use cURL for Windows I get a response code from both ports.
Please help me.
This example program (adapted from perldoc lwpcook) shows how to connect with a different port
It also allows turning off of the SSL verify, in case you have a home brew cert that is causing a problem
$port = $ARGV[1] || 443;
$host = $ARGV[0] || 'pause.perl.org';
$verify =$ARGV[2] || 0;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => $verify});;
#$ua->agent("$0/0.1 " . $ua->agent);
$ua->agent("Mozilla/8.0"); # pretend we are very capable browser
$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "https://$host:$port" );
$req->header( 'Accept' => 'text/html' );
# send request
$res = $ua->request($req);
# check the outcome
if ( $res->is_success ) {
print $res->decoded_content;
else {
print "Error: " . $res->status_line . "\n";
I am writing a Perl script that acts as a simple web server that serves audio files over HTML5. I have succeeded in getting it to show a page to a web browser with an HTML5 audio element. It continues to listen to the socket for when the browser asks for an audio file via a GET request; hh.ogg in this example and tries to respond with the ogg inside the message body. It works over port 8888.
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
my $port = 8888;
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $port,
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
ReuseAddr => 1)
or die "Unable to create server socket";
# Server loop
while(my $client = $server->accept())
my $client_info;
my $faviconRequest = 0;
last if /^\r\n$/;
$faviconRequest = 1 if ($_ =~ m/favicon/is);
print "\n$_" if ($_ =~ m/GET/is);
$client_info .= $_;
if ($faviconRequest == 1)
#Ignore favicon requests for now
print "Favicon request, ignoring and closing client";
incoming($client, $client_info) if ($faviconRequest == 0);
sub incoming
print "\n=== Incoming Request:\n";
my $client = shift;
print $client &buildResponse($client, shift);
print "Closing \$client";
sub buildResponse
my $client = shift;
my $client_info = shift;
my $re1='.*?';
my $re2='(hh\\.ogg)';
my $re=$re1.$re2;
print "client info is $client_info";
# Send the file over socket if it's the ogg the browser wants.
return sendFile($client) if ($client_info =~ m/$re/is);
my $r = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n
Hello World.
<audio src=\"hh.ogg\" controls=\"controls\" preload=\"none\"></audio>
return $r;
sub sendFile
print "\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sendFile";
my $client = shift;
open my $fh, '<' , 'hh.ogg';
my $size = -s $fh;
print "\nsize: $size";
print $client "Allow: GET\015\012";
print $client "Accept-Ranges: none\015\012";
print $client "Content-Type: \"audio/ogg\"\015\012";
print $client "Content-Length: $size\015\012";
print "\nsent headers before sending file";
#Take the filehandle and send it over the socket.
my $scalar = do {local $/; <$fh>};
my $offset = 0;
print "\nsyswriting to socket. Offset: $offset";
$offset += syswrite($client, $scalar, $size, $offset);
last if ($offset >= $size);
print "Finished writing to socket.";
close $fh;
return "";
The sendFile subroutine is called when the GET request matches a regex for hh.ogg.
I send a few headers in the response before writing the ogg to the socket before closing.
This code works exactly as I'd expect in Firefox. When I press play the script receives a GET from Firefox asking for the ogg, I send it over and Firefox plays the track.
My problem is the script crashes in Google Chrome. Chrome's developer tools just says it cannot retrieve hh.ogg. When I visit in my browser while the script is running I can download hh.ogg. I have noticed that Chrome will make multiple GET requests for hh.ogg whereas Firefox just makes one. I've read that it may do this for caching reasons? This could be a reason as to why the script crashes.
I have
print $client "Accept-Ranges: none\015\012";
to try and stop this behaviour but it didn't work.
I'm not sure of exactly what headers to respond to Chrome to let it receive the file within one HTTP response. When the script crashes I also occasionally get this message printed out from Perl; otherwise there are no other errors. It will quit somewhere inside the while loop where I syswrite() to the socket.
Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at ./test.pl line 91, <$fh> line 1.
Which is referring to this line.
$offset += syswrite($client, $scalar, $size, $offset);
I don't know why there would be any uninitialized values.
Would anyone have any ideas why this could be happening? If at all possible I'd like to accomplish this without requiring additional modules from CPAN.
Use a real web server instead that is already working and thorougly debugged instead of messing with sockets yourself. The Web is always more complicated than you think. Run the following app with plackup --port=8888.
use HTTP::Status qw(HTTP_OK);
use Path::Class qw(file);
use Plack::Request qw();
use Router::Resource qw(router resource GET);
my $app = sub {
my ($env) = #_;
my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
my $router = router {
resource '/' => sub {
return $req->new_response(
[Content_Type => 'application/xhtml+xml;charset=UTF-8'],
[ '… HTML …' ] # array of strings or just one big string
resource '/hh.ogg' => sub {
return $req->new_response(
[Content_Type => 'audio/vorbis'],
file(qw(path to hh.ogg))->resolve->openr # file handle
Your error says Use of uninitialized value in addition which means it is not inside the syswrite, but in the += operation. syswrite() returns undef if there is an error. Which seems consistent with your overall error with Chrome. The $! variable contains some info about the writing error.
here is the request URL http://localhost:9009/?comd&user=kkc&mail=kkc#kkc.com
what are the modification need to do in the server perl script.
use IO::Socket;
use Net::hostent; # for OO version of gethostbyaddr
$PORT = 9009; # pick something not in use
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $PORT,
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
Reuse => 1);
die "can't setup server" unless $server;
print "[Server $0 accepting clients]\n";
while ($client = $server->accept())
print $client "Welcome to $0; type help for command list.\n";
$hostinfo = gethostbyaddr($client->peeraddr);
printf "[Connect from %s]\n", $hostinfo ? $hostinfo->name : $client->peerhost;
print $client "Command? ";
while ( <$client>) {
next unless /\S/; # blank line
if (/comd/i ) { print $client `dir`; }
} continue {
print $client "Command? ";
close $client;
print "client closed";
I assume that your script is not for production, but for homework or testing sometime. There are multiple very efficient web server solutions in/with Perl like Apache with CGIs or mod_perl, HTTP::Server::Simple and PSGI/Plack.
You'll also typically use a framework like Dancer, Mojo or Catalyst which does most of the boring standard stuff for you:
use Dancer;
get '/' => sub {
return 'Hi there, you just visited host '.request->host.
' at port '.request->port.' asking for '.request->uri;
Back to your question: Your script is a interactive server while HTTP has a strict request and response structure:
Client connects to server
Client sends a request
Server sends a response
You need to remove the interactive part and just wait for the client to start the conversation:
use IO::Socket;
use Net::hostent; # for OO version of gethostbyaddr
$PORT = 9009; # pick something not in use
$server = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $PORT,
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
Reuse => 1);
die "can't setup server" unless $server;
print "[Server $0 accepting clients]\n";
while ($client = $server->accept())
$hostinfo = gethostbyaddr($client->peeraddr);
# Read request up to a empty line
my $request;
while ( <$client>) {
last unless /\S/;
$request .= $_;
# Do something with the request
# Send response
print $client "Status: 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n".$request;
close $client;
print "client closed";
The server reads the full request from the client and returns a minimized HTTP header plus the original request.
The following code ...
my $user_agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $response = $user_agent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
print "OK\n";
} else {
.. will fail with ..
500 Can't connect to <hostname> (Bad hostname '<hostname>')
.. if the hostname in $url is an IPv6 only address (that is: presence of an AAAA record, but no A record).
My questions are:
How do I enable IPv6 support in LWP?
How do I configure LWP's settings for "prefer-IPv4-over-IPv6" (A vs. AAAA) / "prefer-IPv6-over-IPv4" (AAAA vs. A)?
It looks like you just need to use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6. To quote its example:
use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6;
use LWP::Simple;
print get( 'http://[::1]:80' );
print get( 'http://ipv6.google.com' );
I believe you'll have to change the module to use the IPV6 net module. By default it does not have this enabled: http://eintr.blogspot.com/2009/03/bad-state-of-ipv6-in-perl.html. I don't believe there is something as simple as "prefer-ipv6"
Debian Wheezy (perl 5.14)
Work nice:
use LWP::Simple;
print get( 'http://ip6-localhost:80' );
Not working (1)
use LWP::Simple;
print get( 'http://[::1]:80' );
Not working (2) [Return: Bad hostname]
use LWP::Simple;
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent();
my $req = new HTTP::Request("GET", "http://[::1]/");
my $res = $ua->request($req);
Not working (3) [Return: Connection refused]
use Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6;
use LWP::Simple;
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent();
my $req = new HTTP::Request("GET", "http://[::1]/");
my $res = $ua->request($req);
Soo, if you don't need IPv6 address in http request, it's fine. :(