How do I disable legacy application from using XA datasources? - db2

I have this legacy application, that often fails importing data, probably because some transactions spanning too many sql statements. These long transactions are really not needed, so I'm trying to get rid of them and just use normal lookup and commits.
I'm not very familiar with XA datasources and don't really understand what controls if an XA or non XA is used. I have found places in the code that chooses between XA and non XA, but after setting this to always use non XA, I'm still getting the errors.
I have also un-checked the "Support two phase commit protocol" in "Queue connection factories" on my server, also without luck.
My server have datasources registered for both XA and non XA.
Any help on how and where to disable the use of XA datasources would be appreciated.
LocalTransact E J2CA0030E: Method enlist caught Illegal attempt to enlist multiple 1PC XAResources

Before answering this, I want to point out that changing transactional logic without full awareness of what you are doing can put your application at risk of data integrity issues, so proceed with caution.
If you look at the part of the stack that follows what you posted, it should show which application code is using the java.sql.Connection object. Follow the code back to point where it obtains the Connection from a DataSource, and identify the JNDI name of the DataSource that it is using. Switch your code to instead use the JNDI name of a ConnectionPoolDataSource (non-XA) rather than an XADataSource. Once you do this, you might see errors about enlisting multiple one-phase resources in a transaction. If so, your application was relying on two-phase commit which is only possible with XA and you will need to completely refactor it (if even possible at all) to avoid the use of two-phase commit. Alternately, if it was truly the intent that this data source should not be enlisting in JTA transactions, then you can mark it as transactional=false (if using Liberty) or nonTransactionalDataSource=true (WAS traditional) in which case it will avoid enlisting in JTA transactions and thus will not participate as a two-phase (XA) resource.

Before you make changes that you do not understand, you might be better advised to assess whether simply fixing or avoiding the (unspecified) errors may be less risky and less work that changing from XA to Non-XA behaviour.
At the very least for such a change from XA to non-XA you should engage a subject matter expert who can advise on the technical and business impacts of such a change specifically for the application involved.
You should edit your question to specify the exact errors (for example, sqlcodes or sqlstates) that the application receives in response to which kind of SQL actions. Sometimes simple low risk configuration changes can resolve those errors.


hexagonal architecture and transactions concept

I'm trying to get used to hexagonal architecture and can't get how to implement common practical problems, already realized with different approaches. I think my core problem is to understand level of responsibility extracted to adapter and ports.
Reading articles on the web it is ok with primitive examples like:
we have RepositoryInterface which can be implemented in
mysql/txt/s3/nosql storage
we have NotificationSendingInterface and have email/sms/web push realizations
but those are very refined examples and simply interface/realization details separation.
In practice, however, coding service in domain model we usually know interface+realization guarantees more deeply.
For illustration purpose example I decided to ask about storage+transaction pair.
How transaction conception for storage should be implemented in hex architecture?
Assume we have simple crud service interface inside domain level
and we want some kind of transaction guarantee while working with those methods, e.g. delete+save in one transaction.
How it should be designed and implemented according to hex conception?
Is it should be implemented with some external coordination interface of TransactionalOperation? If yes, then in general, TransactionalOperation must know how to implement transaction guaranty working with all implementations of StorageRepoInterface(mb within additional transaction-oriented operation interface)
If no, then seems there should be explicit transaction guarantees from StorageRepoInterface in the domain level(inside hex) with additional methods?
Either way it is no look so "isolated and interfaced based" as stated.
Can someone point me how to change mindset correctly for such situations or where to read?
Thanks in advance.
In Hex Arch, driver ports are the API of the application, the use case boundary. Use cases are transactional. So you have to control the transactionality at the driver ports methods. You enclose every method in a transaction.
If you use Spring you could use declarative transaction (#Transactional annotation).
Another way is to explicity open a db transaction before the execution of the method, and to close (commit / rollback) it after the method.
A useful pattern for applying transactionality is the command bus, wrapping it with a decorator which enclose the command in a transaction.
Transactions are infraestructure, so you should have a driven port and an adapter implementing the port.
The implementation must use the same db context (entity manager) used by persistence adapters (repositories).
Vaughn Vernon talks about this topic in the "Managing transactions" section (pages 432-437) of his book "Implementing DDD".
Instead of using command bus pattern, you could simply inject a TransactionPort to your command handler (defined at domain level).
The TransactionPort would have two methods (start and commit).
The TransactionAdapter would be your custom implementation (defined at infrastructure level).
Then you could do somethig like:
# Do you stuff

Lagom | Return Values from read side processor

We are using Lagom for developing our set of microservices. The trick here is that although we are using event sourcing and persisting events into cassandra but we have to store the data in one of the graph DB as well since it will be the one that will be serving most of the queries because of the use case.
As per the Lagom's documentation, all the insertion into Graph database(or any other database) has to be done in ReadSideProcecssor after the command handler persist the events into cassandra as followed by philosophy of CQRS.
Now here is the problem which we are facing. We believe that the ReadSideProcecssor is a listener which gets triggered after the events are generated and persisted. What we want is we could return the response back from the ReadSideProcecssor to the ServiceImpl. Example when a user is added to the system, the unique id generated by the graph has to be returned as one of the response headers. How that can be achieved in Lagom since the response is constructed from setCommandHandler and not the ReadSideProcessor.
Also, we need to make sure that if due to any error at graph side, the API should notify the client that the request has failed but again exceptions occuring in ReadSideProcessor are not propagated to either PersistentEntity or ServiceImpl class. How can that be achieved as well?
Any helps are much appreciated.
The read side processor is not a listener that is attached to the command - it is actually completely disconnected from the persistent entity, it may be running on a different node, at a different time, perhaps even years in the future if you add a new read side processor that first comes up to speed with all the old events in history. If the read side processor were connected synchronously to the command, then it would not be CQRS, there would not be segregation between the command and the query side.
Read side processors essentially poll the database for new events, processing them as they detect them. You can add a new read side processor at any time, and it will get all events from all of history, not just the new ones that are added, this is one of the great things about event sourcing, you don't need to anticipate all your query needs from the start, you can add them as the query need comes.
To further explain why you don't want a connection between the two - what happens if the event persist succeeds, but the update on the graph db fails? Perhaps the graph db is crashed. Does the command have to retry? Does the event have to be deleted? What happens if the node doing the update itself crashes before it has an opportunity to fix the problem? Now your read side is in an inconsistent state from your entities. Connecting them leads to inconsistency in many failure scenarios - for example, like when you update your address with a utility company, and but your bills still go to the old address, and you contact them, and they say "yes, your new address is updated in our system", but they still go to the old address - that's the sort of terrible user experience that you are signing your users up for if you try to connect your read side and write side together. Disconnecting allows Lagom to ensure consistency between the events you have emitted on the write side, and the consumption of them on the read side.
So to address your specific concerns: ID generation should be done on the write side, or, if a subsequent ID is generated on the read side, it should also provide a way of mapping the IDs on the write side to the read side ID. And as for handling errors on the read side - all validation should be done on the write side - the write side should ensure that it never emits an event that is invalid.
Now if the read side processor encounters something that is invalid, then it has two options. One option is it could fail. In many cases, this is a good option, since if something is invalid or inconsistent, then it's likely that either you have a bug or some form of corruption. What you don't want to do is continue processing as if everything is happy, since that might make the data corruption or inconsistency even worse. Instead the read side processor stops, your monitoring should then detect the error, and you can go in and work out either what the bug is or fix the corruption. Of course, there are downsides to doing this, your read side will start lagging behind the write side while it's unable to process new events. But that's also an advantage of CQRS - the write side is able to continue working, continue enforcing consistency, etc, the failure is just isolated to the read side, and only in updating the read side. Instead of your whole system going down and refusing to accept new requests due to this bug, it's isolated to just where the problem is.
The other option that the read side has is it can store the error somewhere - eg, store the event in a dead letter table, or raise some sort of trouble ticket, and then continue processing. This way, you can go and fix the event after the fact. This ensures greater availability, but does come at the risk that if that event that it failed to process was important to the processing of subsequent events, you've potentially just got yourself into a bigger mess.
Now this does introduce specific constraints on what you can and can't do, but I can't really anticipate those without specific knowledge of your use case to know how to address them. A common constraint is set validation - for example, how do you ensure that email addresses are unique to a single user in your system? Greg Young (the CQRS guy) wrote this blog post about those types of problems:

Is it correct to use TargetSubID as a flag for test data in FIX protocol?

We are currently working on a FIX connection, whereby data that should only be validated can be marked. It has been decided to mark this data with a specific TargetSubID. But that implies a new session.
Let's say we send the messages to the session FIX.4.4:S->T. If we then get a message that should only be validated with TargetSubID V, this implies the session FIX.4.4:S->T/V. If this Session is not configured, we get the error
Unknown session: FIX.4.4:S->T/V
and if we explicitly configure this session next to the other, there is the error
quickfix.Session – [FIX/Session] Disconnecting: Encountered END_OF_STREAM
what, as bhageera says, is that you log in with the same credentials.
(...) the counterparty I was connecting to allows only 1 connection
per user/password (i.e. session with those credentials) at a time.
I'm not a FIX expert, but I'm wondering if the TargetSubID is not just being misused here. If not, I would like to know how to do that. We develop the FIX client with camel-quickfix.
It depends a lot on what you system is like and what you want to achieve in the end.
Usually the dimensions to assess are:
maximising the flexibility
minimising the amount of additional logic required to support the testing
minimising the risk of bad things happening on accidental connection from a test to a prod environment (may happen, despite what you might think).
Speaking for myself, I would not use tags potentially involved in the sesson/routing behavior for testing unless all I need is routing features and my system reliably behaves the way I expect (probably not your case).
Instead I would consider one of these:
pick something from a user defined range (5000-9999)
use one of symbology tags (say Symbol(55)) corrupted in some reversible way (say "TEST_VOD.L" in the tag 55 instead of "VOD.L")
A tag from a custom range would give a lot of flexibility, a corrupted symbology tag would make sure a test order would bounce if sent to prod by accident.
For either solution you may potentially need a tag-based routing and transformation layer. Both are done in couple of hours in generic form if you are using something Java-based (I'd look towards javax.scripting / Nashorn).
It's up to the counterparties - sometimes Sender/TargetSubID are considered part of the unique connection, sometimes they distinguish messages on one connection.
Does your library have a configuration option to exclude the sub IDs from the connection lookups? e.g. in QuickFix you can set the SessionQualifier.

"PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already" error in integration tests with jOOQ & Spring Boot

There are already similar questions about this error and suggested solutions; e.g. increasing max_connections in postgresql.conf and / or adapting the max number of connections your app requests. However, my question is more specific to using jOOQ in a Spring Boot application.
I integrated jOOQ into my application as in the example on GitHub. Namely, I am using DataSourceConnectionProvider with TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy to handle database connections, and I inject the DSLContext in the classes that need it.
My application provides various web services to front-ends and I've never encountered that PSQLException on dev or test environments so far. I only started getting that error when running all integration tests (around 1000) locally. I don't expect some leak in handling the connection as Spring and jOOQ manage the resources; nevertheless that error got me worried if that would also happen on production.
Long story short, is there a better alternative to using DataSourceConnectionProvider to manage connections? Note that I already tried using DefaultConnectionProvider as well, and tried to make spring.datasource.max-active less than max_connections allowed by Postgres. Neither fixed my problem so far.
Since your question seems not to be about the generally best way to work with PostgreSQL connections / data sources, I'll answer the part about jOOQ and using its DataSourceConnectionProvider:
Using DataSourceConnectionProvider
There is no better alternative in general. In order to understand DataSourceConnectionProvider (the implementation), you have to understand ConnectionProvider (its specification). It is an SPI that jOOQ uses for two things:
to acquire() a connection prior to running a statement or a transaction
to release() a connection after running a statement (and possibly, fetching results) or a transaction
The DataSourceConnectionProvider does so by acquiring a connection from your DataSource through DataSource.getConnection() and by releasing it through Connection.close(). This is the most common way to interact with data sources, in order to let the DataSource implementation handle transaction and/or pooling semantics.
Whether this is a good idea in your case may depend on individual configurations that you have made. It generally is a good idea because you usually don't want to manually manage connection lifecycles.
Using DefaultConnectionProvider
This can certainly be done instead, in case of which jOOQ does not close() your connection for you, you'll do that yourself. I'm expecting this to have no effect in your particular case, as you'll implement the DataSourceConnectionProvider semantics manually using e.g.
try (Connection c = ds.getConnection()) {
// Implicitly using a DefaultConnectionProvider
// Implicit call to c.close()
In other words: this is likely not a problem related to jOOQ, but to your data source.

Undoable sets of changes

I'm looking for a way to manage consistent sets of changes across several data sources, including, but not limited to, a database, some network control tools, and probably other SOAP-based services.
If one change fails for some reason (e.g. real-world app says "no", or a database insert fails), I want the whole set to be undone. So that's like transactions, just not limited to a DB.
I came up with a module that stacks up "change" objects which in turn have their init, commit, and rollback methods. When the set is DESTROYed, it rolls uncommitted changes back. This kinda works.
Still I can't overcome the feeling of a wheel being invented. Is there a standard CPAN module, or a well described common method to perform such a task? (At least GoF's "command" pattern and RAII principle come to mind...)
There are a couple of approaches to executing a Distributed transaction (which is what you're describing):
The standard pattern is called "Two-phase commit protocol".
At the moment I'm not aware of any Perl module which implements Two-phase commit, which is kind of surprising and may likely be due to a lapse in my Googling. The only thing I found was Env::Transaction but I have no clue how stable/good/functional it is.
For certain cases, a solution involving rollback via "Compensating transactions" is possible.
This is basically a special case of general rollback where, when generating task list A designed to change the target system state from S1 to S2, you at the same time generate a "compensating" task list A-neg designed to change the target system state from S2 back to S1. This is obviously only possible for certain systems, and moreover only a small subset of those are commutative (meaning that your can execute both transaction and its compensating transaction non-contiguously, e.g. the result of A + B + A-neg + B-neg is an invariant state.
Please notice that the compensating transactions does NOT always have to be engineered to be a "transaction" - one clever approach (again, only possible on certain subject domains) involves storing your data with a special "finalized" flag; then periodically harvest and destroy data with a false "finalized" flag if the data's "originating transaction timestamp" is older than some sort of threshold.