Sort data within a subquery with another subquery? - tsql

I am trying to sort the OUN.note column by using the OUN.outcomeKey, since
the way it it is working right now is putting the notes in the wrong order (sorting alphabetically). Any idea on how to go about this? I've been trying to sort the data using another sub-query within, but I haven't had much luck (I don't have a plethora of experience).
Here's my current query:
SELECT DISTINCT OC.outcomeKey [Outcome Key], OC.outcome [Result],
STUFF((SELECT ','+' '+ OUN.note
Outcome AS OUT
JOIN OutcomeNote AS OUN
ON OUT.outcomeKey = OUN.outcomeKey
WHERE OUN.outcomeKey = OC.outcomeKey
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '') [Outcome Note]
FROM Outcome AS OC
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated! Also, please let me know if any more info is needed.

You may replace the line
with the line
ORDER BY OUN.outcomeKey
Also, because the concatenation starts with ', ', you may want to use 1, 2, '' as the additional arguments of the STUFF function. Otherwise, the values in your [Outcome note] column always start with a space.
By the way, sorting the notes by outcomeKey in the subquery that generates the values for the [Outcome note] column has no effect... since all the notes in each subquery result will have the same outcomeKey value...
But you may sort on any column you want, of course. Perhaps there are other columns in your OutcomeNotes table that can serve as a useful sorting column of your outcome notes.
If I misunderstood your question, please provide definitions of the Outcome and OutcomeNote tables, together with a demo population of those tables and the desired/expected query result, please.
Edit 2:
Starting with SQL Server 2017, Transact-SQL contains a function called STRING_AGG, which seems to be functionally equivalent (more or less) to MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT function. Using this function, your query would become something like this:
OUN.outcomeKey [Outcome Key],
OC.outcome [Result],
STRING_AGG(OUN.[Note], ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY OUN.outcomeKey) [Outcome Note]
Outcome AS OC
JOIN OutcomeNote AS OUN ON OUN.outcomeKey = OC.outcomeKey
When using SQL Server 2017 or SQL Azure, this might be a more fitting choice, since it does not only make the query more readable, but it also eliminates the use of (way less efficient) XML-functions in your query.
I too have used the XML-functionality for field concatenation (the way you use it) intensively in the past, but I noticed a considerable drop in performance of my queries (which sometimes contained up to 10 columns with concatenated data). Since then, I tend to go for recursive common table expressions or scalar UDF with recursion approaches in pre SQL Server 2017 environments.


Perl : Tracking duplicates

I am trying to figure out what would be the best way to go ahead and locate duplicates in a 5 column csv data. The real data has more than million rows in it.
Following is the content of mentioned 6 columns.
Name, address, city, post-code, phone number, machine number
Data does not have fixed length, data might in certain columns might be missing in certain instances.
I am thinking of using perl to first normalize all the short forms used in names, city and address. Fellow perl enthusiasts from stackoverflow have helped me a lot.
But there would still be a lot of data which would be difficult to match.
So I am wondering is it possible to match content based on "LIKELINESS / SIMILARITY" (eg. google similar to gugl) the likeliness would be required to overcome errors that creeped in while collecting data.
I have 2 tasks in hand w.r.t. the data.
Flag duplicate rows with certain identifier
Mention the percentage match between similar rows.
I would really appreciate if I could get suggestions as to what all possible methods could be employed and which would propbably be best because of their certain merits.
You could write a Perl program to do this, but it will be easier and faster to put it into a SQL database and use that.
Most SQL databases have a way to import CSV. For this answer, I suggest PostgreSQL because it has very powerful string functions which you will need to find your fuzzy duplicates. Create your table with an auto incremented ID column if your CSV data doesn't already have unique IDs.
Once the import is done, add indexes on the columns you want to check for duplicates.
CREATE INDEX name ON whatever (name);
You can do a self-join to look for duplicates in whatever way you like. Here's an example that finds duplicate names.
FROM whatever t1
JOIN whatever t2 ON <
PostgreSQL has powerful string functions including regexes to do the comparisons.
Indexes will have a hard time working on things like lower( Depending on the sorts of duplicates you want to work with, you can add indexes for these transforms (this is a feature of PostgreSQL). For example, if you wanted to search case insensitively you can add an index on the lower-case name. (Thanks #asjo for pointing that out)
CREATE INDEX ON whatever ((lower(name)));
// This will be muuuuuch faster
FROM whatever t1
JOIN whatever t2 ON <
WHERE lower( = lower(
A "likeness" match can be achieved in several ways, a simple one would be to use the fuzzystrmatch functions like metaphone(). Same trick as before, add a column with the transformed row and index it.
Other simple things like data normalization are better done on the data itself before adding indexes and looking for duplicates. For example, trim out and squish extra whitespace.
UPDATE whatever SET name = trim(both from name);
UPDATE whatever SET name = regexp_replace(name, '[[:space:]]+', ' ');
Finally, you can use the Postgres Trigram module to add fuzzy indexing to your table (thanks again to #asjo).

same query, two different ways, vastly different performance

I have a Postgres table with more than 8 million rows. Given the following two ways of doing the same query via DBD::Pg, I get wildly different results.
$q .= '%';
## query 1
my $sql = qq{
SELECT a, b, c
WHERE Lower( a ) LIKE '$q'
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql);
## query 2
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare(qq{
SELECT a, b, c
WHERE Lower( a ) LIKE ?
query 2 is at least an order of magnitude slower than query 1... seems like it is not using the indexes, while query 1 is using the index.
Would love hear why.
With LIKE expressions, b-tree indexes can only be used if the search pattern is left-anchored, i.e. terminated with %. More details in the manual.
Thanks to #evil otto for the link. This link to the current version.
Your first query provides this essential information at prepare time, so the query planner can use a matching index.
Your second query does not provide any information about the pattern at prepare time, so the query planner cannot use any indexes.
I suspect that in the first case the query compiler/optimizer detects that the clause is a constant, and can build an optimal query plan. In the second it has to compile a more generic query because the bound variable can be anything at run-time.
Are you running both test cases from same file using same $dbh object?
I think reason of increasing speed in second case is that you using prepared statement which is already parsed(but maybe I wrong:)).
Ahh, I see - I will drop out after this comment since I don't know Perl. But I would trust that the editor is correct in highlighting the $q as a constant. I'm guessing that you need to concatenate the value into the string, rather than just directly referencing the variable. So, my guess is that if + is used for string concatenation in perl, then use something like:
my $sql = qq{
SELECT a, b, c
WHERE Lower( a ) LIKE '
} + $q + qq{'};
(Note: unless the language is tightly integrated with the database, such as Oracle/PLSQL, you usually have to create a completely valid SQL string before submitting to the database, instead of expecting the compiler to 'interpolate'/'Substitute' the value of the variable.)
I would again suggest that you get the COUNT() of the statements, to make sure that you are comparing apple to apples.
I don't know Postgres at all, but I think in Line 7 (WHERE Lower( a ) LIKE '$q'
), $q is actually a constant. It looks like your editor thinks so too, since it is highlighted in red. You probably still need to use the ? for the variable.
To test, do a COUNT(*), and make sure they match - I could be way offbase.

T-SQL speed comparison between LEFT() vs. LIKE operator

I'm creating result paging based on first letter of certain nvarchar column and not the usual one, that usually pages on number of results.
And I'm not faced with a challenge whether to filter results using LIKE operator or equality (=) operator.
select *
from table
where name like #firstletter + '%'
select *
from table
where left(name, 1) = #firstletter
I've tried searching the net for speed comparison between the two, but it's hard to find any results, since most search results are related to LEFT JOINs and not LEFT function.
"Left" vs "Like" -- one should always use "Like" when possible where indexes are implemented because "Like" is not a function and therefore can utilize any indexes you may have on the data.
"Left", on the other hand, is function, and therefore cannot make use of indexes. This web page describes the usage differences with some examples. What this means is SQL server has to evaluate the function for every record that's returned.
"Substring" and other similar functions are also culprits.
Your best bet would be to measure the performance on real production data rather than trying to guess (or ask us). That's because performance can sometimes depend on the data you're processing, although in this case it seems unlikely (but I don't know that, hence why you should check).
If this is a query you will be doing a lot, you should consider another (indexed) column which contains the lowercased first letter of name and have it set by an insert/update trigger.
This will, at the cost of a minimal storage increase, make this query blindingly fast:
select * from table where name_first_char_lower = #firstletter
That's because most database are read far more often than written, and this will amortise the cost of the calculation (done only for writes) across all reads.
It introduces redundant data but it's okay to do that for performance as long as you understand (and mitigate, as in this suggestion) the consequences and need the extra performance.
I had a similar question, and ran tests on both. Here is my code.
where (VOUCHER like 'PCNSF%'
or voucher like 'PCLTF%'
or VOUCHER like 'PCACH%'
or VOUCHER like 'PCWP%'
or voucher like 'PCINT%')
Returned 1434 rows in 1 min 51 seconds.
where (LEFT(VOUCHER,5) = 'PCNSF'
Returned 1434 rows in 1 min 27 seconds
My data is faster with the left 5. As an aside my overall query does hit some indexes.
I would always suggest to use like operator when the search column contains index. I tested the above query in my production environment with select count(column_name) from table_name where left(column_name,3)='AAA' OR left(column_name,3)= 'ABA' OR ... up to 9 OR clauses. My count displays 7301477 records with 4 secs in left and 1 second in like i.e where column_name like 'AAA%' OR Column_Name like 'ABA%' or ... up to 9 like clauses.
Calling a function in where clause is not a best practice. Refer
Entity Framework Core users
You can use EF.Functions.Like(columnName, searchString + "%") instead of columnName.startsWith(...) and you'll get just a LIKE function in the generated SQL instead of all this 'LEFT' craziness!
Depending upon your needs you will probably need to preprocess searchString.
See also
This function isn't present in Entity Framework (non core) EntityFunctions so I'm not sure how to do it for EF6.

sqlalchemy group_by error

The following works
s = select([tsr.c.kod]).where(tsr.c.rr=='10').group_by(tsr.c.kod)
and this does not:
s = select([tsr.c.kod, tsr.c.rr, any fields]).where(tsr.c.rr=='10').group_by(tsr.c.kod)
It doesn't work because the query isn't valid like that.
Every column needs to be in the group_by or needs an aggregate (i.e. max(), min(), whatever) according to the SQL standard. Most databases have always complied to this but there are a few exceptions.
MySQL has always been the odd one in this regard, within MySQL this behaviour depends on the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY setting:
I would personally recommend setting the sql_mode setting to ANSI. That way you're largely compliant to the SQL standard which will help you in the future if you ever need to use (or migrate) to a standards compliant database such as PostgreSQL.
What you are trying to do is somehow valid in mysql, but invalid in standard sql, postgresql and common sense. When you group rows by 'kod', each row in a group has the same 'kod' value, but different values for 'rr' for example. With aggregate functions you can get some aspect of the values in this column for each group, for example
select kod, max(rr) from table group by kod
will give you list of 'kod's and the max of 'rr's in each group (by kod).
That being sad, in the select clause you can only put columns from the group by clause and/or aggregate functions from other columns. You can put whatever you like in where - this is used for filtering. You can also put additional 'having' clause after group that contains aggregate function expression that can also be used as post-group filtering.

Optimising (My)SQL Query

I usually use ORM instead of SQL and I am slightly out of touch on the different JOINs...
SELECT `order_invoice`.*
, `client`.*
, `order_product`.*
, SUM(product.cost) as net
FROM `order_invoice`
LEFT JOIN `client`
ON order_invoice.client_id = client.client_id
LEFT JOIN `order_product`
ON order_invoice.invoice_id = order_product.invoice_id
LEFT JOIN `product`
ON order_product.product_id = product.product_id
WHERE (order_invoice.date_created >= '2009-01-01')
AND (order_invoice.date_created <= '2009-02-01')
GROUP BY `order_invoice`.`invoice_id`
The tables/ columns are logically names... it's an shop type application... the query works... it's just very very slow...
I use the Zend Framework and would usually use Zend_Db_Table_Row::find(Parent|Dependent)Row(set)('TableClass') but I have to make lots of joins and I thought it'll improve performance by doing it all in one query instead of hundreds...
Can I improve the above query by using more appropriate JOINs or a different implementation? Many thanks.
The query is wrong, the GROUP BY is wrong. All columns in the SELECT-part that are not in an aggregate function, have to be in the GROUP BY. You mention only one column.
Change the SQL Mode, set it to ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY.
When this is done and you have a correct query, use EXPLAIN to find out how the query is executed and what indexes are used. Then start optimizing.