I am new to jaspersoft reporting. I am currently designing and developing reports by considering following requirements.
I want to create template based reports where all dynamic parameters I need to pass in SQL query.
I was going through japsersoft reporting I found that we can create join views and cache data by creating domains. So that it reduces hits at db level.
While creating report I found that I cant execute SQL script on Domain objects.
Please advice whether I am on right track or not.
Basically I want to query on cached data such as domain view instead of hitting DB directly.
Please suggest if any workaround is available for this problem.
Please note, although JasperReports Server manages a cache for Ad Hoc Views and Ad Hoc Reports running on Domains, running a JRXML report (e.g. designed in Jaspersoft Studio) on a Domain does not guarantee hitting that cache.
You also have the option of using a layer that provides caching between JasperReports Server and your database. For example, support has been recently added for TIBCO Data Virtualization (not a free product) in v.7, see https://www.jaspersoft.com/introducing-jaspersoft-7.
In any case, Domains are not relational databases and therefore do not support straight SQL.
You can use the "Domain query language" though, which offers a subset of the features of SQL. The easiest way to write a query is using Jaspersoft Studio and selecting "domain" in the Language dropdown (top-left corner of the Dataset and Query Dialog, indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot below from Studio 6.4.0):
For example the design above (which uses the Supermart Domain, provided with the sample data) will generate this query and the required "dynamic" parameter as you requested – in this case a Collection as the filter is 'Is One Of' which can take multiple values:
<queryField id="sales_fact_ALL.sales__product.sales__product__product_name"/>
<queryField id="sales_fact_ALL.sales_fact_ALL__store_sales_2013"/>
<queryFilterString>sales_fact_ALL.sales__store.sales__store__region.sales__store__region__sales_country in sales__store__region__sales_country_0</queryFilterString>
See here for another example of a query (current version of docs based on 7.1.0 release), in this case for use with the REST API: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-rest-api-reference/v710/queryexecutor-service
The queryFilterString tag follows the DomEL syntax as documented here (also for 7.1.0): https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-user-guide/v71/domel-syntax
I have a requirement to copy an existing dashboard dashboard in an org(source org) to a different org(target org) under a different ado instance by any means possible. Dashboard can have widgets and widgets can be linked to
Query - A query can be referencing to a user, team, project, custom values of a standard field, custom fields
some other things that i have not encountered so far
So far my steps are as follows
get dashboard details using get dashboard rest api
identify widgets in dashboard details api response
get any pipeline if there is no pipeline create a dummy one and use its details for a widget that is using pipeline
identify distinct queries present in all widgets
create its equivalent query in target org and save its id
replace queryid in widget settings to its equivalent created queryid in targetorg
create dashboard in target org
I am facing issue in step 5
There are lot of moving variables in a query. Query might be referencing to things that does not exist in target org like a particular user, team, custom values of a standard field, custom fields. In order to create a query successfully i need to know possible values of a field in target org. While creating a new query from ui it shows possible values for a field in dropdown so i am wondering is there any rest api that gives possible values of a field and if no such field exist in target org then it should throw error.
Looking forward to suggestions for a simpler or alternative approach to replicate a dashboard across different ado instance and/or better approach for step 5
If you are looking for a rest api the query the fields in your target process of the organization, you could refer to this doc. Field-list.
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/work/processes/{processId}/workItemTypes/{witRefName}/fields?api-version=6.0-preview.2
After that, you could create the fields in your target process, you could refer to this rest api. Fields-Create
POST https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/work/processdefinitions/{processId}/fields?api-version=4.1-preview.1
Or could you share more details of your requirement, like screenshots and widget definition or dashboards configuration for update.
Updating an older report system which was developed using VS 2008 and Crystal Reports. After updates, some reports started prompting for database login, while others work perfectly (with updates). Reports were changed to include new table and fields. All table and report document connections are established via common routine, similar to: SetDBLogon(myConnectionInfo, Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource)
Public Sub SetDBLogon(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables
For Each myTable As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table In myTables
Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTable.LogOnInfo
myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Next End Sub
It scans through each table sets the connection. Also scans sub-reports. Not sure what causes crystal reports to request login when it's already set specifically. When correct credentials are provided, it still fails to connect.
I've tried removing the report object and inserting the latest version.
Here's the issue and the solution to this problem (in my case).
Crystal Reports data sources can include, ADO .NET, OLE DB, ODBC, etc... with various drivers. The reports were created with a specific connection and driver, that no longer applied. I used a new database connection. Since the application scans each report and sets the correct connection parameters eventually, this would normally work, and it has worked in the past. But the problem was that the target system didn't have the right drivers for the connection provider I used. What made this harder to troubleshoot was that the connectivity piece in Crystal Reports is not very intuitive and duplicate connection names can be created with different providers -- same names different providers.
The solution was to open the report, go to :
Database Expert > Set Datasource location
and this is the key part:
Select the connection with the correct provider.
In my case, this was SQLOLEDB
You can right-click the connection and choose "Properties" and check the provider.
Another way to resolve it would be to install the correct drivers and versions. In this case, since the SQLOLEDB provider was installed and already worked, I decided to keep all the reports exclusively use that provider instead.
You may need to check providers installed to verify, a direct way is to check registry, for example, SQL Native client SQLNCLI10 can be found:
We have created a set of forms in CQ5 and we have a requirement that the content of these forms should be stored at a specific node, our forms interact with third party services and get some data from there as well, this is also stored on the same nodes.
Now, we have to give authors the permission to go and download these reports based on ACLs. I also will have to provide them start and end date and upon selecting these dates the content placed in these nodes should be exportable in CSV format.
Can anybody guide me in how to achieve this functionality. I have gone through report generation but need better clarity on how this can be achieved like how will i be able to use QueryBuilder api/ how can i export and how do i provide the dates on the UI.
This was achieved as described.
I actually had to override the default report generation mechanism and i created my own custom report using report generation tutorial in cq documentation.
Once the report templates and components were written, i also override cq report page component and provided input dates in body.jsp using date component of granite.
once users selected dates, with the help of querybuilder api i used to search for nodes at path(specified by author, can be different for different form data) and i also created an artificial resource type at nodes where i was storing the data, this lead me to exact nodes where data was stored and this property was also passed to querybuilder. The json returned as response from querybuilder was then supplied to a JS which converted the data to csv format.
Right now I am working on a project to fetch data from a SharePoint list using SOAP API. I tried and successfully fetches the complete list, but now I want to fetch some specific data that is updated after a specific date.
Is this possible to fetch such data using SOAP query. I can see last update filed when I view single item at the bottom. Is this some how possible to use that filed?
Yes you can use the Web Services to do lot of things just like filtering a list result. I don't know which language you use, but with JavaScript you can look at these two frameworks that should help you:
http://aymkdn.github.io/SharepointPlus/ : easy way to create your queries (I created it)
http://spservices.codeplex.com/ : the most popular framework but less easy to use (it's my point of view)
You can also look at the documentation on MSDN (the param to use is query): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/lists.lists.getlistitems.aspx
At last found the answer,
The last update date and time can be retrieved from the list column "Modified".
The soap response will have the value in the attribute "ows_Modified".
Muhammad Usman
I would like to be able to programmatically retrieve the same URI that is available through BIRT (getURI). I am developing an Rational Software Modeler plug-let and need to get the unique identifier for the diagram elements. This would enable the elements to be recognized in later database ETL processes.
I have found a URI available through EObject.eResource().getURI(), except it only returns half of what is returned in the BIRT reports. BIRT reports something like "platform:/resource/Common/S.efx#_c0KLYFImEd-iIqDctBy_JQ" while EObject.eResource().getURI() only returns "platform:/resource/Common/S.efx"
Any help would be appreciated.
You should be able to get the whole URI with ECoreUtil.getURI(EObject) function, it should also include the fragment part.
EObject.eResource().getURI() returns you the resource's URI where this object is located, so it will not include the Objects own unique ID there.
That fragment ending hash there is EObjects XMI-ID, that can be returned using ECoreUtil.getID(EObject) if needed. But that ECoreUtil.getURI(EObject) should be just ok.