TFS 2018 REST API Call for Backlogs // API Version 4.1 - rest

we have TFS 2018 and are able to call the following URL using PAT for authorization:
https://our.tfs/tfs/Our.Project.Collection/Our Team Project/_apis/wit/workitems?ids=1234&?api-version=2.0
This quite basic call returns expected results.
Trying to request API calls from the following documentation results always in 404 Page not found:
For example:
https://our.tfs/tfs/Our.ProjectCollection/Our Team Project/_apis/work/backlogs?api-version=4.1
which yields the mentioned 404 error.
According Microsoft, the API is supported in version 4.0 on TFS 2018:
However, it seems calling the API in version 4.1 in the way the documentation describes it here only works for VSTS but not for TFS
Do I understand it correctly that any API calls to API version greater than 4.0 are currently only supported by VSTS but not on TFS on prem?
This would mean we have to live with API calls documented in the "Previous REST API Versions" when using TFS 2018 on prem?

The REST API format you used is incorrect, you missed the Team parameter
The format should be:
GET http://tfs2018:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/{Project}/{Team}/_apis/work/backlogs?api-version=4.1-preview.1
It works without any issue on my side.

I believe you will get something by taking a look at these links, see
Visual Studio Team Services REST API Reference
REST API Overview for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server
I was able to follow this example:
see what Microsoft speaks about version 4.1 of this doc.
APIs e uso REST comuns
Discussion on TFS MS Apis
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http://Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.VssResourceNotFoundException : API resource location 5ae55b13-c9dd-49d1-957e-6e76c152e3d9 is not registered on https://tfs-test/tfs.
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MSDN - Get User Summary API
For this issue , it is because User Entitlement Summary - Get rest api is only available for VSTS(azure devops), does not support on-premise TFS. TFS APIs currently doesn't support to get access level.
When you switch the rest api version to TFS2018 U2, you will get this prompt:
The requested page is not available for Team Foundation Server 2018
U2. You have been redirected to the newest product version this page
is available for.
You can refer to this case for the similar issue.

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This is an easy answer, but you're not going to like it.
TFS 2013 did not have REST APIs. They were introduced in TFS 2015.
You can use the old SOAP .NET client for automating tasks against TFS 2013, or (better yet) you can upgrade to a modern version.
What I said is not entirely accurate: some of the APIs were present in 2013, but they were not officially introduced until 2015 and are thus largely undocumented and totally unsupported.

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Got an answer on MSDN forums:
The latest version is 2015-01. All or most of features works with
starting version 2013-08.
Version in documentation indicates that minimum version required for
working that feature. Hence, all documentation is pointing to 2013-08.
Yes, you can use version 2015-01 instead of 2013-08. There won’t be
any difference because we didn’t do any breaking changes from 2013-08.
All the features works from version 2013-08.
Moreover, the source code for the Java REST wrapper for Windows Azure Notification Hubs on github seems to be a good reference. It is using api version "2014-09", not "2015-01" right now, but at least it includes the registration code for Amazon Device Messaging and Baidu Cloud Push which are currently missing in the REST API documentation.

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