Windows Powershell- Adding to a variable in a command call - powershell

I am new to Powershell and Stack Overflow, so sorry if this an obvious question. I have searched and searched and have not found any similar questions or answers. I am trying to call a command on Powershell and changing the file name by one. Here is the line giving me trouble:
fconv -rmsd ${line}_O[int]($modeO+1).mol2 --s=${line}_A$modeA.mol2
This program takes a line of code in the format
fconv -rmsd FILE_NAME.mol2 --s=FILE_NAME.mol2
and gives a result. My problem is adding 1 to $modeO. $modeO is a number that is pulled from a file and converted to an int by using
$modeO = file.txt | Select -Index 0
[int]$modeO = [convert]::ToInt32($ModeO.Trim(), 10)
Now, whenever I try this command it says "could not open 5157_O6+1.mol2" when modeO is 6. I want it to use the file O7, but the +1 is not adding properly. I have tried separating it with parentheses, curly braces, and putting [int] in front of ($modeO+1). Is there a way to add to a variable like this while using it? Any help is appreciated, thank you!


How to delete a specific line from file using sed [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed last year.
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When I try to delete a specific line number from my file, all lines that have the same pattern are deleted. This is not what I want, I want to only delete the line number itself, not similar patterns.
Here is what I am trying to do:
x = 5
Command I run now:
sed -i "${x}d" home/file.txt
You had spaces around your variable assignment
x = 5
Which would be wrong.
Try the below fix
sed -i ${x}d home/file.txt
Here is an example to delete line number 33 of your file:
sed -i '33d' home/file.txt
If you need the number to be a variable:
local line_number=5
sed -i "${line_number}d" home/file.txt
The problem with what you are doing is the spaces, x = 5, will not work while x=5 will.
Here is what I am trying to do:
x = 5
That gives me:
bash: x: command not found...
, which is what I would expect. If you did not get a similar error message then you must be in the unfortunate situation of having a program named x in your path, perhaps because of doing something unwise, such as putting . in your PATH. Or perhaps you got such a message but did not see it because you have redirected your stderr.*
In any event, the quoted line does not assign a value to any shell variable. Shell variable assignments must not have whitespace around the = operator, so if you want to assign 5 to variable x, that must be
It is not an error to perform parameter expansion on a name that has not been assigned any value. The result is nothing. Thus, if x has not successfully been assigned any value then "${x}d" will expand to "d". As a complete sed script, that will delete every line.
*Or if you did get such an message then why in the world didn't you at least say so?

Powershell: stripping a file name sometimes doesn't work

I have a Powershell script that is called from the command line.
script.ps1 "\\testfolder" "testinput" "xml" "xml2html.xsl" "testfile" "css"
The script uses these command line arguments:
param([string]$publish_folder, [string]$input_filename, [string]$input_ext, [string]$transformation_filename, [string]$output_filename, [string]$output_ext)
$input_filename and $output_filename may be a full path+filename, the filename only or the filename without extension.
$inputFileNameOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($input_filename)
$outputFileNameOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($output_filename)
When I run this locally, it works. Output path:
When I run the same script in an AWS instance, it fails. $inputpath is calculated correctly, but Output path becomes:
so both $output_filename and $output_ext are empty.
The paths are longer than \\testfolder\, but not long enough to cause trouble (about 150 characters). Total length of the arguments doesn't seem to be a problem either.
What could be causing this problem?
Looks like you broke your concatenation here. Double-quote before $publish_folder.
Can also be written like this if you don't want to concatenate (+)
Anything in double-quotes should be expanded correctly.
I set up your script as a function and passed those parameters.
function rename {
$inputFileNameOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($input_filename)
$inputPath = $publish_folder+"\"+$inputFileNameOnly+"."+$input_ext
$outputFileNameOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($output_filename)
$outputPath = $publish_folder+"\"+$outputFileNameOnly+"."+$output_ext
return $outputPath
Output is this...
Try passing $publish_folder without ending backslash
Edit: Sorry about formatting. Need some forum practice. =)
With some more testing, we found the cause of the problem.
$outputFileNameOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($output_filename)
GetFileNameWithoutExtension fails (in the AWS instance) when $output_filename does not contain an extension. On my local machine this worked correctly.
So we added an extension to the command line argument and the script works correctly.

How to use custom PowerShell functions?

Question about running a custom function in Powershell.
I'm on Windows 10 and I'd like to somehow print my monorepository's directory tree structure excluding node_modules. This is not supported out of the box but requires a custom function to be defined. I found one solution on StackOverflow (, which would enable using a command like:
tree -Exclude node_modules -Ascii > tree.txt
The problem is I don't know what to do with the provided source code :D The answer says "add to your $PROFILE, for instance", so I ran notepad $PROFILE in PowerShell, pasted the code snippet there, saved it and tried running the command. It didn't work because I did something wrong. According to the StackOverflow post's comments from anand_v.singh and mklement0 I was still running some other tree command, not the one I just attempted to define.
So how do I use a custom function in PowerShell? Starting point is that source code is on StackOverflow and I don't know where to paste it. Or do you know some other, easier way to print a directory tree on Windows 10 excluding node_modules?
I had the same problem with that function. The issue is the special characters in the hashtable at line 106:
$chars = #{
interior = ('├', '+')[$ndx]
last = ('└', '\')[$ndx] #'
hline = ('─', '-')[$ndx]
vline = ('│', '|')[$ndx]
space = ' '
I changed the special characters to ascii as follows:
$chars = #{
interior = ('+', '+')[$ndx]
last = ('\', '\')[$ndx] #'
hline = ('-', '-')[$ndx]
vline = ('|', '|')[$ndx]
space = ' '
The only downside is that you do not now have the option of using special graphics characters (the Ascii switch is still there, but does nothing). Maybe someone could tell us how to embed them properly.

Removing quotes that seem to be nonexistent in MatLab

I have an application that translates the .csv files I currently have into the correct format I need. But, the files I that I do have seem to have '"' double quotes around them, as seen in this image, which will not work with the program. As a result, I'm using this command to remove them:
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = strrep(current{m,n}, '"', '');
I'm not entirely sure that this works though, as it spits this back at me as it runs:
Warning: Inputs must be character arrays or cell arrays of strings.
When I open the file in matlab, it seems to only have the single quotes around it, which is normal for any other file. However, when I open it in notepad++, it seems to have '"' double quotes around everything. Is there a way to remove these double quotes in any other way? My code doesn't seem to do anything as seen here:
After using xlswrite to write the replacement cell-array to a .csv file, one appears corrupted. Any idea why?
So, my questions are:
Is there any way to remove the quotes in a more efficient manner or without rewriting to a csv?
What exactly is causing the corruption in the xlswrite function? The variable replacement seems perfectly normal.
Thanks in advance!
Regarding the "corrupted" file. That's not a corrupted file, that's an xls file (not xlsx). You could verify this opening the text file in a hex editor to compare the signature. This happens when you chose no file extension or ask excel to write a file which can't be encoded into csv. I assume it's some character which causes the problems, try to isolate the critical line writing only parts of the cell.
Regarding your warning, not having the actual input I could only guess what's wrong. Again, I can only give some advices to debug the problem yourself. Run this code:
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = strrep(current{m,n}, '"', '');
if ~isempty(lastwarn)
This will launch the debugger when a warning is raised, allowing you to check the content of current{m,n}
It is mentionned in the documentation of strrep that :
The strrep function does not find empty strings for replacement. That is, when origStr and oldSubstr both contain the empty string (''), strrep does not replace '' with the contents of newSubstr.
You can use this user function substr like this :
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = substr(current{m,n}, 2, -1);
Please use xlswrite function like this :
[status,message] = xlswrite(___)
and check the status if it is zero, that means the function did not succeed and an error message is generated in message as string.

powershell remove first characters of line

I am parsing a JBOSS log file using powershell.
A typical line would being like this :
2011-12-08 09:01:07,636 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].etc..
I want to remove all the characters from character 1 until the word ERROR. So I want to remove the date and time, the coma and the number right after it. I want my lines to begin with the word ERROR and delete everything before that.
I looked on google and tried different things I have found but I struggle and can't make it work. I tried with substring and replace but can't find how to delete all characters until the word ERROR.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks a lot!
This one-liner will read the contents of your file (in the example jboss.txt) and replace every line containing ERROR by ERROR + whatever follows on that line. Finally it will save the result in processed_jboss.txt
get-content jboss.txt | foreach-object {$_ -replace "^.*?(ERROR.*)",'$1'} | out-file processed_jboss.txt
Assuming the log line is in a variable of type string this should do it:
$line = "2011-12-08 09:01:07,636 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].etc.."
$ErrorIndex = $line.indexof("Error",0)
$CleanLogLine = $Line.Substring($ErrorIndex, $line.length)