CQRS, Event Sourcing and Scaling - cqrs

It's clear that system based on these patterns is easily scalable. But I would like to ask you, how exactly? I have few questions regarding scalability:
How to scale aggregates? If I will create multiple instances of aggregate A, how to sync them? If one of the instances process the command and create an event, this event should be propagated to every instance of that agregate?
Shouldn't be there some business logic present which instance of the agregate to request? So if I am issuing multiple commands which applies to aggregate A (ORDERS) and applies to one specific order, it make sense to deliver it to the same instance. Or?
In this article: https://initiate.andela.com/event-sourcing-and-cqrs-a-look-at-kafka-e0c1b90d17d8,
they are using Kafka with a partitioning. So the user management service - aggregate is scaled but is subscribed only to specific partition of the topic, which contains all events of a particular user.

How to scale aggregates?
choose aggregates carefully, make sure your commands spread reasonably among many aggregates. You don't want to have an aggregate that likely to receive high number of command from concurrent users.
Serialize commands sent to aggregate instance. This can be done with aggregate repository and command bus/queue. But for me, the simplest way is to make optimistic locking with aggregate versioning as described in this post by Michiel Rook
which instance of the agregate to request?
In our reSolve framework we are creating instance of aggregate on every command and don't keep it between requests. This works surprisingly fast - it is faster to fetch 100 events and reduce them to aggregate state, than to find a right aggregate instance in a cluster.
This approach is scalable, lets you go serverless - one lambda invocation per command and no shared state in between. Those rare cases when aggregate has too many events are solved by snapshots.

How to scale aggregates?
The Aggregate instances are represented by their stream of events. Every Aggregate instance has its own stream of events. Events from one Aggregate instance are NOT used by other Aggregate instances. For example, if Order Aggregate with ID=1 creates an OrderWasCreated event with ID=1001, that Event will NEVER be used to rehydrate other Order Aggregate instances (with ID=2,3,4...).
That being said, you scale the Aggregates horizontally by creating shards on the Event store based on the Aggregate ID.
If I will create multiple instances of aggregate A, how to sync them? If one of the instances process the command and create an event, this event should be propagated to every instance of that agregate?
You don't. Each Aggregate instance is completely separated from other instances.
In order to be able to scale horizontally the processing of commands, it is recommended to load each time an Aggregate instance from the Event store, by replaying all its previously generated events. There is one optimization that you can do to boost performance: Aggregate snapshots, but it is recommended to do it only if it's really needed. This answer could help.
Shouldn't be there some business logic present which instance of the agregate to request? So if I am issuing multiple commands which applies to aggregate A (ORDERS) and applies to one specific order, it make sense to deliver it to the same instance. Or?
You assume that the Aggregate instances are running continuously on some servers' RAM. You could do that but such an architecture is very complex. For example, what happens when one of the servers goes down and it must be replaced by other? It's hard to determine what instances where living there and to restart them. Instead, you could have many stateless servers that could handle commands for any of the aggregate instances. When a command arrives, you identity the Aggregate ID, you load it from the Event store by replaying all its previous events and then it can execute the command. After the command is executed and the new events are persisted to the Event store, you can discard the Aggregate instance. The next command that arrives for the same Aggregate instance could be handled by any other stateless server. So, scalability is dictated only by the scalability of the Event store itself.

How to scale aggregates?
Each piece of information in the system has a single logical authority. Multiple authorities for a single piece of data gets you contention. You scale the writes by creating smaller non overlapping boundaries -- each authority has a smaller area of responsibility
To borrow from your example, an example of smaller responsibilities would
be to shift from one aggregate for all ORDERS to one aggregate for _each_
It's analogous to the difference between having a key value store with
all ORDERS stored in a document under one key, vs each ORDER being stored
using its own key.
Reads are safe, you can scale them out with multiple copies. Those copies are only eventually consistent, however. This means that if you ask "what is the bid price of FCOJ now?" you may get different answers from each copy. Alternatively, if you ask "what was the bid price of FCOJ at 10:09:02?" then each copy will either give you a single answer or say "I don't know yet".
But if the granularity is already one command per aggregate, what is not very often possible in my opinion, and you have really many concurrent accesses, how to solve it? How to spread the load and stay without the conflict as much as possible?
Rough sketch - each aggregate it stored via a key that can be computed from the contents of the command message. Update to the aggregate is achieved by a compare-and-swap operation using that key.
Acquire a message
Compute the storage key
Load a versioned representation from storage
Compute a new versioned representation
Store.compare and swap the new representation for the old
To provide additional traffic throughput, you add more stateless compute.
To provide storage throughput, you distribute the keys across more storage appliances.
A routing layer can be used to group messages together - the routers uses the same storage key calculation as before, but uses that to choose where in the compute farm to forward the message. The compute can then check each batch of messages it receives for duplicate keys, and process those messages together (trading some extra compute to reduce the number of compare and swaps).
Sane message protocols are important; see Marc de Graauw's Nobody Needs Reliable Messaging.


Read unique data from table and process it distributed manner

All I have to design a new service which will cover the following.
Read all rows from a table
Process business logic
Call another API
Process response.
Now if it is a single instance system It will be an easy process. Now I have to design it in a distributed system.
In a distributed system, I will have multiple instances and I want each instance process unique record.
How to achieve the above scenario. I am thinking of hash base approach like while fetching record but this is not covering every use case.
I have more than one instance of application are running. How i make sure that each instance gets unique record

Understanding CQRS and EventSourcing

I read several blogs and watched video about usefulness of CQRS and ES. I am left with implementation confusion.
CQRS: when use separate table, one for "Write, Update and delete" and other for Read operation. So then how the data sync from write table to read table. Do we required to use cron job to sync data to read only table from write table or any other available options ?
Event Sourcing: Do we store only all Immutable sequential operation as record for each update happened upon once created in one storage. Or do we also store mutable record I mean the same record is updated in another storage
And Please explain RDBMS, NoSQL and Messaging to be used and where they fit into it
when use separate table, one for "Write, Update and delete" and other for Read operation. So then how the data sync from write table to read table.
You design an asynchronous process that understands how to transform the data from its "write" representation to its "read" representation, and you design a scheduler to decide when that asynchronous process runs.
Part of the point is that it's just plumbing, and you can choose whatever plumbing you want that satisfies your operational needs.
Event Sourcing
On the happy path, each "event stream" is a append only sequence of immutable events. In the case where you are enforcing a domain invariant over the contents of the stream, you'll normally have a "first writer wins" conflict policy.
But "the" stream is the authoritative copy of the events. There may also be non-authoritative copies (for instance, events published to a message bus). They are typically all immutable.
In some domains, where you have to worry about privacy and "the right to be forgotten", you may need affordances that allow you to remove information from a previously stored event. Depending on your design choices, you may need mutable events there.
For many sorts of queries, especially those which span multiple event streams, being able to describe the desired results in terms of relations makes the programming task much easier. So a common design is to have asynchronous process that read information from the event streams and update the RDBMS. The usual derived benefit is that you get low latency queries (but the data returned by those queries may be stale).
RDBMS can also be used as the core of the design of the event store / message store itself. Events are common written as blob data, with interesting metadata exposed as additional columns. The message store used by eventide-project is based on postgresql.
Again, can potentially be used as your cache of readable views, or as your message store, depending on your needs. Event Store would be an example of a NoSQL message store.
Messaging is a pattern for temporal decoupling; the ability to store/retrieve messages in a stable central area affords the ability to shut down a message producer without blocking the message consumer, and vice versa. Message stores also afford some abstraction - the producer of a message doesn't necessarily know all of the consumers, and the consumer doesn't necessarily know all of the producers.
My Question is about Event Sourcing. Do we required only immutable sequence events to be stored and where to be stored ?
In event sourcing, the authoritative representation of the state is the sequence of events - your durable copy of that event sequence is the book of truth.
As for where they go? Well, that is going to depend on your architecture and storage choices. You could manage files on disk yourself, you could write them in to your own RDBMS; you could use an RDBMS designed by somebody else, you could use a NoSQL document store, you could use a dedicated message store.
There could be multiple stores -- for instance, in a micro service architecture, the service that accepts orders might be different from the service that tracks order fulfillment, and they could each be writing events into different storage appliances.

Do Firebase/Firestore Transactions create internal queues?

I'm wondering if transactions (https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/manage-data/transactions) are viable tools to use in something like a ticketing system where users maybe be attempting to read/write to the same collection/document and whoever made the request first will be handled first and second will be handled second etc.
If not what would be a good structure for such a need with firestore?
Transactions just guarantee atomic consistent update among the documents involved in the transaction. It doesn't guarantee the order in which those transactions complete, as the transaction handler might get retried in the face of contention.
Since you tagged this question with google-cloud-functions (but didn't mention it in your question), it sounds like you might be considering writing a database trigger to handle incoming writes. Cloud Functions triggers also do not guarantee any ordering when under load.
Ordering of any kind at the scale on which Firestore and other Google Cloud products operate is a really difficult problem to solve (please read that link to get a sense of that). There is not a simple database structure that will impose an order where changes are made. I suggest you think carefully about your need for ordering, and come up with a different solution.
The best indication of order you can get is probably by adding a server timestamp to individual documents, but you will still have to figure out how to process them. The easiest thing might be to have a backend periodically query the collection, ordered by that timestamp, and process things in that order, in batch.

Commit to a log like Kafka + database with ACID properties?

I'm planning in test how make this kind of architecture to work:
Where all the data is stored as facts in a log, but the validations when posted a change must be against a table. For example, If I send a "Create Invoice with Customer 1" I will need to validate if the customer exist and other stuff, then when the validation pass commit to the log and put the current change to the table, so the table have the most up-to-date information yet I have all the history of the changes.
I could put the logs into the database in a table (I use PostgreSql). However I'm concerned about the scalability of doing that, also, I wish to suscribe to the event stream from multiple clients and PG neither other RDBMS I know let me to do this without polling.
But if I use Kafka I worry about the ACID between both storages, so Kafka could get wrong data that PG rollback or something similar.
1- Is possible to keep consistency between a RDBMS and a log storage OR
2- Is possible to suscribe in real time and tune PG (or other RDBMS) for fast event storage?
Easy(1) answers for provided questions:
Setting up your transaction isolation level properly may be enough to achieve consistency and not worry about DB rollbacks. You still can occasionally create inconsistency, unless you set isolation level to 'serializable'. Even then, you're guaranteed to be consistent, but still could have undesirable behaviors. For example, client creates a customer and puts an invoice in a rapid succession using an async API, and invoice event hits your backed system first. In this case invoice event would be invalidated and a client will need to retry hoping that customer was created by that time. Easy to avoid if you control clients and mandate them to use sync API.
Whether it is possible to store events in a relational DB depends on your anticipated dataset size, hardware and access patterns. I'm a big time Postgres fan and there is a lot you can do to make event lookups blazingly fast. My rule of thumb -- if your operating table size is below 2300-300GB and you have a decent server, Postgres is a way to go. With event sourcing there are typically no joins and a common access pattern is to get all events by id (optionally restricted by time stamp). Postgres excels at this kind of queries, provided you index smartly. However, event subscribers will need to pull this data, so may not be good if you have thousands of subscribers, which is rarely the case in practice.
"Conceptually correct" answer:
If you still want to pursue streaming approach and fundamentally resolve race conditions then you have to provide event ordering guarantees across all events in the system. For example, you need to be able to order 'add customer 1' event and 'create invoice for customer 1' event so that you can guarantee consistency at any time. This is a really hard problem to solve in general for a distributed system (see e.g. vector clocks). You can mitigate it with some clever tricks that would work for your particular case, e.g. in the example above you can partition your events by 'customerId' early as they hit backend, then you can have a guarantee that all event related to the same customer will be processed (roughly) in order they were created.
Would be happy to clarify my points if needed.
(1) Easy vs simple: mandatory link

Is MongoDB usable as shared memory for a parallell processing / multiple-instances application?

I'm planning a product that will process updates from multiple data feeds. Input-data is guesstimated to be a total of 100Mbps stream containing 100 byte sized messages. These messages contain several data fields that needs to be checked for correlation with the existing data set within the application. If a input-message correlates with an existing data record, then the input-message will update the existing data-record, if not: it will create a new record. It is assumed that data are updated every 3 seconds in average.
The correlation process is assumed to be a bottleneck, and thus I intend to make our product able to run balanced in multiple processes if needed (most likely on a separate hardware or VM). Somewhat in the vicinity of Space-based architecture. I'd then like a shared storage between my processes so that all existing data records are visible to all the running processes. The shared storage will have to fetch possible candidates for correlation through a query/search based on some attributes (e.g. elevation). It will have to offer configuring warm redundancy, and a possibility to store snapshots every 5 minutes for logging.
Everything seems to be pointing towards MongoDB, but I'd like a confirmation from you that MongoDB will meet my needs. So do you think it is a go?
-Thank you
NB: I am not considering a relational database because we want to focus all coding in our application, instead of having to make 'stored procedures'/'functions' in a separate environment to optimize the performance of our system. Further, the data is diverse and I don't want to try normalize it into a schema.
Yes, MongoDB will meet your needs. I think the following aspects of your description are particularly relevant in your DB selection decision:
1. An update happens every 3 seconds
MongoDB has a database level write-lock (usually short lived) that blocks read operations. This means that you want will want to ensure that you have enough memory to fit your working set, and you will generally not run into any write-lock issues. Note that bulk inserts will hold the write lock for longer.
If you are sharding, you will want to consider shard keys that allow for write scaling i.e. distribute writes on different shards.
2. Shared storage for multiple processes
This is a pretty common scenario; in fact, many MongoDB deployments are expected be accessed from multiple processes concurrently. Unlike the write-lock, the read-lock does not block other reads.
3. Warm redundancy
Supported through MongoDB replication. If you'd like to read from secondary server(s) you will need to set the Read Preference to secondaryPreferred in your driver.